Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 143 Where did it come from?

Chapter 143 Where did it come from? (Please subscribe!!!)
"Cave master, you don't know anything."

Yang Weng raised his mustache and explained in a good voice:

"On this crazy mountain."

"Anything that can help cultivation can be considered a treasure."

"And all the treasures naturally belong to the name of King Kuangsheng."

I lost.

so domineering?

Lu Shan recalled the appearance of the mad king, it seems that he is not such a monster.

Is there something hidden in the middle?


No matter what hidden secrets, since this rule exists, then I should not challenge other people's rules casually.

After all, the end of life is the ultimate goal.

At this time.

Duoqi came back with the remaining fruit.

And the thick one behind it carried a whole tree directly, and returned to the demon cave.

Look at this fruit tree that was almost stuck to the top.

Lu Shan frowned.

"...You don't want me to plant trees in the hole, do you...?"

"What's the matter? Cave master? Can't you?" After straightening the tree upright, the antler man looked over with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Lu Shan just wanted to explain that planting trees in this way may prevent the trees from getting basic light, so the trees may not grow well.

But then think about it.

What's the need for sunshine when there is blood and vitality?

Then he shut his mouth.

before sunset.

Lu Shan transplanted all the remaining vegetation into the demon cave.

For this reason, he specially asked Orange Tail, the groundhog, to dig a big hole for him.

Then move the vegetation in.

After he has done all this.

He patted his wings in satisfaction, and then walked towards his own demon cave.


As soon as Lu Shan entered the cave.

What caught the eye was a petite and exquisite body, with legs crossed, sitting lazily beside his bed.

She was looking at him quietly with a pair of deep blue eyes.

"Long time no see, little cock..."

Small? !

Lu Shan immediately became unhappy when he heard this word.

With a look in his eyes, he said bluntly:

"In the middle of the night, trespassing on a private house."

"If you don't tell me why, hehe, don't blame me for being rude..."

Lu Shan's tone was full of threats.

But never thought.

The cat-eared girl actually ignored his threat, and didn't even change her mood at all.

It's still that quiet and lazy look.

"Little rooster, did you take that pill on Buqiu Mountain?"

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Shan frowned.

"What kind of medicine?"

Faced with Lu Shan's denial, Mao Er Niang smiled, did not ask further questions, but said in a very calm tone:
"Little rooster, you know what?"

"You're in trouble."


What disaster?
Chickens are a little familiar with your rhetoric.

In Lu Shan's mind, the memory of going to a temple in his previous life to meet a fortune teller instantly appeared in his mind.

It seems that that profession also likes to say such a thing to others.

In this regard.

Lu Shan smiled irrefutably, and clearly put the three characters "I don't believe it" on his face.

Seeing this, the cat-ear girl didn't seem to mind.

Continuing to use that steady voice, he opened the mouth and said:

"For the 'Hundred Beasts Gathering Pill', at least [-] different races and different bloodlines must be obtained, but the bloodlines of monsters with the same realm must be obtained."

"Through a unique cooking method, a kind of blood spirit pill that can refine one's own blood is produced."

"But this is only one effect of the 'Hundred Beasts Gathering Pill'."

"This Blood Spirit Pill has an even greater effect, that is, all monsters that participate in alchemy will unconditionally submit to the pill-swallowing monster."


Hear this.

Lu Shan's corns widened in an instant, with a startled expression, he said in a daze:

"No, it's impossible..."

"Just one pill, how could it make so many monsters surrender immediately...?"

Regarding Lu Shan's question, Mao Er Niang did not answer directly, but continued:
"It will take some time for that surrender to fully emerge."

"In the early days, at most, they wanted to approach or get close to the pill swallower for no reason."

As soon as this word comes out.

The strange behavior of the white-haired ape that came to the door today appeared in Lu Shan's mind instantly.

Obviously he just woke up from the 'smoke', but he didn't choose to continue his cultivation, but insisted on running to meet himself.

I get it now.

Drug addicted...

Thinking that I might have to face so many big monsters to harass me next.

Lu Shan panicked, and asked bluntly:

"Is there an antidote for this thing?"

"The antidote??"

For the first time, Mao Erniang's expression changed a little, she narrowed her eyes, and said in surprise:

"There are a total of 35 surrendered pulse-building monsters. Obtaining them is equivalent to obtaining half of the Crazy Life Mountain."

"You don't want such a huge force?"

"What do you want this for?" This time it was Lu Shan's turn to be surprised, and asked back:
"Occupy the mountain as king?"

"I can't defeat King Kuangsheng again."

"Aren't the subordinates who divide it afraid of being approached and killed?"

Lu Shan's words were very clear.

He will never do anything that seeks death.

Although more than 30 pulse-builder-level boys sound very powerful, the key point is that even if so many gather together, they may not be able to beat the mad king.

and so…

But the cat-eared girl shook her head at this moment, and said softly:
"Sorry, there is no cure for this pill."

There is no cure! ?
I'm done...

This made Lu Shan a little confused.

There is no cure, that is to say, I can only accept so many younger brothers?

It's okay to take it down.

What if it is discovered?
and many more.

Lu Shan suddenly realized that the cat-eared lady should not only warn him when she came to the door.

If I remember correctly, this little girl is also among the monsters lying on the venue.

Saying so...

A strange look suddenly flashed in Lu Shan's eyes.

"Your blood was also taken into medicine?"


Hearing Maoerniang's answer, Lu Shan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Now I have some doubts about what you said to make monsters surrender!"

"Since you also participated in alchemy..."

"Then you prove it to me..."

"how to prove?"

how to prove…

how to prove…

of course…

Lu Shan came to the bed quickly, stretched out his wings, and raised the cat's ear girl's face.

The scorching hot thoughts just now suddenly became so weak.

It was like being poured a basin of cold water by someone.

Lu Shan cursed angrily.

"It's boring!"

Then he retracted his wings and sat aside, with a displeased expression on his face.

This made the cat-eared girl who had already made some preparations suddenly a little dazed.

Doubt asked:

"Try a ghost!"

"I don't have the habit of forcing!"

Lu Shan was full of displeasure, cursing and saying:

"You've said so much! Do you already have any plans!"

"Just say it!"

Hear this.

The cat-eared lady looked very surprised, as if meeting this little rooster in front of her for the first time.

There was silence for a moment.

The cat-eared lady suddenly laughed.

The dark blue eyes were bent into two crescents.

"Get to know each other again."

"Cui Gourd, the 'Miraculous' family, at the initial stage of the Vein Building Realm."

"Here, see the Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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