Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 148 A Chicken Walking into the Battlefield

Chapter 148 A Chicken Walking into the Battlefield (Please Subscribe!!!)
Following the order of General Tian Ze.

The altitude of the flying magic weapon began to drop rapidly.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan hurriedly turned back to Duo Qi and said:
"Hurry up and let all the monsters go back to their caves! Find a way to use things...not right!"

Lu Shan suddenly vetoed what he said just now, turned around and beckoned to the cat girl, asking her to come with her.

Then he spoke again:

"I'll give you 5 minutes to summon all the demons that can be summoned!"

"Remember, only 5 minutes!"

Although I don't know what Lu Shan said for what he said, but one is out of trust and the other is out of belief.

The two girls had a tacit understanding and didn't ask any further questions. After the words fell, they quickly spread out to both sides at the fastest speed.

Looking at the two disappearing figures.

Lu Shan looked back at the flying magic weapon and calculated the time.

Then he glanced around, and quickly came to the gate of the main demon cave of Herbivore Mountain.

Raise wings, gather spirits, and exercise skills.

With the formation of more than a dozen different wings, a virtual net that is invisible to the naked eye looms around.

'【Spirit Locking Potential-Actuation】! '


Under Lu Shan's control, the virtual network expanded rapidly, covering all the entrances of the demon cave in front of it!

Lu Shan did not stop the seal of his wings.

Under the urging of the curse seal, the virtual net is still expanding.

After a while.

When the virtual net completely covered the demon cave, he stopped making seals.

With the formation of the last Wing Seal.

'[Spirit Locking Potential- Formation Formation]! '

Seeing the completion of the magic circle, Lu Shan's hanging heart finally calmed down a little.

At this time.

Cui Hu and Duo Qi also came with a lot of monsters.

When they saw the light-colored film in front of them, their expressions were a little dazed.

But before they opened their mouths, Lu Shan opened a gap in the magic circle to let all the monsters in.

Know that now is not the time to fuss over the details.

Cui Gourd looked at Lu Shan with deep meaning, and then led a group of monsters into the magic circle.

Duo Qi still wanted to say something, but she turned her mouth into a sentence of deep concern in the end.

"be careful."

"rest assured."

Wait until all the monsters have entered the circle.

Through the film, Lu Shan said to the cat girl in the magic circle:

"The safety inside is entrusted to you."

Knowing that this was Lu Shan's instruction, the cat girl nodded solemnly:

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will definitely protect my back!"

With the guarantee from the cat girl, Lu Shan also took a break for the time being.

After all, no matter how you say it, this girl is also a monster in the mid-stage of the Pulse Establishment Realm.

It shouldn't be a big problem to protect a few demons.

And there are cases where the magic circle exists.

At this time.

The sound of fighting has already appeared outside the mountain of Herbivorous Mountain.

In this regard.

Lu Shan waved at the monsters who were still standing behind the film.

Signal them to go back to the demon cave to hide.

As for himself.

Then he slowly walked towards the direction of the mountain outside the mouth.

The terrain of the Herbivore Mountain is very strange, and there is basically only one way up the mountain.

Except for flying in, those who want to go up the mountain will basically only take the main road.

and so.

On the way down Lushan step by step.

He saw three sergeants with plain knives rushing up the mountain with a murderous look.

And the monk in the middle was holding the head of a dog monster.

Lu Shan, the dog demon, has also seen it before.

Usually, I like to run wildly on the mountain with a bunch of little fart monsters on my back.

Once, he almost rolled and climbed and brought the antler girl down the mountain.

If it weren't for Lu Shan's timely hand.


Actually not bad.

Just a few days too late to die.

And falling to death may not be as comfortable as being beheaded to death.

do you think so?

Gouxi, is that your name?
I remember the words correctly.

That name was given to you by your homeless father.

The dog is not big, but you are afraid that you will bother it when you grow up?
it's good now.

I can't be bothered anymore.

Lu Shan took the dog's head from the hands of the three soldiers, held it in his hand, and tidied up his appearance.

He sighed softly.


When he landed on both feet.

A system prompt appeared in my mind.

[System Prompt]: Kill three "human races" at the first level and the middle level of General Qi, and get 360 hours of time to advance to the middle level of the Pulse Builder.

With the end of this system prompt.

Several "plopping" voices fell behind Lu Shan.

But he didn't look back, and kept going.

At this time.

He saw a dirt bag ahead.

The location is already close to the entrance and exit of the mountain road.

From this position, Lu Shan could see the plain beyond the mountain not far away.

The fighting continues.

A large number of soldiers, monks.

A few or a group fight a monster.

Many monsters and a large number of humans died on the spot.

Dozens of corpses lay there in disorder.

Seeing Lu Shan's chicken head shaking.

You remember, that was the place where people were recruited last time.

How to make such a mess.

It will definitely be a hassle to clean up next time.

Lu Shan could even imagine the look of the old sheep man with his beard blowing and staring.

Think of this.

He couldn't help smiling, then bent down, dug a hole in the dirt bag under his feet, and put the dog's head in it.


When Lushan landfill.

Five soldiers touched his side.

Just wait for the moment when Lu Shan bends down to fill the soil again.

Several simple knives slashed towards Lu Shan's chicken head almost at the same time.

Seeing that Pu Dao was less than ten feet away from the position of the chicken head, the corners of the mouths of the soldiers began to slowly rise.

But at this time.

With a flash of white light.

The soldiers suddenly felt that their bodies were beginning to lose control.

Followed by.

It's black in front of you.

Then there were more than a dozen "plops" of varying severity.

The other soldiers around also noticed the difficulty of the monster on this dirt bag.

More than a dozen soldiers formed a formation and began to surround the top of the soil.

Waiting for the second wave of more than a dozen soldiers to surround them.

Lu Shan just buried the pit.

He ignored the threat of the dozens of plain knives, still looked down at the soil bag with his chicken head down, and said:

"Dog, do you know? When I was a human, I used to say that people are not as good as dogs, and that in my next life I would be better off as an animal."

"But now that I'm an animal, I think it's pretty cool to be a human."

"That feels cheap, doesn't it?"

"what do y'all think?"

Looking at the big cock who was chattering, he suddenly asked questions to everyone.

The inexplicable sense of crisis caused a group of soldiers to swing the simple knife almost at the same time, and slashed up.

"Well said, why do you have to fight and kill?"

"Don't you also think it's bad to be a human being?"

Between doubts.

Lu Shan raised his legs and rolled horizontally in the air.


A blood-colored light blade drawn into an arc appeared from his toes, and then cut out to the surroundings in the form of diffusion.

'bass! ! '

The blade rises, the blade flies.

A dozen soldiers were directly cut into dozens of pieces of meat of different sizes, mixed with a lot of blood, and splashed out in all directions.

This scene.

While terrifying the soldiers outside, they shouted directly:

"It's the Great Vein-Building Demon!"

"Spread! Scatter!!"


Lu Shan found that an open space of hundreds of square meters had been vacated around him.

Just when he was stupefied.

Several beams of different colors galloped towards him from all around.

A flash of effort.

Two men and one woman.

Three pulse builder cultivators with different shapes and expressions.

Presenting a triangular encircling posture, enclosing Lu Shan in the very center.

"You monsters, don't be rampant!"

"Look, I'm waiting for Siheshan Xiaosancai, come and meet you!"

(End of this chapter)

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