Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 122 Demon Worship Conference?Worship the pier?

Chapter 122 Demon Worship Conference?Worship the pier? (Please subscribe!!!)

Do not know why.

Although the rooster spoke very politely, Duo Qi always felt an inexplicable coolness?

The coolness made him uncomfortable.

So it directly refused:

"I'm sorry, my body was injured and I need to go back to the mountain to recuperate."

"Besides, it's not convenient to pick up guests in the mountains during the demon worship conference."

But I didn't want to, the rooster didn't care about its rejection at all, but leaned towards its legs, and said enthusiastically as it leaned:

"it's okay no problem."

"I'll accompany you up the mountain."

"It just so happens that I, Gu Gu, will also participate in the Demon Worshiping Conference."


Facing the cock's unusual enthusiasm, Duo Qi took a step sideways calmly, staggering away from the cock that was sticking to her leg.

At this time, it remembered something, and asked aloud:

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what's your name? Which mountain monster is it? I don't think I've seen you before."

what is it call?
which mountain?
This question stumped Lu Shan a bit.

If you say your name is Lu Shan and you live in a valley a hundred miles south of this place, wouldn't it be embarrassing in front of the rabbit-eared lady?
After all, in my memory, among those monsters in novels and TV dramas, which one doesn't have a handsome and flamboyant name?

Where does one live without a tall and mighty mountain number?

What lion camel ridge, blue lion demon king.

What Pingdingshan, Lotus Cave, Golden Horn King!
And what about the Three Great Kings of Xuanying Cave in Qinglong Mountain!

Regardless of their strength, each one is louder than the other.

For this reason, Lu Shan thought for a while, coughed twice, and replied:

"Baji, Ji'erling, Chicken King Mountain, Chicken Ba King!"

"Chicken King?"

Duoqi was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise:
"You are a demon cultivator in Yuandan Realm!?"

"Cough cough cough cough..."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Shan kept coughing as if something was stuck in his throat.

After a while, he asked aloud:

"This... must be in Yuan Dan Realm to be called a king?"

"Of course." Duo Qi said as a matter of course:
"A title is a symbol of strength."

"Only by reaching the corresponding strength can one obtain a matching title."

"Otherwise, you will be rebellious and will be attacked by all the monsters!"


There are so many routines with just one name? !
Are monsters so particular?

Speaking of this, Lu Shan suddenly asked curiously:

"Since the Yuandan Realm is the Great King, what about the Baby Transformation Realm that goes further up?"

"The demon king..."

"The Spirit Aperture Realm!"

"Great Sage..."


The one in the spirit aperture state is called the Great Sage?
Then when I reach the Spirit Aperture Realm, can I be called the Great Sage of Chicken Tyrant?
What the hell!

This name is a bit domineering.

It's a pity that Lu Shan didn't even know his name at the next level, otherwise he would have to ask something about his level.

"By the way, do people in the Meridian Realm have a title?" He asked again.

"What? Have you reached the Pulse Establishment Realm?"

"No, I'm just asking..."

"No title."

"Really do not have?"

"Really do not have…"

"Then I call myself Jierling, how about the Immortal Jiba?"



In this way, Lu Shan followed the rabbit-eared lady, step by step, from the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside.

As the road into the mountain continues to advance, the surrounding scenery has changed from a narrow mountain road to a large and wide hillside.

During this period, Lu Shan also saw all kinds of strange monsters.

Most of them are in the shape of ordinary wild animals, combined with some human-like body parts, and combined monsters.

What kind of human head and animal body, what animal head and human body are the most common.

For example, a big white goose with a pair of white wings, but a "cloth goose" with a white hair and a childlike face.

Another example is the "gray peck" family with a mouse head, a child's body, and short limbs.

There is also the 'British Horse' family of horses with lower body and women with upper body.


I have to say, it's really big...

But these monsters are okay, and Lu Shan can accept it after seeing it.

But some monsters are relatively abstract.

Like the wolf walking sideways.

When he saw it from a distance, Lu Shan thought it was seriously ill.

You can't know until you get close.

The wolf actually had heads at both ends, and the two heads did not allow one to the other.

We all have to move forward.

So from a distance, it seems to be walking sideways.

However, this guy seems to have a good relationship with Rabbit Ears.

The two heads who were fighting each other, after seeing the rabbit-eared lady, said with concern:

"Duoqi, are you back?"

"Is that chicken in the back honoring your Brother Erlang?"

Honor you second uncle!
Hearing this, Lu Shan almost jumped up and gave them a few brains.

Later, looking at the face of the rabbit-eared lady, she didn't care about a second dog.

After the two dogs left from the fork in the road, not far ahead, suddenly came another swaggering orangutan...

Well, let's say it's an orangutan.

After all, most of that guy's body looks like an orangutan, except for a human face on his lower abdomen.

And it's the face of a beautiful girl.

Clear eyes, curved eyebrows, a pretty nose and a small mouth that opens and closes when walking.

that mouth...

cough cough...

Lu Shan was thinking blindly, but didn't want to, but the rabbit-eared lady next to her suddenly lowered her head without saying a word.


When the other monsters around saw this orangutan, they lowered their heads almost at the same time.

What's wrong with this?

Because of Lu Shan's short stature, when he raised his head, he happened to meet the girl with rabbit ears who lowered her head.

Looking at the cock full of doubts, Duo Qi immediately whispered:

"That's the little king, hurry up and bow your head!"

Little king?
Crazy to give birth to the king's child, to give birth to the little king?

After that, if I have a child by myself, can others also call him Chicken Bully Little King?
Or, Chicken Overlord?
For short, bully?
have to…

If I continue to abbreviate it, my son may become a learning machine.

Muttering, Lu Shan also lowered his chicken head slightly.

After all, that guy is a child of a demon cultivator in Yuandan realm, so there is no need to be recorded by a second-generation demon just because of this face.


Waiting for the little king to leave.

The rabbit-eared lady brought Lu Shan to a fork in the road, and then, on the road up the mountain on the left, she lowered her head and said to Lu Shan:

"Up this road is the location of the Demon Worshiping Conference, have you got everything ready?"

"Things? What are you preparing?" Lu Shan looked up in confusion and asked.

"Something that worships a demon?"

Do you want something else from the demon?

What do you want?
Fruity candles?

Or paper money ingots?

Seeing the bewildered expression of the big cock, Duo Qi finally understood.

Dare to love this big rooster is a little monster who has just opened up his mind and doesn't understand anything.

I don't know which whistle monster found it and called it over.


After thinking for a while, Duoqi explained out of kindness:
"Baiyao is a little demon like you who has just opened up his wits and needs to bring gifts to meet King Kuangsheng."

"Seek its protection for you, and your land."

Hear this.

Only then did Lu Shan suddenly realize.

It turns out that the Demon Worshiping Conference is the Worship Wharf on the road...

Here comes the problem.

Lu Shan waved his wings and asked bluntly:

"What if you don't bring a gift or don't want to pay tribute?"

"Two ways." Duoqi raised two of the three claws and said:

"One, go back, or leave the territory, or wait to be attacked by King Kuangsheng."

"Second, stay on the mountain as a resident little demon and enjoy the protection of King Kuangsheng."

 It’s rare to go out for a stroll this afternoon, so I just finished writing one in the evening...

  I'm sorry…

(End of this chapter)

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