Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 166 The plan of 1 corpse, 1 person and 1 demon

Chapter 166 The Plan of a Corpse and a Demon (Please Subscribe!!!)
Madness! ?
Sri Ram! ?

Plus this zombie man from the upstream pavilion! ?
How did three guys from completely irrelevant camps gather together like this? !

Lu Shan was shocked.

And this time.

When Kuang Mie fell, looking at Deacon Lu's broken shroud, he showed a very surprised expression:
"Heh, dead face, you are quite creative in wearing this shroud."

"I remember those dudes in Wangcheng seem to like to dress like you."

Face ridicule.

Deacon Lu smiled very charmingly, then raised his hand, showed the rooster in his hand to the monster king in front of him, and asked:
"Is this from your mountain?"

Kuang Mie and Si Li Nan set their eyes on Lu Shan at the same time.

Compared to Si Li Nan's inexplicable expression, Kuang Mie had a very surprised expression.

"This chicken is indeed a monster on our mountain"

"My lord! Help me! My lord!"

"Your Majesty!!"

Lu Shan didn't care about Sanqi 21, he just asked for help when facing Kuang Mie.

But Kuang Mie ignored the call of the chicken demon in front of him, and instead focused on the zombie man.

"What, you attacked my camp?"

Facing Kuang Mie's questioning, Deacon Lu didn't respond.

Instead, he lowered his head, looked at the cock in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled meaningfully.


Seeing that Deacon Lu didn't respond to his intentions, Kuang Mie suddenly raised his black-haired eyebrows and said coldly:
"Assault on my camp and take away my subordinates."

"Deacon Lu, don't think I'm afraid of you just because you've been promoted to the middle stage of the Yuan Dan Realm!"

it is good!
It's time to do it!
Lu Shan, who was hung upside down, almost flapped his wings and clapped.

"Assault? No no no."

Deacon Lu shook his hand, pointed at the big cock in his hand, and said:

"I was only here when I saw this chicken was letting people out of the city."

"The chicken let people go?!"

This time, it's not just that Kuang Mie didn't expect it.

Even the expression on Si Li Nan's face beside him was a little surprised.


Now the Kuangsheng Mountain Monster Clan is attacking Budu City.

The two sides are in a posture of fire and water.

And the monster can contact the people in the city, and then let the people in the city go?
There is a certain kind of different breath in the middle.

Si Li Nan and Kuang Mie couldn't help but look at each other.


Kuang Mie suddenly raised his hand, condensed a pair of bloody hands, and grabbed Lu Shan.

This made Lu Shan startled, and quickly sprayed the 'sac on the cavity', wanting to leave.

While breathing, he opened his mouth and explained:

"My lord! It's not what you think!"

But the zombie man's hand was still holding him tightly.

Seeing that the animal claws were about to catch him.

In a hurry.

Lu Shan just put his wings on his chest, ready to expand.


An arm covered with corpse spots lay across Lu Shan's face, blocking the claws of the caught beast.

"Lu Binghua? What do you mean?"

Lu Binghua...?
cough cough...

……Good name…

Although I don't know why this Lu Binghua prevented Kuang Mie Mie from killing himself, but it was for this feeling.

I will give you a clean one when I have a chance in the future.

Facing Kuang Mie's questioning, the zombie man just raised the corner of his mouth and said happily:

"Kuang Mie, I'm sorry, this is my trophy..."

"What spoils!? I doubt it now! This chicken knows our plan! And has spread the news!"

plan! ?
What a plan! ?

Lu Shan was dumbfounded.

And this time.

Si Linan also turned his attention to Deacon Lu's face. Although he didn't say a word, the meaning was already obvious.

If it was just Kuang Mie's questioning, Deacon Lu didn't care.

But if Sirinan is added, it will be different.

Deacon Lu let out a breath through his nose, and said:

"Don't worry, the task is the most important thing, keep it, just want to know something."

Hear this.

Lu Shan was startled.

Knowing that Lu Binghua has no plans to keep herself alive.

I was looking for an opportunity to expand.

But suddenly.

A question flashed in his mind.

What are these three guys gathering here for?
Under the premise of such curiosity, and Lu Shan knew that Lu Binghua would not kill himself before he knew the news of the paper man walking.

He lowered the chicken feet from his chest.

Made a look of giving up resistance.

Seeing this, Si Li Nan didn't say anything, turned around, and said to Kuang Mie:

"In that case, let's get started."

Knowing that Si Li Nan didn't bother with this chicken, Kuang Mie could only snort coldly, and said:
"General, hundreds of the more than ten thousand monsters I brought have died today."

"It includes more than 360 General Qi Realm and four Pulse Builder Realm monsters."

Hearing this, Si Linan turned his gaze to Deacon Lu.

"What about Budu City?"

"The number of armed forces is unknown, but I have estimated that the number of casualties is about two to three times that of monsters." Deacon Lu replied.

Hear this.

Si Li Nan nodded and said:
"The number is basically enough for the first day."

"If every day in the next two days can be twice as large as the previous day, then the 'Blood Gathering Array' will be successful!"

"At that time..."

The latter words are not finished.

But Lu Shan could clearly feel that the hand holding his paw trembled unexpectedly.

It seems to be excited.

At this time, Kuang Mie suddenly said:


"The key to our plan lies in the stable development of the 'Extended Species'."

"I have a suggestion, whether it is possible to bury the 'Extended Seed' in advance, just in case."

"Aren't you afraid that the 'extended species' will mature early?" Lu Binghua raised her doubts.

Faced with doubts, Kuangsheng did not answer.

But this time, Si Li Nan pondered for a moment, and asked aloud:

"Are you worried that the 'Blood Gathering Formation' will be discovered by the monks in the city?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case..." Kuang Sheng said calmly:

"My experience tells me that poverty leads to change, and change leads to life."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Binghua frowned, seemed to understand something, and said bluntly:
"I am also in favor of planting in advance!"

"Can it be done?" Si Linan asked with a frown.

Lu Binghua nodded:
"As long as you can guarantee two times of Sun Moon Essence and Ten Thousand Jin Blood Dyeing, you'll be fine."

Receiving Lu Binghua's assurance, Si Linan thought for a while.

After all, he nodded.


The three set off at the same time, flew into the air, and then found a tricky angle.

Hiding his own aura, he plunged into the light-colored magic circle enveloping Budu City.

Through the circle.

The three landed on a dirt hill at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Shan looked around.

I saw many steles, as well as large and small soil bags behind the steles...

This is…

Lu Shan was surprised.


The zombie man took out some seeds from nowhere, threw a few seeds to Si Li Nan and Kuang Mie, and said:
"I'll go to Kunshen, Zhenjia, and Qianhai. Choose one of these two positions."

"Remember, the location must not be mistaken."

After Silinan and Kuang Mie looked at each other, they were speechless, and their figures suddenly dispersed.

In an instant, it disappeared in place.

The remaining zombie man calculated his position and waved his hand.

In an instant.

The few cemeteries in front of him were crushed into a big pit.


The zombie man threw a few seeds in his hand.

Cover the soil and tamp it down.

After all this last night, Lu Shan could feel the hand holding his chicken paw a little harder.

It seems that this seed is really important to him.

At this time.

It seemed that he remembered that he was still holding a big cock in his hand.

The zombie man raised his hand, lifted Lu Shan up, looked at the big rooster that was no different from poultry, and said:

"Taking advantage of this moment of Shouya."

"Chicken demon, you just heard so many secrets from me, do you have anything to say?"

"It's dead anyway, what can I say?" Lu Shan replied very bluntly.

Ever since he knew about Lu Binghua's plan, he had his own ideas.

"You don't want to know our plan?"


Lu Shan recalled the conversation these few people had just made without shy away from him.

What I can think of at the moment is that Kuang Mie's purpose of launching the Human-Monster War as soon as he came to power was to find out.

For that 'blood-gathering formation'...

Literally, it should be a formation that gathers blood or blood spiritual power.

What's the use of getting together?
Give that 'extended species' a bath?

Think of this.

Lu Shan frowned and asked:

"What is 'extended species'?"

"A kind of spiritual plant that can produce 'extending fruit'."

Yansheng fruit?
Lu Shan followed up and asked:

"What is 'Yanshengguo'?"


Facing this question, Lu Binghua still had a smile on her blush-smeared face.

Obviously, he didn't want to explain the efficacy of 'Yanshengguo' to Lu Shan.


Since this fruit is needed even by wild gorillas like Kuang Mie.

That is definitely a baby.

At this time.

Lu Binghua turned around.

"Chicken demon, do you want to live?"

"Think!" Lu Shan said without any concealment.

"As long as you tell me where the paper dolls in Xishan City are walking... I will not only keep you alive, but even after the plan is successful, I will consider giving you a taste of 'extended fruit'."

"Really!?" Lu Shan was surprised.

"Really!" Lu Binghua also had a joyful face.

"You put me down first, and I'll tell you later." Lu Shan made his request.

Looking at the big rooster hanging upside down in her hand, Lu Binghua still had that half-smile expression on her face, and said bluntly:
"Don't let go."


Has anyone traded like this?

Lu Shan, who had been hung upside down for so long, felt that his blood was rushing to his head.

If you don't want to let go, then don't force me!
next moment.

Lu Shan raised his leg, facing the zombie man's body with a 'triple-folded leg'!

Three blood-colored light blades directly slashed at the zombie man's body, still causing no harm.

Seeing this, Lu Shan still didn't believe in evil.

With the other chicken paw, he clasped the hand that was tied to his leg.

With the increase in skills, Lu Shan felt that several of his fingers were clasped tightly in the zombie man's arm.

With such a great force, the zombie man showed a strange expression, saying:

"The strength is good..."

"But it's still a little bit worse..."

Still a little bit worse?

Lu Shan raised the chicken's head and looked at the place where the paws were clasped.

Sure enough, his proud strength and chicken feet can only be buckled into the arm of this zombie man.

It does not have the effect of pulling the arm away.

Moreover, with bursts of black gas covering his chicken feet.

A strange force appeared on the tip of the chicken's claw, pushing his chicken's claw outward.

a few breaths.

Just put the whole chicken feet on the outside.

This trick doesn't work either!

Lu Shan released the 'stomping' and 'sacral capsule' again, and even released the 'corns' again, but did not detect any helpful information.


Lu Shan was about to flip the table.

But this time.

Looking at the slightly mocking face of the zombie man.

Furious, he simply hooked the zombie man's arm with his other paw, and after holding it firmly, he relied on his feet to straighten up his whole body.


Under the gaze of the zombie man.

Lu Shan pouted his butt, facing the zombie man's hand holding his leg.

'Scorching blood! '

'Kone! '

After opening two skills in a row.

Squeeze hard!

A piece of blood-stained poop sprayed out from Lu Shan's 'sac' like a flower.

The zombie man's arms, hands, body, face, and eyes were all stained with bloody poop.

Other parts are fine.

When Lu Shan's bloody stool was sprinkled, at most there would be faint traces of blue smoke, and there was no other response.

But when blood dripped into the zombie man's eyes.



A burst of violent smoke rose from the zombie man's eyes.



With a low growl, an expression of severe pain suddenly appeared on the zombie man's face.

Immediately, he moved his arms away and covered his eyes.

As for Lu Shan, at the moment he sent his hand away, the "bag on the chest" opened!


The jet energy generated in an instant pushed Lu Shan far away.


When it reaches a distance of tens of meters.

He looked back again.

It was found that the zombie man was still squatting there, roaring in pain.

Good guy.

It turns out that the eyes are the lifeblood of this guy.

But I also scanned my eyes when I scanned it before!
Why is it not displayed?

Could it be that the eyes are closed?
Lu Shan who came to this guess.

I thought about it.

He raised his leg and threw three bloody light blades at the zombie man.


When the bloody light blade hit the zombie man's back, there was still a "dang" sound.


Didn't they all hit the door?
Why is it still so hard?

Just when Lu Shan was surprised.

The zombie man, namely Lu Binghua, slowly stood up again.

Then, look up.

A face with distorted features was revealed.

Not exaggerating.

It's the really totally twisted kind.

The nose is flattened, the mouth is split, and the eyebrows hang down the cheeks.

There is even only one eye left.

Almost like zombies.


What the hell is this Nima Youfang Pavilion! ?
How did all these weird ghost things come out?
Lu Shan, who was a little weak, was thinking about what to do next.

Yet at this time.

The zombie man raised his arms and screamed.

next second.

The size of the zombie man swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It directly expanded to a height of nearly ten meters.

Depend on.

The unique ability 'Battle Body' of Yuan Dan Realm has been released.

This is starting to pervert?

See here.

Without saying a word, Lu Shan turned his head and ran away.

Open the 'sac on the cavity' to the maximum, and the body instantly disappeared over the cemetery.

And at the moment when the zombie man released the Yuan Dan skill.

Almost all the Yuandan realms in Budu City felt this strange breath of Yuandan realm...

(End of this chapter)

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