Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 170 Cumin Flavored 'Yansheng Fruit'

Chapter 170 Cumin Flavored 'Yansheng Fruit' (Please Subscribe!!!)

'Tiger' family.

Innate supernatural power: Xiaolang.

With a special vibration method of blood aura, it diffuses to the surroundings through sound.

This supernatural power has the ultimate concussion attack, and the attack can also have a shocking effect at the same time.

and so.

When the release of the 'Sword Tiger King' is over.

With it as the center, within a radius of tens of meters.

All humans and animals are destroyed.

Within a few hundred meters, all creatures stood in place, without moving for a long time.

And as the two most important monks who were attacked by this innate supernatural power.

The long-bearded monk is better, relying on the protection of amulets, amulets, and amulets.

Not much damage, just a little dizzy.

But the monk behind the 'Sword Tiger King' was not so lucky.

First, he was swept over his whole body by the shock of the 'Whistling Wave', he was injured and vomited blood, and at the same time he was shocked.

Cause the whole person to fall to the ground in the form of a natural fall.

And at this time.

'Sword Tiger King' appeared beside the monk.

He opened his giant mouth and bit down hard.


When the long-bearded monk regained his sobriety.

The monk he partnered with had already been swallowed by the 'Sword Tiger King'.

At this moment.

The long-bearded monk's face was extremely ugly.

Just one mistake, ruined a teammate.

Without the help of his teammates, how can he fight this mid-level 'Sword Tiger King' in the Yuan Dan Realm?

a time.

The long-bearded monk was a bit in a dilemma.

At this time.

'Sword Tiger King' attacked again.

In the state of a huge body, with an overwhelming momentum, he rushed towards the long-bearded monk.


Look at this threatening aura.

The long-bearded monk felt that he could not withstand the pounce of the 'Sword Tiger King' head-on.

In horror,

Yujian could only fly backwards.

The 'Sword Tiger King' that can be transformed into the body has a speed that surpasses the body of a demon.

Turn into the wind with your body.

a moment.

Then he chased after the long-bearded monk.

Seeing that the giant claw, which was bigger than his body, had already thrown himself in front of him.

In a hurry.

The long-bearded monk spread his spirit sword, trying to attack the eyes, heart and other important parts of the 'Sword Tiger King' to make the opponent retreat.


Facing fatal attacks.

'Sword Tiger King' had no intention of retreating at all.

Even if it's an injury for an injury.

Bloody appeared, and he wanted to slap everything he said.

This is indeed the case.

When the flying sword pierced the eye socket of 'Sword Tiger King'.

It just moved its head slightly, allowing its flying sword to pierce through the side.

Relying on the physical advantages of his own body, he forcibly resisted the sword.


'Sword Tiger King' slapped with anger.

But when he was about to slap the long-bearded monk on the face.

An incomparably muscular figure.

It was impressively lying on top of the long-bearded monk.

Then the figure raised its arms, and in a hedging posture, met the huge tiger claw head-on.


There was a muffled sound.

The strong and strong man was slapped away by Tiger Claw.

At a speed invisible to the naked eye, it was directly photographed on the city wall.

A cobweb-like crack several meters long and wide was shaken out of the city wall.

But relative.

The attack of the giant tiger claw was blocked like this.

This made the long-bearded monk a little surprised.

But it was only a blink of an eye.

The long-bearded monk directly sacrificed his sword light, and retreated tens of feet quickly.

At this time.

Only then did the long-bearded monk focus on the burly man who was photographed into the city wall.

After confirming the invitation, he said:

"Thank you Iron Gang Lord for your help!"

"Thank you, don't thank me! Kekeke!" Tiegeli's voice came from the city wall.

"Help me, just pull me out."

Facing this strong man who suddenly appeared.

'Sword Tiger King' didn't rush to make a move, but waited for the long-bearded monk to pull the strong man out.

Squinting his eyes, he said with a contemptuous smile:

"This seat is for who can take the claws of this seat with the flesh."

"It turned out to be Tie Geli, the hero who is known as Tie Luan, a friend of the railway."

"You are not staying in your territory, come to the city wall to find abuse?"

"I don't know if I'm looking for abuse or not." Tie Geli directly tore off the ragged clothes on his body.

Patting his strong muscles, he replied unceremoniously:
"But you fucking beat me up, it really hurts!"

Seeing that his slap did not cause any harm to Tiegeli.

'Sword Tiger King' complexion is also a little clouded down.

Squinting his eyes, he looked at Tiegeli:
"Tie Gang Leader, if you retreat now, I will let the monsters of Kuangsheng Mountain forget the past."

"After breaking the city, as long as they are members of your hero gang, they will not move."

"But if you now..."

Don't wait for 'Sword Tiger King' to finish speaking.

Tiegeli waved his hand directly and said impatiently:
"Do you want to fight!"

"Long-winded, like a bitch!"

As soon as these words came out, the 'Sword Tiger King' laughed back in anger:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Tiegeli, I want to see if your bones are as hard as your mouth!"

The words are closed, and the tiger's body moves suddenly.

The huge body moves through the air.

With the downward momentum above, fierce and furious, he rushed towards Tiegeli.


Feel the momentum of the tiger descending the mountain.

Tiegeli standing on the city wall did not give in, instead he soared into the air, rushed up and down!

This momentum shocked the long-bearded monks on the side.

Although he knew that Tie Geli's kung fu was based on rigidity versus rigidity.

The desperate kind.

But the scene in front of me is too rigid.

Aren't you afraid that you will never be too hard again, that you will never be hard again? !

Although some do not understand.

But the long-bearded monk still considered the friendly side, propped up the spirit sword, and recited the spirit mantra.

With the rise of his spell.

The surrounding spirit swords also raised their heads.

At this time.

The two figures in the sky collided together.


A crisp sound.

Tiegeli unexpectedly withstood the ferocious pounce of the 'Sword Tiger King'.

Although from the perspective of the long-bearded monk.

At this time, Tiegeli's seven holes were bleeding, but it was resisted after all.

And didn't take a step back.

He desperately resisted the pounced giant tiger.

This made the tiger wrestle in the air in a stalemate state.


The long-bearded monk took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of decision.

Then suddenly.

His face turned red, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the spirit sword.

Watching the spirit sword stained with blood.

The long-bearded monk immediately opened and closed a gesture, and at the same time sternly shouted:
"Spiritual method: Blood Shadow Sword!"


Drink it down.

The surface of the stained spirit sword flashed, and then moved at a strange frequency.

next second.

It disappeared in place, and flew out at a terrifying speed.


The flight pattern of this spirit sword has become completely different from before.

Up and down, left and right.

This kind of irregular and invisible swordsmanship.

Let the 'Sword Tiger King' in the fight be completely unable to resist.

He could only watch helplessly as the spirit sword pierced through its thigh, bringing out a large piece of flesh and blood.


This sudden sharp pain made the body of 'Sword Tiger King' tremble subconsciously.

But the body of a monster is different from the body of a human monk after all.

Even if a piece of flesh and blood half a person's height was brought out.

For 'Sword and Tiger King', it's not a big problem.

can be followed.

When 'Sword Tiger King' saw that strange spirit sword flying back again.

The word 'king' on the brow couldn't help but jump a bit.

Once or twice is no problem.

If the spirit sword keeps poking around like this.

Each poke takes away a piece of meat.

Who suffers?

Between thoughts.

This spirit sword flew towards the 'Sword Tiger King' again.

Looking at the direction, it was aiming at the arm, but it didn't fly for a while, a flicker, and the position changed again.

The changing positions make it impossible for the 'Sword Tiger King' to protect it.


Another sharp pain pierced through his body.

A piece of flesh half a person's height was taken out from the calf of the 'Sword Tiger King' by the flying sword.


The flesh and blood were flung onto the city wall.

Afterwards, the flying sword turned around again and stabbed towards the 'Sword Tiger King'.

this moment.

'Sword Tiger King' couldn't bear it any longer, and threw out the tiger's tail, and at the same time it hit Tiegeli.

The upper limbs were exerted instantly, and they broke free from the wrestling posture.


Tiegeli fell to the ground.

At this time, the 'Sword Tiger King' can draw out all his energy to face the elusive flying sword.

But at this time, everyone present.

Including 'Sword Tiger King' and the dozen or so monsters in the Pulse Builder Realm.

No one noticed.

All dead or wounded monks, soldiers or monsters.

The blood left on their bodies all seeped in along the cracks in the stone bricks of the city wall.

Follow the flow of blood.

At a depth of four or five meters below the city wall, there is a small magic circle with a diameter of about two meters.

Every drop of blood that flowed through the city wall and absorbed it came to this red-glowing magic circle.


Beside the magic circle, there was a pale man in a shroud, with two blush smeared on his face.

I saw his eyes staring straight at a red and white water drop in the center of the magic circle.

Silently waiting for something.

On the other side, inside the cemetery.

Lu Shan is still continuously providing blood aura for the seeds of the three pillars of 'Extended Fruit'.

Under his supply of blood aura and aura regardless of day or night.

At this time, the branches of 'Extensive Fruit' have entered another state.

That is, the lower branches stopped growing, and a green branch appeared on the head of the seed instead.

Slowly break through the soil and grow upwards.

Originally, Lu Shan wanted to make a move.

But considering the evil nature of this seed.

After thinking about it, I let it grow.

A while passed.

When the seedling broke through the soil, under Lu Shan's promotion, the branches of the three seeds were suddenly tied together.

Head to head, body to body, tightly intertwined.

That posture made Lu Shan, who had been educated by many teachers, amazed.

I don't know how the shoots on the ground are growing.

Lu Shan temporarily stopped the transmission of spiritual energy, came to the ground, and showed his chicken head for a look.

Good guy, on a branch composed of three branches, there is a green flower bud on the top.

On the branch, there is nothing but this flower bud.

It seems that the whole branch was born for this flower bud.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan was stunned.

But at this time.

There was a crack in the flower bone, and some light black smoke and dust came out from it.

After a while, the smoke floated into Lu Shan's nose.

His nose moved.

I miss it so much!

Lu Shan knew that the flower bone hadn't fully bloomed yet.

So he drilled back into the soil again and continued to deliver spiritual power to the seed.

Over time.

The flower buds of 'Yanshengguo' are getting bigger and bigger.

Naturally, the scent drifted farther and farther away.

Taste as a different and ordinary fragrance.

Everyone who smelled this smell was stunned.

Everyone was wondering what kind of smell it was.

And when the fragrance floats in the No.13 alley of Duma Street.

Rat Xiang Huang Yousheng, who was reviewing the exercises, suddenly stopped practicing the exercises, and then opened his eyes.

Look around warily.

Finger pinch curse.

a while.

There was no movement, but the fragrance was still there.

This inevitably made Huang Yousheng suspicious.

Could it be that his stupid apprentice is tossing some demon moth again?

Immediately, he untied the secret spell in the house and walked out from the house.

"Xixi! People! Come out! Xixi!"

Called several times, but there was no response from Xixi.

This made Huang Yousheng feel uncomfortable for a second, and immediately shouted:
"Come on!"

After a few breaths, a disciple trot in from outside, knelt down on one knee, and said:

"The disciple is here!"

"Where is Xixi?"

"Master, Elder Sister just went out to buy something."


What a mess in the city, and I went out to buy.

Huang Yousheng really didn't know what to say to his apprentice.

He sighed lightly, then frowned and asked:
"What is the reason for the fragrance in the courtyard today?"

"Master, the disciples are also wondering, but the fragrance is coming from outside, and the disciples dare not go out to investigate without the order of the master."

The disciple's straightforward answer left Huang Yousheng at a loss as to what to say.

I didn't get the news I wanted to know.

Huang Yousheng still waved his hand, telling the disciple to step back, and at the same time told the disciple to inform Xixi that she would come to him as soon as she came back.

Watching this disciple's silence leave.

Huang Yousheng put his mind on this inexplicable fragrance again.

Intense aroma, persistent.

It also smells appetizing.

It just smells too much and it seems to be quite offensive.

Thinking, Huang Yousheng rubbed his nose.


Something seemed to flash through his mind.

The whole person stood up from the table and chair at once.

"Come on!!!"

After drinking it, it was the same disciple who trotted in from outside the house just now.

"The disciple is here!"

"Bring over the [Different Species] from the Library Pavilion... No! I'll go by myself! Why are you going!"


The disciple was stunned, Huang Yousheng quickly walked out of the room.

As soon as he left the room, his figure flickered.

In an instant, it disappeared in place.

After a while.

Huang Yousheng found the book called "Alien Species" in the library.

Relying on memory, flipped to the back position.

watched for a while.

When he saw an introduction about 'Yanshengguo'.

The whole person stood there in a daze for an instant, muttering in his mouth:

"I see…"

"Ruthless, what a ruthless beauty..."

(End of this chapter)

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