Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 231 Guardian is my life!

Chapter 231 Guardian is my life! (Please subscribe!!!)

Three babies change into a world.

Stand in front of you at three angles.

The momentum generated is like an army formation assembled by [-] sergeants.

The spirit was raging.

Overwhelmed like mountains and seas.

See here.

Li Qi's face became extremely ugly.

Wave room.

The long sword came out of his hand, hanging in the air.

Use the momentum of the sword to meet the three waves of ghost energy.

at the same time.

After the Jinyi Army who had panicked just now, they also adjusted.

Immediate array.

"Stand up!!"

"Stand up!!"

"Stand up!!"

Three shouts.

Immediately, a not weak army gathered above the army formation, and it also followed the three ghost forces to meet them.

Seeing the near-substantial imposing confrontation between the two sides, Zhao Zhi couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

The whole person stopped after bumping into that 'living lion'.

At this moment, the 'living lion' has no intention of competing with Zhao Zhi.

The four clawed at the ground, the front half of the body leaned down, and a low sound of 'shouting' came out from the mouth.

It looked like it was ready to attack at any time.

At this time.

Li Qi's voice suddenly came over.

"Your Highness, let the 'Lion King' protect you and leave first."

"The battle later may be extremely dangerous."

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to protect your safety for a while."

Zhao Zhi also understood what Li Qi meant.

One-on-three, even with the help of hundreds of soldiers, it may be more or less auspicious.

Instead of being wiped out.

It's better to let the important people go first.

However, without waiting for Zhao Zhi's response.

But the 'living lion' put on an appearance of swearing to die.

He raised his head and yelled at the three guardians:

The roar was vibrating, and it immediately attracted the attention of the Red Shamo.

I saw him looking at the 'living lion', showing a timid smile and saying:
"Tonight's dinner is you...hehehehe..."


First break the state of confrontation.

Raising one hand, he called out a huge ghost hand, and patted the 'living lion' in the army formation from top to bottom.


The ghost hand rose against the wind.

After a moment of effort, it condensed into a huge ghost claw with a size of several feet.


An immediate response from the military formation.

"Shield Guard!!"

"Shield Guard!!"

"Shield Guard!!"

While the soldiers shouted, the formation changed again.

Immediately, a wall of qi shield full of evil spirit was born, which lay across the heads of everyone.


A crisp sound.

It directly blocked the giant ghost hand in the air.

The touch of the two produced a huge shock.


The shield wall is fairly solid.

Catch the giant ghost claw.

See here.

That purple brake soul couldn't help but also wanted to do it.

But this time.

Li Qi's figure flew out of the army formation impressively.

Came in front of Zishahun and the six-eyed ghost, and said to the two:
"Brocade Clothes Li Qi."

"Come to meet you two today!"

It can be seen that Li Qi wants to fight two.

The six-eyed ghost let out a wild laugh.

"Li Qi, right?"

"I can't see it! The people in your royal city have become so arrogant."

"Do you think you are Mu Wanliu of Meishan Sect?!"

Shut up.

The six-eyed ghost attacked first.

The tall body beat the ground angrily.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The voices became heavier each time.

After several consecutive breaths.

The ground suddenly cracked.

From the cracked gully, protruded a huge and not humanoid bone hand.

next second.

A huge bone beast with rotten flesh hanging from its body crawled up from the ground.

As soon as he came out, he raised his head and roared.


The voice was low and hollow.

finished yelling.

Bone Beast lowered its head and set its sights on Li Qi in front of him.

After two "huchihuchi", the huge body rushed towards Li Qi.

"Dirty mosaic of corpses!"

Li Qi was furious when he saw this kind of thing.

Take a cold drink.

"You Fang Pavilion!"

"You are blaspheming life!"

As he said that, a hot energy suddenly wrapped around Li Qi's side.

Wave room.

A firebird-like technique was successfully condensed.

With a sound of 'mile', it flew towards the bone beast.

Watching the fire bird and the bone beast fighting together.

Zi Shahun unexpectedly said:

"I didn't expect that there are people in your army who are good at magic."

"But with this spiritual method, you want to fight against the two of us?"


Zi Shahun stretched out his bone hand under the robe, and patted it lightly.

next second.

The ground suddenly started shaking.

Immediately afterwards, cracks and gullies appeared on the ground.


Countless bone hands protruded from the ravine, and then crawled out from inside.

Take a closer look.

Let alone thousands of corpses.

A huge part of them belonged to monsters and monsters, and only a small part was human bones.


Zi Shahun sneered and said:

"Sorry, I like to raise insects."

Said, waved his hand.

next moment.

These corpses all walked towards the army formation not far away.

Witnessing the corpses coming in like a tidal sea.

Li Qi waved his sword and was ready to meet him.

But right now.

The figure of the Red Shamo loomed in front of him.

Dragging a pair of long ghost claws, he looked at Li Qi.

"Old Zi ghost doesn't like to fight alone."

"I like."


A pair of ghost claws swung out an afterimage, and slashed at Li Qi.


Li Qi had no choice but to resist with his sword.

"Bob! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The speed of the Red Shamo is extremely fast.

Even Li Qi, a war repairer who relies on war to support war, can feel a little pressure.


It's just stress.

He wants to defeat him in melee combat.

This alone is far worse.


Li Qi gave a loud shout.

Then the fighting spirit burst out, and the speed was not weaker than that of Hongshamo.

Even with the fighting again and again, the speed is still increasing extremely fast.

Instead, the Red Shamo was a little overwhelmed.

Lifting the ghost claw, resisting the invisible sword light again and again.

at the same time.

on the ground.

The waves of corpses rushed towards the soldiers in the army formation.




After shouting the slogan of fighting in the army formation, they also began to change formation, turning defense into offense.

With the posture of horns, he rushed towards the corpse!

And Zhao Zhi and the "living lion" who kept roaring and circling, followed behind the army formation.

Follow slowly.

Although the 'living lion' wanted to rush to fight with his master.

But there are still people around who need its protection.

It can only be expressed as adding momentum to the battle ahead by continuously growling.


A tall figure flew towards the direction of the 'living lion' from the side.

Take a closer look.

It was the enemy named Liumugui.

See here.

The 'Live Lion' let out a low growl of caution.

And this time.

Li Qi also discovered the movement of the six-eyed ghost.

He wanted to turn around, but was stuck by the Red Shamo.

With that extremely fast attack speed, it was entangled.

Although Li Qi felt that the Red Shamo was not his opponent through the fight just now.

But to defeat him, at least hundreds of moves are required.

have this time.

The enemy has already defeated the army and captured the little princess alive.

In this situation, Li Qi had just imagined that he would be one against two, and then rely on the army to hold the other one back.

Therefore, the idea of ​​waiting for reinforcements to come and destroy each other is completely contrary to the idea.

hateful! !
Li Qi was furious.

He suddenly changed his move, using the sword as a counterattack, changed his energy to control his feet, and kicked at Hong Shamo's body.

The Red Shamo obviously didn't expect that a sword-based combat cultivator would use his fists to attack himself.

an inadvertent.

Get kicked.

In an instant.

A powerful force followed, kicking the Red Shamo back tens of feet.

After knocking back.

Li Qi's figure flashed, and he galloped towards the ground.

a few breaths.

Li Qi came to the sky above the six-eyed ghost.

Swing the sword to make a move.

An azure blue sword light stood out, slashing from top to bottom.

on the ground.

The six-eyed ghost sensed the attack and raised his arms to block it.

In an instant, several ghostly auras gathered, forming a thick cloud of ghostly aura, which stood in front of him.


With a crisp sound, the sword light collided with the ghost energy.

In an instant, a huge air wave burst out, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.


Li Qi just wanted to make up the knife.

The result is found through the peripheral vision of the eye.

At some point, the figure of the Red Shamo had arrived at a position less than a few feet behind the little princess.

See here.

With Li Qi's current speed, he couldn't keep up.

But he couldn't just watch the little princess Zhao Zhi being captured by the people from Youfang Pavilion.

No way, he could only yell.

"'The Lion King'!!"

The voice just fell.

'Living Lion' immediately realized something, turned his head and swung it around the little princess's body with his tail.

Then jump hard.

The body jumped high into the air.

Dodged the first surprise attack of the Red Shamo.


'Living Lion' is just an ordinary monster at the first level of Yuan Dan Realm.

At most, it only inherits a little of the "Huang" beast blood from the ancestors.

In front of a high-level monk.

This movement speed is no different from that of a child at all.

So when the 'live lion' was about to fly high.

The figure of the Red Shamo has already chased behind the 'living lion'.

A ghost claw shot down.

One person and one lion suddenly hit the ground like a meteor.


The ground trembled slightly.

Seeing that the Red Shamo still wanted to chase after him.

crucial moment.

Li Qi's figure was in front of Hong Shamo.

Slash the sword.

Use the sword light to force back the red brake demon.


Fly to the ground.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

The 'living lion' fell into the pit, struggling to get up.

And on it.

The little princess Zhao Zhi has completely fallen into a coma.

"'The Lion King'! How are you!?"

Li Qi came to the side of the 'living lion' and probed with his spiritual energy.

His brows tightened involuntarily.

Seriously injured.

Eighty percent of the meridians in the whole body are dislocated.

But these are not the worst.

What hurt the most was the black ghostly aura that kept corroding the flesh and blood at the wound.

Seeing so.

Li Qi understood that at this moment, the "living lion" could not help him anymore.

Without the help of 'live lion'.

He will be distracted from guarding the little princess.

Then face two enemies who are in the same realm as him.

The situation is precarious.

But he can't retreat.

In this regard.

Li Qi could only take out one pill from the boundary bag, and fed it into the mouth of the 'living lion' first.

Then, he raised his head and his eyes narrowed.

At this moment, the Red Shamo and the Six-Eyed Ghost had come before him.

One stood in the air, looking down at him with an indescribable smile.

The other squatted forward and stopped less than ten feet away from Li Qi.

"We only want Zhao Ban."

"If you still cherish the lives of your subordinates."

The words of the six-eyed ghost made Li Qi couldn't help turning his head and looking into the distance.


Countless corpses have surrounded his subordinates in the middle.

The sound of fighting and screaming.

From time to time, it reached his ears.

Every sound can make Li Qi's heart tremble.

Judging from the current situation.

The disadvantage is obvious.

But Li Qi is not someone who easily admits defeat.



It is the most basic morality he has been in the army for decades.

and so.

He wanted him to donate the little princess in exchange for a chance of survival for himself and his subordinates.

is it possible?
to this end.

Li Qi took a deep breath, and took out a somewhat blackened pill from the boundary bag.

While concentrating on the palm of his hand, he said in a deep voice:
"Guardian is my life."

After speaking, he swallowed the pill in his hand.

next moment.

An unprecedented powerful aura emanated from Li Qi's body.

Like a mountain, like a tiger, like a wave.

And with the passage of time, the spiritual pressure is still increasing.

This scene.

Seeing the smile, Hong Shamo froze, and couldn't help but say:

"Six-eyed ghost, what did he eat?"

"How did Reiatsu become so strong!"

"Are you almost reaching the peak of the baby transformation realm?!"

The six-eyed ghost on the ground frowned and stared for a moment after hearing the sound.

Suddenly said in a deep voice:
"Explosive, increase spirit..."

"I'm afraid it's too much of Zhao Wangting's 'divine pill'."

Upon hearing the name.

Hong Shamo's complexion instantly became unsightly.

"'Shen Ling Pill', at the cost of cutting off the road to immortality, melts the spiritual roots, multiplies the spiritual power, fights with war, and dies..."

"How can there be such a desperate lunatic!"

Right between the words of the Red Shamo.

Li Qi's figure below suddenly disappeared in place.

next moment.

Came to the side of the Red Shamo.

A whip kick.

Kicked the Red Shamo directly out.


Move again.

After catching up with the flying Red Shamo, he swung his sword and cut it.

Swinging a sword so close.

Before the Red Shamo could react, he was cut in half by the sword light from head to toe.

Seeing that Li Qi still wanted to use his sword again against the dismembered corpse of the Red Shamo.

The six-eyed ghost's giant hand was in the middle.


Li Qi was also polite, like a storm, he swung a lot of sword light, and slashed towards the giant hand of the six-eyed ghost.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A series of crisp sounds followed.

Numerous pieces of meat of different sizes flew out of Liumugui's arm.

They were all chopped off by Li Qi's sword light.

At last.

When a huge flash appeared.

Liumugui's proud defensive power like a solid wall was instantly broken.

A giant hand flew up in response.

With a "huh", it fell to the ground.


Li Qi still wanted to step forward to make up the knife.

But suddenly.

A giant ghost hand with an almost terrifying shape descended from the sky and rushed towards Li Qi.

See here.

Li Qi retreated suddenly.

Looking up, he said in a low voice:
"'Follow heaven and earth'?"


next second.

His own body also suddenly swelled.

It takes a breath or two.

Then it swelled into a sword-holding giant with a size of twenty or thirty feet, three hands and three legs.

the other side.

The six-eyed ghost also swelled in response.

It will take a while.

Three giants of similar size stood impressively among the mountains.

But it can be seen that this is the second deathmatch of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' is about to start.


The three seemed to sense something.

Subconsciously raised his head.

the sky has changed...

The black cloud is coming...

(End of this chapter)

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