Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 359 Assembly Number


Regarding Lu Shan's beating of Qian Shaobao, due to the departure of the person concerned, it became a matter of nothing.

Afterwards, he waited for the departure of Governor Jingzhao.

Immediately there was a man and a woman, and two monks who had transformed into infants leaned forward.

"Haha, Yixin, you still came in!"

The female monk was very enthusiastic, and with her braids tossing, she walked quickly to Du Yixin, took the latter's hand, and said quickly:

"Originally, Li Geng and I were still betting on whether you participated in the 'Water Moon Cave'."

"I didn't expect, hehehehe..."

The laughter was a bit obscene, which made Lu Shan hear a certain familiar smell from it.

Dead house...?

At this time, another male monk came to Lu Shan, and bowed his hands to Lu Shan very politely.

"The Taibao Li family, Li Geng."

As soon as the words fell, the female monk at the side seemed to think of something, turned around, smiled and said:
"Teacher Ma's family, Ma Yingying."

"Western Regions, Loose Cultivators, Dulu Mountain."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ma Yingying's red phoenix eyes widened immediately, and she exclaimed:

"Ah? Are you a casual cultivator?"

After finishing speaking, she turned her eyes to Du Yixin with some disbelief.

But when she saw Du Yixin nodded.

The expression on the whole face is full of disbelief.

Subconsciously murmured:

"Why did Patriarch Kuang take a fancy to a casual cultivator..."


The corner of Lu Shan's mouth curled up, and he glanced at the young man surnamed Li who was also shocked and questioned.

"Want to know?"

"Hmm..." Ma Yingying didn't put on any pretense, and immediately cast a look of expectation on Lu Shan.

In this regard.

Lu Shan smiled silently.

He stretched out his hand, held Du Yixin's hand, and said bluntly:
"It's very simple, because my surname is also Du."

"Your surname is also Du..." Ma Yingying obviously didn't understand the meaning of Lu Shan's words, but Li Geng at the side understood it.

After his eyes changed, he sighed lightly.

"I see…"

Suddenly this time.

A horn full of ancient breath suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.


hear this voice.

The expressions of Li Geng and others changed.

"Assembly number?"

"Isn't it time yet?"

Speaking of this, Li Geng and Ma Yingying subconsciously looked at each other.


The two of them understood what was going on.

problem occurs.

And it's definitely not trivial.


next second.

The dense clouds in the sky broke up instantly.

Followed by.

Six vague figures descended from the sky.

When they came to the position directly above the valley.

There was a sudden stop.

All hovering in mid-air.


One of the solemn-looking men in Chinese clothes suddenly opened his mouth and said in a deep voice:
"My friends, I am Jiang He from Zhongming Mountain."

Zhongmingshan ginger and?
Lu Shan has heard many people say this name.

He is not only the Prince Tian of the Zhongming Dynasty, but also the Deputy Mountain Lord of Zhongming Mountain, and also one of the strong contenders for the position of the future Emperor of the Zhongming Dynasty.

Whether it is in terms of status or power, they belong to the entire Central Region, and even the entire Five Regions Continent, are worthy of the name. …

Face such a character.

Lu Shan consciously felt that the strength gap between them was too large, so he carefully suppressed the breath in his body to the minimum.

At this time, the words in the sky continued.

"The monster race is in chaos, and spirit ghosts are rampant."

"The calamity of ashes is endless."

Hearing this, Lu Shan suddenly felt a strange force that infected his body and mind.

Then, a scene of panic doomsday and demons wreaking havoc in the world seemed to appear in front of my eyes.

When he saw countless people die unexpectedly.

When the screams and cries mixed with the bright red world.

A wave of anger slowly grew out of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the voice in the sky continued.

"My generation of immortal cultivators should take it as our responsibility to punish evil and promote good."

"Shut up with the heavens!"

"As big as it gets!"


"In the name of the Zhongming Dynasty in the Central Territory, I summon the Immortal Cultivators of the Central Territory!"


"Follow me together, put an end to the chaos, and Anping the 'Water Moon Cave'!"

Drink it with Jiang He's cry.

In the entire valley, there was a response like a tsunami immediately.

Wave after wave.


Many monks rushed out from the birch forest.


There are nearly a hundred monks gathered in the valley, and the number is still growing.

One by one, one team after another came out from all corners of the valley.

There are even a few that crawled out of the ground.

See this scenario.

Lu Shan glanced around with corns.

The cultivation base of the vast majority of monks is basically the baby-changing environment.

There are also many spirit apertures.


On the contrary, those in the Yuandan realm are the least in number.

As for the disciples with a lower cultivation level, there is not even a shadow of them.

It seems.

This selection is also targeted.

At this time.

As more and more figures came out.

Prince Tian of the Ming Dynasty in the sky took out several huge wooden birds with a body length of tens of feet from his Naxu space.

Throw it lightly on the ground.

"Puff puff!!"

The wooden bird landed, setting off a huge dust and smoke.

It spread around like a whistling.

a while.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

That Prince Tian had already landed on the head of one of the huge wooden birds.

After that, he said loudly to the monks below:

"Friends of the Central Territory!"

"Speed ​​into the bird body!"


Under the guidance of Jiang He.

All the monks jumped onto the bodies of different wooden birds.

Lu Shan also climbed on the back of the second huge wooden bird with Du Yixin and her two friends.

As soon as he stepped on it, an old man fell down on the bird's head.

Perhaps something was sensed.

When Lu Shan raised his head, he met the old man's gaze directly.

After a breath.

The benevolent old man withdrew his gaze and turned his body around.

At this time.

With the appearance of the word "start".

Lu Shan suddenly felt that the wooden bird under his feet started flapping its wings up and down. …

Followed by.

When a sense of weightlessness came from the wooden bird.

The whole wooden bird flew up like this.

Looking at the ground getting farther and farther under his feet, Lu Shan began to look at the whole wooden bird very curiously.

Wood, but it doesn't seem to be ordinary wood.

Lu Shan bent down, stretched out his hand, and touched the ground.

It's slippery and light.

Kind of like plastic.

But Lu Shan knows that there is no such thing as plastic in the world of cultivating immortals.

So he was very curious about this material.


In contrast, he is more curious about the power system of this bird.

You must know that in this spirit devouring layer, even if it is a magic weapon, it cannot be driven by spiritual power for a long time.

and so.

How did this wooden bird fly?

Just when Lu Shan was feeling puzzled.

Not far away, a mocking voice suddenly came.

"A redneck is a redneck."

"I'm afraid you haven't heard of a mechanism bird that can fly without aura, right?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Shan raised his head and followed the sound.

The person who spoke was a tall, thin young man with a cultivation base of Infant Transformation.

The overall appearance of kidney deficiency.

It is estimated that the body should be hollowed out by some things for a long time. Even with the maintenance of spiritual energy, it looks a little weak.

But just when Lu Shan was about to greet something kindly.

Ma Yingying beside her jumped out, pointed at the other party and said directly:

"Jiang Quan! Please shut your stinky mouth!"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Hearing Ma Yingying's anger, the other party didn't care at all, and still focused on Lu Shan.


"Leave Du Xuezhi by yourself, otherwise..."

The man named Jiang Quan sneered a few times, his threat was very obvious.

And at this moment, most of the monks around also had the attitude of watching the excitement.

After all, in the eyes of others.

Whether it's the Grand Master Du's family or the Taiwei Jiang's family.

They all belong to wealthy families.

Any conflicts and disputes between them have their own way of handling them.

If other people meddle indiscriminately, it may be yourself who is unlucky in the end.

But just when everyone else was about to watch the excitement.


The figure of the man in the bamboo hat disappeared.


The spiritual aperture monk standing around Jiang Quan immediately reacted the fastest.

He blocked Jiang Quan completely behind him, and then drew out a long sword with lightning speed.

Facing the void in front of him, he slashed across.

"Ding" sound.

The figure of the man in the bamboo hat was forced out by the long sword.

See this scenario.

The corner of Jiang Quan's mouth curled up.

"The behavior of barbarians...hehehe..."


Before the smile on the corner of Jiang Quan's mouth was put away, a vague figure suddenly appeared beside him.

A crisp sound.

Jiang Quan's body flew out in response.

Fly directly out of the 'empty bird' within the range of the body.


In the unbelievable eyes of everyone.

Jiang Quan's body fell straight down.

To know. …

At this moment, it is at an altitude of hundreds of feet.

If a baby-changing cultivator who cannot use spiritual power falls directly from the height of hundreds of feet.

Serious injuries should only be expected, and there is even a possibility of direct death.

a time.

All the monks on the 'Empty Bird', you look at me, I look at you, they were all shocked by the ruthless attack of the man in the bamboo hat.

And this time.

The cultivator at the Spirit Aperture Realm realized something, and immediately flew up, also chasing after the 'Kongniao'.

With a sound of "咻", it disappeared into the clouds below.

Wait until this time.

Du Yixin waited for someone to react.


Just when Lu Shan thought that Du Yixin was going to blame him for taking the shot without authorization.

Ma Yingying suddenly ran to Lu Shan's hairy chicken.

He reached out his hand and poked it.

"Incarnate outside the body?"

"Mirror image spell?"


There were several soliloquy questions in succession.

But Lu Shan didn't pay attention to her, but focused on Du Yixin.

At this moment, Du Yixin's expression was slightly wrinkled, as if he was thinking about something.


Lu Shan dismissed the phantom of the chicken, came to Du Yixin, and asked doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

Du listened wholeheartedly and shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about something."

"Oh, you don't blame me for what I just did?"

"I can't die anyway, what are you doing?"

When Du Yixin said this, he gave Lu Shan a strange look.

It seems to be wondering why this chicken demon has such a weird personality.

And this moment.

The Grand Master Du on the bird's head frowned suspiciously while controlling the flying direction of the bird's head.

'Blood aura? '

'Monster race? '

Grand Master Du seemed very strange why his direct descendants fell in love with a monster.

Moreover, what made him even more surprised was why the former prince admired this monster so much.

Full of doubts piled up in my heart.

Grand Master Du thinks it's better to wait and see.

It was a monster after all.

even though.

Compared with other sects who are xenophobic towards Yaozu, Mingshan among them is much better.

As long as it is not a monster that disrupts the world and wipes out human relations, the Ming royal family will not treat it differently.

As a venerable in the astral realm, Grand Master Du can naturally distinguish the characteristics of this monster through the evil spirit of blood on the monster's body.

All bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty monsters not only have a strong bloody aura, but also reveal a cold killing intent.

But this monster couldn't sense such a cold killing intent at all, so Grand Master Du didn't have the idea of ​​intervening in this matter.

At the moment of the 'empty bird' body.

Seeing that even the venerable in the astral realm did not respond.

Other monks also adhere to the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

After whispering, they backed away very apprehensively.

Except for those guys who are related to the Jiang family.

I saw them gathered together.

All of them cast thorny eyes on Lu Shan.

In this regard.

Lu Shan didn't care at all.

Squatting on the body of the 'empty bird', he began to study the material of the 'empty bird' again. …

But it didn't take long for Lu Shan to study.

Ma Yingying leaned over and asked with a smile:
"Brother Du, can you..."


Lu Shan refused directly.

Because he knew that generally when someone said words with the prefix 'can' to himself.

If you follow the link, [-]% of them are embarrassing yourself.


Faced with Lu Shan's refusal, Ma Yingying did not care, and continued to speak with a smile:

"Oh, don't rush to refuse."

"I just want to ask, what happened to your move just now."

"Why can it be released in the environment of devouring spirits?"

Hear this.

Lu Shan raised his head and glanced at the girl with braids in front of him.

"Want to know?"


"Ask the handsome guy next to you."

"Handsome... brother...?" Ma Yingying didn't realize the meaning of these two words for a while.

But driven by instinct, she turned her head subconsciously, and turned her gaze to Li Geng who was standing beside her silently.

Be aware of the gaze.

Li Geng looked up at Ma Yingying, then turned his attention to Lu Shan.

A few steps forward, walked to the side of several people, facing Lu Shan, whispered:

"Brother Du..."

"If I'm right..."



Just when Li Geng was about to say the following words out of his mouth.

A deep voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"The cloud zone has passed, and we are about to enter the war zone."

"Everyone, please prepare for battle..."

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