Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 336 Awareness of Star Power

Chapter 336 Awareness of Star Power (Please Subscribe!!!)
'Kunze Tea Tree' is cold in nature, prefers shade, grows without roots, and generally grows in dark and humid areas.

And there is a place on the sixth floor of No.40 that fits this feature very well.

'Air swamp'.

The place lives up to its name.

It was a swamp suspended in the air.

When I first heard Xiao Zhou tell him, I felt a little strange.

But when he saw the 'air swamp' with his own eyes.

I have to sigh how fantastic the thought of the master of the Spirit Grinding Pagoda is.

Well known.

Swamps are composed of countless mires mixed with water.

But the swamp in front of me.

But it is suspended in the air at a height of five or six hundred feet.

Its thickness is tens of feet.

Above and below are swamp faces.


It is within a few hundred feet from the ground below.

There are also countless, step-by-step marsh enclaves.

Densely dense, indescribable.

As for the mother tree of 'Kunze Tea' mentioned by Xiao Zhou, 'Kunze Tea Tree', it grows in a large densely packed area below.

See here.

Lu Shan flapped his wings and flew to the nearest swamp.

Just an hour after Lu Shan plunged headlong into this 'air swamp'.

A middle-aged man with three arms.

Stepping on a huge turquoise dragonfly, it flew to the other side of the 'air swamp'.

He looked at the charm in his hand.

Then he looked at the swamp airspace in front of him.

Think for a moment.

He still made a handprint on the huge dragonfly under his feet.


The whole person jumped off the dragonfly's back.

In a natural falling posture, it smashed to the ground.

After a dozen breaths.

"Boom" sound.

The three-armed man walked out of the deep pit and headed towards the swamp area alone.

Lu Shan at the moment.

They are constantly shuttling through the suspended quagmire one after another.

Just started.

He was also a little strange about the suspension principle of these quagmires.

But when he stuck hundreds of pieces of mud down, he found that he was also slowly levitating.

It is understood.

These swamps can be suspended in the air, and the principle should be on the mud.

So later, Lu Shan also smeared a lot of mud on himself.

This immediately allowed him to reduce the consumption of a lot of flight time.

Only relying on the strength of gliding, it can shuttle between various swamps.


Looking for a long time.

The 'Kunze tea tree' mentioned by Zhou Wendao didn't even see a shadow.

This made Lu Shan couldn't help wondering if he hadn't found the right place.

But everything around is exactly the same as what Zhou Wendao described.

Out of belief.

Lu Shan still chose to continue to shuttle back and forth in these swamps.

A long time passed.

Lu Shan finally saw a plant with roots in the air in an area full of green plants.

The root system is large.

Winding and scattered, like a green ball growing upside down.

And above this root system.

It is a few sparse branches.




At the top of these branches, there are almost one or two emerald green leaves hanging.

There are big and small.

But the difference is not too big.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan didn't go directly to pick them.

Instead, he prepared a few top-grade spirit stones.

Hold on to the wings.

When they came to a position tens of feet above the tea tree.

He quickly threw the Lingshi in his hand to the side.


Wait for the moment when the spirit stone is released.

Lu Shan glides, increases the speed to the fastest, and glides towards the tea tree.

And while gliding.

The root system below the tea tree suddenly flickered.

Followed by.

Countless thick roots chased towards the spirit stone in the sky at an almost terrifying speed.

But just taking advantage of this gap.

Lu Shan glides to the top of the tea tree.

Use chicken feet, aim at a piece of tea, and squeeze it lightly.


Pinch empty.

The branch actually swung slightly downward.

Very dexterously avoided Lu Shan's claws.

Seeing so.

Although Lu Shan was furious, he continued to flap his wings and slid forward.

Because Zhou Wendao once told him.

When handling tea leaves, be sure to be quick, precise and ruthless.

An opportunity, regardless of whether it succeeds or not, must be left immediately.

Because the 'Kunze tea tree' will devour any aura that approaches it.

Whether it's a human, a demon, or a spirit, a ghost cultivator, or an evil spirit.

Even magic weapons, spells, and spirit stones.

As long as it appears within the perception range of the tea tree, it will attack it.

Lu Shan also asked.

Why not just kill the tea tree and collect the tea leaves.

The answer was one sentence.

As long as the 'Kunze tea tree' is under any attack, it will give priority to absorbing the nourishment of the tea leaves.

and so.

Want to collect tea.

Only outsmart.

And listen to Zhou Wendao's description.

The attack speed of each root system of the 'Kunze Tea Tree' is no less than the speed of ordinary high-level monks in the spirit aperture state.

And every time the tea tree attacks, it goes all out.

Hundreds of branches all flew out.

There is really no way to resist this level of attack except for those with cultivation bases above the astral level.

Lu Shan didn't want to risk his own life to test whether what Zhou Wendao said was correct.


If it doesn't work once, try a few more times.

Don't say anything else, just talk about Lingshi.

There are several hills stuffed in Lu Shan's crotch.

They were all taken out of the dozens of world bags that were robbed at the beginning.


After waiting for Lu Shan to glide to the opposite swamp mire.


At a glance, he saw that the few high-grade spirit stones he had just thrown out were being wrapped up in the center by the roots of the tea tree.

Judging from the squirming action of the root system.

I'm afraid he is absorbing the aura from his spirit stone.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan waited for the root system to digest all the top-grade spirit stones.

A few top-grade spirit stones were taken out again.

Find the farthest route and throw it away.

Then slide down again.

This time.

Lu Shan stabilized his body, and before the tea leaves of the tea tree came into contact, he made a fake shaking motion.


Reverse paw and pinch.

Finally managed to pinch a piece of tea.


It continued to glide past and landed on another floating swamp.

Lu Shan at the moment.

Stepping on the mire, I pinched the tea to my mouth.

A smell.

Mint flavor.

Then put it in your mouth.

Good guy, it's still sweet.

It's like eating Telford.

Sweet and a bit greasy.

a while.

When Lu Shan swallowed the tea with the help of saliva.

A prompt jumped out.

[System Prompt]: Successfully absorb a piece of 'Kunze Tea', get attribute points (10), unlimited points (1).

Really useful!

Lu Shan looked at the attribute panel in his body, and the unlimited number successfully jumped from 0 to 1.

Don't tell me how happy I am.


Lu Shan then relied on the same method.

It took almost three hours.

Only then did this 'Kunze Tea Tree' become bald.

If Zhou Wendao hadn't told him, the 'Kunze Tea Tree' could not be removed.

Lu Shan really wanted to take this thing home and raise it.

And this time.

Lu Shan sat on a piece of dry soil.

Look at the property panel, the number 8 behind the unlimited point.

I thought about it.

Continue to heal the rifts in your body.

And take advantage of this healing time.

Lu Shan embarked on the road of finding the next 'Kunze tea tree' again.

that's it.

in the next days.

Lu Shan looks for tea trees during the day.

At night, I dug a mud pit, and with the help of the special soil here, I can rest in it while covering up my breath.

Three days in a row.

Lu Shan found a total of seven 'Kunze tea trees' and picked about 59 pieces of 'Kunze tea leaves'.

Got 59 unlimited points.

All were used to heal the cracks on the body.

But even so.

There are still five cracks left on Lu Shan's body at this moment.

It is calculated according to an average crack and one unlimited point.

In other words.

I want to return to the original chicken.

'Kunze Tea' needs to eat at least five more pieces.

That counts.

Lu Shan smacked his sweet and greasy mouth.

Take a deep breath and continue to glide forward.


Just at this time.

Lu Shan's crotch...

No, it was his spirit beast bag, and there was a sudden tremor.

Lu Shan went in with a puzzled look and inspiration.

It was Zhou Wendao.

"What's wrong? Xiao Zhou."

Lu Shan sent a voice transmission to the spirit beast bag.

Zhou Wendao, who received the sound transmission, immediately said through the sound transmission:


"There is a venerable in the astral realm, who has come to the area with a radius of thousands of feet."

What? !

Astral realm? !

Didn't it mean that as long as you don't stand out, the venerable in the astral realm won't talk to you?

Lu Shan immediately expressed his doubts to the spirit beast bag.


Zhou Wendao in the spirit beast bag continued to speak:

"Master, do you still have an 'astral body'?"

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Shan immediately understood.

Ganqing came after the 'astral body'...

But it's impossible for me to just lose the 'Astral Body' I carried on my body.

Such a precious thing.

Isn't it a pity to lose it?

But if you don't lose it, the venerable will find him sooner or later.

Although Zhou Wendao said that he has recovered [-]% of his strength.

It shouldn't be a big problem to stop the opponent.

But this is not a long-term solution.

As long as the problem of the 'astral body' is not resolved, this hidden danger will always exist.

is thinking.

Lu Shan found another 'Kunze tea tree' in front of the side.

Turn quickly and glide over.


He threw out several high-grade spirit stones without stopping.


With a very skillful gliding, he squeezed out a piece of tea and threw it directly into his mouth.

The movements of the whole process are cohesive and smooth.

Very rhythmic.

after that.

Lu Shan turned around, counted the time, and glided over again.

Throwing spirit stones, swooping down, pinching tea leaves, throwing mouths.

Several times in a row.

When Lu Shan came to the fifth time.

After putting the fifth piece of 'Kunze Tea' into the mouth.

He found an open space and stopped.

Because Lu Shan found out.

When he consumed the fifth piece, which is No. 60, four unlimited points, and began to restore the beginning of the last crack on the body surface.

An indescribable strange feeling suddenly appeared in the whole body.

It seemed that a shackle that had been wrapping his body was suddenly broken by a mysterious force.

let his body.

At this moment, it seems to have been reborn.

And wait until the last crack is completely healed.

The power of the stars hidden in one's body.

Suddenly became extremely docile.

Slowly flowing towards Lu Shan's acupuncture point.


A miraculous scene appeared.

I saw the gods in those acupuncture points, after being flowed by the power of the stars.

have changed.

Become full of vitality and contain spirituality.

A god who was originally shaped like a statue.

After being washed by the power of the stars.

It seems that they have all become living gods.

Either sit quietly, or look around, or meditate, or laugh.

this moment.

Lu Shan suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seems that in the future, his head will be extremely lively...

At this time.

When Lu Shan subconsciously scanned his attribute panel.

Surprisingly found.

Under his attribute value, suddenly there was a panel called [Star Power].

There are also two words marked on the back-'primary'.

What do you mean?
What does elementary star power mean?

Lu Shan asked Zhou Wendao, who was in the spirit beast bag, in an insinuating tone:

"Xiao Zhou."

"Have you heard of the level of star power?"


In the spirit beast bag, Zhou Wendao's voice came out.

"Back to the master."

"The level of star power is a measurement method for those above the astral level."

"The main thing is to measure the degree of star power contained in its body."

That's it.

Lu Shan nodded knowingly.

But then, he asked curiously:

"Xiao Zhou, what is your star power level?"

half an hour.

Only then did Zhou Wendao's voice come over.

"Master, the star power of this old slave is not up to the rating standard..."

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Shan was stunned for a moment.

Then asked again:

"Aren't you in the astral realm?"

"Why isn't it up to this standard?"

after that.

Aiming at Lu Shan's question.

Zhou Wendao told everything he knew in detail.

From the rating standard of star power to the relationship between star power and aura, blood aura, etc.

Then to the benchmarking between star power and astral realm.

There are tens of thousands of words in eloquence.

Hearing that, Lu Shan was a little dizzy.

Wait till the end.

Lu Shan probably remembered a few points in his mind.

The standard unit of star power is the initial stage of star power that requires ten standard star skills to be released at one time.

Only by mastering the star power at this stage can it be regarded as the real astral realm.

In order to have the ability to crush the high-level spirit aperture.

Astral-level monks who have not reached this standard can only be considered half-step astral-level at most.

And the structure between star power and aura, blood aura, etc., probably belongs to the relationship between the upper and lower levels.

In detail, it is similar to the concept of true qi mastered by monks before advancing to general qi state.

Star power is one level higher than aura and blood aura.

As for benchmarking.

The big realm is suppressed with cultivation.

The small class discusses combat power based on the level of star power.

and so.

After many monks reach the astral state, there will be a kind of star power level.

Realm practice is actually a supplementary phenomenon.

But these are things that Lu Shan needs to consider in the future.

As for now.

Of course, we must finish picking the 'Kunze Tea' first.


Just when he spread his wings and was about to glide and dive again.

A deep voice suddenly came from the position below Lu Shan.

"finally found you…"

(End of this chapter)

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