Chapter 337 The Power of Disobedient Stars (Please Subscribe!!!)

Lu Shan immediately stopped his steps.

Standing on the edge of the swamp.

He lowered his eyes and followed the source of the sound.

I saw it directly below him.

A burly man with three arms was looking up at him with a half-smile.

Look at this weird look.

Lu Shan felt uncomfortable all over.


Don't wait for his reply.

The figure of the strong man below disappeared instantly.

when it reappears.

Has come to the front of Lu Shan.

This speed!

Look at the fist that is swaying head-on.

Lu Shan's pupils shrank.

Use all your strength to control your body and dodge backwards.

But despite this, his speed was still a little slower.

no way.

Lu Shan could only invite out of the "Sit on the Altar", with the double blessing of the attribute of "Dry Blood".

He raised his wings and placed them in front of him as a barrier.


For an instant.

A terrifying force struck Lu Shan's wings.

The extreme strength gave Lu Shan the illusion that his wings were about to be broken.


Mobilize the blood aura on his body and gather it on his wings.

Even if a huge part is absorbed by the strange force in the air, try hard to keep your wings.

Fight in this place.

If the wings are crippled as soon as they meet, how can they fight against them with two chicken feet in the follow-up?

to this end.

Lu Shan tried his best to consume a huge amount of blood and spiritual energy, and also desperately protected his wings.


Just when Lu Shan thought that the opponent was exhausted with a punch.

The second punch from the opposite side actually struck again.

Then there was a third punch behind him.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan immediately understood.

I can't hold on anymore.

Brain move.

Immediately shook out several chicken feathers, floating in the air.


While the chicken feathers haven't completely dissipated.

Find the farthest chicken feather, and you can release 'shifting shape'.

He switched his body shape with that chicken feather.

But something that surprised Lu Shan happened.

Just changing one position reduced the blood aura in his body by almost one-third.

Is this the horror of the spirit devouring layer?

If you fight according to the previous fighting method.

I'm afraid it would be a saving if I could finish a cup of tea.

In this regard.

After Lu Shan was shocked in his heart, he immediately flew back at the fastest speed.

When it landed on a floating swamp not far away.

Turning around, staring at the three-armed man, he angrily said:
"Who are you!?"

"What did you attack me for!?"

Hearing the voice, the three-armed man didn't answer, but pinched out a chicken feather of Lu Shan with his hand.

I put it in my hand, looked at it, and then smelled it again.

When it was over, he turned his head back, put his eyes on Lu Shan, raised the corners of his mouth, and asked aloud:


"A chicken demon in the Spirit Aperture Realm actually has remnants of the power of stars on his body."

Speaking of which.

The three-armed man pinched the chicken feathers into fly ash with one hand, then turned his gaze to Lu Shan, and asked again:
"I wonder if you can answer this question for me?"

The power of the stars?

Speaking of this, Lu Shan just remembered that when he swallowed the "star spirit body" before.

Use chicken feathers to share a lot of the impact of the power of the stars.

and many more.

If so.

Subconsciously, Lu Shan used inspiration to explore from the chicken feathers.


In each of his chicken feathers, there is still some star power left.

Although the number of single roots is not much.

But if put together.

The amount of the power of these stars may add up to be several times what is left in the body now.

It's a pity that I can't use it myself.

Otherwise, learn from Xiao Zhou and throw a few star skills...

in thought.

Lu Shan's crotch suddenly vibrated again.

He opened a gap in the vibrating spirit beast bag, and suddenly, a sound transmission came from inside.


"The old slave has already sensed that the breath of the astral realm is getting closer, the master must be careful."

"Just give the old slave another hour, and the old slave can come out to help the master block that astral body."


Be careful...

They have all rushed to the front.

Is the inspiration in this spirit beast bag so lagging behind?

Lu Shan didn't know how to return to Xiao Zhou, so he simply closed the spirit beast bag and focused his attention on the three-armed man not far away.

But he just cast his gaze over it.

But he suddenly discovered that the figure of the three-armed man opposite him disappeared again.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan retreated instinctively.


After a breath of time when he stepped back.

A phantom suddenly appeared where Lu Shan was standing just now.

A punch.

The piece of suspended swamp hammered directly exploded on the spot.

The silt produced is like an explosion, and it spreads in a radius of tens of feet in a short time.

Lushan is also within this range, and is naturally covered by these sediments.

And under the restraint of these floating sands.

Lu Shan's movement suddenly slowed down a lot.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan suddenly felt bad.

Open your mouth now.

With all my strength, I roared loudly:
"Oh oh oh!!!"

A rooster crowed, and the sound wave produced was like a shock wave, tearing apart the suspended sand and dust around it.


It also exposed the figure of the three-armed man to the air.

Followed by.

Don't wait for the other party's reaction.

Lu Shan changed out of the "sit on the altar", raised his leg, and there were dozens of "vectors" floating in the air, and he slashed at the three-armed strong man.

Can be under the influence of Devouring.

The "vector" released by Lu Shan only flew a distance of more than ten feet before being swallowed up to only one or two tenths of it.

And when the eleven or twelve blood blades hit the three-armed man.

Except for a series of "ding ding ding".

All that was left was one or two scars that barely showed blood.

Is this the defensive ability of the astral realm monks, the physical body?

Forcibly eating one's own 'vector' can only hurt its skin.

If the other party has aura body protection.

Lu Shan even doubted it.

Even if the three-armed man stood still and let him fight, he might not be able to break through his defense in a short time.

This level of combat power.

No wonder Zhou Wendao once said.

As long as one reaches the Astral Realm and realizes star power, the gap between the level of life and combat effectiveness and the Spirit Aperture Realm can be described as worlds apart.

At first, Lu Shan was a little unbelievable.

After all, Zhou Wendao is also in the astral realm, so he was also taken down by him?

But now the three-armed venerable, no matter in terms of combat effectiveness or physical fitness.

The feeling brought to Lu Shan.

It's just that kind of crushing pressure.

and so…

How to fight next?
Lu Shan looked at his attribute panel several times, but he couldn't find any hope of defeating the opponent.

Unless he can use the power of the stars in his body.

But still the problem.

He doesn't know any star skills.

There will be no way to mobilize the power of the stars.

Just when Lu Shan was thinking about the fighting method very quickly.

The three-armed venerable lowered his head and touched his bleeding wound with his hands.

He showed an unbelievable look.


He put his blood-stained finger next to his mouth and licked it.

"I'm a little curious about your origin, little chicken demon."

"It can actually hurt the deity."

"This is not something that ordinary spirit aperture monsters can do."

"And that roar just now."

"It actually made me hear the taste of shock."


Speaking of which.

I saw that the three-armed venerable suddenly put all three arms flat.

A horizontal circle was drawn in the air.

next second.

In Lu Shan's astonishment.

This horizontal circle suddenly turned into a disc with a bright luster.

"Star Technique: Lonely Moon."

When the words fell, the disk disappeared.

the next moment.

Lu Shan felt a piercing pain coming from his chest.

Look down.

The disappearing disc appeared on his chest at some unknown time.

Cutting madly into his chest.

Just when Lu Shan thought he was dead.

The power of the stars in his body actually moved by itself, like a bee pupa, all rushed to his chest.

There is a collision of understanding with that disc.


While Lu Shan Xiaosong breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly changed out of the 'locking formation'.

Under the increase of "Zuoshentai".

Lu Shan's heart broke out.

Constructed an open formation, enveloping his entire body inside.

Only the 'disk' that is cutting his own chest is excluded.

Although the array is also composed of aura.

But compared to spells, the stability of the magic circle is much stronger.

He insisted on breathing for a few times in this spiritless space.

It won the opportunity for Lu Shan to break away from Yuanpan.

But it hasn't waited for him to fully open it.

The figure of the three-armed venerable flew over him again.

As a last resort, Lu Shan could only reuse old skills.

While blocking the disk.

Using 'Transformation', temporarily escaped from this close-up raid.


This time the three-armed venerable seemed to have expected it.

When Lu Shan switched to a position one or two feet away.

With a whip kick, it had already kicked Lu Shan's head.

Facing this attack that suddenly hit the door of death.

Lu Shan, who was in a hurry, had no way to deal with it at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the heavy leg with the sonic boom cloud kicked him in the face.


Lu Shan's mind went blank for a while.


Seeing that the heavy blow dragging the sonic boom was about to hit Lu Shan.

A deep "woo hoo" sound suddenly appeared in Lu Shan's ears.


Simultaneously with the sound, there was also a bright red flame that collided with the whip leg.


A low-pitched blast hit Lu Shan's eardrums.

And the impact generated in the next moment directly pushed Lu Shan away.

After he stabilized his figure.

Looked up.

I saw a big black dog with a smooth body, using its paws, head, and tail.

Fighting with the three fists of the three-armed venerable.

a few breaths.

The man and the dog were beaten from the ground to the sky.

And fought from the sky to the ground.

For a while, it was inseparable.

And with Fu Dou's sudden rescue, Lu Shan finally breathed a sigh of relief.


This can only be regarded as a temporary relief.

Want to solve the three-armed venerable.

It doesn't seem to be enough to rely on fighting alone.

Although Fudou is now chasing and biting each other.

Ke Lushan can be distinguished by short 'corns'.

Fudou's crazy dog ​​style of play can't last for too long.

On the contrary, as long as the opponent can stabilize for a period of time.

It dragged Fudou down.

I am afraid that waiting for Lu Shan's ending will not be good.

So he still had to find a way to do some assistance on the side.


How can I help?

After deliberation, Lu Shan finally considered trying to use the power of stars as an attack method.

After all, in this spirit-eating space.

Using any other power will be severely weakened.

Only the power of the stars seems to last for a long time.

And this can be seen from the disc star technique of the three-armed venerable just now.

But the problem remains the same.

How to use the power of the stars.

In this regard.

Lu Shan tried many possibilities.

Whether it is guided by inspiration, or promoted by blood aura and aura, it seems that there is no way to mobilize the power of the stars.

Just when Lu Shan was about to give up.


He thought of the scene where the power of the stars defended him against the attack just now.


A possibility came to mind.


Pull out a chicken feather that contains less power than a star, and place it on the chest.

Let's start first, thinking about using the power of the stars in the chicken feathers as a motivator, but it still failed.

So ever.

Lu Shan was cruel.

Reversely took out the hardest side of the chicken feather, and poked hard at the softest mid-wing on his body!
A tingling pain hit immediately.

But in the next instant.

Lu Shan could clearly feel it.

The power of the stars lying quietly in his body suddenly became restless.

at a breakneck pace.

It rushed towards the position of the middle wing.

And waiting for the moment when the power of the stars is about to rush to the wound.

Lu Shan raised the injured wing, invited out of the "sit altar", and gathered a lot of blood spirit energy on the wing.

Swipe down hard!
"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

a time.

A large number of blood-red claws attacked a man and a dog who were fighting not far away.

But just in flight.

Most of the blood-red claws disappeared into the air.

Only a small part flew in front of that person and dog.

Face these sudden attacks.

Because Fu Dou received Lu Shan's tweet signal in advance, he took a hard punch on his body and retreated a distance of tens of feet.

And the three-armed venerable seemed to have experienced the power of blood-red claws.

In contrast, he still chose to chase Futo and ignore the claws that had already attacked.


A scene that was unexpected to the Three-Armed Venerable appeared.

Originally, the blood-red claws could only break his skin.

This time, it actually cut directly into his arm.

Forcibly cut off his third arm that grew on the spine.

"Puff" sound.

The arm fell onto a suspended swamp, causing a splash of water.

This scene.

Not only the three-armed venerable was stunned.

Even that Huo Dou who retreated tens of feet suddenly showed a shocked expression.

It is clear.

Even it didn't expect it.

Why would a chicken demon in the Spirit Aperture Realm release such an offensive skill.

and so.

Is this still a chicken?
And as a three-armed venerable with broken arms.

At this moment.

Under the attack of excruciating pain.

The expression on his face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

I saw him covering his head with his remaining arms, bowing his body, and let out a hysterical roar.

"I want you to die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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