Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 296 Unlimited New Sources

Chapter 296 Unlimited New Sources (Please Subscribe!!!)

Where are the poultry?

Everyone looked at each other.

To know.

For normal monsters who can participate in this water moon cave, their basic cultivation must be above the Yuandan realm.

And was sent here.

Only the cultivation base of the Vessel Establishment Realm.

and so.

Who is the spiritual pet of this chicken?
At this time.

In the corner, several disciples of Meishanzong saw the rooster.

Can't help but look at each other.

They all saw surprise and strangeness in each other's eyes.

to their understanding.

If it was really that rooster, logically speaking, it shouldn't be here.

But now this chicken...

Just when they were in doubt.

A puppet suddenly made a move.

Swinging the long sword in his hand, he slashed at the rooster at an extremely fast speed.

Just when everyone thought that the chicken was also killed.


"Clap" sound.

The puppet actually exploded in mid-air.

Many small parts, large and small, exploded out like rain.

This! !

All the monks present were shocked.

And those disciples of Meishan Sect can be sure immediately.

This is the Chicken Overlord who has been staying with Peak Master Meiling all this time.

Just when they were considering whether to go up to meet the demon king.


A strange scene appeared.

The puppet that was blown up was reassembled under an unknown force.


The reassembled puppet, and other puppets lined up on the side.

As if they couldn't see the rooster, they only focused on the other monks who were watching.

Until that cock just walked through the gate.

Nor did any of the puppets attack the rooster again.

This time.

All monks are aware of it.

Want to enter this door leading to the upper floor.

Only kills a golem independently.

There is no other way.


Most of the monks who wanted to rush up used their housekeeping skills to fight alone with the puppets who came out of the gate.

a time.

This passageway is extremely lively.

But these have nothing to do with Lu Shan who has already stepped into the gate.

At this moment, he was still stepping on the stairs inside the gate.

There are 23 steps in total.

When he reached the last step, the whole world suddenly changed.

From the original darkness, it became a world of gleaming white.

Oh no.

It is a world full of snow.

Lushan is at the top of the mountains.

Looking at the surrounding snow.

Some inexplicable dazed.

Because of the white snow here, he couldn't feel any cold.

Although he has the passive skill of 'temperature' to resist freezing.

But it shouldn't be impossible to experience even a little cold.


Lu Shan moved his chicken feet.

There is actually a feeling of exerting too much force.

It's like having tons of weight hanging from your feet.

Every step you take takes a bit more energy than before.

This is because Lu Shan has already transformed into a baby, and he is that kind of monster with a tyrannical physique.

There is such a feeling of exertion.

If it is replaced by an ordinary Yuandan realm monk.

Isn't it very difficult to take every step?
No wonder the Meishan sect wanted to cultivate spirit beasts in the Yuan Dan realm.

It was originally used here.


Is there anything in these layers that is worth the Meishan sect's effort?
Now Lu Shan only wished he didn't bring one or two commentators with him.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought those Meishan Sect disciples here along the way.


This is also muttering.

I really brought those disciples here, they may not know as much as I do.


Lu Shan flapped his wings and took off from the hillside.

Not for a while.

On the side of the mountain not far away, he saw several monks climbing.

Use both hands and feet.

Climbing steadily step by step.


One of the monks slipped his hand.

Then, I watched him roll from the hillside to the valley.

Although knowing that rolling down is not necessarily fatal.

But consider the special gravity here.

Fractures should be inevitable.

Smacked his lips.

Lu Shan flapped his wings and jumped down the hillside with an approach run.

With the help of wings, Lu Shan entered the flying state again.

It fluttered for a long time.

Saw many taxis along the way.

Most of it is climbing.

Only a small number of monks were flying over the mountain stream at a low altitude.

There are almost no ones like Lu Shan who rely on wings to fly high in the sky.

Lu Shan is also very happy.

With this soaring posture, he leaped over several mountains.

But right now.

The spiritual energy fluctuation not far away suddenly caught his attention.

looked sideways.

A fat man who was somewhat familiar to him was being surrounded and beaten by two dark and thin men.

Hey, why is it him?

on the mountain wall.

Qian Buduo was hugging a snow lotus, dodging the combined attack from the two guys in front of him in a panic.

A sword and a sword.

The beating made him lose his temper at all.

"Western Region Yuanbaozong, right?"

"It is said that the disciples of your sect regard wealth as their destiny. Today, I, Jianshou, will take a look at it."

"Before you die, do you want the baby or your own life!"


The tall and thin man named Jianshou suddenly stepped back a few feet.


The man with the knife on the other side also stepped back a few feet at the same time.

next second.

Both shouted in unison:
"Combined spiritual method: forest of swords and rain of swords!!"

The voice just fell.

I saw the swords in their hands immediately let go, suspended in the air.


One for two, two for four, four for eight.

Time for two or three breaths.

When he didn't have much money, he was shocked to find that he was surrounded by hundreds of swords.

under these circumstances.

Not much money and still unwilling to let go of the snow lotus in his arms, he just took out a handful of gold coins and picked out three of them.

Toss it in the air.

But he seemed to regret it after throwing it out.

He just buckled one.

In the end, there were only two gold coins, which turned into two golden masks in the air, covering the body with little money.


There was still a painful expression on Qianqian's face.

Followed by.

The swords fell like rain.

All of them hit the golden mask formed by the gold coins.

It didn't last long.

The first layer of gold mask was shattered into slag.


The remaining swords were stuck on the second layer of golden mask.

Also a moment.

The golden mask on the second layer also shattered into aura.

But okay.

When the second layer of golden mask is broken.

There was not much left of the rain of swords that fell.

Facing twenty or thirty swords.

He didn't have much money, so he relied on his own aura and chose to resist.

As a result, there were several scars of different shades on his body.

But looking at the expression on Qian Qiao's face, he felt unspeakably fortunate.

I don't know if I am glad that I have successfully mastered the skill, or I am glad that I have saved a gold coin.

At this time.

Seeing that the combined spiritual method was carried over by not much money.

The faces of Jianshou and Daozhou became a little unsightly.

Two monks at the middle level of Yuandan Realm, two against one, couldn't even take down a guy at the beginning level of Yuandan Realm.

Say it.

Where are they going to put their true face in the Northern Territory?

a time.

The two looked at each other.

Decided to make a tough move.

Well known.

The unique skill of Zhenge in the Northern Territory is to turn magic into truth.

The more powerful the move, the fewer tricks.

and so.

When the money was running out, it was discovered that these two people no longer played volley imperial weapons.

While covering the weapon with both hands instead.

Heart suddenly.

want to run.

But with the influence of super gravity, he couldn't run far at all.

And most importantly.

Even if he ran, he couldn't run past these two body-training guys.

Think about how you can't escape.

Rather than being killed by these two guys.


taste before you die...


With not much money, he opened his mouth and bit the snow lotus in his arms.

But he saw that his mouth was about to bite on the petals of this snow lotus.


Snow lotus is gone.

Disappeared under the eyes of Qian Qian.

This panicked him.

Looking around hurriedly.

He didn't even care about the frontal attack of the sword hunting and sword hunting.

There are only so many white lotuses in my eyes!
But when he turned his gaze to a snow rock not far away.

As soon as he entered his eyes, he saw a big rooster that Qian Buduo was very familiar with, standing on the boulder.

There is a snow-white lotus in its mouth.

this discovery.

Let money stop being angry.

Explosive drink.

Throw out several gold coins.

Then, propping up several layers of golden masks, under the terrifying gravity, he exploded at a speed that surprised both Dao Shou and Jian Shou.

Holding the sword hard, he ran towards the rooster.

This sudden change.

Katokari and Kenkari were caught off guard.

They didn't realize anything until the fat man brushed past them.

Turning around, stepping on heavy steps and preparing to chase.

But this time.

They also saw the rooster on the boulder ahead, and the snow lotus flower in the rooster's beak.


Sword hunting and sword hunting stopped involuntarily.

Watching the fat man run towards the rooster warily.

Although the rooster looks no different from a poultry, and the spiritual pressure emitted by the body is only at the pulse building level.

But where is this place?
The third floor of No.20 to the third floor of No.30, which is known as the monster paradise.

in this stage of hierarchy.

The gravity of the ladder growth is every monk's worst enemy.

Although physical training like Sword Hunting and Sword Hunting is much easier at this level than other types of monks.

But it really has to be compared with monsters.

That's a lot worse...

Compared with the caution of these two people.

It's irrational not to have a lot of money.

With red eyes and panting heavily, he rushed to the rooster in one breath.

Like an evil pig pouncing on its food, it jumped up.

Still shouting:
"Give me back the lotus!!"


"Puff" sound.

Not much money wasted.

When he looked up from the snow.

The rooster had landed on the snow several feet away from him.

"It's not much money, and that's how you welcome your old friends?"

Facing the teasing of the cock.

Qian Buduo snorted twice, got up from the ground, and continued to shout:
"Huh... I don't... I don't have a friend like you!!"

"Quick... give me back my lotus!!"

Seeing this fat man so desperate for a lotus flower.

For a moment, he couldn't help but want to throw the lotus in his mouth to the fat man.

But next second.

Lu Shan held back.


Just because of this lotus, not many money can be regarded as so important as wealth.

It can be said that this thing is a baby.

And it's an unusual baby.

to this end.

Lu Shan rolled his eyes, ignoring the two tall and thin men who were running not far away.

Look at the money is not much.

When he was about to rush to Lu Shan.


One word.

Let the whole body with little money freeze.

Only the eyes and mouth can turn and move.

"What, what's going on?!"

"Chicken did you do to me?!"

Come on.

It seems that the source of this fat man is very lagging.

The understanding of oneself is still in Yuandan state.

In this case.

Lu Shan coughed twice, took off the lotus flower in his mouth, and asked aloud:
"Fat man."

"what is this?"

There was not much money that was still shocked at how out of control my body was.

After seeing the lotus, his face changed.

Open your mouth slightly.



I've never seen such a deadbeat.

Lu Shan rolled his eyes and said bluntly:
"Want this?"


"But you have to tell me, what's the use of this thing..."


Qian Buduo's mouth moved, and attracted by the lotus, he said everything he knew.


This lotus is called 'Wu Lian'.

If the petals are eaten together with the lotus heart, it will improve one's perception ability for a certain period of time.

At that time, whether it is learning spells or understanding the mind, it will be of great help.

Even people with high talents, under the bonus of 'Enlightenment Lotus'.

It is normal to break through the bottleneck and advance in cultivation.

But this 'Wulian' has high requirements on the growing environment.

Warm snow, heavy pressure, plus plenty of aura.

Only when these conditions are met can there be the appearance of 'Wu Lian'.

and so.

At this time, Lu Shan has a high probability of affirming it.

This 'Enlightenment Lotus' should be one of the main reasons why the major sects cultivate Yuandan realm spirit beasts.

All right.

Now the main reason has been found.

Do you want to get some of this 'Wu Lian' on your body?

Maybe it can be used as a bargaining chip at that time.


Lu Shan suddenly realized.

The main function of the bead of the 'Fish of the Sorcerer' seems to be to temporarily improve one's comprehension...

And the role of this 'Wu Lian' is similar.

and so…

Lu Shan's eyes jumped.

Then, in front of a small amount of money, he stuffed 'Wu Lian' into his mouth.

[System Prompt] Successfully devoured a 'Wu Lian' plant, gaining attribute points (20), unlimited points (2).

next second.

Lu Shan's eyes and Qian Qian's eyes widened at the same time.

Coincidentally at this time.

The time for a word of truth has come.

Not much money actually sat down on the snowdrift after realizing that his body could move.

Woohoo cried.

This cry made Lu Shan, who was still in surprise, feel embarrassed.

Even when he heard that the money was not much, he choked up.

There was also a feeling of bullying a child in my heart.

But guilt belongs to guilt.

Lu Shan is not weak in words.

"To shut up!"

"Isn't it just a 'Wu Lian'!"

"See if this king will bring you another one later!"


Facing Lu Shan's guarantee.

Money is not much, still choked up and said:
"What are you holding!"

"How can it be so delicious!?"

"Do you know how much I sacrificed for this 'Wu Lian'?"

"A group of sluts surrounded me!"

"Destroy me!"

"Bully me!"

Lu Shan: "..."

Such a taboo picture...

Lu Shan said that his brain cells can't keep up...

 The cold is still there, and I am typing under the covers.

  Well, I don't have a fever yet...

  I should be able to handle it~
(End of this chapter)

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