Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 274 Unreasonable 'Mysterious Technique'


Shine brightly!
Appear suddenly!

With an overwhelming momentum of expansion, it swelled in all directions.

Wherever the light goes.

Everything is powder.

Whether it's rocks, civil engineering, or monster artifacts.

Nothing can last longer than a breath under the radiance of this light.

Among them even included a monk who had transformed into a baby.

In this dazzling light, it was scorched into fly ash.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

And this moment.

Yaoguang has already chased after him.

He Li instinctively wanted to flee.

But the self-esteem of being the master of a sect made him stand in the air, holding back his instincts.

With an angry attitude, he resisted this move from the 'Starburst' of the Astral Realm Sky Demon.


In an instant, the light came and enveloped He Li's whole body.

Under the illumination of this strong radiance.

He felt a kind of anxiety that went deep into the bone marrow.

Although I can't open my eyes.

But He Li could clearly feel the clothes, ornaments, and even the world bag on his body.

They were all reduced to ashes in this strong light.

Only the inner armor with a quality close to that of a Dao weapon was left behind, and it worked hard to protect his body with its lustrous energy.

But He Li could clearly feel it.

Even this treasure armor comparable to a Taoist weapon.

Under such a turbulent attack of brilliance, it might not last long.

But at this time.

He Li suddenly felt the attack of the dazzling light shining on him, and suddenly disappeared.

noticed the difference.

He barely opened his eyes.


The sight is a, no, a group of monks in armor.

Standing in the sky.

Stepping up and down, they formed a human wall, which lay in front of He Li and the others.

Use your body to block the spread of the glare.


In the field of vision of congratulations.

Such a human wall has three sides.

These strong brilliance are completely restricted in one area.

At this time.

He Li suddenly remembered the woman's voice that just appeared in his ear.

Subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a female general in a reddish-brown armor, holding a pair of short blades, condescending, hovering in the sky.

If not the eyes can see.

From the perspective of perception, He Li couldn't 'see' that female general at all.

And an existence that even a middle-level monk in the Spirit Aperture Realm could not perceive.

It can only be from heaven...

to this end.

He Li took a deep breath and exhaled foul air.

"The 35th suzerain of the Yuanbao Sect in the Lower Realm, congratulations, and the Yun Award in the Upper Realm."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at those members of the Yuanbao sect behind him.

His complexion darkened, and he continued:
"I implore the upper realm to cultivate..."


Before he could finish speaking, Xu Su's voice came over.

"Subduing demons and eliminating demons is the duty of the cloud world."

"The rest don't need to be said."

"Just wait a hundred miles back!"


With a wave of double knives.

Hundreds of light blades burst out, and he let go of his hand and slashed at the flame walking dog in front.


Seeing the battle resume in front of him.

I know that with my current situation, I can't provide any help to these upper realm monks.

He Li could only cup his hands, then turned around and tried his best to save his disciples.

the other side.

Mu Chaohai and Tang Zhinian also took their own disciples and retreated quickly.

Waiting for everyone around to retreat.

Le Changrong immediately shouted at the army formation:
"Tian Xianjun, hold the formation and encircle!"


next second.

Under the leadership of Tianxian Xingguan Ji Bing, a hundred or so sergeants immediately changed formation.

The melting wall becomes round, and at the same time it circles around, it releases a large number of light blade attacks.

Assist the general in the red armor, and fight together with Huo Dou.

Seeing so.

Le Changrong said again:

"Tiankui Army!"

"Ladder attack!"

"Yes!!!" Tiankui star official Gao Yan immediately responded.


The remaining one hundred or so silver armor sergeants.

Under the command of Gao Yan.

Formation of walls.

Three or three steps.

He began to launch continuous spiritual attacks against the flame-riding dog in the formation.

a time.

Dharma light is bright.

The combined spiritual method, like a sea wave, surged towards Fudou.

At this time, Fu Dou, even though his body is protected by star power.

The demon body has also swelled to a gigantic appearance.

But in the face of these powerful and endlessly powerful spirits.

What Fu Dou can do now is defense and dodge.

But if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Xu Su, who was flying around Fu Dou with his double blades, caught a gap in a short while.


Put your two blades together and let out a low drink.

"Holding the blade to make a cross, Bi Li turned around!"

As her voice fell.

A gigantic pair of swords formed by the convergence of crimson red energy appeared in front of her.

Followed by.

The giant's double knives crossed and rotated in front of him.

next moment.

The twin knives began to spin.

And at an extremely fast speed, it rushed towards Fu Dou's eyes.

Seeing that the twin swords of spiritual power were about to slash into Fu Dou's eyes.

In an instant.

A pillar of fireworks composed of black flames suddenly appeared on the way forward of the double blades of spiritual power.

Collided with it.


The fireworks surged.

Under the impact of a large number of black fireworks, Xu Su's spiritual energy double blades were all scattered by the impact.

Broken in the air.

Seeing so.

Xu Su frowned, continued to swing the knife, and leaned towards Fu Dou's body in his true form.

But I haven't waited for her to get close.

Then the black fireworks appeared again.

It blocked Xu Su like a wall of flames.


Xu Su, who was angry, was not afraid in the face of such a black flame wall.

Swinging the double blades, once again condensed the giant appearance of floating and body surface.


A low drink.

"Star Power!"


Two layers of jet-black luster suddenly appeared on the double blades of the giant figure behind Xu Su.

When the double blades are completely wrapped in black.

next second.

Xu Su slashed with both arms.


A crossed blade, glowing with a faint electric glow, slashed towards the black fireworks.


The crossed blades penetrated the wall made of black fireworks without hindrance.

Slashed directly at Fu Dou's upper arm.


Bleeding through the blade.

A huge amount of blood-colored aura burst out from a huge cross-shaped blood mouth.

This made the pained Fudou growl angrily.



Fu Dou's body also burst out a powerful spiritual punch.

All the surrounding spells that were still attacking it were smashed.


The strong wind brought out some sergeants who were too close were blown away.

Under this stamping.

Xu Su still wanted to attack.

But he was stopped by Le Changrong who suddenly appeared.

"Do not impulse!"

"Have you forgotten the three methods of hunting monsters?"

Hear this.

Xu Su calmed down.

Take a deep breath.

"Sorry, I was impulsive."

Xu Su said apologetically, then shouted to the two star officials in the distance:
"Tianxian! Tiankui!"


"Using star power as a weapon!"

"Break point kill!"

Hear this command.

The two star officials looked at each other.

Both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

It is clear.

Futo has been injured.

Just find a way to surround without killing.

Break through the black flame defense of Fu Dou in a way of consumption.

In this case.

While killing the target, casualties can be minimized.


They seem to have forgotten.

The blood aura of the monster was originally much thicker than that of monks of the same level.

I really have to rely on this method to kill and fight.

There is a high probability of more casualties.

Le Changrong saw this point much more thoroughly than the two star officials.

The star officials were puzzled.

He nodded a few words.


Under the leadership of Xu Su and Le Changrong.

More than 300 people immediately formed a formation similar to a millstone.

Surround without killing, but attack with star power.

This is how the consumption-based formation was formed.

And the fight at the center of the formation.

After experiencing severe pain, he slowly sank down.

Although there was still a grin on his face, his state was obviously much calmer.

In the face of a point attack, avoid it if you can.

If he couldn't dodge it, he used his strong blood aura to force his moves.


The two parties actually formed a strange balance.

But that balance didn't last long either.

Because I don't know why.

Layers of faint black matter actually appeared on the special surface of the fight.


On the surface of these black substances, there are still several dim spots of light.

See here.

Xu Su and Le Changrong looked at each other.

Immediately use the ultimate move, and hit those dim light spots.


Spiritual energy surges here.


When Fudou didn't react at all.

Xu Su's giant phase cross kill, and Le Changrong's hammer technique mixed with complex star spiritual power.

They were so fierce that they hit Fu Dou together.

He knocked out two of those dim light spots in a daze.

And suffered from such a painful fight.


Spit out a huge amount of blood.

But at this time.

Fu Dou let out a low growl in surprise.

next second.

A pillar of fire spewed out from the mouth of Huo Dou impressively, and attacked the soldiers stationed in the formation.

Due to the sudden incident.

Most of the sergeants didn't have time to dodge.

It can only rely on the resistance of the formation and the protection of one's own cultivation.

Resist this trick.


The pillar of fire is like a raptor, rushing violently.

It was about to be sprayed on the magic circle.


Xu Su who was hanging in the sky accidentally intervened.

Using spiritual energy, he built a spiritual wall and placed it in front of the pillar of fire.


The pillar of fire was successfully stopped.

Some sergeants behind the formation immediately expressed their gratitude to Xu Tianguan who made the move.


When they raised their heads and looked over.

It was Xu Tianguan's anxious face and an eager shout that greeted him impressively.


"Quickly retreat and disperse!!"


It was finally combined, and it was a magic circle that could tie with an astral realm sky demon.

Are you going to withdraw now?

Just when such doubts flashed in many people's minds.

Le Changrong's eager voice came over in an instant.

"Quickly retreat and dodge!!!"


But he didn't finish his sentence.

A strange burst of heat suddenly appeared on quite a few soldiers, ignoring the resistance of the magic circle.

Before they could speak.

In an instant!
The feeling of dryness and heat increased several times.

The few soldiers with the lowest cultivation became a pile of powder in the blink of an eye.

See here.

The remaining sergeants retreated immediately.

But I don't know why.

Many of the remaining sergeants were also burned to powder in the process of retreating.

That sound screamed.

Handfuls of ashes scatter in the air.

It made the other sergeants look gloomy.

this will.

Xu Su's face turned ashen.

In a resentful tone, he said in a deep voice:

"The mysterious skills of the mysterious beast..."

"Prevent everything, but you can't live without defense."

At this time.

Fu Dou not far away opened his mouth again.

Opening his mouth, he spewed out a dark yellow wind.

When the wind blows to the magic circle on the other side.

Le Changrong and Xu Su shouted loudly again:
"Back!! All avoid that yellow wind!"

With foreshadowing.

The other sergeants were flying away as fast as they could.

But even so.

There are still a few heavily armed soldiers on the move.

Suddenly, there were several screams, which turned into fly ash and dissipated into the air.

This is the end.

The yellow-brown light wind disappeared.

this will.

Look at the more than 20 gaps that have been vacated in the ranks.

Le Changrong's face was extremely ugly, and he cursed in a low voice:
"Is this the mysterious skill of Fu Dou?"

"It really doesn't make sense."


He said again in a complicated tone:

"Fortunately, this profound skill cannot be released frequently."

"Otherwise, just our few people are not enough to fight and kill this disaster!"

In this regard.

Xu Su could only respond in silence.


She swung her knife again to meet him.

This time.

Because the mysterious skills of Fudou have been released.

It won't be played a second time in the short term.

So she no longer appears in her own state, but directly summons the power of the stars to fall on her body.

Under the blessing of star power.

For the first time, she summoned the large star that only the astral realm possesses.

In an instant.

A star appeared through the light and appeared behind Xu Su's head.


Xu Su gathered all the star power in his body.

The stars in the background.

next moment.

The stars suddenly brightened.

And at the same time, a stream of ink-like energy was released, spreading towards the pair of knives in the giant's hand.

When the entire pair of knives turned pitch black.

Xu Su controlled Ju Xiang and raised the two sabers.

at the same time.

Le Changrong on the side also released Juxiang.

Through the stars behind his head, he concentrated all the power of the stars in his body on the falling star hammer in Ju Xiang's hand.

In an instant.

Ru Mo's Starfall Hammer is covered with stars.

Do it all.

The two Heavenly Officials of the Cloud Upper Realm waved the weapons in Ju Xiang's hands at the same time, and launched the strongest attack on Huo Dou.

Faced with an attack like stars covering the ground.

Fu Dou couldn't help but took two steps back.

But the blood that belonged to the mysterious beast in his body gave him a kind of ruthlessness to break the boat.


Futo opened his mouth.

He bit down hard on his foreleg.


A large amount of blood gushed out of Fu Dou's forelegs, and then flowed into its mouth along its teeth.

After the entrance of own blood.

In an instant.

Fudou's whole body suddenly burst out with a large mass of pitch-black flames.

Enveloped its entire body in it.


Fu Dou didn't intend to use these flames on his body to block the attacks from the front and rear flanks.

At this last moment, it took a deep breath instead.

All the flames burning on the body surface were sucked into the mouth.


Facing Le Changrong in front of him, he exhaled forcefully.

Seeing the critical moment of the three-party confrontation.

It came from the waist of the heavenly official Xu Su.

Suddenly, a strange spiritual vortex appeared.

next second.

A simple word "open".

The giant image that made Xu Su condense.

They were all broken open with a long and narrow mouth...

Followed by.

A happy "cuckoo" reached the ears of two people and one dog.


"I understand!!"

"I understand!!"

"So this is 'Breaking Dawn'!!"

"This is the so-called 'occultation'!!"

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