Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 361 This Ghoul Is So Slippery

Chapter 361 This ghoul is so slippery (please subscribe!!!)

Du Lushan looking for death? !
Hitting the ground so fast!

Even if he has the cultivation base of the Spirit Aperture Realm, he will definitely not be able to resist.

At this moment.

The same question appeared in the minds of Ma Yingying and Li Geng almost at the same time.

Even Du Yixin, who was on the side, was surprised by Lu Shan's reckless behavior.

Although she also knows some of Lu Shan's real combat power.

But there are hundreds of ghouls on the ground.

Du Yixin couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

In fact, not only the three people here are concerned about Lu Shan's actions.

The other monks who jumped down from behind, including the ghouls on the ground, also paid special attention to this monk who fell like a meteor.

Including that Grand Master Du who had hit the ground.

After killing all the ghouls around him, he couldn't help but turn his head back and cast his eyes on the grandson-in-law who fell down with burning flames.

Seeing so.

Grand Master Du couldn't help but let out a low drink.



He was ready to turn around and try to get that grandson-in-law next.

But right now.

The ground on which Grand Master Du was standing unexpectedly experienced a violent vibration.

Followed by.

A snake lizard with three legs suddenly appeared on the only way he must pass.

"Master Du, where do you want to go?"

The Basilisk let out a high-pitched greeting.

Hearing the sound, Grand Master Du frowned, stopped, and looked coldly at the three-legged snake lizard.

"Which one are you?"

"Hee hee hee..." the snake lizard laughed, and then stepped on the middle foot towards the ground.

"Cinderland Demon City, Chief of the Absolute Prison Guard, Chacha."

Hear this.

Grand Master Du raised the corners of his mouth and let out a low laugh.

"Extreme prison?"

"I heard your warden died at the hand of a chicken?"

"And it's a chicken in the spirit aperture?"


The snake lizard's face turned cold instantly, and he stuck out his tongue twice in a 'hiss'.

"The warden died in the ambush of you human monks and ancient beasts."

"What kind of chicken stuff."

"Think about it with your grand master's brain, is it possible?"

Seeing the snake lizard retaliate so intensely.

Grand Master Du smiled irrefutably.

Then, he ignored it and wanted to leave.

As a result, the snake lizard stepped on the ground violently.

In an instant.

A long and narrow ground fissure appeared in front of Grand Master Du.

Seeing this, Grand Master Du also understood what the snake lizard meant.


Get ready to fight.

at this time.

The fire in the sky fell like a meteor, hitting the ground violently.


Visible vibrations appeared throughout the ground.

Followed by.

An overwhelming air wave directly diffused, centered on the place where the falling fire fell.

All of a sudden, it spread out for a distance of hundreds of feet.

All monks, monsters, and ghosts within this range.

As long as the cultivation level is slightly lower, all of them will be blown away.

And just when this hurricane blew in front of Grand Master Du.

In an instant.

Master Du moved.

The figure disappeared in place along with the hurricane.

And after one-thousandth of a breath, when the hurricane blew in front of the snake lizard.

A simple hand ruler suddenly appeared on the back of the snake lizard's head.

"Clap" sound.

The snake lizard's head exploded at the sound.

In an instant, endless blood spurted out from the snake lizard's head.


Waiting for the snake lizard to fall down.

Grand Master Du's figure also landed on the ground next to him.

"A low-level sky demon also wants to block the old man's footsteps?"


Grand Master Du sneered a few times, and then he was ready to move on.

But just before he took two steps.

The ground shook suddenly.

Followed by.

Two ground fissures appeared in front of Grand Master Du again.


From the two ground fissures, two snake lizards that were exactly the same as the previous one crawled out.

Seeing so.

Something instantly came to mind in Grand Master Du's mind.

His complexion suddenly darkened, and he said coldly:
"I heard it in previous years."

"In the absolute prison of the Cinder Demon City, there is a prison warden with a high level of cultivation."

"There is also a shadow that claims to be immortal."

"Presumably, you are that shadow?"

Heard this.

A snake lizard on the right that crawled out of the ground fissure suddenly stuck out its tongue with a 'hiss'.

"It is rumored that Grand Master Du of the Ming Dynasty has the ability to teach the world."

"Presumably, the ruler just now is one of Grand Master Du's abilities?"

Hearing that the snake lizard didn't answer his words, Grand Master Du didn't say much either.

With a dignified expression, he held the simple ruler in his hand again.

I was ready for a long battle in my heart.

at the same time.

When the smoke cleared from the sky.

With the buffer of the air wave just now, Du Yixin, Li Geng and Ma Yingying landed on the spot where Dulu Mountain hit the ground without any injuries.

Just dropped.

Immediately, several ghouls that were crippled by the air wave crawled towards the three of them.

Seeing so.

Li Geng made the first move.

He drew out a long sword, swung his swordsmanship like a silver sunset, and attacked the vital parts of those ghouls.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

With several silver lights flashing.

Those ghouls were all poked out of their hearts.

But this did not stop those ghouls from crawling.


Ma Yingying immediately shouted:

"Let's start! The key point should be in the head!"

But Du Yixin on the side held another opinion and said bluntly:
"It's useless to start! The ghoul has no harm!"

"It is only useful if it is completely incinerated!"


She immediately took out a fire talisman from the Naxu space, and activated it with great aura.

Throw the Fire Talisman at the wight.


With the sound of 'call'.

Those ghouls were directly engulfed in flames.

After struggling for a few breaths, it was completely reduced to ashes and blown away by the wind.

"Is this a ghoul?"

Ma Yingying murmured, but the other two could hear her voice.

Especially Li Geng.

Originally a high-level cultivation base in the Baby Transformation Realm, the 'Silver Sword' makes his voice picturesque.

But he didn't want to, relying on this kind of swordsmanship, even an ordinary ghoul would be difficult to deal with in a short period of time.

This made him momentarily at a loss as to what to say.

Du Yixin who was next to him could sense the mood of his friend.

Encouraged and encouraged:

"I've seen ghouls like this in my library at home."

"Usually, it's a grievance accumulated during life, and after death, it is refined by special techniques. Only one such ghoul will be honed out of a hundred corpses."

Speaking of this, Ma Yingying next to her also added:
"You're right."

"Although this kind of ghoul's cultivation level is not high, it takes a lot of effort to solve it."

"Generally, it takes two to three baby-changing monks to take action at the same time to solve it..."

Hearing the consolation from the two friends, Li Geng smiled gratefully.

But just when he was about to say something.

Dozens of ghouls suddenly appeared in their line of sight, and were rushing towards the three of them at a running speed.

The crippled ghouls in front of them all needed so much strength to deal with them.

Now came a dozen more ghouls intact.

a time.

Du Yixin and the three of them immediately backed away in a tacit understanding.

But what they didn't expect was that.

at this time.

A cheerful 'woo hoo' sound reached their ears.


They followed the sound with their eyes.

Behind the ghoul not far in front, there is a man with a naked body but wearing a bamboo hat on his head, stepping on a ghoul and sliding on the ground.

At the same time, he waved a bright yellow flame in his hand.

While cheering, he swirled the bright yellow flame in his hand.

And those ghouls seemed to be afraid of that man.

As long as the man went, the ghoul would run forward kneeling and crawling.

"...Is he... chasing the ghoul?..." Ma Yingying murmured.

But at this moment, no one answered her whisper.

Because Li Geng and Du Yixin were also stunned by the scene before them.

At this time.

When the dozens of ghouls had already arrived in front of Du Yixin and the others.

They only reacted belatedly.

When you want to run.

As soon as he turned around, the dozen or so ghouls had already brushed past the three of them.

See this scenario.

The three of them stopped at the same time.

this will.

A 'wow' sound reached their ears.

It was followed by a voice full of curious doubts.

"What are you doing here?"

"We..." Ma Yingying and Li Geng didn't know what to say for a moment.

Only Du Yixin recovered from the daze and said in a low voice:

"We just landed and are going to find you..."

"Oh." I heard it was to find myself.

Lu Shan agreed, then happily pointed to the ghoul at his feet, and said bluntly:
"This thing is so slippery."

"It's fun to step on."

"Are you interested in playing?"

The eyes of the three subconsciously followed what the other said.

At the foot of Dulu Mountain, a ghoul with taupe skin was stepping on.

And his hand is pulling the ghoul's hair, it seems to be used to fix and adjust the direction.

This scene.

Seeing that the three of them were collectively silent.

Originally, three or four ghouls made it difficult for them to deal with.

But in contrast, more than a dozen ghouls were chased away by this guy like ducks.

He even stepped on one as a toy under his feet...

Such a huge contrast made Li Geng and Ma Yingying feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Only Du Yixin was slightly better.


This is only relative.

At this time.

More ghouls reappeared not far away.

This time.

Looking at the number of ghouls at a glance, it is estimated that the number is at least hundreds.

With such a huge number, Du Yixin waited for the three of them to flee instinctively.

But this will.

The man in the bamboo hat who was stepping on the ghoul let out a happy yell.

"Wuhu" sound.

He pulled the hair of the ghoul under his feet, pulled it aside, and then dropped the words "wait for me here".

Stepping on the body of the ghoul, sliding the shovel all the way, at a very fast speed, he rushed towards the group of hundreds of ghouls gathered in the distance.

Seeing that one slippery, he bared out all the way.

The three present were silent again.

a while.

Ma Yingying squeaked.

"Should... don't need support..."

However, Du Yixin and Li Geng ignored her.

Because of this moment.

The corpse-stomper had slipped into the crowd of ghouls.

While waving the palm of the burning flame, he shouted loudly.


Hundreds of ghouls were covered in a layer of bright yellow flames.


A few breaths.

The group of ghouls collapsed into the flames until they turned into ashes.

At this time.

Li Geng suddenly realized something, subconsciously asked:
"Brother Du's flame...doesn't seem to be a magic weapon..."

Hearing this, Ma Yingying was also taken aback for a while, looked at it for a moment, then murmured:
"It seems... it's not a spell..."

Speaking of which.

Ma Yingying turned her attention to Du Yixin, who didn't know what to say.

He could only shut his mouth in a muffled voice.

Fortunately, Ma Yingying didn't intend to ask further questions, and continued to focus on the corpse-stomping young man not far away.

at the same time.

In a hidden mountain forest thousands of feet away from here.

There are two pale men, facing each other and controlling a dark gray bead together.

When Lu Shan easily burned hundreds of ghouls, the two seemed to sense something.

At the same time, they raised their heads and looked at each other in surprise.

"Six Ambiguity True Fire?"

"No... it should be the beast fire..."

Be quiet for a moment.

One of the taller men frowned impressively and said:
"It does seem to be beast fire... But have you ever seen such a kind of beast fire?"

Hearing the sound, another chubby white-faced man thought for a while, and said a little uncertainly:

"It's a bit like 'Red Jiao'... No!"

Halfway through, the fat white-faced man seemed to have thought of something, and said in an affirmative tone:
"Bi Fang!! This is Bi Fang's 'Yan Yan'!"

Bi Fang? !
That was one of the ancient beasts.

If it is really it, even its direct descendants are here.

For the group of ghouls that they managed to gather with great difficulty, it was a disaster.

Considering the difficulty of refining ghouls.

After the two looked at each other, they took out a 'Chong Mao' almost at the same time.

Squeeze it with your hands.

Then facing the insect corpse, he told the speculation of the two of them.

When they're done talking.

The insect corpse instantly turned into a wisp of blue smoke, which slowly dissipated in the air.

at the same time.

At the location of the portal.

Nanao, who was lecturing to the group of multi-tailed beasts in front of him, suddenly sensed something, and squeezed out two trembling insects from his waist.

next moment.

The two worms exploded at the same time, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke, gathering in front of the 'Nantails'.


This wisp of blue smoke was arranged into a sentence, hovering in front of 'Nanwei'.

When 'Nanwei' saw the font described on Qingyan.

next second.

The seven tails behind it suddenly started to move automatically without wind.

It's like a huge barrier.

It swayed irregularly.

a while.

When the 'seven tails' retracted their tails.

The herd of multi-tailed beasts that were admonished by it had collapsed a large area.

They all looked like they were foaming at the mouth and their bodies were limp.


'Seven Tails' spit out lightly.

With a burst of purple gas covering the entire square.

After a long time, the group of multi-tailed beasts lying on the ground slowly climbed up again.

But this time.

'Nanwei' has already taken out another 'Chong Mao' and said something in a low voice.

"I found a suspected member of 'Shan Hai'... Bi Fang..."

"Whether to kill or keep, I ask the city lord to decide..."

(End of this chapter)

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