Chapter 335 From the Confidence in the Pants Pocket (Please Subscribe!!!)
No.40 five floors.

Devouring layer.

Due to the excessive movement in the fourth floor of No.40.

so that.

At the portals on the upper and lower floors.

There are more or less intelligence personnel stationed here.

For example, Hu Yiquan.

As the head of the tomb of Fulu Tomb in Zhongyu.

His status is the highest in the sect apart from the suzerain and several other deputy sects.

But rather.

His cultivation is only at the initial level of the spirit aperture.

The degree of matching with its status is far from the same.

If you use this kind of cultivation base, go deep together with the suzerain and others.

It's a matter of time before something happens.

with it.

It is better to stay in some special positions and provide key information for their suzerains.

and so.

Hu Yiquan was left here like this.

Just started.

Hu Yiquan who was left behind was still a little unhappy.

After all, although his cultivation is only at the elementary level of the Spirit Aperture Realm, he still has one or two spells that he can handle.

It can also play a role when necessary.

Moreover, there is also a deputy suzerain in the team whose cultivation base is also at the elementary level of the spirit aperture.

Even a little later than his promotion.

But he just kept him.

This made Hu Yiquan happy.

But when he saw Prince Yaoyuan 'Dikui'.

A middle-level "Desolate Beast" in the Spirit Aperture Realm was left behind to transmit information.


Hu Yiquan's mood became different.

Considering that each other is from the middle domain.

Hu Yiquan naturally dug the tomb not far from Prince Yaoyuan.

Half of his body was lying in his own tomb.

While practicing sect spells, he focused on Prince Yaoyuan.

After watching for a long time, he still couldn't help saying hello.

"Hi! Dikui!"


The ground sunflower crawling on a boulder with its four limbs and claws opened its eyes.

He glanced at the source of the sound.

When I saw a hand sticking out from the grave to say hello here.

Dikui rolled her eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Hu punched him when he heard the question, and sat up from the cemetery.

Lying on the edge of the grave, he smiled and said:

"I just wanted to say hello to you."

Heard this.

Dikui was silent for a moment, then replied blankly:
"During the past four hours."

"You have already shown the behavioral tendency of wanting to say hello to the king seven times."

"Count it now this time."

"A total of eight times."

It was so straightforwardly dismantled.

Hu Yiquan not only did not feel embarrassed, but instead clicked his tongue and said:

"People say that Prince Yaoyuan has the blood of 'Ting Ting'."

"Now it seems that this rumor may be true."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."


"Tsk tsk tsk..."


Dikui opened his eyes again, glared at Hu and punched Hu with a very sharp look.

Then, scan back around.

After making sure that none of the monks stationed in other sects noticed their side.

He stared coldly at the strong man covered in mud.


Dikui seems to have thought of something.

He narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then asked aloud:

"I heard that the head of the tomb of Fulu's tomb is a rare and suitable talent."

"It's especially good at finding spiritual acupoints."

"I don't know if there is such a thing?"

Hearing Dikui's praise, the expression on Hu Yiquan's face almost burst into a flower.

"There's nothing."

"Brother, I'm just good at digging holes to bury myself."

"As for the search for the quasi-acupuncture point, hehehehe..."

Hearing Hu Yiquan's unceremonious acceptance and praise.

Dikui raised the beast's head, turned his gaze to Hu Yiquan, and asked in a deep voice:

"In that case."

"You also have the opportunity to cooperate with this king."


Dikui opened his mouth, protruding a golden light.

"Whoosh" sound.

He flew in front of Hu Yiquan.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, caught the golden light, and spread it out on his hand for a look.

It's a spell written all over it.

Simply glance around.


Hu Yiquan's eyes widened a lot.

Then he raised his head, his gaze was like a torch, and he stared closely at the crocodile-like Prince Yaoyuan.

"This matter, really?!"

"How can this king's words be child's play?"

Hear this.

Hu Yiquan's smile almost cracked to the corner of his mouth.

Couldn't help murmuring:
"I've heard some disciples say that the girl buried alive has a beautiful body."

"It seems that this time, I can punch a punch..."

Yet at this time.

In the portal not far away.

Suddenly a small figure stepped out.


The gazes of the dozen or so monks here were all focused on that short figure.

Including Dikui, and Hu Yiquan lying on the edge of the grave.

And when that short figure gradually walked out of the light gate.

Most monks.

The expression on his face was dazed.

There are only a few monks from the Western Regions.

Especially the Taoist with a haggard face and wearing Taoist robes, his whole face was covered with shock.

This person is Meishanzong, the peak master of Unstable Peak, Zhao Baoli.

As a member of the Meishan sect.

Naturally, he knew what this figure represented.

Originally, he was still very puzzled.

Why did the superior recommend such a chicken to enter the Grinding Pagoda with them.

But when Zhao Baoli realized that he could no longer see through the cultivation of this rooster.


Also understood the idea above.

A monster in the Spirit Aperture Realm, even if its cultivation is only at the beginning level of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Rely on physical strength.

It can also stand firmly between the 45th and 55th floors.

At that time, the relationship between it and Meishanzong will be used.

At the critical moment, it may also play the role of a surprise soldier.

And just when Zhao Baoli was planning.

Lu Shan's body completely walked out of the portal.

The chicken feet just stepped on the ground.

In an instant.

A strange feeling acted on him.

Get those body-protecting auras on his body.

It was all swallowed up at once.

Seeing that these weird forces were about to seep into the goosebumps on his body surface.

Lu Shan was shocked.

There was a chill.

Immediately, all the places where the blood aura in the body communicated with the outside world were closed.

Including the 'supraluminal bursa'.

Wait until everything is done.

Lu Shan was surprised to find out again.

Those cracks on the surface of his body were actually under the action of these strange forces.

It also began to fully heal.

Not for a while.

He changed from a glued chicken to the original appearance of the king of beasts.


Lu Shan could understand that this kind of healing was really temporary.

If you want to fully heal, you still have to find that kind of 'tea' quickly.

At this time.

A voice came from directly in front of him.

"May I ask, what kind of monster are you from?"


Lu Shan raised his head.

I saw a burly crocodile lying on a rock not far away.

With a pair of amber pupils that could not see any emotion, he stared at himself tightly.

Lu Shan keenly sensed the alertness from these eyes.

Then he opened the 'corns' and glanced around.

While feeling the rapid reduction of the blood aura in his body, he also saw something.


In the mountains and forests not far away, in the canyons, on the ridges.

Either hiding or hiding from a dozen or so monks and monsters whose cultivation bases range from the Infant Transformation Realm to the Spirit Aperture Realm.

They seemed to be watching themselves warily.


Want to ambush yourself?

Deal with so many enemies at once.

It is false to say it is true.


Just think of the two astral realm guys in my crotch.

The feeling of weakness just now disappeared in an instant.


Lu Shan shook his head.


"Are you going to block the road and rob?"

I heard about Lu Shankou's impoliteness.

next second.

A dozen monks immediately made a gesture ready to attack at any time.


Lu Shan also involuntarily stretched his wings into his crotch.

Seeing that a big war is about to break out.

An urgent voice suddenly came from the side.

Lu Shan looked back.

He is an old Taoist who runs on old roads.

He was carrying a handful of floating dust.

Panting, jumped on top of a big rock, shouted:
"Wait, everyone!"

"This chicken demon is the guardian demon of my Meishan sect."

"It's not the evildoer of the Cinder Demon City!"

There was someone else's voice.

The tense atmosphere immediately dissipated a lot.

However, someone still asked:

"Friend Zhao."

"Your words are true."

"After all, according to your family, what if this chicken is a spy from the Cinder Demon City."

"It ruined the big event, and none of us present can escape."

Hear this.

Feeling the revival of the tense atmosphere around.

Zhao Baoli couldn't help but wanted to turn back.

However, considering that there were many masters in the spiritual aperture state present, he held back his emotions.

Then he looked back at the person who made the sound, and asked with a calm face:
"Then how does Brother Li feel?"

Before the person surnamed Li spoke.

Someone on the other side suddenly said:
"My suggestion, take it down first!"

"It just happens to be able to explore what happened on the fourth floor of No.40 from it."

As soon as this word comes out.

Immediately aroused everyone's mind.

The reason why they are stationed here.

A large part of the reason is to find out what happened before the 44th floor.

I was still considering whether to go down and check it myself.

But he is also afraid of the danger that may appear below.

it's good now.

If you doze off, someone will give you a pillow.

One by one after getting this prompt.

Immediately began to gear up.

But it will.

The other three monks belonged to the Western Regions.

You look at me, I look at you.

They actually stood up together and said:
"I am the deputy head of the Yinyang Sect of the Western Regions, and I can stand for the Meishan Sect's fellow Daoist Zhao."


the other two.

A man and a woman also spoke separately:
"I am the dean of the Tianyu Sect's Tailing Institute, and I would like to stand for the Meishan Sect's fellow Daoist Zhao."

"This concubine is the owner of the Yinshan Mountain of the Yuanbao Sect, and I am also willing to stand for the Meishan Sect's fellow Taoist Zhao."

Suddenly there were three more people who spoke for Zhao Baoli.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed a little bit.

Although I really want to take down this chicken.

But seeing the attitude of these sects in the Western Regions holding together.

Considering that it is impossible not to go to the Western Regions in the future.

Full of confidence, Li Gun and the others hesitated again.

at this time.

The first voice was not from the Western Regions, so he echoed it.

"Since there is someone from the Western Regions as a guarantee."

"Don't mention the word capture."


Hu, who made a sound for it, punched his whole body and stood up from the grave.

Leap onto the grave.

Smiling and asking aloud:

"I don't know Brother Chicken, can you tell us, a few hours ago."

"Did something happen on the fourth floor of No.40?"


For those who have other ideas.

Lu Shan didn't bother to talk to them.

Flap the wings directly.

Take off in place.

He flew into the air alone.


Facing everyone present, he said:

"Want to know what's going on down there?"

"If you have the patience, go down and see for yourself."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to those monks from the Western Regions.


A wing.

The body flew out several feet at once.

Seeing such extremely mocking words come out of the rooster's mouth.

a time.

The faces of many monks are a little ugly.

But I don't know what's in my heart.

Even if it waited until the figure of the rooster completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

No one has ever made a move on this chicken demon.

This made Lu Shan, who was ready to fight hard.

The whole chicken felt empty from the inside out.


Empty to empty, since no one shot him.

Lu Shan is also happy to relax.

continue in a certain direction.

Flap your wings and fly forward.

Considering that there are no monks in the astral realm on this level.

But Lu Shan still didn't use his blood aura to hurry.

Mainly because it is in the spirit-eating layer.

Consumables such as blood aura and aura can be said to use less.

So he simply relied on the power of his own wings.

Fly forward little by little.

Fortunately, Lu Shan's body strength is not small.

With a random flap of the wings, the surge of wind brought about can make him fly far away.

The speed is also very fast.

It is almost equivalent to the full-flying flight of ordinary baby-changing monks.

long time.

When it gets dark.

Lu Shan finally crossed the entire fifth floor of No.40.

Reached the entrance of No.40 fifth floor and 46th floor.

Looking at the lights and shadows of several human figures appearing in a trance in front of the passageway.

Lu Shan didn't even stop.

Directly using the gliding posture, it went straight to the transmission channel.


Those figures seemed to have sensed something.

Turn around.

Against the oncoming gliding chicken.

A faint white light was released.

When several white lights interweave together, they directly become a large white net.

Facing Lu Shan covered the past.


Lu Shan's speed did not decrease but increased.

Even used some blood aura.

It made his whole body turn into a flying shadow.

Straight into the giant net.

And at the moment when Lu Shan's body was about to touch the giant net.

Lu Shan suddenly said something in a low voice.

'Size surgery'.


His figure suddenly shrunk twenty times.

Become a tiny rooster within a millimetre.

All of a sudden, it passed through the mesh of the giant net.


In the daze of those figures of light and shadow.

I plunged into the transmission channel on the sixth floor of No.40.

Just when Lu Shan's figure completely disappeared in the transmission channel.

The news that a chicken demon walked out of No. 40's fourth floor was also transmitted to the ears of the venerables in the upper space by some people through special means.

among them.

Most chose to ignore it.

After all, it's just a chicken demon in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

The few venerables who choose to read the letters in depth have their own ways, and have more or less heard of the deeds of the chicken monster in Jiba Mountain in the Western Regions.

and so.

Lu Shan was under the circumstance of being ignored by everyone.

Came to the sixth floor of No.40.

Just stepped in.

Lu Shan could clearly feel that the spirit-eating effect of this place was much stronger than that of the previous floor.

If you follow this level and so on.

Estimated to the highest stage of the devouring layer.

That is, when the fifth floor.

I'm afraid that even a high-level monk in the spirit aperture state may not be able to completely release a spiritual method.

And just when Lu Shan stepped into the sixth floor of No.40.

Located in the central area of ​​this floor.

A middle-aged man with three arms seemed to sense something.

Pull out a spell at random.

He held it in his hand, and it took a moment to figure it out.

Suddenly said unexpectedly:

"Why is there an 'astral body' on this level?"

 This one is too much, it brings out some necessary things in the plot!

(End of this chapter)

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