Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 210 I am a Positive Chicken!

Chapter 210 I am a Positive Chicken! (Please subscribe!!!)

"Master! Master! Master!"

Tian Xiaorou and Zhao Jiajia supported Qingliu and called Mu Wanliu's name as soon as she entered the door.

This made Mu Wanliu, who was resting with her eyes closed, open her eyes suspiciously.

But when she saw the pale, bloodless Qingliu.

Immediately got up, the figure flashed.

Come to Qingliu.

Bear finger, feel pulse.

"Spiritual vein loss."

"The meridian is chaotic."

"The dantian is empty."

"Did you use a spiritual method across the border?"

Facing the master's question, Qingliu explained with a miserable face:

"No idea…"


"The opponent has four 'ghost chiefs'..."

'Ghost leader'?
Mu Wanliu's expression changed, and after stuffing a pill into Qingliu's mouth, she said in a deep voice:
"Tell me in detail what happened when you went out..."


In the next half an hour.

The three girls told each other one sentence at a time, and finally completed the whole sequence of events.

At this time.

Mu Wanliu suddenly asked Tian Xiaorou:
"Xiao Rou, you said that you smelled a special fragrance when you got off the carriage?"

"Then the body followed the scent uncontrollably?"

Tian Xiaorou nodded.

Then Mu Wanliu turned her attention to Zhao Jiajia.

"You said that you were guarding the stairs and were attacked by many strong men with very strange martial arts skills?"

Zhao Jiajia also nodded.

Finally, Mu Wanliu looked at Qingliu.

"You said that the other party didn't want to argue with you, but when they heard that you were going to take Xiaorou away, they immediately killed you?"

"Yes, Master!" Qing Liu asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"I don't even understand, why do you want to catch Xiaorou, a girl who is in a good mood..."

Mu Wanliu also didn't quite understand.

thought for a moment.

Suddenly thought of something, said in a deep voice:
"I understand."

For a moment, the eyes of the other three girls were all focused on their master.

"No.15 king, Zhao Liao, 53 years old, high-level cultivation in the Yuan Dan realm."

"From the news, it can be concluded that there are at least two sects behind it."

"One of them is the 'puppet door'."

"And the Puppet Sect has a well-known evil cultivation method called [Juling]."

"After the cultivation is completed, you can have the cultivation level of the peak of the same level."

"It's almost as powerful as a monster of the same level."

"But if you want to practice this evil method, there is a very important prerequisite."

Speaking of this, Mu Wanliu's voice paused, she turned her gaze to Tian Xiaorou, and said:
"Those who need to gather all the spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements should absorb all the spiritual roots of these people into themselves through the roller."

"Combine to form five elements of spiritual roots, and make breakthroughs to form five elements of spiritual infants."

"This kind of method is almost evil, and it has been banned by most sects."

"Only a small number of evil cultivators like to try to collect children with various high-attribute spiritual roots for cultivation."

Speaking of which.

Tian Xiaorou couldn't help but questioned:
"Master! What will happen to those who have absorbed their spiritual roots?"

Mu Wanliu shook her head lightly.

The meaning expressed is self-evident.

This made both Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou feel an indescribable panic.

Mu Wanliu also knew how her two apprentices were feeling.

Didn't say much, just sighed, said:
"The essence of the world of cultivating immortals is actually like this."

"For the sake of strength, I will use all means to do many harmful things."

"I'm telling you this today as a teacher, I just hope that you can stick to your own hearts."

"Don't be misled by this trend."

Sensing the good intentions in Mu Wanliu's words, Qingliu immediately said:
"Don't worry, master!"

"We're definitely not going to be like that."

Qingliu's words were immediately echoed by Tian Xiaorou and Zhao Jiajia.

"That's right! Master! Don't you know what we are like!"

"That's right!"

Looking at the three girls who swear by it, Mu Wanliu smiled and said:


"Don't be rude."

"Now, Jiajia stays."

"Qingliu, Xiaorou, the two of you take the token of the eldest princess and go to Yueche Palace to seek the protection of the eldest princess for a few days."

"Why?" Qing Liu asked incomprehensibly.

"Because it's not over yet."

Speaking of this.

There was a bit of cruelty on Mu Wanliu's cold face.

"Perhaps it's just the beginning."


Yueche Palace.


Lu Shan sat on a wicker chair like an old man.

Pushed by a maid behind her, the rattan chair swayed back and forth.

In front of him, there was a servant girl half kneeling, slowly picking the orange, and then stuffing the orange pulp into his mouth.

sour and sweet.

Juicy and thick.

Coupled with the natural wind brought by the rattan chair shaking, the maiden's fragrance of the maid who carried it hit her face.

This feeling.

Counting from the previous life, until now.

Never before.

This dog big family life!
Luxurious and lustful!
Paper drunk gold fan!

Corrode my positive heart!


It's so cool!

Lu Shan opened his mouth again, like a young eagle waiting to be fed, opened his chicken beak, and swallowed the handed grape pulp in one gulp.


He also used his chicken beak to rub against his delicate hands twice.

People almost screamed out in fright.

The appearance of the pale face.

Even a perverted Lu Shan felt extremely perverted.

Can't help but want to do something more perverted.

But at this time.

Someone is coming outside the door.

Lu Shan looked sideways.

Tian Xiaorou?
clear stream?

Why are these two girls here?

Lu Shan frowned.

At this time.

Tian Xiaorou also saw the rooster on the wicker chair beside the garden in the yard.

Walked over happily.

Then, in front of the two maids, she picked up the cock and rubbed it in her arms.

This frightened the two maidservants next to her.

This is a monster.

A talking chicken demon that can eat people.

To be hugged and rubbed by a girl much younger than them.

Isn't she afraid of danger? !
While the two servant girls were shocked, Lu Shan's face was black.

It was hard to cultivate this kind of aura that monsters have in front of others.

I haven't had time to take these two maids to the corner to play poker!

The image is so fucking destroyed.

Damn girl!

"Chicken! I haven't seen you for a few days! You miss me!"

Lu Shan didn't want to talk to her.

What right does a ten-year-old girl who has not yet developed make me miss her?

At this time.

The door in the yard suddenly opened.

The strong woman Xiaoruo came out of the house, glanced at Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou, and said:
"Your Highness is unwell, and it is inconvenient to receive you."

"But Your Highness already knows the purpose of your visit."

Speaking of which.

The strong woman said to the maid pushing the rattan chair:
"Xiaomeng, go and arrange a wing room for the two of you to stay in."


The maid named Xiaomeng cupped her hands at the strong woman, then timidly said to Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou:

"You two please follow me."

I got sick?
Tian Xiaorou turned her eyes to Qingliu suspiciously.

"Senior sister, His Royal Highness the eldest princess is ill."

"Will Yuan Dan Realm monks get sick too?"

Although Qingliu knew it was strange, but after all, how old was Tian Xiaorou.

Emotionally more stable.

She shook her head, signaling to wait and see what happened.

And Tian Xiaorou seems to have forgotten that Lu Shan is a talking monster.

Just like that, holding Lu Shan in his arms, he followed the maid all the way to a side room.

open the door.

The maid Xiaomeng saluted lightly.

"This is the guest room, you two can call me directly if necessary."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at the back of the maid Xiaomeng leaving.

Tian Xiaorou asked with some doubts:

"Senior sister, why do I feel that they are so strange?"

"It seems to be very afraid of us."

Hearing this, Lu Shan couldn't bear it anymore, opened his mouth and joked:
"Yes, everyone is afraid of you."

"I'm not even afraid of monsters anymore, I'm afraid of a little girl like you."

hear this voice.

Tian Xiaorou said 'ah' and let out a silly laugh.

"I'm sorry, Chicken Cub, I forgot that you are a monster..."

Qingliu couldn't help rolling his eyes at this simple and honest appearance.

Walked into the room first.

Then Tian Xiaorou hugged the little rooster and walked into the house together.

Wait until the door is closed.

Qingliu then set her eyes on the rooster in Tian Xiaorou's arms.

"What's the matter, Your Royal Highness?"

"Really hurt?"


Lu Shan jumped out of Tian Xiaorou's arms, stood on the table, and said:

"His Royal Highness is indeed not feeling well."

"But the specific reason, I can't say yet."

As he spoke, Lu Shan glanced around with indicative eyes.

The clever Qingliu immediately understood what was going on.


No questioning.

But Tian Hanhan is not so smart.

Seeing the little rooster shaking its head non-stop, he opened his mouth in doubt and asked:

"What's the matter, Chick, are you not feeling well?

"Do you want mom to help you look at your body?"



at the same time.

Outside the building of Han Yuan Building.

Suddenly a large number of heavily armed soldiers appeared.

In a very short period of time, the entire Hanyuan building was filled with water.

"Yu Lingjun is doing business, idlers avoid it!"

"Yu Lingjun is doing business, idlers avoid it!"

"Yu Lingjun is doing business, idlers avoid it!"

He shouted three times in a row, driving the surrounding crowd to a farther position.

Only two people came out from among the soldiers and walked all the way to the door of Hanyuan Building.

At this time.

One of the brocade-clothed men cupped his hands at the general at the side and said:
"Commander Chen, please."

And the general known as Commander Chen turned his hand politely and said:
"His Royal Highness, you are welcome."


The commander surnamed Chen took two steps forward, stood at the door of the Hanyuan Building, and said in a deep voice:

"Yu Lingjun captures Youfang Pavilion monster!"

"Also please everyone in the building don't resist!"

"Cooperate with the inspection!"

this will.

A muscular woman dressed in colorful clothes suddenly walked out of the gate of Hanyuan Building.

About seven feet tall, with a thick waist and broad legs.

He was also carrying a mace-shaped weapon on his arm, lying across the door of the store, and said coldly:
"Hanyuan Building is the private property of the tenth king, King Ji."

"Have you got permission from King Ji to search for people in the Yuling Army?!"

Hear this.

The commander surnamed Chen arched his hands towards the sky and said:

"The king is the greatest."

"Give the Yuling Army the task of thoroughly investigating all Youfangge party members in the royal city."

"Naturally, supervising the order of the king is the most important thing."

"Even if it is the private property of the first king, how is it compared to my king?"

When the commander surnamed Chen came up, he used Wang Zhiyi to suppress him, which made the burly woman's face very gloomy.

But she didn't seem to be overwhelmed by this righteousness, still carrying the mace, standing at the door without moving.

a time.

The scene just froze here.

At this time.

The No.15 king Zhao Liao standing behind him suddenly took two steps forward, stood shoulder to shoulder with the commander surnamed Chen, and said:

"Hua Youque, do you really want to disobey the king's orders?"


As King Liao's voice fell, all the surrounding soldiers swung their weapons forward.

The uniform voice filled the surroundings with evil spirits.

But despite this, the strong female warrior with a mace still stood at the door.

Not even the expression on his face changed.

Seeing that a conflict is about to break out here.


A message flying talisman landed in front of Hua Youque, a strong woman.

She reached out and clicked the flying talisman.

After staring at it, his entire brow furrowed.

And his brows furrowed more and more.

In the end, her entire brow was wrinkled into a big word 'Chuan'.

a while.

She snorted reluctantly.

Then, resisting the mace, he hammered hard at the door.


In an instant!
A round pit with a diameter of nearly five or six meters was hammered out in this way.

After hammering, wait for the smoke to clear.

"Search and search!"

"Who dares to break something of my old lady!"

"Don't even think about getting out alive!"


Hua Youque lifted the mace, turned around and walked towards the shop.

Looking at the big hole in front of him, King Liao's face was a little ugly.

A high-ranking servant of the Yuan Dan Realm dared to threaten him face-to-face with a high-ranking king?
But it's just a matter of breathing.

Zhao Liao's face returned to normal, instead he smiled and cupped his hands at the general surnamed Chen, saying:

"Excuse me, Commander Chen."

The commander surnamed Chen nodded understandingly, then raised his hand, and gave instructions to the soldiers behind him to enter.

next moment.

Dozens of hundreds of soldiers poured into the gate of Han Yuan Building like a file.

The commander surnamed Chen also walked in together later.


Under the intentional guidance in advance, the commander surnamed Chen and the soldiers went straight to room No. [-] of that day.

But when they came to the door of Tianzi No. [-] room.

A light blue spiritual formation visible to the naked eye suddenly blocked them.

Soldiers, look at me, and I look at you.

After all, there was still a soldier, holding a long sword, and stabbing towards the magic circle.


The long sword seemed to be pierced by oil, and it slid away with a 'squeak'.

Seeing this is not enough.

The soldier raised his sword and slashed at him.


There is still no way to cause any, a little bit of damage to this magic circle.

The other soldiers met.

Those who didn't believe in evil used their own soldiers to attack the film.

still the same.

Nothing hurts.

At this time.

The commander surnamed Chen came over.

Stare at this circle.


He raised the knife in his hand, charged up his strength, and slashed at the magic circle.

A knife.


Two knives.


Three knives, four knives, five knives...

The commander surnamed Chen did not know how many times he was hacked.

The film of the magic circle was still intact, not even a knife mark.

Seeing so.

Commander Chen couldn't sit still.

Switch hands, hold the knife in both hands, and start to charge in a strange posture.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers retreated one after another.

Because they know.

Their leader is about to amplify his moves.

But at this time.

The door behind the film suddenly opened.

A slender figure appeared...

"Commander Chen Wei, Master is here to invite..."

(End of this chapter)

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