Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 297 Buddha Bless You, Amen!

Chapter 297 Buddha Bless You, Amen! (Please subscribe!!!)

have to say.

There are quite a lot of these scorpions.

Lu Shan stood on the cliff of a snow mountain, overlooking the opposite mountainside.

One hundred and eighty gorillas covered in white fur and about two feet tall (6 meters 6) were dancing there, not knowing what they were doing.

Perceived it a little bit.

Among the [-] gorillas, those with the lowest cultivation level are basically children.


The cultivation bases are all between Yuandan Realm and Infant Transformation Realm.

So many good players.

Lu Shan couldn't help but wonder how the fat man with little money escaped from it.

Looking back, he looked at the money with a questioning look.

The latter may have sensed the suspicion in Lu Shan's sight.

His face froze, and he hurriedly said:
"These prostitutes have to worship once every five hours!"

"It's about the time of a cup of tea each time, and you can't do anything during the pilgrimage."

Looking at the trembling flesh on Qian Fudo's face.

Lu Shan could not help but be skeptical about this.

"Where is 'Wu Lian'?"


Not much money pointed to a large pit surrounded by it.

"It's in that..."

Lu Shan looked towards the big pit.

From his angle, he could barely see the inside of the pit, and there were indeed some white flowers.

But because of the distance, he couldn't be sure whether it was 'Wu Lian' or not.

But now that I have said that.

Then just believe it once.

So ever.

Lu Shan glanced around.

I engraved the map in my mind.


He shook his body, and a dozen chicken feathers fell from his body.

When it landed, there were a dozen or so chickens standing there neatly.

Look at these identical cocks.

Qian was stunned for a while.

"... an incarnation outside the body?"

Lu Shan did not respond to his question, but turned his head and said solemnly:
"Are you sure the attack method of '狌狌' you just told me about is okay?"

Not much money nodded.


Lu Shan's heart moved.

The dozen chickens immediately moved.

But then Lu Shan discovered an accident.

The cultivation bases of these feathered chickens of mine are only at the Meridian Realm, even if they have the physique of a monster.

In this area of ​​strong gravity, there is no way to do whatever one wants outside.

Each of them moved like an old woman.

But okay.

Gravity is great.

After flying with force, the effect of this gravitational force is relatively much smaller.

Watching these dozen or so chickens put out S like migratory birds, and then put out B after a while.

Lu Shan showed a gratified expression.

Still chicken feathers know themselves.


When these feather chickens flew to the hillside where the scorpion flock was located, they were discovered.

All of them were irritable in place.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" non-stop clamor.


I don't know which one took the lead.

Pick up the snowballs on the ground, and after passing through their hands, they have to smash into the sky like cannonballs!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

The sound of breaking through the air broke up all the formations of the chickens in the sky.

But okay.

With advance embankment.

Not a single chicken was hit by the snowball.

But Snowball's attack was more than just one wave.

When the second wave comes.

There was still a chicken that was hit by a snowball.

At the moment of "pop", the feather chicken exploded in the air.

See how this snowball hurts.

Lu Shan instantly had a rough estimate in his heart.

Indeed, as Qian Buduo said, it has an attack power close to spiritual magic.

At this time.

After Lu Shan controlled the remaining chickens to spray a group of mixture to the ground, they all dispersed.

On the ground, the group of sluts were still roaring with their heads up.

But watching those rainy excrement suddenly vented down.

They all scattered.


After they dispersed, one by one was furious and chased after the scattered chickens.

All of a sudden, they chased out half of the scorpions.


Lu Shan thinks it can.

Simply shaking out dozens of chickens, following the gourd's drawing, flew over, pulling stinking smelly.

Spread it out when you're done.

Not for a while.

Most of the sluts chased after him.

Looking at the dozen old, weak, sick and disabled left on the ridge not far away.

Lu Shan showed ecstasy, and immediately prepared to spread his wings and fly over.

But at this time.

Not far away, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, and then jumped violently.

With a posture of a natural fall, he jumped towards the ridge.



Lu Shan's figure immediately rose from the ground.

Flapping its wings, it is ready to fly.

But this time.

From the side of the big pit, a snowball flew out suddenly, and smashed directly at the figure at a terrifying speed.


In Lu Shan's field of vision, that figure was stunned by Xueqiu.

next moment.

The figure revealed its main body, a big cat with six claws.


It should have been a dead cat.

Because from Lu Shan's point of view.

Just in time to see the big cat's chest, a terrifying hole appeared.

across the body.

Even the core is gone.

If you don't die in this situation, I'm afraid you really have nine lives.

It is clear.

This big six-legged cat doesn't have nine lives.

It is falling towards the position of the big pit in a natural falling posture.


At this moment, Lu Shan also stopped his figure.

Look along that big hole.

I saw an old man with white hair dragging on the snow, slowly raised his head from the big pit.

When the big six-legged cat in the sky was about to fall in front of it.

The white hair was suddenly lifted.

A huge mouth was exposed from the chest.

Bite down on the big cat.

that's it.

A big six-legged cat was swallowed by the old slut in two or three bites.

This scene.

Seeing that Lu Shan frowned.

It's not because of the cruelty of this old slut, but because of its strength.

because he found out.

The aura of this old slut has actually reached the point where it can't see through it.

And with Lu Shan's cultivation base that even the high-level infant transformation realm can't see through at this time.

Only Spirit Aperture Realm and above.

But isn't this the place where Yuandan Realm came?

Forget about a pair of baby-changing environment.

How come there are even old guys in the Spirit Aperture Realm?
How does this make people who come in play?
However this time.

After the old slut ate the six-legged cat, he turned his head and looked at Lu Shan.

Feel this bloodthirsty gaze.

Lu Shan was startled.

But he didn't grow up drinking milk.

Faced with such a provocative gaze, it instead aroused Lu Shan's long-lost will to fight.

raised an eyebrow.

Shake the cockscomb.

next second.

When he was about to kill the past.

Another two figures appeared in his eyes.

Look up.

A two-headed wolf, a Panlan python.

They all appeared on the top of the mountain.

See this scenario.

Lu Shan stopped his pace again.


Compared to a rooster whose cultivation base has not yet reached the Yuandan realm.

The above two guys whose cultivation base is at the high level of the Yuandan realm need relative attention.

And just when those things met each other.

Lu Shan retreated to the side of Qian Qian, and said:

"How much do you know about this place?"

Hearing the voice, there is not much money, and the question asked:

"You're talking about that old bastard?"

After speaking, his face became bitter.

"I don't even know where that thing came from!"

"The old slut wasn't among the things that chased me last time!"

"If so, do you think I'm still running away!?"

It makes sense.

Lu Shan nodded subconsciously, and then cast his gaze not far away.

It's already started over there.

But these two monsters are very smart.

With the pathfinding of a monster in front, the two of them stuck in the snow.

As long as there is a snowball thrown over.

They hid in the snow, relying on the snow on the snow to resist.

And those snowballs, who were always in danger, were actually tricked by the snowdrift several times at this moment.

But among the monkeys below, the old monkey is not the only one who can attack.

There are still more than a dozen small scorpions in the pulse building state.

Although their attack level is not strong, they cannot hold up to a high speed.

Dozens of snowballs were thrown at once.

The snow layer on the mountain has been beaten up a lot.

That's how you play snowball fights.

Lu Shan looked at it for a while and found a strange one.

Why didn't that old slut take the initiative to attack with his spiritual orifice level?

Instead, just throw snowballs in the big pit?

Either this old slut couldn't get out of the big pit.

Or there is something in the big pit that needs the protection of this old bastard.

Think for a moment.

Lu Shan still thinks, lean over to have a look.

After all, with the cultivation base of the chickens, it is not enough to hold on for too long.

If you don't do it now, you can only wait for the next pilgrimage of these prostitutes.

Calculated according to the time when the money is not much.

About three more hours.

and so.

Lu Shan still left.

In the form of jumping, he jumped to the opposite ridge.

Not for a while.

He came to the foot of the mountain.

Stepping on the tamped snow on the ground.

Lu Shan raised his head and climbed up the ridge.

But this time.

From his position.

It happened that a lot of figures appeared on the other side of the ridge.

Looking at the clothes, it looks a bit like a monk from the Northern Territory.


Among these monks, Lu Shan saw two tall and thin men who had just run away.

It seems that for the sake of 'Wu Lian', they went to recruit soldiers.

Faced with this, a group of people suddenly appeared.

Lu Shan did not stop.

It's just that he has become a little more careful in his actions.

Mainly he doesn't know.

How many helpers can these two call out.

If there are only two monsters now, and seven or eight monks in the Yuandan realm.

Of course he is right.

It's scary, I'm afraid, there are a bunch of f*cking people behind.

That would be boring.


Wait until the monks from the Northern Territory above join the battle.

Lu Shan immediately controlled his spiritual pressure to a minimum.

Then step by step, he leaned towards the ridge.



A monk who was pierced by a snowball landed in front of Lu Shan with a "snap".

Looking at the monk who was still struggling in front of him.

Lu Shan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly put on a gesture of compassion.

He walked up to the strong monk.

Stretch out the chicken paw, and slowly place it on the monk's chest.

"Since pain is your source."

"Then I can help you eliminate the pain."

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan gently moved his claws inward, penetrated the skin, cut open the ribs, and held a meatball.

Pinch hard.

"May Buddha bless you, Amen!"

After a while.

When the second person fell from the sky.

Clutching his neck, he sat cross-legged when he landed, trying to use spiritual energy to restore his body.


What awaited this person was a cordial greeting.

Then there was boundless darkness.

Several in a row.

When the five monks fell down, none of them flew back.

Jianshun and Daothou above, as well as the other two monks, felt that something was wrong.

"Is there a trap down here?" One of the rough men asked Daozai in a deep voice.

But what got in exchange was the simultaneous negation of Sword Hunting and Sword Hunting.

"How could you know how to set up traps with the level of wisdom of the scorpion?"


According to their understanding.

Creatures such as xuan, even in the baby-changing environment, belong to that kind of intelligent and extremely irritable race.

So this is why they are willing to gather to hunt this scorpion population.

At this time.

The boa constrictor was suddenly hit by a snowball.

Due to the powerful impact, the boa constrictor's body was able to resist the control and its tail was amputated.

However, the boa constrictor that lost its tail lost the ability to wrap itself around the snow, and its whole body rolled down the mountain.

Seeing so.

The only four people left here knew that they couldn't drag on any longer.

Look at each other a few times.

Everyone took out more than one weapon.

Then rub blood on these weapons.

Then throw it all away.

In unison:
"Blood explosion!"

Drink it down.

More than a dozen weapons with unique shapes and extraordinary materials were thrown into the big pit below.

next second.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

More than a dozen explosions in succession flooded the entire crater in an instant.

Hearing the explosion, Lu Shan's expression changed instantly.

He didn't even care about the big python not far in front of him.

Jump directly to the ridge at a fast pace.

Not to mention the effect of the explosion.

It is these movements that are made.

I'm afraid it can be heard from ten miles and eight villages away.

In order to grab the 'Wu Lian' he wanted before those who ran out.

Lu Shan moved.

At an extremely fast speed, like a phantom, he rushed straight to the street for a distance of hundreds of feet.

When he came out of Xuezhi.

Enter the eye.

Just in time to see the smoke and dust in the big pit dissipate.

More than a dozen little monkeys collapsed to the ground.

Only the old monkey is still lying there.

He looked slightly injured, but there was still a little fatigue on the face with dense white hair.


Lu Shan also saw the mutilated lower body of the old monkey, and the only two 'Wu Lian' left in the pit.

It turned out to be the case.


Lu Shan took a step forward, while pressing the spiritual pressure, he used his physical strength to increase his speed to an extremely fast level.

But no matter how fast, with the current distance below.

The four monks and the two-headed wolf on the mountain also discovered the existence of Lu Shan.

"Someone wants to pick peaches!" One of the monks suddenly said angrily:

"Kill it first!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards the rooster together with a monk next to him.

Jianshou and Daozhou knew some details about this rooster.

But they didn't make a sound.

Instead, after looking at each other, they fell directly into the big pit.

Two sets of people, two ideas.


It turns out.

Neither of these ideas will work.

First of all, the two strong men who flew in front of the rooster, before they landed, their bodies were cut into several pieces of corpses of different sizes in the air.

For a time, blood was scattered all over the place.

the other side.

When Jianshang and Daohun rushed to the edge of the pit together with the two-headed wolf.


It was still the old slut who greeted them.

But this time it wasn't Snowball.

Instead, he suddenly raised his body up, opened the bloody mouth on his belly, and bit on Jianshou's body.


Half of a living person's body just disappeared.

Facing the sudden attack.

The rest of Dao Shou retreated sharply, but the two-headed wolf was determined to fish for the 'Wu Lian' in the pit.

In the end, what greeted it was a fishy long tongue.

Coiled the two-headed wolf and pulled it back into the mouth at once.

a few breaths.

Two dead and one wounded.

This made Tokari a little unacceptable.

Angrily, he turned and ran back.

But right now.

One and only one scorpion suddenly appeared from all sides, surrounding Dao Shou in the center.

next second.

Daozai couldn't even utter a scream.

The body was smashed into pieces by the monkeys.


More and more people rushed back.

All eyes were on the rooster by the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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