Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 311 Let me ride for a while

The fourth floor of No.20 is sparsely populated.

under the pull of gravity.

Few people can keep flying all the time.

Even Lu Shan himself.

After flying for a long distance, I felt the consumption of blood and aura.

But Lu Shan, who was anxious and anxious, still held his breath and flew hard.

Although from Tai Shisan's mouth, he could tell that Mu Wanliu hadn't been eaten.

But not dead is not dead.

It's true that the chicken feathers are broken.

Even a chicken feather from Yuan Dan Realm can be used.

Lu Shan couldn't imagine what Mu Wanliu's situation was like at this time.

long time.

Lu Shan finally came to the passage where the fourth floor of No.20 meets the 25th floor.

channel at this time.

A bunch of monks are surrounding them.

They don't know whether they are discussing something or arguing about something.

See here.

Lu Shan didn't even stop.

Fly directly to the entrance of the channel.

But this time.

The people at the passage also found Lu Shan who was flying and Huo Dou behind him.

Immediately shouted out loud.

"Book that monster!"


"Otherwise, don't blame us for killing you!"


Lu Shan didn't even have the desire to stop.

Still fast towards the entrance of the passage.


Those monks actually started to charge up their attacks.

a time.

Sword lights, auras, and spells appeared among the monks.

Seeing that a large number of attacks are about to take shape.


A sharp crowing sound resounded throughout the area.


Under the crowing of the cock.

All the monks felt a strong shock.

Under the cover of this strong shock force.

All the spells of the monks were shattered in the air, and most of the swordsmanship lost their accuracy due to the shock.

Only those spells of spells.

Only under this kind of shock, it barely maintained its power.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

With a series of explosions suddenly appeared in the air.

The monks on the ground fell into a brief silence.

One breath, two breaths...

When the time comes to the third breath.

There was a sound of "whoosh"!
The rooster passed through the smoke unscathed.

A dodge, got into the portal.

Seeing so.

The cultivators who reacted immediately yelled and gathered their strength.

He greeted the black dog behind him.

Can be the same.

A flash.

The figure of the black dog also disappeared in place.

Just as the monks looked at each other.


I don't know who screamed.


"My feet!?"


Everyone turned their gazes to the source of the sound.

I saw that it was a high-ranking cultivator in Yuandan Realm. At this moment, he lowered his head in horror and looked at his feet.

And his feet.

I don't know what's going on, but it has cracked dry cracks one after another.

Moreover, this rift is still spreading upwards.

This strange scene.

The other monks who were immediately frightened retreated one after another.

But right now.

There was also a second scream.

Then, the third sound, the fourth sound.

Until this happened to everyone here.

In a frantic howl of pain.

Hundreds of monks were all turned into powder.


Lu Shan knew nothing about what happened at the lower levels.

At this moment, he has stepped into the entrance of the fifth floor of No.20.

Can just go out.

There were several sword lights that slashed at him.

This was an unexpected attack.

Lu Shan was caught off guard.

But only for a moment.

He found the gaps among the several sword lights.

Then, using body skills, cut across from the middle.


Lu Shan escaped.

Huo Dou, who came out from behind, was slashed on the dog's face by these sword lights.

This scene.

Lu Shan's heart trembled when he saw it.

Good guy.

The ancestors that I can't afford to offend.

How dare you cut its face with your sword?
slip away.

Lu Shan immediately drove to the maximum state, and galloped away at a very fast speed.

At such a fast speed, the dozen or so monks in Yuandan Realm and Infant Transformation Realm guarding here were stunned for a long time.


It took less than ten breaths for Lu Shan to leave here.

A burst of terrifying power suddenly exploded.

The intensity of spiritual pressure in it made Lu Shan unable to hold back his tongue.


Only a few breaths passed.

Fu Dou's figure has already followed Lu Shan's footsteps.


Look at the terrifying spiritual pressure on the black dog that has not yet dissipated.

Lu Shan smacked his lips, just about to say something.

But Fudou spoke ahead of time:


Got it.

Lu Shan immediately flung out a small group of 'Xian Yan'.

At this time, after several times of devouring, Fudou has already developed a little resistance to 'Xianyan'.

It is no longer necessary to wait for the 'Yu Yan' to land, and then slowly eat away after burning.

The current fight.

Facing 'Yan Yan'.

You just need to follow behind and keep licking the tail flame with your dog's tongue.

When the regurgitation reaches a similar level, swallow it in one gulp.

Seeing that Fu Dou swallowed this little 'Yan Yan' into his mouth.


An idea came to Lu Shan's mind.

"Brother Hei!"

"Do me a favor."


Futo looked up suspiciously.


Lu Shan considered for a moment, and then said in a tentative tone:

"Let me ride for a while..."


At this moment.

On a towering snow mountain on the sixth floor of No.20.

Mu Wanliu hid in a snow pit on the mountainside.

The outer layer of the pit mouth is a thick layer of snow.

And inside the inner layer, there is the silent magic circle that she arranged hastily.

The purpose is to do everything possible to cover up his tracks.


She can't run anymore.

Mix up and down.

I ate all the elixir that could be eaten.

Even some spirit herbs found in the Spirit Grinding Pagoda were eaten by her on the way to escape.

Now in her pocket.

Almost half empty.

Even if it is the elixir of "chicken essence" given to him by the chicken bully demon king.

At this moment, only a sip of the last bottle is left.

Feel the empty aura in your body.

Mu Wanliu thought about it, but still licked the last bit of 'chicken essence' into her mouth.


A surge of spiritual power suddenly started from the mouth to the stomach.

surging out.

In just a few breaths, all the meridians around him were filled.

At this time.

Suddenly, a malicious blood aura appeared outside the magic circle.

Suddenly heard.

Mu Wanliu quickly lowered the aura in her body to the lowest level.

At the same time, with the help of the silent circle.

She has almost merged with her surroundings.

under these circumstances.

A howl of a wolf suddenly resounded through the entire mountain.


The howling sound vibrated and spread far away.

After a while.

Just when Mu Wanliu thought that the wolf demon had left.


She felt an inexplicable shock.

Followed by.

The vibration became stronger and stronger.

And, the vibration is getting closer.

After thinking for a while, Mu Wanliu suddenly understood.

This is the avalanche on the top of the mountain being drawn out.

An avalanche is an avalanche.

Mu Wanliu continued to suppress her spiritual pressure and hid in this pit.

But as the avalanche came down the mountain, it swept away the layer of snow that covered her.

The silent circle was completely exposed to the air.

Seeing so.

Mu Wanliu's mind suddenly skipped a beat.

Quickly used a very weak spiritual pressure to control some of the surrounding snow to cover the magic circle.


Mu Wanliu's movements were still sensed by the wolf demon who had already flown away.

I saw it stopped abruptly.

I moved my nose.


A sharp-toothed grin appeared on his face.

next second.

Move your body.

Following the direction of the perceived aura, he flew over.

When the wolf demon followed the aura to the side of the snow mountain.

Head down.

Looking at the snow-capped ridges below.

The wolf demon suddenly laughed.


Raise your paws.

Facing the lower ridge is a claw.


A claw-shaped blade Qi suddenly appeared.

With a fierce posture, he slammed into the ridge of the snow-capped mountain in an instant.

Three long and narrow cracks were immediately caught on the ridge.

And in the middle of this crack.

A pothole was revealed.

And in this pit, sat a beautiful woman with an ugly complexion.

After meeting people.

The wolf demon opened his mouth.

"Little lady!"

"How about the innate supernatural powers of my 'Xiao Wen Jackal' clan?"

"As long as you confirm your scent, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I can still chase you."

"Woo ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Watching the wild laugh of the wolf demon.

Mu Wanliu's face was extremely ugly.


She just figured out the formula.

With a movement of his body, he continued to fly away into the distance.

But this time.

When Mu Wanliu flew less than a hundred feet away.

A rope made of blood and spiritual energy suddenly clasped Mu Wanliu's feet.

Pull her figure back instantly.

In an instant.

An irresistible force came from the rope at the foot.

Pulled her whole body back.

Mu Wanliu knew what kind of consequences she would face if she was pulled back like this.

to this end.

She began to struggle frantically.

He kept using sword tactics and magic tricks.

It is expected to cut off this chain formed by the gathering of aura.


She was disappointed.

Even if she made a fierce Four Seasons Sword Slash.

However, the level of aura is here.

Her baby-changing ultimate move is not enough to cause any major damage to the blood aura chain in the spirit aperture.

As a result, Mu Wanliu could only watch helplessly as her body fell into the claws of the wolf demon.

"Little girls!"

"After spending so much energy, didn't it still fall into my hands in the end?"

"Be obedient and call it my furnace cauldron!"

"Woo ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Laughing wildly.

The wolf demon stretched out its claws and swiped lightly.

next moment.

Mu Wanliu's armor was instantly cut in half.

Followed by.

The wolf demon raised its paws again and stretched towards Mu Wanliu's body.

Seeing that the wolf claws shining with slave marks were about to be engraved on his body.

Mu Wanliu took a deep breath.

His eyes were full of determination.

But right now.

A clear and resounding word 'Ding'.

Impressively, it reached Mu Wanliu's ears.

Listen to that familiar voice.

Mu Wanliu felt an indescribable peace of mind, and immediately wanted to turn her head to look over.

But somehow.

His body didn't listen at all.

Couldn't even turn his head around.

Just when she was wondering.

The wolf paw that held him was suddenly released inexplicably.

use this opportunity.

Mu Wanliu quickly fled away.

After flying a hundred feet away.

Look back.

A rooster that she was extremely familiar with was riding a dark canine monster, galloping towards her.

Extremely fast.

So fast that it's just the blink of an eye.

This chicken and dog has already come in front of him.

See here.

Mu Wanliu suppressed her state of mind, made a trembling voice, and asked:

"You came…"

"I am coming."

Lu Shan responded in a deep voice, and then said in a very deep tone:

"Big wood!"

"You suffer."

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan jumped up, spread his wings, and hugged Mu Wanliu.

Feel the rubbing against your chest.

Hearing this inexplicable concern.

Mu Wanliu trembled for no reason, as if she had a lot of grievances and wanted to speak out immediately.

But reason stopped her, and then hurriedly said:
"It's okay."

"But you have to be careful, that wolf demon came from the Ember Demon City..."

"With the blood of 'Desolate Beast', it is very vicious."

"in particular…"

Before Mu Wanliu finished speaking, she was surprised to find out.

The wolf demon who was standing there just now has turned into a wizened figure with a strange posture.

This is…?
Mu Wanliu was stunned.

Just about to ask subconsciously.


The wolf demon let out a painful howl.


"Whose supernatural power!!"

"My body!!"



The wolf demon was in Mu Wanliu's shock.

Collapsed into gray stones.

Then it turned into fine powder and dissipated in the air.

Watching the inexplicable and tragic death of the wolf demon.

Do not know why.

Mu Wanliu always felt that this death scene was somewhat familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.


When she saw the black dog chasing a bright yellow flame flying around.

Something suddenly flashed through my mind.

next second.

Mu Wanliu's pupils shrank suddenly, she raised her hand, pointed at the black dog, and opened her mouth.

Don't wait for her to say something.

A chicken wing was stuffed into her mouth.

At the same time, there was the anxious warning sound of the rooster.

"To shut up."

"Have you forgotten the taboo!?"


Mu Wanliu immediately shut her mouth.


In Lu Shan's verbal explanation.

Mu Wanliu probably understood the relationship between Fudou and him.

very subtle.

But also very straightforward.

after that.

Mu Wanliu also told Lu Shan what happened at the upper level.

simply put.

It was because the monster clan violated the rules and allowed a large number of spirit aperture monsters to hide in the spirit beast bags.

After entering the Spirit Grinding Pagoda, they all came out of the spirit beast bags.

Start hunting monks.

Starting from the No.40 fourth floor.

The monks who began to clean up the human beings layer by layer.

And it's organized and premeditated.

Originally, when human monks dealt with demon cultivators, human beings with insufficient individual strength always took advantage of group strength.

But now.

The demon cultivators under a certain organization grouped together to attack the group of human monks.

Many sects were dispersed by demon cultivators before they could react.

Then, relying on strong individual strength, they hunted and killed the human monks who broke up the group one by one.

In this way, Mu Wanliu was dispersed from the group of Meishan Sect.

Then he was targeted by the wolf demon.

I have been chasing here from the No.40 storey.

When Lu Shan asked about Mu Wanliu, the demon cultivators reported that they would attack humans.

When the human monks reacted.

A word of the latter.

Suddenly, Lu Shan was surprised for a long time.

"The door is wide open..."

"The elders from all sects have gone in..."

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