Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 165 True. Acquaintances Gather

Chapter 165 True. Acquaintances Gather (Please Subscribe!!!)
"The shadow is like a ghost, the body is like paper, the face of flowers and trees, wandering around, with the treasure as the top, and the purpose, wandering around the square building."

Hearing Jiajia's voice, Lu Shan turned his gaze back in astonishment.

As a result, he bumped into Jiajia's dazed and puzzled expression head-on.


Well, it seems that it was an intermittent brain twitch that made her remember something.

Thinking of this, Lu Shan pondered for a moment, and asked:

"Jiajia...what do you remember?"

Jiajia's eyes were slightly wrinkled, her eyes were dull, she hesitated for a moment, and murmured:

"Red stripes, black trim, gold cap..."

"White face, blush, a half-smile..."

What the hell…

Lu Shan didn't quite understand what Jiajia meant.

Just when he was about to ask something, not far away, on the top of the tree, the figure suddenly smiled lightly and said:
"This little demon is very knowledgeable..."

"Interesting, interesting..."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shan suddenly felt something, and turned around subconsciously.

Pulled Jiajia's figure from the original place to the side.


Where she was standing, something like a white disc suddenly appeared.

Half of his body penetrated into the ground.

Sunlight through the shade.

Lu Shan suddenly discovered that this disc-like thing was actually paper money for funerals.


Pretty rich.

And throw money at people.

On the other hand, the man was hard, after seeing that his attack was avoided by the cock.

It seemed a little surprised.

"The response was good."

The figure bent down, exposing the pale face with blush to the sun.

Then, raised the corner of his mouth, said:
"What about this trick?"

The voice trembled, and the next second.

Three pitch-black ghost hands suddenly protruded from the ground around Lu Shan and the others.


Lu Shan cursed angrily.

'Supracavitary bursa'!
In an instant, the blood mist was opened to the maximum.

At this time.

The three ghost hands swung suddenly, and then closed towards the middle at a terrifying speed.

At this time, Lu Shan had just wrapped Jiajia and Tanaka Qi in blood mist.

Then, while he jumped up, he also pulled the two of them up.

"call out!!"

The ghost hands are closed, and the ghost smoke is ethereal.

A little ghost smoke touched the clothes behind Tanaka Qi.

Followed by.

A rotten force burned a big hole in Tanaka Qi's clothes.

Feeling something, Lu Shan turned his head to see this scene.

Frustrated, he once again increased the distance a lot.

But it's time to make the next move.

That laughter suddenly came to his side.

"The tail has flames and looks like a chicken."

"Is it an air-covered chicken?"

hear this voice.

Lu Shan didn't even look back, and immediately flicked his tail, controlling the exhaust of the 'sac on the cavity', and threw Jiajia and Tanaka Qi flying together.

Maybe it's the idea of ​​this big cock.

The laughter reappeared.

"Want to go?"

"Stay with me!"

Hearing this voice, Lu Shan, who let go of the bondage, was so angry that he turned his body without moving his head.

Rotate, lift paw.

'Three stacked legs'!

Three bloody light blades cut directly at the source of the sound.


When Lu Shan turned his head back.

He saw the three bloody light blades cutting the figure's arm.

next moment.


An electric spark suddenly appeared.

The bloody light blade unexpectedly couldn't cut into that person's arm.


Lu Shan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Followed by several bloody light blades to fill it up.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

It was still the scene just now, and the bloody light blade couldn't even cut through the flesh of that figure.

At most, there were a few gaps in the shroud-like clothes.


Is it that hard?
In astonishment, the figure slowly turned his head, put his eyes on Lu Shan, raised the corner of his mouth, and said:

"This strength is amazing!"

"It's a pity that it's a little bit close, otherwise it would have broken a layer of my skin..."

This teasing tone made Lu Shan tremble uncontrollably when he heard the goosebumps on his body.

At this time.

In the distance, Jia Jia who landed on the ground suddenly shouted loudly:

"Father! Be careful!"

"He is the ghost body deacon!"

"Cultivator of Yuan Dan Realm!"

Lu Shan in Yuan Dan Realm can feel it through his breath.

But what is a ghost body deacon?
He has seen paper figurines walking before, what kind of thing is this ghost body deacon?

Lu Shan was in doubt.

The figure moved abruptly.

He moved his wrist, turned his gaze to Lu Shan's body, and moved his mouth slightly.

next moment.

Three ghost hands suddenly appeared around him, forming a three-dimensional triangle, surrounding him.

Lu Shan knows how powerful this ghost is.

Change body shape in the air, rotate and turn over at the fastest speed.

Three consecutive 'triple-stacked legs'!

A total of nine blood-colored light blades were used in three directions, and they slashed at the three ghost hands.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The bloody light blade was quite powerful, and it annihilated each other in the air with the three ghost hands.

Seeing that the ghost hand attack has no effect for the time being.

The figure jumped down from the tree at once.

With a "bang", it fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lu Shan's figure also fell from the air and stood firmly on the ground.

this will.

Jiajia's follow-up voice continued to pass.

"Father! The ghost body is extremely tough when walking, and is known for its strength. If you want to defeat it, you must restrain it according to your speed, and attack its vital gate with the technique of destroying evil!"

Hear this.

Not only Lu Shan was stunned.

Even the ghost body that looked like a dead person more than ten meters away was stunned, his neck tilted, his eyes passed through Lu Shan, looked at Jiajia in the distance, and asked with a sly smile:
"Yo, which mountain's little demon are you from? You know a lot."

"But what's the use of knowing?"

"It's just a bunch of little monsters."

Hearing the ghost's ridicule, Jiajia didn't respond, and Tanaka Qi on the side also kept his head sullen and remained silent.

Because he knew that the battle at this time was no longer within his reach.

On the other end, Lu Shan nodded knowingly after hearing Jiajia's explanation.

It turned out to be the case.

The body is extremely hard, and the strength is also great.

Isn't this a zombie?

As for the evil spell...

He doesn't seem to know any magic tricks yet.


He doesn't have the art of destroying evil, but he has a powerful...well, the blood of destroying evil!

However, I heard from Jia Jia that it is not enough to just have the evil thing, but also need to know the gate of life.

But the door of life.

Needless to say and know is the secret of every ghost thing.

If you want to know where the fate of this guy is, you can only rely on other methods.

In this regard.

Lu Shan blinked.

'Corns: Moon pupil'

Race: Terran

Body height: 1.82 meters

Weight: 81 kg
Status: between life and death.

Weaknesses: Not swept out.

Trend prediction:

After a second, stand still.

After two seconds, stand still.

After three seconds, stand still.

you sir!
What the hell is this sweeping.

For the first time, Lu Shan felt that his 'corns' were so tasteless.

no way!
Can only use other methods.

So, he thought for a while, and said directly:

"Before I was in Xishan City, I saw a paper piercing man. Although he was only in the Qi state, his movement skills were very strange. Even in a short period of time, he couldn't do anything about it."

Although I don't know what the meaning of this big cock suddenly saying this is.

But out of self-confidence in cultivation, Ghost still laughed and said:
"That's walking on paper."

Afterwards, Ghosting thought for a while, and said in surprise:

"Walking in Xishan City... I know who you are talking about."

"Why, do you know him?"


Lu Shan nodded the chicken head, put his wings behind his back, waved his wings, and at the same time made some gestures, he said:

"There is a love that transcends race and flesh between me and his apprentice, and it is even more hateful to meet him."

"Really? Then can you tell me where he is now?"


Lu Shan nodded the chicken head, after confirming that the two people behind had slowly retreated.

Suddenly raised his head, and said word by word:

"He is now..."

Halfway through.

Lu Shan suddenly turned on the 'burning blood' state.

Then, at a terrifying speed, in an instant, he came in front of the ghost, and stabbed hard at the middle of the latter's chest.


There was a sharp crashing sound.

next moment.

Lu Shan moved suddenly and flew in front of the ghost's face.

Lift the chicken paw, and poke it suddenly between the eyebrows.


There was still a crisp voice coming out.

At this time, when Lu Shanxiang continued to cut to the next place to poke.

Ghost Shadow's big hand swung towards him.


Lu Shan retreated suddenly.

With all his strength, Kankan dodged the big blue hand covering the black air.

But don't wait for his body to fall to the ground.

Another three ghost hands surrounded the three sides of Lu Shan's body.

Turn over and raise your legs.

'Three stacked legs'!
In three directions, nine blood-colored light blades that were nearly twice as large as before appeared.

It smashed the three ghost hands into the air.

At this time.

Lu Shan seemed to remember something.

Turn around, spin again, roll over.

Multiple 'triple-stacked legs'!
all of a sudden.

More than a dozen blood-colored light blades appeared outside the chicken's claws, slashing towards the ghost.

this will.

Ghost Shadow's weakness was revealed.

Facing so many light blades flying fast, all Ghost Shadow could do was raise his arms to block.

"Ding ding ding...!!!"

Several crisp impact sounds came out.

The ghost's body took a few steps back.

After waiting for the bloody light blade to disappear, Lu Shan's corns widened.

because he found out.

My own "three-folded legs" boosted by "burning blood" can only make this guy take a few steps back.

Apart from the damage to the shroud, there was no other injury on the arm or body.

Up to now.

Lu Shan finally understood what Jiajia meant when she said that her posture was extremely hard.

And this time.

When the ghost lowered his arms.

He stared blankly at Lu Shan with a strange smile, and suddenly opened his mouth and asked:
"Are you a 'gas chicken'?"

Then, without waiting for Lu Shan to answer, he shook his head talking to himself.

"No, you're not..."

Then, the smile on his face became wider and wider, and he asked with a look of interest:

"So, what kind of chicken are you?"

Lu Shan didn't understand why the ghost was interested in his breed, and while speaking, he turned his head and looked behind him again.

Seeing that the figures of Jia Jia and Tian Zhongqi had retreated into the wilderness, they were running away.

Lu Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

But this time.

An impulse to catch Jia Jia back and make eggs suddenly appeared in his mind.

Lu Shan forcibly pulled his gaze back from the beautiful figure in the distance, and turned his head.

When he saw that ghost figure had come to him.

The mind instantly cleared up.

The figure quickly stepped back a few meters.


The ghost stretched out its hand, and suddenly photographed the place where Lu Shan was standing just now.


Ghosting's hand inserted into the ground without hindrance, and then, a gully several meters long suddenly appeared, spreading towards Lu Shan's standing position at this time.

This is so special.

How powerful is it to slap your hands?
Fortunately, the speed is slow, otherwise...

Lu Shan retreated in the air, just as he was surprised, a black air suddenly appeared behind him, condensed a pitch-black ghost hand, and rushed towards him.

This ghostly hand appeared suddenly without warning.

When Lu Shan reacted.

The ghost hand has already stuck behind him.



A powerful force acted on Lu Shan's back, slapping his entire cock to the ground.

Suddenly, a dent in the shape of a chicken was smashed into the soil.

after that.

Before Lu Shan recovered from the huge force, a series of heavy footsteps followed.


Lu Shan immediately opened the 'sac on the cavity' to the maximum, and immediately, his body escaped from the pit.

But as soon as he got out, he felt his feet being grabbed by a hand.

Look up.

Sure enough, it was that blush face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Lu Shan was angry and forced.

But the hand that grabbed his chicken paw was like a titanium alloy, no matter how hard he tried to break free, it would not work.

Seeing that another hand has reached out to him.

Lu Shan, who was about to be desperate, suddenly heard another voice speaking.

"Deacon Lu, what are you doing?"

hear this voice.

Lu Shan clearly felt the hand holding his body vibrate.

Then look back.

He was a tall, muscular man with a generous build.

At this time, he was walking over step by step.

Judging from the breath, there is a high probability that he is also a monk in the Yuandan realm.

Seeing the sudden appearance of this person, Gui Ying gave up the rooster in Killer, turned around, and said in a deep voice:

"Si Li Nan, you are late..."

Sri Ram?
Do not know why.

Lu Shan always felt that this person's name sounded familiar.

It seems that I have heard it somewhere.

But where did I hear it...

Lu Shan desperately recalled in his mind...


He thought of something, and a pair of corns instantly widened.

The Great General of Qianli City! ?

This Nima!
How did the great general of a city come to the outskirts of this city? !

What to do! ?

And judging from his tone, it seems that he is very familiar with this guy from Youfang Pavilion! ?

The shock in Lu Shan's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

"You came early..."

At this time, facing Deacon Lu's questioning, Si Linan replied lightly with a word.


A moment of silence.

a while.

Another voice fell from the sky.

"Oh, so you are here..."

"I have been looking for it for a long time."

Lu Shan really wanted to raise his head to see who the voice was.

But being held upside down in his hand, it was difficult for him to turn the chicken head upside down to recognize someone.

Just when he was about to give up.

When this newcomer's voice fell, the long robe on his lower body was blown by the wind.

A face with no joy or sorrow was revealed inside.

See this face.

Lu Shan's corns widened again.

What is madness! ?

(End of this chapter)

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