Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 310 Man Eats Beast, Beast Eats Man

The dog's voice is low.

Resounding in the ears of all monsters.

'Qinhu' was the first to turn his gaze and follow the voice.

When it saw that the source of the sound was a black dog whose cultivation was not clear.

Reckless character.

It couldn't help but growl at the black dog.


"Where did the dead dog come from!!"

"court death?!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his paw and swung a huge beam of light at Fu Dou.

There was a "bass".

The light cut rose against the wind.

It directly expanded to a size of nearly ten feet.


On this light slash, there is still some blade-like wind volume.


Just when the tiger-headed demon turned around confidently, ready to continue attacking the chicken-monster.

A strange dry and cracked tingling sensation suddenly appeared on its body.

'Qinhu' lowered his head.

Look at the source of the pain on your body.


At some point, a scorched crack appeared in his abdomen.

Like a lake drying up.


The dry crack was still spreading from the abdomen at a very fast speed to the surroundings of the body.

what happened?

'Qinhu' is very puzzled though.

But it still tried to resist.

But right now.

Tai Shisan's shout came from not far away.


"Come on!!!"

"That's 'Bug Fight'!!"


what is that?
Compared with the dazedness of 'Tiger' and 'Crocodile'.

'Weiyang' complexion changed instantly.

Without further ado.

Immediately leave quickly to the distance!
The fierce reaction of 'Wei Yang' and Tai Shisan's warning reminded 'Qinhu' and 'Crocodile Beast' immediately.

Then we will leave.

But it will.

The tingling dryness had spread to all parts of the body of 'Qinhu' except the head.

At this moment, the 'Qinhu' could no longer control his body.


He opened his mouth, wanting to call for help to his companions who left not far away.

But with his mouth open, he couldn't even make a sound.

This makes the eyes of 'Qinhu' full of despair.


"Plop" sound.

The whole body of 'Qinhu' collapsed into a cloud of dust.

Disappeared in the sight of the demons.

Didn't even fly out.

Seeing this scene.

'Wei Sheep', 'Crocodile Beast'.

Even the thirteenth lady was frightened.

The three monsters used the fastest speed in their life, and fled towards the distance in a scattered form.

But it didn't fly very far.

Two of the three monsters fell from the sky like falling birds.

Before it fell to the ground.

When it was in the air, it was shattered into ashes, blown into the air by the wind and snow.

As for the last red-haired monkey flying farther and farther.

Huo Dou made two 'huchi' sounds.

The figure flashes instantly.

When it reappears next moment.

It is already a hundred feet away.

Looking at the three monsters who were so vicious just now, they turned into ashes in a few breaths.

Not much money could not help swallowing.

Unconsciously, the body leaned against the cock at the side.

Oddly enough.

At this moment, the rooster actually exuded a burst of icy cold that he couldn't bear.

It was a surprise that there was not much money.

If I remember correctly.

The natural supernatural powers in the body of the cock beside him should be a kind of powerful flame.

but why.

But now his body exudes this indescribable coldness?
Could it be the double cultivation of ice and fire?

That's not realistic either.

The five elements generate each other, and naturally the five elements also restrain each other.

The mutual impact between ice and fire is no joke.

That is a kind of energy that even the astral realm can't bear.

I can't figure out what to do if I don't have much money.

At this time.

A black shadow flickered.

The figure of Fu Dou has reappeared in front of them.


This time.

A red-haired monkey with no limbs was still dangling from Fu Dou's mouth.

"Bah" sound.

Spit on the ground.

Human pig, oh no, it's a red-haired monkey like a monkey pig.

After landing, it rolled many laps on the snow before stopping.

After throwing the red-haired monkey, Fu Dou wagged his tail and pointed at the rooster.


keep calling.

Waiting for the rooster to pop out a ball of flames from the tip of its wings and fly to the ridge not far away.

Fu Dou happily flew towards the ridge.

This is a fight?

An astral realm 'mysterious beast' that claims to be born with a severe drought?
If you hadn't seen the fighting power of this black dog.

With not much money, this dog can almost be regarded as a guard dog in an ordinary village.

this will.

The voice of the red-haired monkey reached their ears.

"Woe to fight..."


"My wife thirteen admits it!"

"But don't be too happy too early!"

"The elders will avenge me!!"

"Oh..." Lu Shan responded lightly, and then asked aloud:

"Why did you attack us?"

Tai Shisan didn't expect that the chicken demon would let Fu Dou catch him and come back, but he just asked this.

First he was taken aback, and then he sarcastically said.

"Do you need a reason to attack you?"

Lu Shan was also taken aback when he said this, and then nodded.

"It makes really doesn't need a reason..."

Then he went on to ask:
"Where is your world bag?"

"Do you think my wife Shisan is the kind of monster who trades money for life!?"

In a word.

Immediately, Qian Buduo's sense of identification with the red-haired monkey soared dozens of times.

If it wasn't for reason to suppress him.

At this moment, the money is not much, I am afraid that he has already hugged the red-haired monkey and shouted "confidant".

In contrast, Lu Shan.

After confirming that the red-haired monkey was hairless, he was a little disappointed, and immediately prepared to kill the monkey.

But this time.

Lu Shan suddenly thought of what the red-haired monkey had said to himself just now.

He couldn't help frowning, and asked aloud:

"Are you from the Cinder Demon City?"


Tai Shisan grinned several times with a "hehehehe".


"I am the elder of the ape clan of the Cinder Demon City!"

"Those who are sensible, immediately offer the soul, and Gongwu is the master!"


If Tai Shisan hadn't become a monkey pig.

Having said these words, there may be a little fear when there is not much money.

But it has become like this.

How dare you make such a blatant threat.

Or there is a hole card.

Or just plain dumb.

And a fool can't get into the Spirit Aperture Realm, so...

Qian Buduo immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level, and warned the rooster through voice transmission.

"Master Chicken! Be careful!"

"There are no idiots who came out of the Ember Demon City..."


Lu Shan just waved his wings, and then prepared to leave here.

That's right.

Lu Shan had no intention of killing the monkey.

Especially after knowing that the monkey's name is Tai Shisan.

Not surprisingly.

This is between Tai Shisan and his cheap master Tai Wu.

There should be some relationship.

But he couldn't ask clearly.

After all, Master Cheap has not been back for so many years.

It is not impossible if other circumstances arise.

But Lu Shan was about to leave.


He saw several Xumi rings in the fluff of the red-haired monkey's neck.

One of the rings was still extremely familiar.

If you read it right.

This ring should be the one on Wan Jinlin's hand.

As for how it appeared on the neck of this red-haired monkey named Tai Shisan...

Immerse yourself for a moment.

Lu Shan asked calmly:
"Have you met someone from the Valley of the Gods?"

I don't know what the meaning of Lu Shan's question is.

But out of arrogance, Tai Shisan said directly:


"More than 100 people have entered our mouths."

"Eat?" Lu Shan frowned when he heard this.

Although he doesn't mind monsters eating people.

But more than 100 people were eaten at one time.

I'm afraid that this person is no longer just eating for the sake of eating.

It is very likely that it is just to satisfy the joy of killing.

In this regard.

Lu Shan raised his wings.

next moment.

The three rings in Tai Shisan's neck suddenly flew to Lu Shan's wings.

Then take a look inside.

Two of them contain precious things such as spirit stones, materials, and magic weapons.

One of them won't open.


Lu Shan raised his head and looked at Tai Shisan.

"Untie the ring, and I can let you go."

Hear this.

Madam 13's eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Is this true?!"

"Once a word is said, it is hard to follow!"

"it is good!"

Following Tai Shisan's mantra.

Lu Shan's thoughts immediately penetrated into the ring.

I saw that the space of this ring is ten feet square.

The spiritual stones inside piled up into several hills.

There are countless other goodies too.

What surprised Lu Shan the most was that there was actually a bookshelf in the middle of the space.

The shelves are filled with books that glow with spiritual power.

Scrims Estimated.

The number is estimated to be in the hundreds.

If half of these hundreds of books are secrets such as exercises and mental methods...

I was pleasantly surprised.


Lu Shan is on the ground next to the bookshelf.

Saw a broken feather...

It is yellowish brown, half a foot long, and there is a strong spiritual force on it.

If you guess correctly.

This should be one of his big chicken feathers.

Generally speaking, his own big chicken feathers will dissipate with the disappearance of aura after leaving his body.

Unless it is chicken feathers that have been specially taken care of by themselves.

Only when part of it is destroyed can it survive in the form of chicken feathers.

But since these days.

Not many chicken feathers were sent out.

In addition to Daqingliu on Jiba Mountain, that is, Damumu on Meishanzong...

and so…

Lu Shan's thoughts immediately withdrew from the ring, and looked at the red-haired monkey calmly.

Pinching the chicken feathers on the wings, he asked aloud:

"Where did this thing come from?"

Tai Shisan at the moment.

It has been estimated that the chicken demon should be afraid of the prestige of the ember-earth demon city, and will not kill itself.

Immediately said arrogantly:
"The possession of a flesh woman."

"I saw its strange energy, so I took it away."

Meat man?

The cockscomb on Lu Shan's forehead jumped.

"Where is she?"

"Dead, and was steamed and roasted by 'Wei Yang'." Tai Shisan said, seeming to think of something, showing nostalgic eyes, and said:

"Don't say it, the meat quality of this flesh man is extraordinary."

"Yuan Dan Realm..."

He didn't wait for his words to finish.

The figure of the rooster suddenly appeared in front of Tai Shisan, and asked softly in a terrifyingly calm voice:
"Are you fond of cannibalism?"

Tai Shisan didn't understand the meaning of the chicken demon's words, so he asked directly:

"Humans eat beasts, and beasts eat humans, what's the problem?"

"No problem." Rooster softly replied:
"But you shouldn't eat my wife-in-law!"


The cock opened its mouth.

And it gets bigger and bigger.

In two or three breaths, it will be several feet in size.

Finally, directly force together.

With one bite, the red-haired monkey with only one body left was completely swallowed into its mouth.

With a "gulp".

After the body of the red-haired monkey was swallowed into the throat.

a few breaths.

A system prompt popped up.

[System Prompt]: Successfully devoured a middle-level "Colored Ape" in the Spiritual Aperture Realm, and gained promotion to the middle-level Spiritual Aperture Realm (1200000) hours.

[System Prompt]: Three-level kills across the first realm will reward attribute points (3).

[System prompt]: For a complete kill, the reward will be tripled on the original basis.

[Settlement]: Obtain 3600000 hours of promotion to Spirit Aperture Realm (Intermediate) and attribute points (9).

Seeing that the chicken demon suddenly became fierce for some reason, and devoured the red-haired monkey.

The inner world with little money is extremely rich at the moment.

He had thought.

The chicken demon in front of him is a vegetarian.

did not expect.

It has not been polite since it swallowed its own kind.

That said.

Isn't it just a matter of thinking to swallow oneself?
All, if this rooster in the Spirit Aperture Realm is hungry.

What should I do if I keep my eyes on myself?
Lay down and die?


But neither of these methods seems to be very useful.

to this end.

Money is not much entangled.

But this time.

Just finished swallowing a monkey pig's cock, but turned around and asked actively:

"Fatty Qian."

"I'm going to the top, will you go?"

Money is not much to understand what the chicken demon said above, it is definitely not just a matter of the upper level.

The high probability is to go to the 30th and 40th floors.

I don't want it to be so quiet there...

so harmonious.

Anyone who rushes up.

None of them are fuel-efficient lights.

So, for your own money.

For my own money.

Qian didn't think much about it for a long time before he said cautiously:
"Master Chicken..."

"I have an old man and a young man..."

As soon as this word comes out.

The rooster immediately understood what was going on, took out a Xumi ring, and threw it to Qianqian.

Immediately, drop a sentence.

"Well done."

next second.

The rooster figure disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already hundreds of feet away in the air.


Qian was stunned for a while.

Then he turned his attention to the Sumeru Ring in his hand.

Take a look inside.

"Master Chicken! I love you!!"

at the same time.

Futo also felt the movement of the rooster.

Although some are reluctant to part with the pile of flames in front of them.

But consider that the rooster is the one who always provides the fire.

So ever.

Fu Dou's figure also disappeared in place.

at the same time.

The passage between the third floor of No.30 and the fourth floor of No.30 is in full swing.

One monk after another, when monsters faced the puppets of the guard, most of them were beaten violently.


A ray of light flew out from the upper passageway.

But it has not waited for the demons present to see clearly.

This ray of light galloped towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Just when the transvestites here are in doubt.

Another ray of light flew out from the passage.

This time.

This ray of light did not leave.

Instead, it hovered in the air, revealing a huge dark gray wolf head, scanning all the humans and demons below with a bloodthirsty gaze.

"So much meat?"

"It just happened to replenish my consumption."

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