Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 230 Zhao Zhi's Disgrace

Chapter 230 Zhao Zhi's Shame (please subscribe!!!)
It turns out.

Lu Shan's idea of ​​relying on speed to catch up with the two old men in front failed.

Speeding all the way.

In the end, even the exhaust gas could not be seen.

This made him, the famous pheasant god of autumn, feel depressed.

And what frustrates him the most.

The guy behind the butt was still biting him hard.

There is a posture of catching up if there is a disagreement.

This forced Lu Shan to open the 'sac on the cavity' to the maximum.

But my stamina is limited.

Keep chasing and fleeing like this.

There will always be a moment to be caught up.

At that time, even the blue bar is empty, how to fight?
a time.

Lu Shan felt a bit pained.

"Little girls!"

"Don't sleep! Wake up!"

Lu Shan patted the face of the chick on the shoulder.

Waking up the latter from a coma.

But just after waking up, facing the strong wind, Zhao Zhi was not blown away in one breath.

Both ponytails were blown out.

This made Lu Shan suddenly realize something, and quickly set up a blood mask.

Under the protection of the blood gas mask.

Only then did Zhao Zhi regain his sanity.

this will.

Lu Shan opened his mouth and asked:

"Do you recognize this place?"

"How far is it from the Eastern Acropolis?"


What Lu Shan got was a series of curses.

And kept twisting her body, saying to let her go, what stupid, inferior slaves and so on.

He was stunned by the scolding.

Lu Shan came back to his senses.

Without further ado.

Slap directly on the girl's ass.

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"Laozi rescued you, why are you still scolding me?"

"Should have just thrown you to that old rabbit riding a furry lion!"

After scolding, Lu Shan felt relieved.

But Zhao Zhi was stunned.

From small to large.

No one had ever been so rude to her.

No one has ever acted so excessively towards her!

But now.

The chicken demon not only hugged her, but also scolded her.

Even that sensitive part was slapped.

Feel the tingling sensation in the buttocks.

A sense of shame welled up in my heart.

In an instant!
There were no other thoughts in Zhao Zhi's mind.

only one.

Kill this chicken head monster.


next moment.

Zhao Zhi took out a charm with colorful luster from his boundary bag.

Rip it on the spot.

This scared Lu Shan.

Although I don't know what the consequences will be if the spell is torn apart.

But judging from the surging energy on this spell.

Such a close release.

Either die or hurt.

"Crazy bitches!"

Lu Shan cursed angrily.

Then the body stopped suddenly, turned around, grabbed the spell, and threw it behind him.

blink of an eye.

A terrifying black energy ball suddenly appeared not far from the line of sight.

Followed by.

A large hole appeared in the middle of the energy ball.

A powerful suction emerged from the center of this big hole.

Feel the stronger and stronger pulling force coming from the big hole.

Lu Shan didn't even think about it, he turned around and ran away with the girl on his shoulders.

a few breaths.

A terrifying explosion suddenly appeared behind him.


The violent thrust that appeared pushed Lu Shan's entire body far away.

this will.

When he looked back.

A large piece of vegetation behind him, under the impact of the explosion energy, turned into a desert-like existence.

There is even a large pit with a diameter of several feet in the middle.

This can be the power of an explosion at a height of tens of feet in the air.

If it explodes on the ground.

I'm afraid it can even bring out a slight earthquake.

The bitch!
Lu Shan, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but hit the girl's butt a few more times.

"Papa papa" even shot a sense of rhythm.

Seeing that this girl is still restless.

Lu Shan simply knocked her out.

At this time.

Not far away, the figure of the old rabbit riding a lion reappeared.

It's not a problem to see it go on like this.

Still have to find a way to get out of the current predicament.

But how to leave?

The two old wall lamps in front disappeared.

The old rabbit at the back chased him closely.


Lu Shan looked back at the little princess who passed out on him.

An idea came to mind.

Li Qi at the moment.

Carefully avoid the explosion range of the 'Spirit Explosion Curse'.

After making sure that he was not contaminated with any 'Spirit Explosion Curse'.

Quickly take off again without stopping.

He chased after the figure in front of him.

Even the dangerous things like 'Spiritual Explosion Talisman' were thrown out.

The little princess is in a very dangerous situation at this time.

For the comfort of the little princess, Li Qi had no choice but to stuff an 'explosive pill' into the mouth of the 'living lion'.

And at the same time said:

"Lion King, please..."

As his voice fell.

'Live Lion' eyes turned red, and then he let out a low growl.

next moment.

The figure disappeared instantly, and ran to the distance at a terrifying speed.

There is a temporary outbreak of a 'living lion'.

Li Qi quickly chased after the chicken demon not far behind.

Immediately yelled:

"Put down the little princess!"

The roar was concussive and powerful.

And the chicken demon looked back at himself after hearing the words.

Immediately, his expression twisted in fright, and he wanted to run as soon as he accelerated.

But how could Li Qi, who had already caught up, let go of this opportunity.

Suddenly volley cut!
The sword light flickered.

It hit the back of the chicken demon straight.


Blood splattered!

The chicken demon, who was eating pain, couldn't bear the power of Jian Guang at all, and his whole body flew out directly.

Seeing that the chicken demon flew out, he didn't want to let the little princess go.

Li Qi suddenly patted the 'living lion' under his seat.


The lion left Li Qi's seat and rushed towards the chicken demon.

'Live Lion' is very fast.

The chicken demon was still in the process of flying down, but the 'living lion' was almost catching up.

See here.

Li Qi also flew over, with an explosive speed faster than that of the 'living lion'.

Come to the sky above the chicken demon.

"Let go of the little princess!"

"Otherwise, die!!"

As he spoke, he raised the sword in his hand, bred a dazzling sword light, and made a gesture of cutting it down at any time.

The chicken demon still seemed to want to run away.

As a result, he was blocked by the 'living lion' on the way back.

There was no hope of fleeing.

The chicken demon's face was full of unwillingness.

But in order to survive, he had to throw out the person on his back.

Seeing that the little princess is out of the control of the chicken demon.

Li Qi immediately put away the sword light, caught the little princess with spiritual energy, and then put it down slowly and gently.

Wait until it lands on the ground.

Li Qi looked at the little princess who had fallen into a coma, and immediately used his spiritual energy to examine her.

A moment of effort.

The little princess Zhao Zhi slowly opened her eyes.

Just about to open my mouth to say something.

He saw Li Qi kneeling in front of him.

This made Zhao Zhi subconsciously close his mouth, and then squinted his eyes to look around.

When all she saw was a bored lion digging around.

The deep disappointment is beyond words.

"His Royal Highness Seventh Princess."

"The late general escort came late, please forgive me, Your Highness!"


Zhao Zhi's eyes moved, and he suddenly realized that Li Qi might not know the fact that he was running away this time.

After all, the princess ran away, this kind of thing is a great scandal for Tai Zhao Wang Ting.

With Zhao Chun's character, I'm afraid he wouldn't explain it to Li Qi.

In this case.

Zhao Zhi's eyes moved, and his face suddenly turned cold.

"Commander Li, you are so courageous!"


After the scolding continued, Li Qi quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake:
"Your Highness, forgive me. After learning that His Highness was kidnapped by the evildoer, I immediately chased him out..."

"You still dare to quibble!?"

Zhao Zhi interrupted Li Qi's words with a cold face, and then said in a deep voice:
"Commander Li, it seems that the life of Princess Wang Ting is nothing to you!"

"Li Qi! Do you have a different heart!?"

As soon as the words came out.

Li Qi's whole face was full of panic.

"Your Highness!"

"You are wronged, Your Highness!"

"The whole world can learn from the heartfeltness of the last general to Taizhao's royal court!"

"If there is any deviation, the soul will be wiped out in the end, and there will be no reincarnation for eternity!"

Hearing such a heart-wrenching oath.

Zhao Zhi's condensed complexion eased a lot, but his tone was still very blunt and he asked:
"In that case, why did you wait until now to catch up!?"


For a while, Li Qi didn't know how to reply.

Although he assembled his troops to catch up as soon as he received the information.

But due to the unknown number of enemies.

Conservative, he is only willing to go forward with the Jinyi Army.

If he does this, he will definitely not be able to act quickly alone in terms of rescue speed.

So Li Qi really couldn't explain this to this arrogant little princess.

Zhao Zhi also took Li Qi's point.

So after questioning, looking at the silent Li Qi, she threw out her ultimate goal.

"I'm going to the East Acropolis to relax."

"Your Highness! No!"

Li Qi objected immediately.

But what was waiting for him was the little princess' unreasonable remarks:
"If you don't escort me to the East Acropolis."

"Then don't blame me for being dereliction of duty with ulterior motives in helping you, brother Wang!"

In the end, Li Qi succumbed to Zhao Zhi's threat.

He promised to go to the East Acropolis to relax with him.

The only condition is.

Time is not allowed to exceed three days.

Lu Shan didn't know that Zhao Zhi and Li Qi had reached some kind of agreement.

At this moment, he is hiding in a spirit animal bag on Zhao Zhi's waist.

Since he entered this spirit beast bag, the information from the outside world has been completely isolated from him.

So Lu Shan can only follow his previous settings.

Find a way to advance a level in a short period of time.

At that time, when the infant transforms into a realm, the monster race will have almost invincible combat power in the same class.

It shouldn't be difficult to take Zhao Zhi's little girl away from Li Qi.

Even if I meet those two old turtle grandchildren who look like traffic lights again.

It shouldn't be that hard to kill one.

The problem now is to find a way to get promoted.

So Lu Shan stuck his paws into his crotch.

After a while, I took out all the food I could eat.

There are more than 1 grains of 'Ling Chan Dou'.

There are more than 410 grains of 'Lingmi'.

There are more than 180 pieces of 'Top Grade Lingshi'.

Other elixir, elixir, elixir.

Added up, more than 40 hours should be enough.

So ever.

Lu Shan started the swallowing mode.

Put these things into your mouth one by one.

Fill it up before swallowing.

Non-stop loop.

Several hours passed in a row.

Lu Shan felt that his chewing muscles were almost sore.

As a result, there were still a lot of things in front of me.


At most I ate a tenth of it.

Lu Shan rested for a while, and then tried to swallow again.


Spiritual gluttonous beans...


Ling grass...


Just when Lu Shan was eating in the dark.

outside world.

Considering that most of the sergeants in the Jinyi Army are from the Qi state to the pulse building state.

Without carrying too much food and grass.

Li Qi could only let most of the sergeants go back the same way.

As for himself, he took five hundred guards in brocade clothes, rode a 'camel ox', and led the little princess Zhao Banner, and headed towards the East Acropolis.

along the way.

Li Qi had a headache for this little princess with a very different temperament.

For a while, I want to eat melons and fruits, and for a while I want to hunt wild animals.

Li Qi satisfied as much as he could.

Except riding his 'live lion'.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

But the 'living lion' is unwilling.

For this reason, Li Qi also explained to Zhao Zhi for a long time before he reluctantly let him give up the idea of ​​riding a "living lion".

that's it.

After a few hours.

it's dark.

In order to ensure relative absolute security.

Li Qi strictly abides by the rules of marching in the field.

Never march in the wild at night unless absolutely necessary.

At the same time, marching tents were built in the form of formations.

After everything is done.

It was completely dark.

Look at the moon high in the sky.

Zhao Zhi sighed lightly.

With the current marching speed, they will be able to reach the East Acropolis tomorrow afternoon.

At that time, what kind of method can I use to get rid of Li Qi and enter the Ferry Wharf?
Worried, Zhao Zhi thought of the chicken demon again.

It was agreed to send her safely to the Ferry Wharf.

As a result, there is no shadow now.

Eighty percent of them have already run away.

These monsters are really unreliable, and they don't know that a majestic peak master of the three major sects will believe in a big rooster with a mouth full of trains.

In such complaints, depression, and anxiety.

Zhao Zhi slowly fell asleep.

All night long...

the next day.

early morning.

The army is ready to go.

Then set foot on the road to the East Acropolis again.

This time.

I don't know if I didn't sleep well last night.

Zhao Zhi was silent along the way, especially when approaching the East Guard City.

When Lian Li Qi told her about the latest news about the succession of the thrones.

Zhao Zhi's reactions were several beats slower.

This made Li Qi unavoidably a little puzzled.

However, due to his status, he didn't dare to ask, so he could only try his best to share some hearsay news to hope that Zhao Zhi's mood would be better.

But still useless.

Seeing that the team came to the distance of less than an hour from the East Acropolis.


Li Qi noticed something.

Immediately raised his hand and shouted loudly.



Because of the sudden order.

Many Jinyi soldiers couldn't stop, and continued to rush forward for tens of feet.


Horrific bone hands suddenly broke out from the ground, and grabbed those brocade-clothed soldiers, including men and cattle, into the deep underground pit.

Immediately, the deep pit closed, together with a series of screams and the overflow of scarlet blood.

Everyone understands.

Those comrades who were dragged into the pit.

There is life and death.

"Which Youfang Pavilion protector?"

"Come out and let someone from Li give advice!"

A moment of silence.


A deep voice came from the jungle on Li Qi's right.

"If you teach, you don't need to teach."

"However, we can see each other..."

Shut up.

A tall man nine feet tall, with three rows of six eyes on his face.

Walked out from the forest, and on the right less than a hundred feet away from Li Qi, he clasped his fists and said with a sly smile:

"Youfang Pavilion, ghost body protector, six eyes."

The voice just fell.

Right in front of the army and in the forest on the left, two figures of different shapes walked out.

"You Fang Pavilion, the ghost body protector, the red brake demon."

"Youfang Pavilion, Corpse Guardian, Zisha Soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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