Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 144 I am the Little Demon Patrol!

Chapter 144 I am the Little Demon Patrol! (Please subscribe!!!)
"Blow a balloon, blow a big balloon!"

"Blow up the balloon and play with the ball!"


On the edge of the Kuangsheng mountain range, a short big rooster was carrying a flag with a red background and lace.

Singing some inexplicable tunes in his mouth, he walked slowly on the mountain.

while walking.

The big rooster seemed to be tired from walking. A chicken sat on a big rock, raised his head, and squinted at the dazzling sunlight.

"It's a little hot!"

Lu Shan shook his head, and then dunked a small grass fruit from the grass beside him.

Squeeze it in your hand and operate your mind at the same time.

After a while, a fruit with a light red luster appeared in Lu Shan's hand.

Conversion successful!


"Seven Step Sui" is really a good thing.

No wonder the Tian family is so precious.

I sighed a few words.

Afterwards, Lu Shan threw the fruit into his mouth.

Then, lie down, basking in the sun, while thinking about your own way out.

Although, the cat girl Cuihu has already arranged a lot for herself.

For example, let him accept some tasks such as 'Mountain Patrol' away from the wild mountains.

In order to keep those monsters affected by the 'Hundred Beasts Gathering Pill' from coming to him for the time being.

To prevent being discovered by the mad king.

Or announce the closed door practice every once in a while.

Minimize my attention on the side of the mad king.

But Lu Shan felt later.

It's not a problem to hide and hide like this all the time.

Since sooner or later they have to face each other, it is better to increase their combat effectiveness.


He put his gaze on his property panel.

After looking at it, the attribute values ​​are still normal.

If you want to greatly improve your attribute value, there is no other way except to advance.

But the road to promotion is still early.

Therefore, he could only focus on his skill panel and the three unlimited points.

Currently, in his skill panel, there are five talent skills.

Except for the useless "Buyang Judan", the other "Silver Claw" and "Scorching Blood" have been strengthened twice.

The remaining "Supracavitary Sac" and "Corns" have not been strengthened once.

Seeing this, Lu Shan directly focused on these two natural skills.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume an unlimited point to strengthen the talent skill "Sac on the Chamber"?
[System prompt]: Do you want to consume an unlimited point to strengthen the talent skill "Corns"?
'Yes! '

In an instant, two new system prompts popped up.

[System prompt]: The talent skill "Sac on the cavity" has been successfully upgraded to "Sac on the cavity".

[System prompt]: The talent skill "Corns" has been successfully upgraded to "Corns".

The name remains the same, what a small 1 in the upper right corner counts as a successful enhancement?


Lu Shan began to test his two new talents.

After a while.

He simply found out the new changes of the 'supracavitary sac'.

The air jet function is still there, but at the same time, there is an additional thing that can squeeze out something similar to blood spirit liquid.

Lu Shan felt it.

Other functions are unknown for the time being, but in terms of defense ability, ordinary claw strikes can't even break the skin.

Only a claw strike with blood energy or spiritual energy can break this film.

And they all have to attack more than twice in a short period of time.

Ok, Ok.

Lu Shan nodded in satisfaction, and then began to try the second "Corns" skill.

In this skill, "Ni Hitomi" is a copy.

Currently unable to test.

As for "Moon Eyes".

Lu Shan turned his head and stared at a pheasant not far away.

'Corns: Moon pupil'!
Following the surge of blood and spiritual energy, after his constitution decreased by nearly 100 points, a reminder appeared in his right eye.

Race: Pheasant

Body height: 26 cm
Weight: 5.6 kg
Status: in heat

Weaknesses: chicken head, chicken neck, chicken buttocks

Trend prediction:

After a second, raise your wings.

After two seconds, shake your ass.

After three seconds, shake your butt.

what is this?
Lu Shan ignored the things above and directly focused on the bottom prompt.

At this time.

The pheasant not far away suddenly began to raise its wings, and a second later, its buttocks shook wildly, and while shaking, it raised its head towards Lu Shan and croaked.


Isn't this Nima just an action prediction?
Although it was only three seconds, Lu Shan knew it very well.

Even if it is only for three seconds, it will be of great help in battle!
So cool!

Lu Shan kicked the pheasant flying towards him lightly.

Ignoring the system prompt in his mind, he then focused his attention on his active skills again.

Today he intends to use up whatever is left.

After all, the crisis has already emerged.

Quickly realize the strength is the last word.

this will.

Lu Shan observed his seven active skills.

Among these skills, the only one that has been strengthened and integrated is "Three Spaces".

The other "Land Locking Formation" is not about the formation method, "Heart Roar", "Pull the Mountain", "Stampede", "Kongli", including the demon body technique of "Blood Gathering".

They were all unenhanced once.

Lu Shan thought about it.

Still focus on the current most powerful skill "Pull Mountain".

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume three unlimited points to strengthen the Taoism "Pu Shan"?

Why does this skill require three unlimited points?
Is it so expensive? !

and many more.


Lu Shan suddenly realized something, and then tentatively focused on...

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume an unlimited point to strengthen the skill "Stampede"?
[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume an unlimited point to strengthen the skill "Kone"?


It's different from talent skills.

Active skills, skills, etc. seem to be calculated according to the level of crisis and there is no limit to them.

That said.

Lu Shan suddenly focused on the demon body technique.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume unlimited points to derive the demon skill "Blood Gathering"?
[System Prompt]: The demon art "Jie Xue" has successfully deduced a new level, do you want to learn it again?

'Yes! '

Follow Lu Shan's words.

next second.

Numerous chicken figures, phantoms, veins, etc. emerged in Lu Shan's mind.

In the end, all these things gathered into a brand new demon body with a chicken head, a human body, and wings behind.

It was fixed in Lu Shan's mind.

[System prompt]: The new exercise has been overwritten, do you want to rename it?
Another of my favorite naming sessions?
Lu Shan thought for a while.

Chicken head, human body, and big wings.

Isn't this the star official Angri?

Then call it "Yue Mao"
'Yuemao Yao Body': A combat state formed by condensing blood aura. In this state, the effect of blood aura is increased by [-]%.

There is still a state increase?
Ok, Ok.

Looking at the skill introduction, Lu Shan nodded in satisfaction.

Then he released the demon body.

With a burst of blood spirit surging in his body, when Lu Shan opened his eyes again.

The long-lost sense of limb control returned to him again.

after that.

When he was sure that his height was at least one meter tall.

Head down.

Look at the big brothers among the thousands of bushes.

Lu Shan almost cried out of excitement.

But at this moment when the two brothers were still nodding their heads and saying hello to each other.

Two burly men carrying cloth bags suddenly appeared in midair.

When they saw a monster with a chicken head and a human body on the grass.

With joy on his face, he shouted:

"Brother! Look! There's another one!"

(End of this chapter)

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