Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 121 Rabbit Ear Girl!Your rooster is here!

Chapter 121 Rabbit Ear Girl!Your rooster is here! (Please subscribe!!!)
Eat a ghost! ?

Which mouth do you use to eat me! ?

Lu Shan put on a fighting posture very bluntly.


I saw the rabbit girl backed away quickly, and at the same time pulled up the longbow, and hit a branch.

"call out!!!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air first, and then the thin and long branch, like a needle, pierced towards Lu Shan.

For this kind of direct thing, it is easy to avoid it just by looking at the direction of the opponent's arrow.

So Lu Shan jumped up on the spot, and the branch rubbed against his chicken paw and plunged into the soil.


Before Lu Shan landed.

That rabbit girl actually drew her bow continuously and shot three chain arrows at once.

Lu Shan didn't want to try the feeling of being pierced by a branch.

So he could only cut out 'burning blood'.

In an instant.

When the heat surges to the whole body.

Lu Shan suddenly felt that the air was full of hormones.

Even the lines of the flying branches are so tall and slender.

Like long legs straight to lure chickens.

Oh shit!

Lu Shan quickly bit the chicken tongue to wake himself up.

But at this time.

The first branch had already come in front of him.

Between Lightning and Flint.

Lu Shan lifted the chicken paw, and with his fingertips, he directly picked up the first branch.

Then draw a ladle according to the gourd.

The second and third branches were lifted into the air by him with chicken feet.

After Lu Shan landed again.

The three branches also fell aside and stuck into the ground.

At this time.

When Lu Shan raised his head again and set his eyes on the bunny girls.

The hormonal breath instantly penetrated his whole body.

Those rabbit ears...

That claw...

Those long legs...

The whole thing is a just like a bunny ear girl! !
Not alive anymore.

Rabbit girls, your chicken master is here! !

In an instant!
Lu Shan could no longer control his body.

With the fastest speed ever, he ran towards the rabbit demon!
This is the aura of who else I am.

In a daze, the rabbit demon Duoqi subconsciously took several steps back.

Then he frowned, stretched his legs, and jumped back.

The unexpectedly powerful bounce made Duoqi jump onto a tall tree in an instant.

want to run! ?
impossible! !

Rabbit girls! !

I want you to give me chicks! !
With such a strong desire, Lu Shan didn't even open the "sac on the cavity", but used the chicken claws to hold the tree pole in a daze.

Run all the way up the tree.

This frightened Duoqi to a standstill.

Never seen such a manic crazy cock!
In astonishment, Duo Qi continued to pull out the branches in the quiver behind her.

One after another, more than a dozen shots were shot in a row.

It turned out that none of them were shot.

All of them were dodged by this manic cock, using his body to be agile and dexterous.

Seeing that the cock had jumped in front of him.

In desperation, Duo Qi pulled out all the branches from the quiver and put them on the bowstring.

Pull hard!

Nearly ten branches were arranged horizontally in a herringbone posture, and flew out at an extremely fast speed!

Seeing that he has come to the front of the rabbit girl.

Manic as he is.

At this moment, he had no intention of avoiding these branches.

Actually rushed towards those arrow rains.

Seeing that the rooster did not back down from its arrows, Duo Qi was secretly delighted.

But in the next scene, it made it widen its rabbit eyes.

I saw that the rooster suddenly rolled over while running, and then three silver light blades appeared from the rooster's claws, and quickly met the several branches.

"Slap! Slap! Slap..."

With a few cutting sounds came out.

The ten arrows shot out were cut into pieces in the air!
what is that?
Duo Qi froze in place.

Seeing that the silver light blade was about to fly in front of the rabbit demon, if nothing happened, it would be cut into several pieces of waste meat in the next moment.

But this is not what Lu Shan wants.

Lu Shan still prefers a complete body with residual warmth to a corpse that needs to be kept warm.

So he immediately opened the 'sacral sac' instantly!
With the power of the jet, the body suddenly and violently hit the tree pole

The shocking force generated by the impact of the big tree reached the rabbit demon's feet at a very fast speed before the silver light blade flew there.

That sudden vibration.

It caused the rabbit demon to fall from the branch without any defense.


My bunnies!
Watching the rabbit demon fall to the ground, Lu Shan also turned his direction excitedly and flew towards the other party!
Seeing that the distance with that rabbit demon is getting closer and closer.

Thinking that he is about to fall into the opponent's mouth.

Lu Shan's whole chicken became much tougher.

But at this time.

The rabbit demon drew one end of the long bow in his hand, and pointed the other end at Lu Shan.

next second.

The bowstring fell off, and the force brought by the powerful elastic force was thrown directly on Lu Shan's body.

"Clap" sound.

Some chicken feathers flew away, and an almost invisible red line.

Under the influence of this sudden pain, Lu Shan's mind suddenly became clearer.

Without further ado, I quickly turned off the 'burning blood'.

Then after landing, the whole body quickly retreated several steps.

a while.

The rabbit monster got up from the ground, half sat on the ground, and stared at Lu Shan with a wary look.

"Don't come here!"

"Let's stop here!"

"I, Duoqi from the Maoyan clan, will pay the price for my recklessness!"

Look at the bunny-ear girl whose fluffy feet seem to be hurt a bit.

Lu Shan, who was much more awake, scratched his head in embarrassment when he thought of his anxious look just now.

"Googoo. (Well, are you okay?)"

At this time.

When Duo Qi heard a series of regular crows from the rooster in front of her, she frowned.

"You can't talk?"

"You can't speak?"

Obviously, Lu Shan's inability to speak made Duo Qi very strange.

But after a while, it seemed to think of some possibility.

Then, he suddenly put his hand into his leather collar, groped for a while, took out a light red pill, and threw it at Lu Shan.

"This is 'Throat Opening Pill'."

"It's the price of my reckless shot just now!"

"Eat this, and you will have the ability to speak."

real or fake…

Lu Shan took two steps forward and smelled it.

Mengniu flavor...

It smells great.

Lu Shan couldn't help but close his mouth to smell it, and accidentally slipped the small pill into his mouth.

But as soon as it entered the mouth.

Lu Shan felt a little regretful.

What if this bitch gave herself poison!
So if I eat this stuff, can I still live? !

Think of this.

Lu Shan quickly opened his mouth, trying to take out the elixir.

It's a pity that the thing is very slippery and moist.

Put it in your mouth and eat it.

Don't give Lu Shan anything to regret at all.

Just when Lu Shan closed his eyes and waited to die.

A strange tingling sensation suddenly appeared in his throat.

It felt like there was a 30-year-old piece of phlegm stuck there.

I can't cough up anything.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

a while.

When something like soft phlegm was spit out by Lu Shan.

A strange feeling suddenly appeared in the throat.

Like a water pipe that has been blocked for countless years and is suddenly pierced by a thread one day.

"What jb thing!"

a sound.

Lu Shan froze in place for a moment.

Because the words that just came out of his mouth did not come out in the form of 'cuckoo'.

"Wow ha ha coo coo!!"

Lu Shan laughed out loud, but he didn't want to laugh, and the 'cuckoo' sound came out again.

This made him a little unhappy, and he began to practice vocalization on the spot.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly!"

"If you eat grapes, you don't spit out the skins; if you don't eat grapes, you spit out the skins."

"Under the bridge in front of the door, a flock of ducks swam past, come and count them, I am your father."

Looking at the big rooster in front of him, for some reason, Duo Qi always felt an inexplicable fear in her heart.

Thinking that the deal had been concluded at this time, it insisted on getting up from the ground, dragging its crooked foot, and limping towards the jungle.

But before it took a few steps, the sound of the chicken sounded from behind it.

"Little lady, where are you going?"

"I wonder if I can bring the little chicken with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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