Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 325 So This Is Called 'Tongtian'

Chapter 325 So This Is Called 'Tongtian' (Please Subscribe!!!)

Ding Tianzhu?
What the hell?
Lu Shan naturally heard Jiang Shuo's words clearly.

But he didn't care.

Because all his energy is now on the thick oval stone in front of him.

A stone pulled from the chest.

It was still something that was bred by the surging anger.


This time it was different from the previous ones.

this stone...

When it first came out.

Shrouded in fog, sometimes empty and sometimes frozen.

It feels like being shrouded in a fine mosaic.

With the continuous output of blood aura.

Coupled with the non-stop pumping of anger.

Lu Shan finally saw the shape of the stone clearly.

Well, let alone, it really looks like a stone pillar.

and so…

The road of immortality is one-stop.

Do you mean dredging with stone pillars?
Think of this layer.

Lu Shan's expectations for this skill suddenly dropped a lot.

And right now.

Lu Shan sensed a fierce evil spirit, which appeared not far away.

Looked up.


I saw it on the top of the mountain hundreds of feet away.

The angry-eyed '狌狌' stood there.

Head up.

Arms raised.

And above its arms.

At this moment, a huge snowball with a diameter of several feet and a layer of blood-red mist shrouded its entire body was gathering.


The snowball is still expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Just Lu Shan's dumbfounded effort.

The snowball has swelled to a width of about ten or two feet.

Although I don't know what level of skill this snowball is.

But just look at the constantly expanding size and the surging and overflowing evil spirit.

The level of this skill will definitely not be low.

At this time.

Jiang Shuo has recovered from the confusion of the 'Tianzhu' just now.

Although the stone pillar on the rooster's chest is very similar in shape to the stone pillar in his memory.

But as long as his brain can understand it after thinking about it.

The two cannot be the same object at all.

After all, that is on Xianju Mountain in Zhongyu.


And this...


When Jiang Shuo also saw the huge snowball held by the glaring '狌狌'.

First stunned.

Immediately there was an anxious sound.

"Stop it quickly!!"

"That's 'Bloodshot Bullet'!"

"The 'Blood Flow Bullet' that condenses the chill of the Wangchuan River!"

"Except for 'Xuan' himself! Any other race that is hit by this will instantly turn into ice sculptures!"

"Frozen forever in the Wangchuan River!!"


Lu Shan frowned.

He stared at the snowball that had swelled to a size of more than ten feet.

I thought about it.

He still didn't choose to stop 'Tongtian' to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

After all, it has condensed so much.

If the interference fails, drop it on the spot.

Nothing will happen to me.

But Bai Zhanji, Huang Darong in the fire pit, and even other people in the cedar forest will be in danger.

and so.

Lu Shan was silent for a moment.

Decided to compete with each other for time.

Because he knows.

The more powerful the spell, the longer it takes to prepare.

As long as you get ahead of the opponent, stab the opponent with the stone pillar on the chest.

Then the problem of "blood flow bullet" is naturally solved.

But Jiang Shuo didn't know what Lu Shan was thinking.

In the face of that increasingly stronger energy surge.

Jiang Shuo couldn't bear it anymore.

He slapped himself on the chest three times in a row.

Then spit out a bloody lump.

after that.

Jiang Shuo gathered the last remaining spiritual power on this hard object.

Just throw it hard.

Immediately, the hard object shot towards the glaring 'Xuan' on the distant mountain like an arrow from the string.

This is one of the abilities in their Ming royal bloodline.

'Blood Hook'...

Has the ability to break through everything.

But every time you release this skill, you need to consume a lot of blood.

and so.

After the blood-red hard object left Jiang Shuo's hand.

Jiang Shuo's whole body withered.

Limp on the ground, he put all his hopes on this 'blood hook'.


Although the speed of the 'blood hook' is extremely fast.

But when he was about to hit the angry-eyed '狌狌'.


A black shadow suddenly appeared.

It is on the only way of the 'blood hook'.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be one of the three white-haired '狌狌' that fell down earlier.

At this moment, he is using his own body to block in front of the angry-eyed 'Xuan'.

This scene made Jiang Shuo both shocked and angry.

Fortunately, the 'blood hook' is extremely powerful.

"Whoosh" sound.

Flying with a flash of light.

The 'Blood Hook' penetrated through the body of the white-haired '狌狌' like this.

Then it continued to fly towards the angry-eyed '狌狌' at a very fast speed.

But at this time, the speed of the 'Blood Hook' has been significantly weakened by the naked eye.


Jiang Shuo heaved a sigh of relief despite his shock.

But then.

When the second figure and the third figure were lying in front of the angry-eyed 'Xuan' at the same time.

Jiang Shuo's complexion instantly became extremely ugly.

But the 'blood hook' was out of control once it came out.

So he could only watch helplessly as the 'Blood Hook' made two sounds of "Woo! Pfft!".

It plunged into the body of the second white fur '狌狌'.

Moments later, when the 'blood hook' came out from the back of the white-haired '狌狌'.

The speed is much slower than before.


Something that worried Jiang Shuo still appeared.

I saw that 'Blood Hook' barely stuck into the body of the third white-haired 'Xuan', and never came out again.

Seeing so.

Jiang Shuo blurted out a mouthful of old blood.

after that.

Looking up, he looked at the huge snowball with a diameter of tens of feet not far away.

gritted his teeth.

Get up, turn around and run.

At this time, Jiang Shuo thought that he had achieved the ultimate.

If you stay where you are.

That is pure courting of death.

At this time.

Jiang Shuo raised his head and set his eyes on the rooster floating in the air and rubbing stones.


There was a certain determination in his eyes.


He ran off into the distance without looking back.

But right now.

In front of Jiang Shuo, there appeared a large number of 'Xuan'.

Go through these '狌狌' states.

He saw it at a glance.

These '狌狌' are the group of deserters who were afraid to flee before.

But why did you come back again?
Jiang Shuo didn't understand.

want to go through.

As a result, dozens of snowballs of different sizes smashed over.

Jiang Shuo was too late to dodge.

He was immediately hit by several big snowballs.

With the huge impact, his whole body flew out.

It knocked down a cedar before stopping.

When Jiang Shuo raised his head again.

He has been surrounded by countless burly '狌狌'.

Look at the group of '狌狌' who stopped ten feet away.

Jiang Shuo understood.

I have been driven to a corner.

last resort.

He took out the 'Camel Bell Fat Jade' and held it in his hand.

Get ready for one last fight.

But at this time.

Jiang Shuo suddenly felt something.


A gigantic snowball has already come out of the hand of the glaring '狌狌'.

It hit like a big mountain.

Cover the sky.


The entire field of vision was filled with that huge snowball wrapped in a blood-red mist.


It is a huge snow mountain.

this moment.

Jiang Shuo's heart was full of despair.


He put the 'Camel Bell Fat Jade' in his mouth, ready to release the last strength of the Jiang family.

But it will.

Jiang Shuo suddenly found out.

Under the snow-capped mountains that hold half the sky.

At some point, a shadow appeared.

Take a closer look.

It was that rooster.

I saw the rooster came to the bottom of Qingtian Snow Mountain alone.

Raising the chicken head, he gently pushed out the formed stone pillar in his hand.

this moment.

Jiang Shuo seemed to see an old man with long eyebrows, standing behind the rooster, slowly stretched out a finger, overlapping with the stone pillar.

For an instant.

The surface of the stone pillar is full of light.

The resulting brilliance made Jiang Shuo's eyes hard to open.

Just when he subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

The stone pillar suddenly disappeared.

Leave the light in place.

The cylinder itself has completely disappeared.

Just when Jiang Shuo looked up in astonishment.

That stone pillar has already collided with the majestic snow mountain in the sky.


No shock.

There are no exaggerated explosions, nor any colorful energy shocks.

Just a short breath.

In the middle of the snow mountain, where it touches the stone pillar.

Suddenly, a huge void appeared.


Not empty.

It should be a huge tunnel through which the body passes.

From below to above.


From Jiang Shuo's standing point of view.

Just through the hollow tunnel in the middle of the mountain, you can see the zenith at a glance.



Jiang Shuo was shocked.

Because he really didn't expect it.

A rooster can actually know such a spell with such terrifying penetrating power.

The power of the 'Blood Flow Bullet' of the '狌狌' family.

He knows more or less.

This kind of spell.

Unless it is using the ultimate defense power, or some extremely fast spells for large teleportation.

In order to have a certain chance to avoid such a terrifying spell.

As for the frontal confrontation, use the strong to break the spell.

to be frank.

Even the Royal Bo Academy of the Ming royal family, which has a wide range of things, has no records in this regard.

But now...

that cock...

While thinking, Jiang Shuo cast a meaningful look at the chicken in the sky.

next second.

The 'blood flow bomb' in the sky collapsed on the spot.

It was shattered into countless blood qi, and accompanied by bursts of water vapor, it spread to the surroundings.

Wait for the blood in the air to dissipate.

Jiang Shuo discovered it unexpectedly.

The angry-eyed 'Xuan' died.

A large hole was pierced through the body.

He froze in mid-air with a dazed expression.

And then.

A scene that made Jiang Shuo feel fear appeared.

In the sky thousands of feet above the ground.

It is in the same straight line as the piercing chest of the glaring '狌狌'.

A hole with a diameter nearly the size of a millstone appeared.

Dark and dark.

It's like piercing the sky.

and many more…

god here...


Jiang Shuo was dumbfounded...

And the same.

As the caster this chicken.

Lu Shan really didn't expect it.

This move of 'Tongtian' can really poke a hole in the sky.

Although the sky here is just the sky in the Lingling Pagoda.

It is fundamentally different from the outside world.

But this...

at the same time.

Just when a hole was pierced in the Lingling Pagoda.

Located on the top of the tower on the ninth floor of No.90.

A sapling that took root in the air suddenly emitted a bright light.

next moment.

The 'Kui Niu' who is in the outside world and is guarding the gate with its eyes closed.


The bull's eyes widened instantly.

The massive spiritual pressure of the astral realm in the body spread around like a tsunami.

The outside world at this moment is basically a few people from the sect who are stationed here, and their cultivation base is neither high nor low.

These people can still resist when they face Xiaoxiao thief.

But in the face of the sudden appearance of the 'astral body' evil spirit.

Most of the monks were dizzy from the sudden surge of spiritual pressure.

All kinds of spaceships and spaceships were also smashed into pieces.

a while.

When the evil spirit dissipates.

The 'Kui Niu' closed its eyes again and squatted at the door.

Stay there quietly.

not moving at all.

At this time.

Lu Shan, who was hovering in the air, was listening to the system's reward prompt in his mind.

But all his eyes were on the hole in the sky.

With some kind of conjecture.

Lu Shan flew towards the hole in the sky.

It didn't take long.

When Lu Shan came to the hole.

When I saw the dazzling scene inside the cave, I was completely surprised.

I couldn't help but put the chicken head in and explored it.

As a result, as soon as he reached in, he felt the confusion and instability inside.

Wherever the eye can see.

All auras of various colors are flowing.

Melts silk, gathers water, gathers gas.

It's like a hodgepodge.

this will.

Suddenly, a mass of air mixed with many colors passed in front of Lu Shan.

With tentative thoughts.

Lu Shan went up to this cloud of gas very quickly and was stunned.


Gas into the mouth.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, hemp...

All the flavors came.

And when this cloud of gas poured into Lu Shan's stomach.

[System prompt]: Successfully devoured a ray of 'chaos aura', and gained the promotion time (1000000) hours to the mid-level of the spirit aperture.

[System prompt]: 'Chaos Reiki' has the function of strengthening comprehension, and ten strands can be converted into one without limit. (1/10)

[System Prompt]: 'Chaos Spiritual Qi' can strengthen and temper the body, gaining attribute points (10).

Good guy.

It's just a mess.

There is such a strong effect.

If I swallowed all the liquid in front of me...


In an instant.

Lu Shan completely ignored the smell of the gas.

Leaping into the hole with a look of surprise.

Facing the flowing balls of liquid in front of him, he stretched out his long chicken tongue.

As he chased, trembling.

Not for a while.

Another cloud of spiritual energy was swallowed into his mouth.

When that voice appeared in his mind again.

Lu Shan was completely let go.

He kept chasing those gas masses.

But what Lu Shan didn't know was.

Just when he spread his legs and ran.

behind him.

The hole connecting the eighth floor of No. 20 suddenly began to close slowly.

It only took two or three breaths.

The hole has healed.

Completely disappeared.

And when Lu Shan felt strange.

When I looked back to find that hole.

Behind him, there are only endless colorful rivers of light and shadow, and those 'chaos aura' that jump out from time to time...

and so.

Lu Shan was dumbfounded...

(End of this chapter)

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