Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 211 Ornamental Chicken or Horse Killing Chicken?

Chapter 211 Ornamental Chicken or Horse Killing Chicken? (Please subscribe!!!)

Chen Wei paused.

He stopped accumulating power in his hand.

"Who is your master?"

The slender figure didn't answer, but waved his hand lightly, opened the circle with a gap wide enough for one person, and said to Chen Wei:
"You will know when you come in."

Judging by this gesture, it was obvious that he was letting him in alone.

Chen Wei thought for a moment.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, bit the bullet, and said:

"You wait here for me."

After speaking, he stepped into the crack alone.

Just got in.

The cracks in the magic circle were restored to their original state.

See here.

Knowing that he had no way out, Chen Wei took a deep breath, tidied up his clothes, strode forward, and followed the figure.

Go through the corner.

When Chen Wei came to the inner room, he suddenly saw a cold and beautiful woman, eyes closed, sitting cross-legged on a table and stool by the window.

It looks like he should be meditating.

"Master." Zhao Jiajia said to Mu Wan:

"Commander Chen Wei brought it."

Hearing the sound, Mu Wanliu slowly opened her eyes, looking straight at the man in the commander's armor.

Chen Wei's mind was shocked by this pair of eyes looking straight up.

That aura far surpassed his own made him freeze in place.

As if in a vortex, constantly sinking downwards.

Just when Chen Wei thought he was about to get lost.

A shock made him regain his mind in an instant.

At this moment.

Only then did Chen Wei understand what kind of existence he was facing.

baby change environment.

And it is also a baby-changing environment with special abilities.

The cultivation base is at least the middle stage of Baby Transformation Realm.

Such a person is not an idle person in any place.

Therefore, Chen Wei looked at this woman respectfully, clasped his fists and saluted and said:
"The Seventh Army of the Feather Spirit Army, Chen Wei, pay my respects to senior."


The cold woman in front of him didn't respond to his words, but just looked at him quietly.

This made Chen Wei feel the pressure.

And with the passage of time, the pressure is increasing.

It's just a dozen breaths.

Chen Wei, who had the strength of Yuan Dan Realm's initial level, was frightened into a cold sweat.

Seeing that this continues is not a problem.

Chen Wei resisted the pressure, and bowed respectfully to the woman in front of him.

"The Seventh Army of the Feather Spirit Army, Chen Wei, pay my respects to seniors."

This time.

Mu Wanliu responded.

"Commander Chen Wei, I don't know what's the matter with the commander leading the troops here?"

"is for…"

Having said that, Chen Wei suddenly reacted to something, changed the subject, and said:
"Someone reported that there is a monster hiding in Youfang Pavilion in this building..."

"So, you think I'm the protector of Youfang Pavilion?"

Mu Wanliu's voice was calm, but Chen Wei could clearly feel the energy contained in the calmness.

Quickly explained:
"No, no, senior, your aura is stable, and your aura is upright."

"It definitely won't be the demon from Youfang Pavilion."

"Also, it is said that this demon is not very old by visual inspection, so it should be caused by a spiritual replacement..."

Not very old?
Mu Wanliu looked up at Zhao Jiajia, suddenly realized something, and said with a cold snort:

"I'm afraid it's the Liao king downstairs who reported it?"

These straightforward words made Chen Wei's face suddenly a little embarrassed.

Stuck for a long time, did not say a word.

Perhaps seeing Chen Wei's embarrassment, Mu Wanliu didn't continue the topic, but changed the topic and said:
"Go back and talk to King Liao."

"The 'Youfang Pavilion demon' he wants to find is my apprentice, let him come up to me if he wants to."

An obvious threat.

Chen Wei didn't dare to say anything, but he still remembered that the purpose of this trip was to gather information.

So he asked respectfully again:

"What the senior taught is."

"Just can you tell me the origin of the senior..."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to explain the young general when I go back..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jiajia was about to reprimand something, but was stopped by Mu Wanliu's hand.

Then, she looked at the promising man in front of her, and said softly:
"My identity..."

"Meishan Sect, the owner of Meiling Mountain, Mu Wanliu."


into the night.

Lu Shan sat between the two girls in a daze.

Originally, he thought he could sleep with Qingliu Xiaonizi.

In the middle of the night, I quietly passed the handle addiction.

What the hell.

What he never expected was.

These two girls, Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou, don't sleep at night!

As soon as I go to bed, I meditate and practice!

Is it necessary to be so serious?

Do you want to go straight to the sky? ?
Lu Shan sat between the two of them for a long time annoyed.

until midnight.

The two girls just finished their exercises, said good night to each other, and slowly fell asleep in bed.

Waited for a while.

Wait until the two girls have made a steady breathing sound that is light or heavy.

Only then did Lu Shan sit up quietly, and slowly came to Qingliu's side.

Through that loose collar.

Lu Shan saw the white cliff.

Like a black hole, it completely sucked his gaze in.

Can't help it.

Lu Shan slowly stretched out his wings towards the canyon.

But it could be seen that the wings were about to touch it.

A sudden 'click' came from the roof.


Don't come sooner or later, why don't you come now!

An angry Lu Shan raised his head and cast a fiery gaze on the source of the sound on the roof.


His figure disappeared in place.


Lu Shan's figure appeared on the roof.

The roof at this time.

Three black shadow people are gathering together, Yun Gong is doing something.

Judging from their actions.

There is a high probability that they are forming an array.

A magic circle similar to a prison is arranged.

See here.

Lu Shan didn't bother them.

Instead, stand in a dark place, where the moonlight cannot reach.

Keep the inner inspiration to a minimum.

Quietly waiting in place.

a while.

After waiting for a faint film of light to wrap the whole room in.

Lu Shan stretched out his wings and touched the light film.

A little soft and a little slippery.

Like a girl.

It just smells a bit unpleasant.

A little fishy smell.

Maybe the girl went swimming in the sea.

But these are not problems.

Lu Shan stretched out his wings mainly to test the quality of this light film.

Don't get stabbed before anything happens.

Wouldn't it be in vain to wait for so long?

At this time.

The three shadow men on the roof not far away started to collect their nets.

Then one by one, like spiders, walked back and forth on the roof.


If Lu Shan hadn't put something on the roof in advance, I'm afraid I wouldn't really feel the presence of people on the roof.

As for why he put things.

I still learned from the words of the eldest princess.

Someone has developed a strong interest in Tian Xiaorou, and it's still the kind of interest that can't be stopped if you don't get it.

This is why Lu Shan temporarily followed the two girls.

Otherwise, it's like Lu Shan.

When he was young, he didn't know Zhao Xi's goodness, and mistook Xiao Rou for Bao's character.

There is a high probability that he will go to sleep with the eldest princess at night.

Isn't the salty taste more fragrant than the green one?


Just when Lu Shan was muttering.

A small bug flew to his side.

Instinctively, Lu Shan subconsciously pecked at the bug.

"Beep" sound.

All of a sudden, the three shadow men were shocked.

next second.

I saw the three shadow figures suddenly flashed.

Changing its direction, it attacked Lu Shan's standing position.

"Bah ah ah!"

Lu Shan rubbed his tongue with his wings in disgust.

And this time.

The three black-colored shadow men had already arrived in front of him.

Raising the knife, sword, and owl in his hand, he attacked him.

That speed, that technique, that state of mind.

There is no slack at all because the enemy is a chicken.

Look at this posture.

Lu Shan doubts.

If a mouse climbed the wall and caused the commotion, I'm afraid it will face such a scene.


Lu Shan lowered his head, accumulating energy.

next moment.

Three crescent-shaped light blades appeared from Lu Shan's feet, and met three different shadow figures with lightning speed.

And those three shadow men obviously didn't expect a chicken to be much faster than them.

In a daze, the crescent-shaped light blade flew in front of him.

Subconsciously raised the weapon in his hand.


"Boo! Bass! Bass!" three times

The three shadow men were cut open, along with their weapons and bodies.


A lot of blood and minced meat fell on the roof of the house, making a 'slapping' sound.


Three streaks of golden light rose from the pieces of meat and flew around.

Due to the high speed, Lu Shan could only swallow the nearest golden light.

As for the other two.

As soon as it flew into the air, it suddenly hit something, and it disappeared in an instant.

[System prompt]: Successfully killed (three) human beings at the elementary level of Yuandan Realm, and obtained 36000 hours of advanced Yuandan Realm.

[System prompt]: Completely kill a human at the elementary level of the Yuandan realm, and the reward will be tripled on the original basis.

[Settlement]: Obtained 48000 hours of promotion to Yuandan Realm (high-level).

There are no other attribute points.

Only time rewards.

But that's not bad.

Lu Shan bent his wings and calculated, and suddenly found that he had eaten so many rare medicinal materials and spiritual food these days, and the time it took to add them up.

It's not as cost-effective as killing three enemies at the beginning of the Yuandan realm.

It seems that labor and capital are only suitable for being a horse killing chickens, not very suitable for being ornamental chickens.

I am thinking.

A familiar voice reached Lu Shan's ears.

"What do you think?"

"I wonder if these people are mentally ill."

Lu Shan didn't raise his head and said in doubt:

"These people with the strength of the Yuandan realm came to the Yueche Palace of Taizhao Wangting to steal people, are they out of their minds?"

"Watt?" Zhao Xi made a questioning voice.

"Uh, this is what I say on the mountain, don't care about these details." Lu Shan turned his head, looked at the eldest princess in silk pajamas, and asked:
"Didn't you tell me that you must be very careful."

"In the end, these three crooked melons and dates came?"

Facing this question, Zhao Xi smiled and said:

"There is a formation in the royal court against the Infant Transformation Realm, and with Zhao Liao's strength, although there are not many Yuandan Realm masters under him, they are not in the minority."

"As for the three sent this time, they should be the 'Dab Mountain People' who are known for their cooperation and concealment."

"This tribe is very good at detecting and hiding, but they are not very good at the number of frontal battles."

I like this race.

Next time, go round this ethnic group.

Lu Shan wrote down the name calmly.

At this time.

The small and weak figure of the strong female warrior suddenly appeared on the roof, and then flew towards their position.

Flying in front of the eldest princess Zhao Xi, she cupped her hands and said:
"Your Highness, after searching, there is a carriage a hundred feet northeast of Yueche Palace."

"What did you find on the carriage?" Zhao Xi looked at his female guard and asked.

In this regard.

Xiaoruo took out a sign from his waist and handed it forward.

out of illiterate self-awareness.

Lu Shan didn't look at the words on the sign, but just focused on Zhao Xi.

She took the sign, stared and said softly:
"The Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

"Sure enough, the hands of the kings have reached in."

"I'm afraid it won't be so safe in the future..."

After sighing softly, Zhao Xi lowered his head and said to the little rooster in front of him:
"I'm still 'rehabilitating', and the safety of these two girls at night is temporarily entrusted to you."

"As long as you can get through these few days safely."

"Your benefits will definitely not be less."

"Spiritual methods, spiritual tools, and elixir, I will give you whatever you want."


that's it.

in the next time.

Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou played, chatted and exchanged exercises in Yueche Palace during the day.

Play with chickens in my spare time.

At sunset, go back to the house to rest, meditate and review the exercises.

Except that Lu Shan went out to kill a few people in the middle of the night from time to time, he stayed with the two of them the whole time.

The biggest gain during this period is the content of the last two steps of [Seven Step Spike].

Then relying on his own aura to propel, he successfully pushed [Seven Bu Sui] to the sixth floor.

That is to say, the level of high-level Qi.

As for the last layer.

The huge task of nearly [-] grains of rice made Lu Shan temporarily give up his plan to attack.

And during this period.

The change of the ranks of the kings in the royal city has gradually entered the day-to-day stage.

The upper king rank has not moved yet, but it will start from the middle king rank.

One after another, the actions began to spread in the city.

For example, No.30 Wang Zhao Tuo.

At the age of 39, he married the 66-year-old sister of the minister of the Ministry of War.

For example, No.20 Five King Zhao Li.

At the age of 42, he has adopted three high-level adoptive sons on New Year's Day.

Another example is the Seventh King Zhao Zhao, who immediately got the support of the third princess Zhao Yuan, the fourth princess Zhao Ying, and the two princesses.

There is also No.70 Nine Kings Zhao Nei, who also received the full support of a big city.

Etc., etc.

But some actions of these middle-ranked kings and lower-ranked kings are acceptable compared to the past.

The most outrageous thing is the candidates.

Among them, there are two with the most momentum.

One is Zhao Xin, a blacksmith supported by a total of nineteen families in the four cities of the West Pole.

Another one is Zhao Jiajia, the little princess of the No.20 Three Kings who is supported by the eldest princess.

It is rumored that this person is also supported by the mysterious baby-changing monk.

Judging from the current momentum and power of these two.

The lower ranks are not enough for them to see.

The middle king, and even the upper eighteen kings are their final goals.

In this way, the first test of the strength of the kings is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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