Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 339 Summoning the Divine Bird

Chapter 338 Summoning the Divine Bird (Please Subscribe!!!)
For an instant.

An almost substantive arrogance rose from the Three-Armed Venerable.

That arrogance enveloped all the floating swamps within a radius of tens of feet.

Don't wait for the flames to dissipate.

Fu Dou suddenly let out a scream of shock.


A warning.

Lu Shan immediately exerted the greatest strength, and his body suddenly retreated.

And at the moment when the body flew back.

There was a burst of anger.

It suddenly appeared at the position where he was just now.


This burst of air expanded rapidly.

It directly wrapped Lu Shan who was flying back.

The condensed pressure in it.

It was so shocking that Lu Shan's mind was in a trance for a moment at this moment.


The impact of the gas explosion shook Lu Shan's internal organs violently.


A gust of blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Followed by.

Those gas explosions began to continue, attacking Lu Shan's position one after another.

Seeing that Lu Shan was about to be hit by a gas explosion.

In a trance.

A black shadow lay in front of him.

Take a closer look.

It was still Huo Dou, who used his pair of dog paws to withstand the oppressive air explosion in the sky.

At this time.

Only then did Lu Shan have time to raise his head and look at the source of the explosion.

I saw it in mid-air.

The three-armed venerable rose with arrogance visible to the naked eye, and then used his only two remaining arms.

Punch after punch punched the air.

Every punch.

There was an invisible burst of air that suddenly hit Lu Shan's position.

Good guy.

Is this a super saiyan?

Lu Shan couldn't help but complain.

Then he staggered his position and landed under Fu Dou's body.

Let Fu Dou resist this gas explosion attack, and at the same time think again about how to fight back.

But as the number of gas explosions in the sky increases.

The resistance height of Fudou is also getting lower and lower.

This forced Lu Shan to keep retreating.

Fortunately, Lu Shan can fly.

Otherwise, he would definitely be hit by that burst of anger.

Watching the floating swamps nearby be easily blown away without a trace.

Lu Shan could probably guess the attack power of this angry explosion.


Injured with one punch, crippled with two punches, ascended to heaven with three punches.

Oh shit.

It's so fierce.

Lu Shan couldn't help sighing again.

At this time.

His crotch trembled again and again.

Lu Shan opened the boundary bag.

Immediately, a voice transmission reached his ears.


"The old slave felt the breath of Venerable Fanhou!"

"That's the great elder who preaches the law in the Wanling hills in the southern region!"

"A ruthless person with a middle-level cultivation in the astral realm!"

"Good at physical combat!"

"Master, don't be caught by him!"

"Otherwise it will be life-threatening!"


The sound transmission was cut off.

Lu Shan was left with a chicken fluttering in the wind.

He took several deep breaths.

Only then did Lu Shan calm down his mood.

Network delay is really harmful!
If this news can reach Lu Shan's ears on time.

It is estimated that he will not even ingest the last few pieces of 'Kunze tea leaves'.

Pull your legs and run.

Run away.

But now...

I am struggling.

There was a "bang" on the top of the head.

Fu Dou was hammered back a few feet by the angry explosion, and his body directly hit Lu Shan's body.

That hit hard.

Almost knocked him unconscious.

Fortunately, the breath is still there.

Returning to his senses, Lu Shan immediately spread his wings, stepped on a suspended swamp, and kicked hard.

Then use the suspended swamp above as a block.

The body glides underneath.

Until it leaves the range of the gas explosion.

At this time.

Lu Shan retracted his wings, stood firm, and cast his eyes on the three-armed venerable named 'Fanhou' in Kongtian again.

Looking at the Venerable Fanhou who looked like a madman.

Lu Shan frowned directly on the cockscomb.

Because he really didn't expect to face such a terrible enemy.

How else can I defeat him.

The power of the stars?

I am very sure of that.

Because without the power of the stars, I am afraid that even the opponent's defense cannot be broken.

But if you continue to use the power of the stars to attack.

Most likely useless.

After all, with the strength of the opponent's mid-level astral body, it is impossible for the same move to succeed a second time.

with it.

It's better to try other attack methods.

But now a new problem has emerged.

The use of the power of the stars can only be based on self-harm for the time being.

And except for 'vector', other attacks can't be substituted.

For example, 'Yuyan' needs to be stimulated by the blood aura in the body, so that it can burn where it wants.

Another example is "sac on cavity" and "break dawn".

It also needs the support of blood spirit energy to be released.

Think about it.

Lu Shan felt that he had fallen into an endless loop.

Looking at Fu Dou who was beaten up not far away.

Unknowingly, Lu Shan became more and more impatient.

Can't help but want to risk everything and rush to fight.

But he was still pressed down.

Take a deep breath.

Spit out slowly.

After waiting for emotional problems, Lu Shan stared at his attribute panel again.

Since you can't find a starting point in terms of skills, let's look at other things.

attribute points...


Unlimited points...


Going around.

In the end, Lu Shan still focused on his skill panel.


His attention was still on the top of the 'sit altar'.

As the latest talent to master.

Lu Shan felt that he knew very little about this skill.

Although based on current cognition, this skill already belongs to a very powerful category.

But if it is really strong to a certain extent.

Lu Shan felt that it was still a little bit worse.

and so…

Lu Shan, who was thinking, suddenly had a whim.

Since when the body is injured, the power of the stars will gather at the injured area.

Then if the soul is injured.

Will the power of the stars also gather in Shenpo?

At that time, use the soul to drive the power of the stars...

Do it when you think of it.

So ever.

Lu Shan immediately mobilized the soul, and violently reversed the blood aura in the soul by means of self-mutilation.


A strong sense of dizziness followed.

In this regard.

Lu Shan could only support his body to prevent himself from falling into a deep sleep where his spirit was injured.

And right now.

A powerful energy gathered towards Shenpo.

Feel the buildup of this energy.

While Lu Shan was sure, he felt a little uneasy.

after all.

He also didn't know what kind of impact it would have on his soul and even his body when the power of these stars poured into his soul.

At this moment, he can only firmly believe that the energy in his body will not harm him.


Just when Lu Shan was a little nervous.

not far away.

Huo Dou, who was unable to use his innate supernatural powers, had already been hammered from the sky to the ground by Venerable Na Fanhou.

With the last heavy punch with both fists.

Fu Dou was successfully nailed into the swamp, his body twisted, unable to get up for a long time.


Venerable Fanhou said coldly:
"It really deserves to be a Huo Dou with the blood of a 'mysterious beast'."

"It turns out that just relying on the instinct of the body, you can fight with me until now."

"Unfortunately, this place has severely weakened your innate magical powers."

"Otherwise, this old man really wants to try it out. Is it your supernatural powers or my supernatural powers that are better!"


Raising his fists, he was ready to give the black dog below him a final blow.

But at this time.

Venerable Fan Hou seemed to sense something.


The line of sight follows the induction.

I saw a rooster in a strange shape, standing with its head upright at a distance of nearly a hundred feet.

That styling looks.

Golden rooster independence?


Venerable Fanhou sneered disdainfully.

But before he could say anything.

A golden light suddenly appeared from behind the rooster's neck.

And, over time.

This golden light gradually turned into a beam of light.

Do not know why.

When Venerable Fanhou saw this light gate, an indescribable feeling flashed in his heart.



Or disgust?

For a while, Venerable Fanhou couldn't tell what this feeling was like.

However, at this moment, he has magical skills.

Still choose to watch and wait.

Because Venerable Fanhou really wanted to know what kind of thing this light door that gave him so many emotions was.

In this way, several breathing times passed.

When the light gate suddenly appeared a flicker.

A rooster phantom, whose shape is almost the same as the chicken demon's body, suddenly walked out from the light gate.

Then it hovered beside the chicken demon.

That's it?


Venerable Fanhou stared coldly, raised his fist, and punched the chicken monster with an empty fist.

Punch out, explode in anger.

A burst of invisible air pressure directly pressed towards the chicken demon's position.


Facing the explosion of anger, the chicken demon remained silent.

Still standing on the same spot, raised the chicken head, kept the light door still, and waited for the burst of anger with his body.

Just when Venerable Fanhou thought that the chicken had suffered from dementia.

The rooster on the side greeted him, and unexpectedly flickered, and in a head-on posture, he slammed into the invisible explosion.

"Bang" sound.

The phantom of the rooster was still blown out.

become torn apart.

However, a scene that shocked Venerable Fan Hou appeared.

I saw that the body that had been blown apart was suddenly glued together again under the attraction of bright rays of light.


Venerable Fanhou said coldly:

"The power of the stars..."

Just when he was about to make another shot.

Another big bird with a strange shape came out of the light gate impressively.

It was a large bird with huge claws, but a light body.

It seems that there is a lot of incongruity between the body and the claws.

But for Venerable Fanhou, who is well-read and has a lot of hills and valleys in his chest, he can recognize the origin of this strange bird at a glance.

"The shape of a chicken, the tiger's claws have green feathers, and the sparrow's body devours the human god."

"The sparrow..."

Venerable Fan Hou knew the origin of this creature, and also knew how cruel this creature's temperament was.

Although the cultivation base is not high.

Most of the astral realm's first-level cultivation base.

But when it comes to fighting, I'm afraid that the average mid-level Astral Realm will not be able to withstand those fierce claws.

And this time.

From the door of light, another rooster that was frizzy, restless, and bouncing up and down came out.

Although the shape is not too different from the chicken demon.

But Venerable Fan Hou also felt a hint of madness from this frizzy rooster.


Venerable Fanhou can probably guess the function of this light gate.

In order to prevent the other party from summoning more strange spirit bodies.

He decided to take the initiative.

All of a sudden, dozens of punches were thrown out.

Extremely fast fist punches.

The surrounding air pressure was suppressed to the extreme.


An air pressure ball with extremely unstable breath appeared in front of Venerable Fanhou.


He turned over, hit the whip leg, and kicked the air pressure ball hard.


A crisp sound.

The air pressure ball explodes directly in the air.

The resulting one-way impact suddenly crushed the road ahead into an airless zone.

Perhaps it felt the ferocity of the attack.

The several lights and shadows that appeared moved at the same time.

The light and shadow of the first rooster, still colliding physically, rushed to the front.

The second 'Sparrow' light and shadow raised its giant claws and frantically grabbed at the air.

Every time the huge claw moves.

There are several cyclones flying out.

As for the third one.

Spinning around and roaring twice.

Then a jump.

Pick up one piece after another of the suspended swamp and throw it into the air.


Although these three lights and shadows all used their own methods to consume the air explosion in the air.

But these seem to be a drop in the bucket.

At most, it can only be weakened a little.

It's still a lot to get rid of completely.

Therefore, they could only watch helplessly as the invisible air exploded and suppressed.

But in the blink of an eye.

Following Lu Shan's spurt of blood three times.

Another two lights and shadows with different shapes came out from the light gate behind him.

The first one, the tail casts a bright luster, and it falls around, it looks like it is resisting with a formation.

But the second way is different.

A bright red flying bird with double-pupil eyes.

Waving its huge wings, it crossed the three lights and shadows in front of it, and slammed into the air explosion at a faster speed.

After a crisp sound of "呖".


With a dull voice appeared.

The air explosion in the air was pushed into the air by the double-eyed bird with its wings.

See this scene.

Venerable Fanhou's pupils shrank slightly.

"The shape is like a chicken, the voice is like a phoenix, the eyes are four pupils, the red feathers are huge, and it pulls out evil and prevents disaster. It is a blessing, and it is named..."


When the last two words came out of his mouth.

The red light and shadow below let out a 'beep' again.


With the help of one after another bright light.

He actually pushed the explosion back abruptly.

This made Venerable Fanhou immediately prepare to dodge.

But then, when he discovered that his moving speed might not be as fast as the flying speed of this angry explosion.

last resort.

Gathering up his strength, he once again swung dozens of punches at the oncoming Qi Burst.

"Whirring whirring!"

A series of fist winds, with one after another burst of air, rushed out.

The results are in the air.

An explosion that was enough to sweep around Qianzhang was set off.


long time.

When the surrounding air waves and smoke began to settle.

Venerable Fan Hou took a short breath, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Back to the same.

Around him, at some point, several birds with strange shapes appeared.

In addition to the '鬿鹏' and 'Chongming' just now.

There is also a large blue-winged bird with a phoenix elephant, a snake neck, and a fish tail.

And another one, shaped like a crane, standing on one leg, a huge firebird with blue feathers and red flames.


"Bi Fang!?"

(End of this chapter)

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