Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 340 Refusal to Run the Map Starts with Me

Chapter 339 Refusal to run the map starts with me (please subscribe!!!)
If again.

Lu Shan would rather die in battle than release such a skill again.

Not to mention the staggering caused by Shenpo's injury.

Whenever a spirit body walks out of the light gate.

There will be a sharp pain similar to being torn apart.

It was as if even his own soul had been stripped away.

The first one or two were fine.

Lu Shan could still barely stand, trying to sense these spirit bodies and control the movements of these spirit bodies.

But later.

With the appearance of the third one representing 'dry blood'.

Lu Shan has already lost the ability to control.

He could only watch the three independent spirit bodies fight with their own fighting instincts.

While waiting for the fourth one to appear.

Lu Shan even lost the strength to wait and see, and the whole chicken just fell down straight.

Finally, wait for the sixth bright red spirit body to come out of the light gate.

Lu Shan's consciousness completely fell into a coma.

After half an hour.

Lu Shan was awakened by a strange sense of dampness and heat.

Open your eyes.

Facing him was a big tongue stained with traces of flames and barbs.

It started against the chicken breast, licked his body from bottom to top, and ended on his chicken face.

At that time, Lu Shan's goosebumps were frightened.

He hurriedly erected his own pair of chicken wings and placed them in front of his face as a barrier.

Then step back a few steps.

When you open your eyes again.

A black dog, dragging its long halazi, stuck up.



Fu Dou stopped and looked at Lu Shan suspiciously.

"…Woke up?"

"What are you doing!?"

Lu Shan's frightened expression was like a frightened pheasant.


But Futo just retracted his tongue, showed a flattering expression, and asked:
"... Bi... Fang...?"

What do you mean?
Lu Shan was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately understood what.

But just as he was about to speak, a sharp pain hit his heart belatedly.

The damage from the soul made Lu Shan regret his previous impulse again.

Waiting for the plot in his mind to ease up a little bit, and his mind will clear up a lot.

Suddenly got up from the swamp.

Look around.

If remember correctly.

He should still be fighting now.

Moreover, he was fighting a middle-level master in the astral realm.

This halfway coma, isn't that courting death?

And this licking dog...

But when Lu Shan cast his sights into the distance.

On the floating swamp not far away, the Venerable Fanhou was half-kneeling there, motionless.

Moreover, what surprised Lu Shan the most was the body of the venerable.

At this moment, it has been scorched black by someone who used the fire.


Lu Shan looked surprised.

Then look back at Fudou...



The two words that Fudou stammered completely surprised Lu Shan.

A switch of sight.

Sure enough, in his attribute list, he saw the experience bar that was about to be promoted, as well as the three extra points that were not limited.

Seeing so.

For a moment, Lu Shan even forgot the severe pain on his body, and stared straight at Fu Dou.

"How did you die?!"


Two words.

When Fudou said it, the halazi dripped from the corner of his mouth again.

As a result, Halazi, who was braving sparks, made a "呲" sound as soon as he landed.

See this scenario.

Lu Shan lost interest in continuing to talk to the licking dog, and looked away disappointed.

Then he spread his wings and glided all the way to the face of Venerable Fanhou's body.

Looked up.

Look at this mortal body.

Thinking that the other party was still pressing him down and beating him violently before he passed out.

Even with the help of a fight, I haven't been able to fight.

And now.

But he died violently in front of himself like this.

to be frank.

Lu Shan's mind was completely in a trance.

At this time.

He suddenly felt movement in his own pocket.

Subconsciously opened the boundary bag.

As a result, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a very broken voice, he said:


"you go first!"

"Let the old slave stand in front of you!"

As he spoke, he also took out a scimitar, as if swearing to the death.


When Zhou Wendao found out.

When Venerable Fanhou in front of him was a corpse.

Everyone was stunned.

After staying in place for a long time, he asked intermittently:

"How is this going?!"

Facing the question, Lu Shan also waved his hands in a daze.

And this time.

When Zhou Wendao saw Huo Dou following behind him.

His gaze froze first.

One breath time.

Zhou Wendao's pupils shrank for a moment, and without thinking, he took two steps forward and hooked Lu Shan's body behind him with the back of the scimitar.

Then, swing the knife and sink.

"Master be careful!"

"This is the 'Xuan Beast' fight!"

"Extremely strong! The old slave may not be his opponent!"

"But the old slave has the confidence to entangle the other party!"


Zhou Wendao spoke at an extremely fast speed, and arranged for a way out.

But before he finished speaking, a wing behind him stopped him.

"do not move."

"Not the enemy!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan quickly appeased Huo Dou who was posing in a fighting posture:
"Do not impulse!"

"My own!"

It is said to appease, but Lu Shan himself is also on guard.

After all, Zhou Wendao was controlled by her, but Fu Dou only followed him because of the food.

In contrast.

Fighting is more dangerous.

But okay.

Facing Lu Shan's obstruction, although Fu Dou was puzzled, he still stared at Zhou Wendao viciously.

Then he played a jumping game around on his own.

See this scenario.

Lu Shan let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zhou Wendao's voice came from behind him.

"I didn't expect the master to be able to communicate with Fudou."

"You know, in the records of Dahuanglu, Fudou is a ferocious beast that can do whatever it wants..."

"Master can make such..."

"All right, all right." Lu Shan impatiently interrupted Zhou Wendao's rainbow fart.

"There are secrets in it, you just need to know that it won't harm us."

"Now, I need you to do me a favor..."

at the same time.

It is located on the No.40 eighth floor of the Devouring Layer.

The east, north, west, and three domains each dispatched an astral realm monk.

In the Eastern Territory, the Law School of Taoism, the venerable Law was born suddenly.

In the Northern Territory, Hu Shengshan, the god substitute Hua Muming.

In the Western Regions, Yuanbaozong, the gold coin lord is so rich.

A total of three venerables gathered in this desert and surrounded a hut.

"Yuyuan, come out..."

Hu Jiesheng glanced at the deer head at the door of the hut, shook his head, and said:

"There's no point in hiding anymore..."

As his voice fell.

All I heard was a muffled laugh, which suddenly came from this room.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Huh Jiesheng, I didn't expect that it was you who came."


Suddenly the door of the hut opened.

A burly figure of a four-eared camel came out from inside.

I saw the burly figure sweeping around.

His eyes stayed on the other two figures for a moment.

after that.

It took a deep breath and said:

"Three against one?"


"My King Kong apes are not afraid!"


With such a beast roar, Hu Jiesheng's figure moved impressively.

Unexpectedly, with his bare hands, he rushed to the King Kong Giant Ape head-on.

next second.

The man and the ape fought together.

On the other side, the god Hua Muming and the gold coin venerable are so rich, they also looked at each other.

Holding a weapon in his hand, he also rushed over.

at this time.

Similar battles began to spread throughout the middle and upper floors of the Spirit Grinding Pagoda.

Human monks, after a period of integration of human resources.

He started besieging and killing the demon cultivators in the Cinder Demon City.

Whether it's the low-level Yuandan Realm or the high-level Spirit Aperture Realm.

Even in the astral realm of a higher level, this kind of siege of encirclement appeared.

Although the fighting power of monsters is one of the best in the same level.

But there are too many human monks.

And it is generally used in a posture of playing more with less.

that's it.

Not a day.

The demon cultivators of Ashland Demon City suffered heavy losses.

And this news.

It also quickly spread to the Coiling Dragon Mountain on the No. 70 third floor of the evil layer.

The top of the mountain at this moment.

The three figures shrouded in light are still using mana non-stop, slowly controlling the magic circle on the mountain animal bone.

Over time.

The light on the magic circle became more and more obvious.

It seemed that a long and narrow figure was about to fly out from the animal bone.

Sometimes there is nothing, looming.

But at this time.

Dali, the 'King Kong Giant Ape' located on the ridge, suddenly felt something strange.

Taking the time to take out a piece of animal skin from the Naxu world.

Take a glance.

It only took one look, but its brows were deeply wrinkled.

Wait until it's all over.

It raised its head, faced the light and shadow on the top of the mountain, and suddenly said:
"City Lord, the lower realm has changed..."


The attention of the upper and lower lights and shadows turned to 'Dali'.

See here.

Dali said again:
"Letter from Nanao, human beings have launched an all-out attack..."

"A full-scale attack?" Ember's voice from the 'Huojiao' faintly came out from the light and shadow.

"According to the time, it's almost time..."

He heard the meaning contained in the words of the city lord.

The 'Phase Armored Beast' stabbing in the abyss immediately asked worriedly:
"City Master, we are still five short of 'astral body'."

"If there is a war next, what will happen to the follow-up 'Astral Body'?"

"No problem." Ember of the 'Fire Dragon' replied in a deep voice:
"'Astral body' I have other arrangements."

Hearing this, Chi Duoxiao let out a sigh of relief, after all it took so much energy.

So much preparatory work has been done.

Consumed so much financial and material resources.

If it fails at the last moment, then the entire Cinder Demon City may face collapse.

But just think about it if it works.

Cinder Demon City, and the benefits they get from being such a direct participant.

a time.

Suduo's heart couldn't help surging.


Among the three big monsters present.

Only the 'King Kong Giant Ape' on the mountain ridge looked worried, frowning and thinking for a long time.

I wanted to speak several times, but I couldn't get it out. In the end, I could only breathe out a breath and sighed softly.

Compared with the fighting in other levels.

The interior of the sixth floor of No.40 is simply peaceful.

I don't know if it is due to the impact of the previous battle.

In the entire space on the sixth floor of No.40, there are hardly any other monsters or humans.

So naturally there is no scene of two-phase fighting in other levels.

As for the instigator of all this.

Still wandering in the 'air swamp' in the boundaries.

Looking for the 'Kunze tea tree' hiding in the corner of the mud.

After several days of searching.

Lu Shan found five more 'Kunze Tea Trees' and picked 33 'Kunze Tea Trees' in total.

All of them have been successfully converted into unlimited points by him, plus the three points left before, there are now a total of 36 unlimited points.

Has not moved, stored there.

Lu Shan wanted to wait until all the 'Kunze tea leaves' in this place had been picked before using them.

But what makes him very depressed is.

Since yesterday.

The number of 'Kunze tea trees' found by Lu Shan was significantly reduced.

to today.

It's almost seven or eight hours down.

Didn't even find a single one.

This made Lu Shan very depressed.

At this time.

Zhou Wendao's figure suddenly leaped over from a distance.


After a few breaths, he landed in front of Lu Shan.

"How? How many plants did you find?"

Facing Lu Shan's looking forward to it.

Zhou Wendao slowly spread his hands, revealing five pieces of 'Kunze tea leaves', and said:


"There is a high probability that the 'Kunze tea tree' in this place has almost been searched by us."

"If the master still feels that it is not enough, you can go to the fourth floor."

"If the record is correct, there is a similar wetland there."

"54? What floor are we on now?" Lu Shan was stunned, and asked in confusion.

to be frank.

Since Shensoul was injured before.

Although it has recovered a lot by now.

But I don't know why, Lu Shan always feels that he always forgets things easily.

It feels like Alzheimer's.

Sometimes when it gets serious, it is easy to confuse whether you are a human or a chicken.

"This is the sixth floor of No.40, my master." Zhou Wendao replied tirelessly.

No.40 six to four.

Good guy.

Want to run eight maps at once?

Lu Shan suddenly showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

You must know that I have only run a few maps, and I have already beaten two Astral Realm Venerables and dozens of Spirit Aperture Realm masters.

Run another eight maps in a row.

Horror guy like 'Fanhou Venerable'.

At least five or six more?
If you hit one yourself, you beat yourself into a half-baked chicken.

Really want to meet so many.

Forget it.

Go to sleep.

However, at this moment.

On the other side was another figure, leaping in his direction.

Lu Shan looked back.

She is a beautiful person with a slender figure, dexterous steps, and a bouncing dress.

She flew down in front of Lu Shan anxiously.

"Chicken bully!"

"I received a talisman for help from a disciple of Meishan Sect!"

"Please come with me to save people!"


Lu Shan sighed a little.

Da Mumu is good at everything, she even has only one boyfriend.


It's just that my brain is not very good.

I patronized the long size.


Otherwise, find a chance and let Fu Dou directly hand over the Meishan sect.

This can cut off Da Mumu's thoughts.

It can also solve the only rival in love by the way.

Maybe I can take advantage of her pain and sadness...

Hey Hey…

(End of this chapter)

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