Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 273 Unlimited Sources!

The beast rides the wind.

Stepping on the clouds.

Lu Shan held a pair of antlers of the big-horned deer tightly, looking at the surrounding scenery that kept receding.

At this moment.

There was an indescribable heroism in his heart.

Go back to the mountain tomorrow and pick a fast monster to ride.


preferably mother's...

But the gender is female, and the only one who can ride seems to be...


so tsundere...

To make it obedient, the degree of difficulty is a bit high.

If Cui Gourd...


But except for the two of them...



It doesn't seem to work either.

In fact, Qingliu can also be used, but it seems that it can only be ridden in private...

and many more.

Clear stream...

Lu Shan suddenly realized.

The destination ahead of this trip should be to catch that monster named Fudou.

And this monster is said to have jumped out from the foot of Meishanzong Mountain.

In that case, the arresting team would definitely have people from Meishanzong.

Even Da Mumu's elder brother, that dead face Mu Chaohai led the team himself.

Others, he Lu Shan is not in vain.

But just love this Mu Chaohai.

Because he was the one who decided to marry Qingliu to Zhao Chun.

If he finds out, he kills Zhao Chun, steals Qingliu, touches his sister...

Will he kill me, the old chicken, in a fit of anger?
Even if I hide behind the ancestor of the Meishan Sect...

Take a guess or not.

Is Xu Tianguan helping himself or Mu Chaohai?

Lu Shan frowned, and his corns twitched twice.

Or, run away.

Do it when you think of it.


Lu Shan's wings trembled, and the whole chicken seemed to lose its strength, and let go of the wings that held the antlers of the big-horned deer.


The wind howled.

Lu Shan's body was immediately carried away by Gang Feng.

But it seemed that he was about to be successfully led out of the formation by Gang Feng.

Suddenly, a flash of spiritual light clasped his chicken paw.

next moment.

A flash of inspiration.

Lu Shan's figure was pulled back.

However, before his paws fell back on the big horned deer.

A cloth pocket suddenly covered it.

Covered Lu Shan from head to toe.


The cover was closed, and the spirit rope was pulled.

It turned into a small bag the size of a palm and fell back into Xu Su's hand.

see this scene.

Le Changrong on the side suddenly asked:
"Xu Tianguan, is this chicken really a spirit beast raised by the Meishan sect in your lower realm?"

"According to the information from the upper realm of the cloud, strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a subordinate of the buffalo king, right?"


Facing Le Changrong's sudden question.

Xu Su did not answer.

Just lightly crossing the spiritual energy on the spirit beast bag.

a while.

Xu Su chuckled lightly.

"Officer Le Tian, ​​are you asking for someone else?"


Le Changrong smiled.

"It's good that Xu Tianguan knows."

"After all, since this chicken has already been to the Cloud Upper Realm."

"Being nourished by the clouds and star power, there must be an advantage in going to Shuiyue Cave."


Regarding Le Changrong's so many foreshadowings, Xu Su didn't make any detours, and asked very straightforwardly:


hear the number.

Le Changrong seemed dissatisfied, his face collapsed.

"Xu Tianguan, you also know who I represent."

"But the four places are really not enough..."


Xu Su didn't like Le Changrong at all.

Instead, he sighed softly:

"Officer Le Tian, ​​you know that too."

"The birth of Huo Dou this time destroyed the entire gate of the Meishan Sect."

"With so many disciples, it doesn't matter if their cultivation base is low."

"If the 22 disciples of the Infant Transformation Realm can't win enough positions."

"After Yunshangjie, there may be no more disciples of my Meishan Sect."


Le Changrong was silent.

Because he knows it too.

The inheritance of the lower realm is so important to the upper realm of the cloud.

Although the monks in the upper realm have extremely high cultivation bases.

But compared to Huanyu, Yunshangjie can only be regarded as a transit place.

The sect of the lower realm is the cornerstone.

A sect that lacks a foundation stone is basically not much different from an exterminated sect.

So, since the spirit ball was sent to the cloud upper world that summoned.

The monks who came up from the Meishan Sect in the entire Yunshang Realm became irritable.

One by one, they were clamoring for the next world.

But all because of the barriers of the laws of the world and the spiritless world, they failed to go down.

Seeing these monks of the Meishan Sect prepare to forcibly descend to the realm.

At the critical moment, he was stopped by a message from the lower realm.

When they all knew that Fudou was born, they only destroyed the building of the mountain gate and did not kill many sect monks.

Even if the turmoil has temporarily stabilized.

But even so.

Many canine monsters in the Yunshang Realm suffered disaster.

Just from last night to today's more than a dozen hours.

There are several canine monsters who have been beaten by surprise attacks.

It even included a spirit beast 'Fu Dog' raised by the star official Tian Xiangxing.

If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't beat that 'Sunshine Sky Demon'.

I'm afraid that many people will be able to reach Tianyao Ridge.

"Are you so sure that this chicken demon can get along in Shuiyue Cave?" Le Changrong asked.


Xu Su didn't say much.

He just showed an inscrutable smile and said softly:
"I believe it."

At this time, Lu Shan didn't know.

The middle-aged woman outside had such a high degree of trust in herself.

Now he is wandering around in this place like a starry sky.

I wandered around for a long time.

Only then did Lu Shan estimate the size of the place.

It looks like tens of feet up and down.

There are boundaries.

But still wide.

Compared with the previous time, the spirit animal bag that Qingliu used to hold him was much larger.

And there seems to be a lot of spiritual power here.

Is this what it means.

Even if he stays here all the time, can his cultivation gradually improve?

Of course, this is only for those ordinary spirit beasts.

to myself.


Even if you sleep all day, it will not hinder your promotion.

At most, it will take a little longer.


What does Xu Tianguan mean?
Why do you want to grab yourself into this spirit beast pocket?
And without asking for his consent, he was forced into it.

Wasn't she afraid that she would make a fuss in the spirit beast bag and break the bag?

Is it...

Was the idea of ​​running away by yourself discovered?

That shouldn't be the case either.

Lu Shan scratched his armpit.

I can't understand it.

Thinking about it, I have nothing to do anyway, or I should study my own skills.

After all, being idle is also being idle.

As for running around.

is this necessary?


Lu Shan set his sights on his attribute panel.

Bypassing the rows of six-digit values, the focus of the line of sight is directly above the unlimited point.

5 o'clock…

Among them are one point saved by himself, three points obtained from Zhao Xile, and one point obtained from the bead on the eaten 'fish of the devil'.

That's all it adds up to.


These are just existing.

next second.

Lu Shan took out a long-dead 'fish' from the boundary bag, and then pulled out a bright white bead from its fish mouth.

Look at this bead.

Lu Shan watched for a long time.

In fact, he has always been very interested in the unlimited source of himself.

There are three known sources of unlimited points.

The first is to kill or defeat enemies one level higher than yourself, and you can get fixed unlimited points.

Second, guarding the sky thunder alone, with the help of Lei Jie, can also get a certain amount of unlimited points.

And this help is not limited to passing the catastrophe by oneself or watching the catastrophe.

The third, and most recently discovered.

In certain things, you can also get a certain amount of unlimited points.

The first two reasons cannot be found.

So Lu Shan can only find the reason in the third way.

If you can find the root cause, start with it.

Maybe, Lu Shan can brush up all the skills to the full level.

At that time.

Gee tut.

After daydreaming for a while, Lu Shan hurriedly began to study this bright white bead.


Lu Shan studied for a while.

See with your eyes, touch with your wings, peck with your beak, buckle with your claws, and sense with your mental power.

Tried even hatching from the butt.

Still can't find a way to understand this thing in depth.

In the end there was no way.

Lu Shan could only choose to temporarily give up his personal research.

If you have time, ask Lao Xu.

Sighing, Lu Shan threw the bead into his mouth.

[System Prompt]: Successfully absorb a 'Zhizhu', get attribute points (10), unlimited points (1).


He took out the remaining four 'fishes', took out the pearls, and stuffed them all into his mouth.


When the number of unlimited points successfully reaches 10 in the attribute panel.

Lu Shan slowly turned his attention to the skill column.

From top to bottom.

Scan the circle carefully.

After Lu Shan's careful consideration.

He still decided to strengthen the innate skills of the baby-changing environment first.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume 5 unlimited points to strengthen the talent skill 'Dawn'?

Five unlimited points.

Lu Shan was very distressed, but he considered the danger he might face next.

He still endured the heartache and calmed down psychologically.

With one sound and the next.

In the skill panel, the column about the skill introduction of 'Dawn' suddenly became blurred.

Not for a while.

A new reminder popped up.

[System Prompt]: The talent skill 'Dawn' has been successfully upgraded to the talent skill 'Dawn'.

[Breaking Dawn]: It overcomes all yin with sound, and the cry has strong penetrating and diffusive properties, and it has a certain spiritual effect when speaking any single-word language.

Ouija effect?

Looking at the front is easy to understand.

But the following introduction made Lu Shan a little bit difficult.

What is the Ouija effect?

Literally means spiritual power display?
But when you release your skills, which one is not the effect of highlighting your spiritual power?
Lu Shan couldn't figure it out no matter what he thought.

But he didn't intend to test his skills here either.

after all.

In case the power is too great, poke a hole in this spirit beast bag.

What's the difference between that and itching?

Lu Shan turned his attention away from the skill introduction of 'Breaking Dawn', and turned to scan the entire skill panel again.

There is no limit to five points.

Be sure to use it sparingly.

thought for a long time.

Lu Shan's attention was focused again.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume 3 unlimited points to strengthen the talent skill 'Silver Claw'?
[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume 2 Unlimited Enhanced Skills 'War Stomp'?
After two consecutive echoes.

In the attribute panel, the introduction of these two skills immediately began to blur.

But only a few breaths of time.

Two new prompts popped up.

[System prompt]: The talent skill 'Silver Claw' has been successfully promoted to the talent skill 'Golden Claw'.

[System Notification]: The skill 'War Stomp' has been successfully upgraded to the skill 'War Concussion'.

A brief glance at the introduction of 'Golden Claw'.

It is roughly the same as the previous 'Silver Claw'.

On the basis of being hard, sharp and tearing, the aura conductivity is increased, and the composition is changed from 'mysterious silver' to 'gold essence'.


When Lu Shan set his sights on the introduction of 'War Shock'.

My mind suddenly shook.

[War Shock]: Consume 600 strength attribute points, can trample everything around, cause shock damage to the enemy, and have a chance to bring a dizzy effect.

Compared with the previous skill introduction of 'War Stomp', although the number of words is much less, the consumption is doubled.

But in terms of power.

It more than doubled.

In particular, that 'down to earth' restriction requirement disappears.

This is for this skill.

It is simply a world-shaking change.

Just when Lu Shan was staying in the spirit animal bag and laughing foolishly.

On the battlefield thousands of kilometers away.

A huge dharma body with a golden axis body is doing its best to attack the giant fire-walking dog not far away.

Spells, spells, implements...

But no matter what kind of attack this dharma body launches.

When hitting this giant dog.

Almost all of them were washed away by the flames wrapped around his body.

And the other way around.

The attack made by Futo.

Every blow is a hole.

At this moment, there are less than a dozen such holes in this Dharma.

But despite this.

He Li still recklessly launched an attack on Fu Dou.

The great spiritual method of uniting the spirit orifice.

The method of accumulating energy.

A spell of bright colors.

A magic weapon full of evil spirits.

Coupled with the assistance of the gold, silver, and iron three-color puppets on the ground.

With the assistance of so many forces, what He Li did was only a side effect.


The one who really fights the fight head-on.

That is, the Heavenly Feather Sect's Alien Beast Legion and the Meishan Sect's Four Seasons Formation.

But judging from the current situation.

Every attack of Fudou can cause a kill or damage effect.

on the contrary.

Whether it's the galloping beasts of the Alien Beast Legion, or the formation attack of the Meishan Sect.

All of them did very limited damage to this scourge.

If we continue to develop according to the current state.

It is only a matter of time before the three sects are wiped out.

Especially when everyone is watching this Huo Dou get stronger and stronger.

A feeling called despair began to gradually spread here.

Yet at this time.

Huo Dou raised his head to the sky and howled loudly.



Huo Dou's Zhoutian star also followed the howling sound, and bright star spots began to appear on his body.

Seeing this scene.

The knowledgeable He Li and the other three suzerains shouted at almost the same time:

"It's a starburst!!"

"Rewind!! Rewind!!"

But their retreat speed is not as fast as casting spells.

Before Sanzong and the others flew far, a strong flash of light filled all of them's vision.

But when the strong flash is about to cover every area around.

A low voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

"Tian Kui Army, Tian Xian Army!"

"Listen to my orders!"

"Strong army!"

"Strong burst!!"

"Strong kill!!!"

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