Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 360 Allowing You to Marry into the Du Family

The moment when the 'empty bird' passed through the clouds.

Lu Shan was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw it in the far distance.

There is an open grassland.

And on this grassland, there are hundreds of monks fighting in the most primitive way.

Formation of troops.

Short combat.

Just like a mortal war, fighting with a large group of beastly monsters and ghostly ghosts.

There was a moment of fighting and shouting.

Even Lu Shan, who was thousands of feet away, could vaguely hear it.

at the same time.

Lu Shan also found out.

In the sky above the grassland, there are also a group of flying objects that resemble balloons.

They are flying out of the mist at the other end one by one.

When they flew over the grassland battlefield.

Many monks, like paratroopers, flew down from the balloon, waved their weapons, and joined the battlefield.


Lu Shan was still in shock.

Suddenly, he felt a silky little hand grabbing his hand.

Look down.

Du Yixin beside him had already turned pale from the impact of such a battlefield.

And so were the other two beside her.

His face was pale and his expression was stiff.

At first glance, it looks like it has never experienced a large-scale war.


Lu Shan coughed lightly.

"Hey, you guys, if you believe me, just follow me later."

Hear this.

Ma Yingying was still a little stubborn.

I want to refute something.

It can be seen that the 'empty bird' is getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

Those shouts and killing sounds on the ground were transmitted directly to the 'empty bird'.

Ma Yingying's face turned even paler.

this will.

The familiar deep voice came from the position of the bird's head again.


"The battlefield is approaching, are you ready!?"

"Yes!!!" shouted in unison, and it was broadcast on 'Kongniao'.


All the monks took out their weapons and held them in their hands.

Then, driven by an unknown restless energy.

Everyone's emotions gradually rose.

Even the four generations of officials whose faces were paled by the scene of the battlefield just now.

At this moment, his breathing also became heavy.


Seeing that the height of 'Empty Bird' is about to reach a position less than a hundred feet away from the ground.


A loud sound came from not far away.

Everyone's eyes immediately followed the voice.

On the hill in the distance, a huge worm suddenly crawled out from the ground.

After a sound of 'oooh'.

open mouth.



A huge thick liquid sprayed out from the worm's mouth, and attacked the group of 'empty birds' in the air at an extremely fast speed.

Because the speed of this huge thick liquid is very fast.

An 'empty bird' couldn't dodge in time, and the thick liquid directly concentrated the wooden bird's body.

next second.

The sound of "呲" came out like this.

And the time has not passed two breaths.

There were bursts of very painful cries from the 'empty bird'.


'Empty Bird' broke off at the sound.

Together with the hundreds of monks above, they fell to the ground. …

Moreover, those monks who were contaminated with the thick liquid also showed a tragic appearance of corruption.

Seeing so.

Several monks immediately flew out of the surrounding 'empty birds'.

With his greatest possibility, he saved nearly half of the monks.

The other half of the monks fell to the ground from the height of hundreds of feet.

Just as Lu Shan wondered why he was in such a hurry to save people.

After all, even a hard landing would not be fatal for a monk at a height of one hundred feet.

most serious injuries...

Oh, that's right.

If there are hundreds of seriously injured monks all of a sudden, it will be a burden on the battlefield.

Think of this.

Lu Shan also figured it out.


On the hill not far away, there was another 'bang' sound.


All the 'empty birds' redirected at the sound.

In the form of scattering, it spreads to the surroundings.

The 'empty bird' that Lu Shan was riding on was also changing direction.

But at this time.

There were several more 'bang bang bang' sounds.

When Lu Shan came back to his senses.

At a distance of less than two hundred feet from this 'empty bird'.

Three big worms popped up out of nowhere, spewing out three lumps of thick liquid at the same time, attacking his own 'empty bird' position in a straight line.

Seeing the attack so close.

It has become less likely that the 'empty bird' will turn again.


Grand Master Du on the bird's head could only shout loudly.

"All spiritual apertures, follow me to meet the enemy!!!"

Drink it down.

Immediately, more than a dozen figures stood up and jumped onto the wings of the 'Empty Bird'.

At this moment, Lu Shan is also preparing to leap over, but he can consider Du Yixin beside him.

Think about staying in place.

And there are several spiritual aperture monks like Lu Shan who have scruples.

So no one was to blame for a while.

At this time.

Grand Master Du's voice appeared again.

"I recite a dharma, and I invite you to do it with me!"

The voice just fell.

A sonorous and powerful phrase suddenly appeared in Lu Shan's ear.

"Tianshan Sea Breeze... Hengbian Walking High..."

As soon as the sentence started, the dozen or so cultivators in the spirit aperture state followed suit.

"Drink the autumn water... ten miles long..."

when the second sentence appears.

A scent of books suddenly appeared and spread into Lu Shan's nasal cavity.



A light blue ripple suddenly appeared in front of 'Empty Bird'.

This scene surprised Lu Shan.

You must know that what can appear in the form of energy is basically composed of aura.

And as long as it is spiritual energy, it will receive an invisible influence of spiritual energy in this spirit-devouring layer, making its spiritual power invalid.

But the ripple in front of him didn't seem to be suppressed by many devouring spirits.

and so…

What power is this?
Just when Lu Shan was puzzled, the third sentence appeared.

"Cheng Zhi makes peace, not going to Nanshan!"

And then.

In Lu Shan's mind, a reminder also appeared.

[System Prompt]: Discover Confucianism "Heavenly Sword", do you want to learn it?


What the hell?
Lu Shan was at a loss when he heard the name. …


Doubts are doubts. Is there any reason not to learn the exercises that are delivered to your door?

Following Lu Shan's reply.

A reading note suddenly appeared in his mind.

As long as the venerable on the bird's head reads a sentence, his reading bar will jump back two layers.

And wait until the reading reaches [-]%.

Those three streams of thick liquid not far away have already flown to the front of 'Kongniao'.


A crisp sound.

That faint ripple suddenly blocked the first thick liquid.

Although the ripples fluctuate greatly.

But it can be regarded as barely taking the first thick liquid.


A moment of effort.

A second ripple followed.

Another "pop".

I saw that the light blue ripple suddenly appeared a lot of ups and downs.

The cracks on the corrugation can be clearly seen in the meantime.

Seeing so.

The last sentence of the mantra was spoken from the mouth of the venerable.

"Pingsha is at the end of the day, and the water is like a cold knife!"

After reading this sentence together with the other monks.

The originally precarious ripples suddenly became much more solid.

Successfully blocked the third thick liquid from the outside.

But it's not waiting for everyone to take a breath.

Right below the 'Empty Bird', another huge thick liquid suddenly flew over.

When it collided with the ripples wrapped around the 'empty bird'.

In an instant.

Ripple shattered.

It shattered into pieces of light blue crystals, which slowly shattered in the air.

But the huge thick liquid didn't stop at all.

Straight hit the 'empty bird' in the lower abdomen.

In an instant, a big hole was burned out in the lower abdomen of 'Kongniao'.

Seeing that the thick liquid began to spread rapidly.

Many spiritual aperture monks in the 'Empty Bird' did not hesitate.

A direct leap, flew out from the 'empty bird'.

The monks in the baby-changing environment hesitated for a long time.

After all, there is still a height of nearly a hundred feet from the ground.

Leap out directly.

Injured that is for sure.

In severe cases, it may even be life-threatening.

At present, this 'empty bird' is not broken in the air, it is under the control of Grand Master Du on the bird's head.

Still sliding down.

"Be careful."

Li Geng told Ma Yingying and Du Yixin:

"As long as the height is high enough, we are always ready to take off."

"Understood." Ma Yingying agreed.

Du Yixin on the side also nodded lightly, expressing his agreement.

But right now.

Located between Ma Yingying and Li Geng, a big hole was formed by decay.

Li Geng's reaction was quick and he jumped out immediately.

But when he adjusted his figure and was about to go back and grab Ma Yingying.

Half of the latter's body had already fallen into the pothole filled with thick liquid.

Ma Yingying, who knew the consequences of being close to the thick liquid, immediately wanted to get up and leap.

But at this moment, there is no solid ground under her feet to lend her strength.

If it falls naturally like this, it will definitely be invaded by those thick liquid first.

Even if she can land on the ground safely by then, it is impossible for her to be intact. …

If it's just that the body is corroded, that's fine, and you can use some elixir to recover after you go back.

But if it hurts his soul...

Ma Yingying couldn't help shivering.

But seeing that she was about to fall into despair, suddenly.

A gust of wind suddenly blows back the thick liquid that spread out.


Another strange wind force pulled her whole body out of the pit.

This strange scene made Ma Yingying forget her situation for a moment.

Looking back, we must find the source of this strong wind.

As a result, he suddenly saw the man in the bamboo hat standing beside Du Yixin, shaking a brightly colored feather fan.

Ma Yingying, who was born in a wealthy family, recognized at a glance that this feather fan was not an ordinary thing.

Judging from its strength just now, and the fact that it can still be used in the spirit devouring level.

Its rank will never be lower than a Taoist artifact.


That is a treasure that even the Astral Realm Venerable rarely possesses.

But now it is in the hands of a person in the spirit aperture realm.

This made Ma Yingying couldn't help but began to wonder if this person was a casual cultivator.

Or is it just pretending to be a loose cultivator...

For a while, dozens of love-hate dramas appeared in Ma Yingying's mind.


Brain supplements belong to brain supplements.

She deserves to be thanked for doing her best.


Li Geng, who was on the side, also stepped forward and grabbed Ma Yingying's arm, but he couldn't say anything if he wanted to reprimand him. In the end, he could only look at it twice with concern, and then gave a thankful look to the man in the bamboo hat.


At this moment, Lu Shan didn't care about the thanks of these two couples who seemed to be lovers.

Now he has found out.

Not only their 'Empty Bird' was attacked and disabled.

Others flying in the air were more or less attacked.

a time.

Most of the 'empty bird' fell.

And the other half is at most the same as Lu Shan's ship, under the control of Venerable Bird Head, gliding with injuries.

This situation gave Lu Shan a bad feeling.

Frowning, he immediately opened his corns, looked down, and began to think.

But right now.

The voice from the bird's head came again.

It's just that this time it seems to be only one-way sound transmission.


"Protect those children for me."

"After the matter is completed, the old man is in charge and allows you to marry into the Du family!"


Without waiting for Lu Shan to respond.

The old man jumped directly from the bird's head.


In an extremely fast falling posture, he rushed to the ground.

This made Lu Shan a little frustrated.

Marry into the Du family?

Labor is a rooster!

Only marry but not marry!

Depend on!
Under the anger drink.

Lu Shan simply jumped out from the 'empty bird'.

Unwilling to admit defeat, he plunged towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

'Empty Bird' on top.

When a group of monks saw that Grand Master Du, who was leading the flight, had rushed out, the others lowered their heads to consider the height of the ground.

Those who are confident also leap out.

As for Du Yixin and others.

Originally, they wanted to wait.

But when they saw Lu Shan's incarnation, the bamboo hat man also jumped out. …

gritted his teeth.

They also jumped out together.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

a time.

The sky is filled with figures of leaping monks.


Just when Du Yixin and others passed through the clouds and saw the ground.

In an instant.

One by one, their vigilance was raised to the highest level.

Because of the ground at this time.

A large number of ghouls have gathered.

Like ants, they gather on the ground, raise their heads, and look up at the sky, as if they are welcoming the monks in the sky to fall.

And waiting for the first monk to land.


Those ghouls attacked the monk like locusts.

Within a few breaths, hundreds of ghouls buried the monk.

That was a Master in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Although the cultivation base is only at the elementary level, it is also an unattainable kind of master for Ma Yingying and other infant transformation realm cultivation bases.

But such a master was buried by those ghouls with a huge number.

such an attack.

How long can these baby-changing monks last?
And then.

One after another, monks were buried by ghouls.


Both Ma Yingying and Li Geng regretted jumping down from the air with the big troops.

As for the bamboo hat man Du Lushan who led them down.

Li Geng inspected for a long time.

Finally, not far ahead, I saw the target.

At this moment, Dulu Mountain is close to the ground.

And on the ground, hundreds of burly and festering ghouls gathered, waiting for Dulu Mountain in the sky.

Just when Li Geng thought it was going to suffer...

That Du Lushan dramatically accelerated his falling speed.


With an impact speed that made even Li Geng feel terrifying, it plunged into the ground...

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