Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 171 Do you want to rebel?

Chapter 171 Do you want to rebel? (Please subscribe!!!)
at the same time.

Huangsheng Street, the fourth alley.

This is the Chenxiang Tower, which is known as the city where gold never crosses.

In this building.

As long as you have money, you can do anything.

No matter what the customer's request is, what is the request.

Even if the customer is a chicken, the girls here can keep the chicken from crowing comfortably the next day.

And in today's Chenxiang building.

Because of the war, it was much quieter.

There were very few guests.

At this time, in a box upstairs.

A well-built man is playing a singing game with five charming girls who still have charm.

The voice is sometimes crisp, sometimes tactful, and sometimes pleasant.

Such a different game made countless passing girls blushed upon hearing it.

Yet at this time.

The door to the upstairs room was suddenly thrown open.

A big man in disheveled clothes came out from inside.

At this moment, the big man's face was serious.

He didn't even care about the several soft calls lying in the room behind him.

Just leave a gold ingot.

In the next second, it disappeared from the sight of Yingyan.

After half an hour.

The big man came to the roof of a high-rise building neatly dressed.

At this time, there was already a pale man in shroud standing on the roof.

"Deacon Lu, what's going on?" Si Linan stepped forward, stood beside the man in shroud, and asked:
"Why does 'Yanshengguo' enter the mature state ahead of time?!"

The man in shroud did not answer Si Linan's question, but stood still and murmured:

"It shouldn't be..."

"It's only been a day and a half, and the power of the moon yin on the second day has not yet come..."

"How could it be possible to mature early?"

"It shouldn't be..."

"What shouldn't be!" Si Linan said with a face full of anger:
"The facts are right there!"

"'Yanshengguo' is ripe ahead of schedule!"


Face the fact that this has emerged.

Lu Binghua still had a look of disbelief, and said bluntly:
"According to the records in this sect secret, the 'extended fruit' is planted in a dead place, bears the sun and the moon for two times, and absorbs the spirit of death before it can... bear fruit..."

Speaking of this, Lu Binghua seemed to understand something, turned around, stared at Si Linan and asked:
"Your Excellency, General, are you sure that there are no monks above Yuandan Realm buried in this cemetery?!"

"Whose family's Yuan Danjing will choose to be buried in the cemetery?" Si Linan's words were full of sarcasm.

Lu Binghua was taken aback by this answer.

Then he nodded and murmured again:

"Yes! Which Yuandan realm would bury itself in such a place?"

"Unless it's incognito..."

Speaking of this.

Lu Binghua was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned bitter.

"There really won't be such a monk..."

Seeing that Lu Binghua has been struggling with the reason.

Silinan, who smelled the fragrance getting stronger, couldn't help but shouted in a low voice:
"What is the origin of the entanglement now! Can you think about it, what should be done to ensure the normal ripening of the 'Yanshengguo'?!"

"Normal maturity..."

Lu Binghua thought for a moment, gritted her teeth, and replied:
"Let Kuang Mie launch a general attack as soon as the hour of tonight is over!"

"Be sure to gather all three layers of blood array crystals before sunrise."

"Otherwise, the 'extended fruit' that is not soaked in blood is highly poisonous if eaten!"

After half an hour.

After the monsters received the order to retreat.

Under the leadership of the three Yuan Dan Realm kings, they rushed out of the city one by one.

Outside the city at this time.

Kuang Mie stood in the air, standing above the jungle.

He stared straight ahead blankly.

At this time.

Kuang Mie seemed to feel something.

Pulling out a piece of yellow paper from his waist, he looked down.

I saw some words suddenly appearing on the rough surface of the yellow paper.

After Kuang Mie read the text, the expression on his face changed slightly.

Slightly squinting eyes.

After a moment of silence, he put the yellow paper away again.

this will.

A flaming yellow figure suddenly came in front of Kuang Mie.

"My lord, I don't know why you have to withdraw troops early!?"

"Give it another hour, and the little ones will be able to take down the entire east city wall!"

"Take it?" Kuang Mie cocked his mouth, looked at the scarred Yuandan Realm tiger in front of him, shook his head lightly, and said:

"I'll give you another two hours and you won't be able to take it."

"It's impossible! I've already..."

Before the 'Sword Tiger King' finished speaking, another figure flew over from the left and right sides at a high speed.

Take a closer look.

It is the 'Three-tailed Rat King' and the 'Pig Cow King'.

Although the two of them didn't look as embarrassed as the 'Sword Tiger King', they still had quite a few injuries on their bodies.

But that's it.

The two of them came to Kuang Mie excitedly.

"Your Majesty! Why do you want to withdraw your troops!?"

Same question, same question.

Seeing the three monsters in the Yuan Dan realm look very angry.

Kuang Mie narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a very soft tone:
"You guys, are you trying to rebel?"

As Kuang Mie's voice fell, the eyes of the face on its abdomen suddenly opened.

He stared straight at the three monsters in front of him.

These words made the monsters at the Pulse Builder Realm who followed behind hear them, and the sensible ones immediately took a few steps back.

The mindless one was also pulled back many steps by the monsters on the side.

I left the field here and left it for these four Yuandan realm monsters.

a time.

The atmosphere became very delicate.

a while.

'Three-tailed Rat King' suddenly covered his stomach in pain, and said:

"Ouch ouch ouch!"

"Stomach hurts, stomach hurts."

"It must be that those who just ate did not take a shower."

"Ouch, my lord, I'm going to excrete first."

"Oh, no, I can't walk anymore."

"Little Tiger, Lao Niu, help me, help me..."


Cannibalism ruined the stomach?
The 'Pig Ox King' was taken aback by surprise at first, then he understood something, cupped his hands at Kuang Mie, and said in a muffled voice:
"Your Majesty, this subordinate will leave."

Seeing that 'Sword Tiger King' didn't make any moves.

The 'Three-tailed Rat King' clutching his stomach stretched out his hand to pull the waist of the 'Sword Tiger King'.

this will.

Only then did the 'Sword Tiger King' cup his hands at Kuang Mie with an unhappy expression on his face.

After that, they supported the 'Three-tailed Rat King' together, turned around and flew behind.

But it took only two steps to fly.

The sound of madness sounded behind them.

"I know you have resentment."

"So, I'll give you a chance."

"At midnight tonight, we will attack."

"If you can't take down the city, come see me with your head up."


Lu Shan, who was underground, didn't know that because of his behavior, the rhythm of the monsters' siege was changed.

At this time, he was still breathing for the 'Yansheng Guo', while thinking about the food with cumin as seasoning.


Cumin Roast…

Cumin Chicken Wings…

chicken... wings...

bah bah bah.

Cumin Duck Wings…

Think for a while.

The saliva couldn't stop flowing down.

Then he sucked it back with a "snap".

that's it.

The longer Lu Shan spends his breath, the more intense the cumin fragrance will be on it.

In the end, Lu Shan felt a feeling of being soaked in a cumin pot.

smell good…


A sneeze woke up Lu Shan who was still dreaming.

At this time.

Lu Shan suddenly discovered that the rhizomes on the seeds in front of him had already begun to wither.

The rhizomes start to shrink from the link in place of the coffin.

When Lu Shan noticed something, one of them had shrunk in front of him.

This is…

Are you going to mature! ?
Lu Shan's heart moved.

Thinking of such a precious thing is just like this, which is how I was born into success by myself.

That kind of excitement can't be expressed in words at all.

So with curiosity and excitement.

He stopped to breathe, and then slowly climbed his body up.

Little by little, the chicken head was unearthed.

look up.

it's getting dark.

It is estimated that this should be the beginning of the second month.

Looking back, I looked at 'Yanshengguo'.


At this time, the flower bud has completely split open, revealing a black fruit the size of an apple inside.

But when Lu Shan looked past the flower bone.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling met him.

"So you're here..."

I'm not here!
Without saying a word, Lu Shan retracted the chicken head back to the ground.


Turn your head and dig in the direction outside the mountain.

While digging, Lu Shan felt an indescribable pressure suddenly hit his body!
Another gravity-type technique?

Lu Shan still remembered that the last time he was in Kuangsheng Mountain, he was pressed to the ground with this trick by Kuangsheng King, unable to move.

Now this time, judging from the direction of the force, it was obvious that he was going to pull his body up!

Pull a ghost!
I am no longer the chicken at the initial level of the Pulse Establishment Realm!
Labor is now...

Yet at this time.

A pair of ghost hands suddenly appeared beside Lu Shan.

Since this is underground, it is surrounded by soil obstacles.

When Lu Shan discovered something, the ghost hand pinched him completely in its claws like catching a chicken.

Feel the rotten power in the ghost's hand.

Lu Shan couldn't help but struggle.

The next moment.

His body was brought out from the ground by ghost hands.

Just unearthed.

The man in the shroud was like a dead man, standing on a tombstone where a husband and wife were buried together, staring straight at Lu Shan.

"You're pretty smart."

"I know how to use the dead energy of 'Yanshengguo' to cover up the traces."

"But does it work?"

The shroud man raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and said:
"Now there are two questions."

"If you can tell me, then I can still consider giving you a taste of 'Yanshengguo'."

Faced with these words, Lu Shan looked down at the ghost claws around him.

After trying his strength, he remained silent for a moment, raised his head, and asked:

"What do you think."

"First, tell me, where is the paper body of Xishan City?"

are you crazy!

I've been wondering what that paper man is doing?
Is your wife?
Lu Shan snorted lightly and said nothing.


Lu Binghua narrowed her eyes, and said again:

"Second, tell me, what have you done to the 'Yanshengguo' seeds these two days?"

fuck it.

Old Chicken What can I do with a seed?
day it?

He tui!

Lu Shan raised his mouth and spit out bloody phlegm at the root of the ghost's hand.

In an instant.

The ghost hand actually made a "呲呲" sound.


The ghost hand pinching Lu Shan suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated.


'Scorching blood' yyds!

Then at the moment of landing.

Lu Shan ran away, and at the same time opened the 'sac on the cavity' to the maximum.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the possibility that the blood aura could provoke the soldiers in the city.

It's a full run.

But before he could run far, several ghost hands stood in front of him.

See here.

Lu Shan followed the gourd painting and spit out a few mouthfuls of bloody phlegm again.

Just like just now.

Several ghost hands were directly scattered in the air by the mouthfuls of bloody phlegm.

Seeing so.

Lu Binghua didn't say much, and raised her hand again.

a time.

Dozens of ghost hands grabbed Lu Shan in three directions like a tide.

This Nima.

Lu Shan just wanted to use blood phlegm to open the way again.

But seeing so many ghost hands, he said a word in anger.

Quickly pierce the chicken feet.

Rotate, turn over, use your own blood to stain the claws.

'Three stacked legs! '

In an instant!
Several bloody light blades stained with chicken blood appeared from the tip of Lu Shan's claws, and slashed at the surrounding ghost hands.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

A moment of effort.

There were dozens of ghost hands on three sides, and they were cut off in the air like this.

this will.

That weird voice came from behind Lu Shan.

"It turned out to be a problem with your blood."

"Who is Posha?"

Lu Shan didn't want to explain anything to this dead face.

Although he knew that the weak point of this dead face was the eyes, he was not sure whether the other two Yuandan realms were around.

In case of a fight.

The other two suddenly appeared.

Wouldn't that still be rubbing against the ground?
with it.

Might as well turn around and run.

Just find a chance to cut it in the future.

So Lu Shan still ran all the way.

But as he ran, he realized something was wrong.

Why have you been running for so long and still haven't run out of this graveyard?
Should not be!

Lu Shan didn't think too much, and increased the exhaust gas level again.

With the help of the 'supraluminal sac'.

Lu Shan directly started the low-altitude jet flight.

"call out!!!"

The powerful air wave lifted a lot of dirt.

But oddly enough.

Under such a powerful blast, not a single tombstone was blown down, not even crooked.

At this time.

Lu Shan found something was wrong.

Immediately stopped his figure, stood at a low altitude, and scanned his surroundings.

Not far behind his body.

A tombstone where a husband and wife were buried together immediately attracted his attention.

Isn't this the one where the dead face was standing just now?

Why have you been running for a long time and are still in place! ?
Ghost hit the wall! ?

Just when Lu Shan was shocked.

A bright red corner of the clothes appeared in Lu Shan's vision.

It still falls on the tombstone where the husband and wife were buried together.

It was still the pale, dead face with blush on it.

"Hoo hoo, finally found something wrong?" Lu Binghua laughed like fingernails scratching glass.

Hearing this laughter, Lu Shan turned around and frowned:

"No." Lu Binghua shook her head and said with a smile:
"This is the 'Spirit Formation'."

"Originally, I just wanted to hide the vision of the 'extended fruit' ripening."

"I didn't expect that it just happened to seal you, this little thing."

"What a surprise..."

Looking at this, she almost laughed into the mouth of the slit girl.

Lu Shan suddenly realized something.

With a strange expression on his face, he raised his eyebrows and asked:

"You mean, this formation can block the sight of outsiders?"

 Wipe, it was reviewed again.

  Deleted several paragraphs!

(End of this chapter)

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