Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 150 Correct Usage of 'Corns'

Chapter 150 The Correct Usage of 'Corns' (Please Subscribe!!!)
next second.

The chicken-headed monster's figure flashed.

When it reappeared, it had reached the same height as the three of them.

Seeing this, the three wanted to release a joint move again.

But before they could start the spell, a joking voice sounded behind them.

"You like union so much?"

"Are you a three-in-one magneton?"

The moment the sound is heard.

The three of them propped up the joint magic shield behind them at the same time, but before they turned their heads.

A powerful impact force sent the three of them flying together.

"Puff puff!"

After three beeps, all three were smashed to the ground.


The surrounding monsters still want to go up to make up the knife.

Available in the next second.

In the gap between the front and the back, three potholes suddenly burst out with aura.


The three figures flew up again.

It lasts a long time.

Lu Shan looked at the three disgraced monks and smiled.

But Lu Shan was laughing, and the three monks on the opposite side couldn't laugh anymore.

Three against one, even with combined moves, he was beaten so embarrassingly.

Do you really want to.
Thinking of this, the three couldn't help but look at each other.

Under the angrily gaze of the female monk, the three reached an agreement on their goals.

Immediately, the female monk threw a large number of spells in an instant.

The next moment, the three of them stuck together back to back, and gave a low shout at the same time:

In an instant!
The large number of spells that were thrown were all absorbed by the three of them by an inexplicable suction force.

One breath time.

The three men and women back to back suddenly merged into a guy covered in charms, with three heads and six arms waving in one body.

What the hell is this?

Lu Shan was taken aback.

But at this moment, the three-headed and six-armed guy attacked him at an extremely fast speed.

While Lu Shan was stunned, he came to him, held up a long sword, and slashed at him.

The long sword is not fast, and Lu Shan can easily avoid it.

But in his line of sight, he also saw a soft sword and a palm wrapped in flames attacking his lower body.


Lu Shan can only avoid the serious and take the light.

Pressing the blade of the soft sword with his feet, he ate a flame palm with his thighs.

The burning edge of the flame almost reached little brother Lu Shan's grass nest.

In this regard.

Lu Shan frowned unavoidably.

But for this kind of melee attack with more hands than him, he has nothing to do for a while.

And the other party also saw Lu Shan's embarrassment.

The six arms started to attack like crazy.

Lu Shan had no choice but to rely on his own body and reflexes to defend hard.

But the truth that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it remains unchanged.

Lu Shan guarded against the long sword and palm, so he would be hit by the soft sword.

If you guard against soft swords and palms, you can't resist the slashing of long swords.

In the same way, if you notice the long sword and the soft sword, you can't pay attention to the extremely vicious flame palm.

It will take a while.

Lu Shan was hit several times.

If it weren't for the role of the 'supra cavity' condom.

At this moment, he was probably covered in blood.

The surrounding soldiers also saw that the chicken demon was at a disadvantage, and their morale immediately rose.

It roared again and again to cut some monsters.

Seeing that going on like this is not an option.

If you can't find a way to take into account these three attacks, your own defeat may be a matter of time.

Unless you zoom in.

But if you use a big move at the entrance of this grass-eating mountain, if you don't keep it well, you will be accidentally injured.


In the gap, he looked up at the sky.

But unexpectedly found that at some time, another Yuan Dan Realm came and surrounded the 'Three-tailed Rat King' together with another one.

Obviously, this is because they don't want the mouse king to escape to help the little demons below.

It's not an option to go on like this.

While thinking, he took another palm with flames.

This palm almost landed directly on his hard-earned little brother.

This is great!

Lu Shan was a little annoyed.

His eyes swept over his property panel.


He seemed to see something.

He raised his head and narrowed his eyes.

'Corns: Moon pupil'

Race: Terran

Body height: 2.05 meters

Weight: 196 kg
Status: spell fit

Weaknesses: Neck, joints, body joints.

Trend prediction:

A second later, the long sword slashed from top to bottom.

Two seconds later, the palm of fire struck.

Three seconds later, the soft sword swung back and stabbed.


A piece of data appeared in Lu Shan's right eye.

When he found out that there was indeed an attack path below.

In the first second, Lu Shan's body suddenly moved forward and pushed upward with his wings.

The next second, he raised his hands, crossed them, and pressed against the palm of fire below.

In the third second, he bent his foot and kicked back hard.

A kick hit the back blade of the soft sword, so that the tip of the sword could only be hooked back.

This set of easy resistance stunned the fit monks.

But in a daze, they continued to launch a more ferocious attack.

Raising two flame palms, he patted Lu Shan.

If it was just now, Lu Shan might still be vigilant.

But now.

After understanding the correct use of 'corns'.

As long as the realm of melee combat is not too high, he can completely rely on this method to fight.

and so.

When he opened the 'corns' again, he focused all his attention on the dynamic trend speculation at the bottom.

next second.

Turning over makes the 'supracavity' push upwards and the body falls downwards.

In the process of falling, he brushed past the flame palm.

Then, before the fit monk had the next reaction, Lu Shan turned sideways.


Three blood-colored light blades suddenly appeared, and they slashed at the connecting part of the fit monk's body at a strange angle.

"call out!!!"

Most of the bloody light blades were blocked by a layer of strange spells.

But there are still some bloody light blades that directly cut into the link in the middle of the fit.

all of a sudden.

The links are torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, the three people split apart in the original place and split into three independent individuals again.


The three of them spat out mouthfuls of blood almost at the same time, and each of them turned extremely pale.


The corners of Lu Shan's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, the 'sacral sac' and 'burning blood' were fully fired, and flew into the middle of the three at an extremely fast speed.


Lu Shan released the 'triple-folded legs' together with his hands and feet!
In an instant!
Up eighteen, down eighteen.

A total of 36 blood-colored light blades cut out continuously.


There was no time to even let out a scream.

The bloody light blade passed through the bodies of these three monks.

for a moment.

All three monks froze in the air.

after that.

Start with the nun.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Three blasts in a row.

The bodies of the three pulse builder monks exploded in the air.

All of a sudden, hail of corpses and blood rained down in the sky.

The sudden appearance of blood and corpses shocked the soldiers and goblins on the ground.

Subconsciously raised his head.

In the end, I saw a chicken-headed demon standing in the air.

There were three bloody human heads in his hand.

After a closer look, they were still the three disciples from Sihe Mountain just now.

Such a shocking scene.

It really shocked everyone and demons nearby.

Even two people and one demon fighting in the sky couldn't help but glance at it a few more times.

after all.

The Pulse Builder is not a Chinese cabbage.

One hit three, and was cut down.

This kind of combat power, even if it is not in the fake alchemy realm, it is not far away.

To know.

In the state where Yuandan Realm is being restrained, such a combat power comparable to that of False Dan Realm can easily influence the existence of the whole situation.

to this end.

The lieutenant general who commanded the battle hastily blew the horn of the formation.


With the sound of the horn.

In a daze, a large number of soldiers began to gather at the position of the chicken-headed demon.

See this scenario.

Lu Shan just shook his head slightly, lowered his height, and put the three heads in front of the soil bag.

Then he got up, stood in front of the soil bag, and sighed softly as he watched the people fighting over like a tide.

"If... I said I don't like killing people."

"Do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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