Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 324 The Power of 'Sit on the Altar'

Chapter 324 The Power of 'Sit on the God Altar' (please subscribe!!!)
A middle-level angry eye '狌狌' in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Three white-haired '狌狌' of the first stage of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

In addition, there are hundreds of baby-changing realm '狌狌' hovering not far away, and a larger number of Yuandan realm '狌狌'...

Surrounded by many enemies.

It was the first time for Lu Shan.

But despite this.

He still issued a very rampant provocation.

Not for anything else.

It's because he hasn't completely let go of the fight since he was promoted to the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Whether it's the previous 'Shan Tan' clan, or the few monsters who attacked his Cinder Demon City.

A few battles were fought.

Never once did he feel that kind of carefree feeling.

But this time is different.

There are three of them in the same realm alone, and one is even a little higher than him.

And as for those low-level ones.

When the monster sea tactics are used, the threat to him is no less than that of the four of the same level.

Not even in a hurry.

But in this case.

Lu Shan was actually a little excited.

An unbearable irritation made him choose to attack directly.

'Dry blood! '

open! !
For an instant.

Lu Shan felt a hot feeling covering his whole body, which appeared suddenly.


From top to bottom.

From the inside out.

From internal organs, all blood.

From aura to blood aura.

At this moment, everyone became excited.


Lu Shan's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When his figure reappeared.

Already collided with the body of that glaring '狌狌'.


That glaring 'Xuan' didn't expect a chicken no bigger than a palm to have such great power.

It did not make any resistance.

Just listen to the "boom"!
Dazed, his feet were knocked off the ground, and his whole body flew several feet away.

Finally, leaning on a huge cedar tree, I stopped.

Knocked out by something so tiny.

This is simply a great shame for the '狌狌' clan.

and so.

Angry '狌狌' after the feet landed.

Raise your arms.


With a loud roar, he started to move towards the rooster, and launched the most primitive physical attack.

Can let all '狌狌' did not expect is.

The ant, who was so small in their eyes, actually took another step ahead, and once again came to the angry-eyed 'Xuan'.

With the posture of an ant shaking a tree, it holds its wings and crosses the top.

Clash again.

See this scenario.

Angry '狌狌' is also welcome.

Raising his fist, he also made the most direct response.

a time.

The clash of claws and fists.

Many phantoms.

Coupled with the tide of blood.

A few breaths.

A large cloud of snow and smoke was brought up around.

But the snow smoke only spread in half of the area where the angry-eyed 'Xuan' was.

its opposite.

The part that belongs to the rooster's body is filled with bright yellow smoke.

But this state of rivalry did not last long.


Some areas of the snow smoke began to be slowly eroded by the bright yellow flame.

Seeing so.

The three white-haired '狌狌' behind them reacted immediately.

They all picked up small snowballs and harassed Lu Shan from a long distance.

Just started.

Lu Shan can also rely on his body's reaction speed and "dynamic trend prediction" to dodge those snowballs.

But slowly.

When there are more and more snowballs.

Lu Shan still couldn't dodge all the attacks.

He was hit on the thigh by a snowball as big as his wing.

Not much damage was done.

But it disrupted Lu Shan's dodge rhythm.

As a result, the angry-eyed '狌狌' seized the opportunity.

With an elbow strike, Lu Shan's intertwined golden claws were shaken away.


The backhand was an uppercut, and when the elbow fell back, it quickly stuck to Lu Shan's chest.


A heavy punch hit Lu Shan's defenseless chest.


A shock force with ice-cold attributes pierced through the defense of Lu Shan's body.

Penetrated into Lu Shan's body.

It caused a great shock to Lu Shan's internal organs.


The ice-cold attribute that it carried also made Lu Shan's body reaction suddenly slow down by a beat.

Take this opportunity.

The glaring '狌狌' went completely berserk.

The subsequent attacks rushed towards Lu Shan like a tide.

Punches, legs, elbows, splits...

Waves of physical attacks followed.

A few breaths of effort.

More than a dozen moves all hit Lu Shan's body.

The damage done to him is almost multiplied.

Seeing that the opponent still wants to continue the endless attack.

Come back to God Lu Shan.

Forcibly supporting the vibration of the organs in the body.

Bite the chicken tongue.

Before the opponent's next attack comes.

Lu Shan mobilized his blood and said a word in a low voice.


The sound comes out, the fist is fixed.

Although only paused for a moment.

But this is enough for Lu Shan.

Immediately one arm.

in front of him.


When the fists of the glaring '狌狌' continued to rush, they were successfully supported by Lu Shan with both arms.

Seeing that the punch failed.

Glaring '狌狌', he was ready to raise his legs and knees.

But what it never expected was.

It was just one attack that failed.

In exchange for it was Lu Shan's crazy counterattack.

Claw, Elbow, Hammer, Bang!
Even if the height difference between the two is close to ten to one.

But in terms of attack power and damage, Lu Shan is no worse than this glaring '狌狌'.

Even because of Lu Shan and the help of 'Golden Claw'.

Not for a while.

Dozens of wounds of various shades were torn open on the body of the glaring 'Xuan'.

Just when Lu Shan was about to take advantage of the victory and chase after him, looking for the life gate to explode and kill.

Those annoying snowballs hit again.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Several sharp auras were released by the three white-haired '狌狌'.

Watching the snowballs coming down with a cloud of sound barriers.

Lu Shan was irritable.

He directly invited the beautiful kingfisher in the altar.

And when the kingfisher walked out of the altar.


A strange feeling appeared in his mouth and tongue.

next moment.

Looking at the snowballs that had already hit him.

Lu Shan opened his mouth involuntarily.


A simple word appears.

Before the sound fell.

The several snowballs dragging the sonic boom clouds seemed to have thoughts of their own.

He was very obedient and turned a corner naturally.

Sticking to Lu Shan's body, passing by, bumped into the angry-eyed 'Xuan'.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The unsuspecting glaring '狌狌' was knocked back several steps by those snowballs.

Finally leaned back directly.

fell down.

"Boom" sound.

There was a lot of snow.


Lu Shan didn't know where his nature came from.

Return to the body.

next second.

Lift the chicken legs, spread the wings, raise the chicken head, and start dancing in the snow.

Spin around, flap your wings, finish...

Stepping on the snow, he danced silently several times.

When the three white-haired '狌狌' reacted to something.

Snowball again.

And it was a snowball glowing red, ready to attack Lu Shan.

But this will.

I am enjoying the strange joy of dancing.

Lu Shan didn't want this happiness to be ruthlessly interrupted.

So ever.

He opened his mouth again.


Two words.

Lu Shan's words were stuck.

Obviously, he wanted to continue talking.

But it was stuck by an inexplicable force.

This made Lu Shan feel annoyed.

A very strange anger.

Was wondering.

From the seventh "sit on the altar" in Lu Shan's body, a strange ability suddenly gushed out.

With the help of this ability.

Lu Shan said four words.


The voice just fell.

Lu Shan immediately felt the blood aura stored in his body, as if a gate had suddenly opened.

A large amount of blood spiritual energy leaked out of his body like a flood.

A moment of effort.

The original physical value of nearly 60 suddenly became only more than [-].

This made Lu Shan feel an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

It feels like the whole body is empty.


When Lu Shan cast his eyes on the three white-haired '狌狌' again.

Shocked discovery.

The three of them have already presented a face-to-face state of a right triangle.

next second.

The three white-haired '狌狌' were full of firepower with terrified faces.

A large number of snowballs were rubbed out from their hands and smashed towards the other two.



Snowball's sonic boom was accompanied by the anxious shouts of the three white-haired '狌狌'.

It reached Lu Shan's ears.

But at the moment Lu Shan just wants to dance.

Flapping its wings, the tips of its claws tap the ground.

Dancing in the snow...

Not for a while.

When Lu Shan finished dancing.

He tucked his wings around his waist.

Cross your legs.

Bend over.

He bowed deeply to his surroundings.

And at the moment when Lu Shan's chicken head hangs down.

Those three white-haired '狌狌' covered in blood.

They also fell down together...

the whole picture.

Let those infants not far away, the 'Yuan' in the Yuandan realm feel an indescribable panic.

When they see the rooster lift its body up.

An unreasonable pressure.

The group of 'husbands' who were not far away were scared and flinched.

They took a few steps back in unison.

After all, the scene just now was for them.

It's no different from horror.

At this time, Lu Shan didn't know Bie Yao's thoughts.

At this moment, his mind is still immersed in the dance he just performed.

Can't help but want to dance again.

But this time.

A sense of dizziness suddenly appeared.

When Lu Shan came back to his senses.

That beautiful kingfisher has retreated into his 'altar'.


When the memory of just dancing reappears.

An indescribable chill made him shiver uncontrollably.

'Sitting on the altar'...

Please God come forward.

Melt with oneself.

How come there is a feeling of being possessed?

This feeling made Lu Shan very uncomfortable.

Immediately decided that in the future battles, the skill of "sit on the altar" should be used as much as possible if it can be used.

After all, it can affect your behavior.

But okay.

Today the kingfisher just likes to dance and doesn't do anything out of the ordinary.

If next time we release a 'Qiaoshen' with a wonderful hobby...

such as…

Be Jing Jingwei?

Green Goblin 'Nine Stalks'?
A litter of chickens 'plucked'?

Chicken life is hopeless...

After sighing.

When Lu Shan raised his head again.

Those 'huong' not far away have already run more than half.

The rest of the '狌狌' were also looking at Lu Shan in fear.

this scenario.

Lu Shan suddenly lost the idea of ​​​​slaying mobs.

after all.

Labor and capital are now chickens in the Lingqiao realm.

With a group of low-level monsters, there is no point in fussing.

Instead of spending time killing mobs.

Rather than…

At this time.

Behind him, there was a tyrannical aura.

Lu Shan looked back.

It was found that the angry-eyed '狌狌' had stood up again.

And the breath came from this angry-eyed '狌狌'.

Feel the breath that is almost doubled in strength compared to before.

Lu Shan frowned slightly.

Contemplating for a moment.


He realized that this angry-eyed 'Xuan' might still be a mutant bloodline.

From the remote field control at the beginning, to the close combat later.

This angry-eyed '狌狌' has different abilities from ordinary '狌狌'.

Plus the breath is now doubled.

The tyrannical atmosphere is rampant.

It is even more representative of the possibility that this is a blood variant.


Facing this enemy whose aura has reached the high level of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Lu Shan was not afraid at all.

Even fighting spirit.

After taking a deep breath.

Spit out gently.

next moment.

As agreed.

Lu Shan and the glaring '狌狌' figure disappeared in place at the same time.





The speed of the battle between the two is so fast that even the baby-changing environment '狌狌' on the ground can't see clearly.

They can only rely on the direction of the sound to trace the traces of the battle.

But when the air battle is fierce.

on the ground.

There are only dozens of '狌狌' groups left.

Suddenly there was a flash of light.


Dozens of water swords like water droplets exploded in the crowd.

a time.

Nearly half of the 'huong' were killed in this attack.

But the attacks did not stop.

Followed by.

Another same water drop sword array exploded in the remaining '狌狌' group.

Four or five times in a row.

The result is.

Dozens of 'huong' here were slaughtered.

A large amount of blood covered and melted the snow here, and finally gathered into a blood pit of various sizes.

At this time.

From these blood pits, stood a figure soaked in blood.

It was the third successor of the Ming Dynasty in the Central Territory.

The Jiang family, Jiang Shuo.

Jiang Shuo at this time.

After creating such a huge massacre, his face remained calm.

He wiped the saber in his hand.

Just about to close the sword.


A fist that fell from the sky suddenly hit the top of his head.

This sudden attack.

Jiang Shuo had no time to dodge, so he could only raise his hand and choose to connect hard.

But this punch in the air.

It is completely an angry punch.

Under the heavy blow, Jiang Shuo was nailed into the ground together with his sword.

Only half of the body was left outside.

Seeing that the second punch was about to hit.

Jiang Shuo, who vomited blood profusely, was even ready to give up his physical body.

But right now.

A rooster with bright yellow flames all over his body suddenly appeared, and received the angry punch.


The collision of fist and claw produced an extremely strong energy wave.

He threw Jiang Shuo, man and sword together.

Waiting for Jiang Shuo to regain his senses.

The rooster was already hovering in mid-air.

And it is using a pair of wings to form a strange mark in the air...


A thing wrapped in a blood-red mist.

Impressively in front of the rooster, he made a promise.

When Jiang Shuo felt the terror and deterrence brought by this fog.

He couldn't help being surprised and said:


But when he saw the objects in the fog clearly.

An unprecedented sense of terror.

Suddenly appeared from his heart.

next second.

He exclaimed in surprise:

"Pillar of the sky!?"

"Do not!!"

"Do not!!!"


"Absolutely impossible!!"

(End of this chapter)

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