Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 149 Wrong Mouth Battle Chicken!

Chapter 149: The Crooked Mouth Battle Chicken! (Please subscribe!!!)

at the same time.

The top of the main mountain of the Kuangsheng Mountain Range.

King Kuangsheng stood on a high platform, frowning and staring into the distance.

Watched for a long time.


A harpy landed beside it, facing the King of Madness, lowered its head, and said:

"Report to the king, there are human monks appearing in the four directions of the mountain range."

"Among the east, west, and south sides, the three great kings 'Pig Ox King', 'Three-tailed Rat King', and 'Sword Tiger King' all went to support, only the north side..."

Speaking of which, the harpy seems a bit embarrassed:
"There is currently no support from the king in the north, and the little demons have suffered heavy casualties..."

Hearing this, King Kuangsheng's expression remained unchanged, as if what the Harpy said just now had nothing to do with it.

a while.

When some stars and stars appeared in the sky, it couldn't help frowning, saying:
"Let Kuang Mie go to the treasure house to hide first."

Although I don't know why the Kuangsheng King gave this order.

But out of obedience to the King Kuangsheng, the Harpy still nodded, and flew into the air in a certain direction down the mountain.

Just after tea time when the harpies flew away.

Four dazzling rays of light tore through the darkness of the sky and appeared directly above the Mountain of Madness.

Seeing the three men and one woman hanging in the air not far away, Kuangsheng sneered expressionlessly.

"The lord of Budu City, Fang Wusheng."

"The Lord of Xishui City, Tu Liku."

"The dragon face of the four elephants in Sihe Mountain."

"Qingye Zongzongling, Zhong Xin."

"Just the four of you?"


On the other side, at the entrance of Grass-eating Mountain.

Lu Shan looked at the three monks surrounding him in a daze.

Sihe Mountain?
Isn't that one of the sects near Qianli City?
Even if they all come.

That is not to say.

Among these human soldiers or monks, are there people from Qianli City?

If there were, would there be children of the Laotian family?

From the point of view of the Laotian family's desire to take root in Qianli City, there must be members of the Laotian family in the military team of Qianli City.

When the time comes, what should we do?

What if it's still an old acquaintance?

Lu Shan was still struggling, the three monks surrounding him looked at each other this time.

I saw that the female monk made a tentative attack first.

He took out a spell from his cuff and threw it out.

As soon as the spell was released, it ignited into a fireball and flew towards the big rooster.

And this fireball was like a revelation.

It caused the other two male monks to use their own abilities.

Swordsmanship, spells.

Then the fireball transformed by the spell also attacked the big rooster.

Are they all energy attacks?
After thinking for a while, Lu Shan propped up the 'sac on the cavity', making it wrap around his whole body in a very short time.

Then his body turned slightly, and with a positive posture, he suddenly stood up and slammed into the fireball.

Seeing that this chicken demon is so stupid that it uses its physical body to forcibly resist the spell.

The nun's eyes were full of mockery.

But when she saw that the chicken demon pierced through the fireball unscathed.

The two almond eyes suddenly widened, and he said with a look of astonishment:


The other two male monks were also stunned when they saw the chicken demon wearing the fireball.


Seeing that the chicken demon was still castrated, one of the male monks guessed something.

shouted urgently:
"Junior sister be careful!!"

Hear the cue.

The female monk realized something after a while, the light under her feet suddenly lit up, and immediately, her figure turned to the side a few degrees at an extremely fast speed.

The distance of only a few degrees made Lu Shan's surprise attack come to nothing, and he could only miss the body of the female monk.


Lu Shan stopped and turned his head.

As a result, when he turned around, he saw that the two male monks were already waving their weapons and killing him.

Seeing their angry looks, Lu Shan thought that he had done something wrong to their junior sister.

Although he just wanted to cut her to death first.

Facing the two male monks who planned to play close combat with him.

Lu Shan shook his head speechlessly.

Don't you know that the strong point of youkai lies in the body?
While shaking his head, Lu Shan's body did not retreat but advanced.

Since you are looking for death, don't blame me.

Going forward quickly, Lu Shan raised his paw and collided with the long sword wielded by one of the male monks.


There was a crisp sound of metal collisions, which obviously stunned the male monk.

While in a daze.

Lu Shan retracted the chicken claws, stepped on and changed the top, and directly bypassed the long sword with his body.

But when Lu Shan waved his chicken claws and was about to grab them directly.

A soft sword was lying in front of him with a strange bend, and at the same time, he wanted to stab himself with the tip of the sword.

Looking at the soft sword flashing red, Lu Shan felt a little overwhelmed.

For this reason, he turned his paws slightly sideways.

Then stepping on the air, he broke away from the male monk's chest.

The moment his figure disappeared.

The soft sword suddenly became red, and at the position where Lu Shan was just now, a sharp sword light pierced out.

Good guy.

Release the sword light on the chest of his senior brother, and he is not afraid of accidental injury.

Just as Lu Shan was muttering, a biting cold suddenly appeared behind him.

He looked back.

It was a frost spell, which was almost stuck behind him.

Don't say it, it must have been lost by the nun.

to this end.

Lu Shan twisted his body, trying to hide.

However, the spell seemed to follow him, when he moved, the spell followed.

All of a sudden it stuck to Lu Shan's back.

next second.

It's cold!

A large amount of cold air emerged from this spell, wrapping around Lu Shan's whole body.

Smooth work.

Lu Shan's whole body was covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

And under the cover of hoarfrost, even the 'supracavitary sac' stopped spraying.

It made Lu Shan's body fall to the ground naturally.

As soon as it fell, I heard the female monk's loud voice:

"Brother! Quick! Kill it!"

"The 'Clear Talisman' won't last long!"

"it is good!!"

The two male monks responded at the same time, but they hadn't waited for them to make a move.

The chicken demon, which was supposed to fall to the ground naturally, suddenly stabilized its figure before it landed.


The hoarfrost on the chicken demon's body melted in a short time, and then turned into green smoke. When it landed, scarlet smoke began to appear on its body.

This scene.

The brothers and sisters who saw Sihe Mountain were astonished and at the same time sensed something was wrong.

"Maybe it's a talent skill!"

"What now?"

"Let's unite!"

"it is good!"


After a simple exchange, the three brothers and sisters determined the next offensive.

Immediately, the three of them gathered together, accumulating energy, casting spells, and releasing them at the same time.

For an instant.

Charms, sword lights, spells.

The three energies merged together, and the energy generated was so huge that the surrounding soldiers couldn't help but take many steps back.


With the three people rising at the same time.

The three-color energy immediately turned into a giant dragon, rushing towards the rooster on the ground.


There was an explosion of energy.

The air wave spread like a tide, spreading to all around immediately.


"It should be, after all, this is our joint move."


After the smoke and dust caused by the energy shock wave dissipated.

The picture they expected did not appear.

Instead, it was a chicken-headed monster with a height of nearly two meters, a fleshy body, two wings on its back, a naked body, and red mist emitting from its body.

I saw that the chicken-headed monster shook its body, loosened its muscles and bones, and then raised its head.

Facing the three people in the sky.

He smiled crookedly.

"Have you figured out how to die?"

 Thank you book friend 20200107225921772 for rewarding this book with 100 starting coins!
  Thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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