Chapter 362 Passing on the son but not the daughter (seeking subscription!!!)

The evil layer.

It is located on the high mountain in the third floor of No.70.

There is a great deal of energy gathering at this moment.

They were divided into the three magic circles respectively.

Slowly over time.

A thread of lightning flashed suddenly appeared between the magic circles.

Slowly spread out between each other.

Seeing so.

Li Dali and Dao Duo, who were above the ridge and valley, couldn't help showing a look of joy on their faces.

Because they all know.

As long as these lines are successfully linked.

This magic circle is really done.


Compared to the joy of the two of them.

The embers of the 'Huojiao' located on the top of the mountain are much calmer.

Because it knows.

Before the last step, there will be countless variables.

At this time.

Ember seemed to sense something.

Eyes moved.

next second.

A 'poof' sound appeared impressively, and immediately after that, a puff of smoke appeared in front of its gaze.

When it sees the characters formed by the smoke and dust clearly.

His brows furrowed instantly.

But just when it was thinking quietly.

A cloud of fog suddenly appeared on the side of the mountain.


Wait for the fog to clear.

A figure familiar to the three monsters on the mountain appeared there again.

See here.

Dali couldn't help frowning, and asked:

"I don't know if Venerable Zhi Kui left and came back again, what else is there?"

Hear the question.

Venerable Zhi Kui had a long smile on his face, arched his hands, and replied:

"My men told me."

"'Bi Fang' is here..."

Upon hearing this.

Chiduo was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately retorted sharply:


"'Bifang' has been extinct for nearly ten thousand years, why..."


Venerable Zhi Kui flicked his hand casually.

Suddenly, a strange scorching breath came out.

When Yiduo sensed this breath.

Everything fell silent.

After a while, it made a rebellious sound.

"It's just breath like..."

"The real 'Bi Fang'..."

But before it finished speaking, a deep voice reached their ears.

"It's indeed the breath of 'Yan Yan'..."

'Yan', as the innate supernatural power of the Bi Fang clan, the biggest feature is that only monsters with Bi Fang's blood in their bodies can release it.

Moreover, its blood content must occupy at least six layers in the body.

Only in this way can we activate the inextinguishable fire 'Yan' that belongs to Bi Fang's clan.

As for other ordinary races, if they are mixed, the blood generally only needs three achievements to activate the innate magical powers exclusive to their own race.

Compare it like this.

Even if it wasn't Bi Fang's body, it was at least a direct descendant.

It's okay if it's suffocating offspring.

But if it's really Bi Fang's body.

Reconnect with the 'bad fight' that appeared before.

One ancient monster may be an accident, but two suddenly appeared...

That can represent only one thing.

'Mountain and Sea' really came...

So, what to do now?
Dali, Jiduo, and the eyes of that Zhi Kui Venerable all cast their gazes upwards.

a while.

on top of the mountain.

Three very short words slowly came out from within the sphere of light wrapped in fluorescent light.

"Capture, ask, kill..."


When Lu Shan returned to Du Yixin and others.

I don't know if the ghoul under his feet can't bear the friction of the ground.

It has collapsed into a puddle of minced meat.

There was only a strand of black hair, which was still held in Lu Shan's hand.


Lu Shan smacked his lips.

Flick your hair casually and a spark pops out.

"Call" sound.

A dull scream stopped abruptly with the annihilation of the hair.


"I have long felt that there is a problem with my hair."

"I still want to play Mao Dun in front of me."

After finishing speaking, Lu Shan snorted softly, raised his head, and looked at the three men and women in front of him.

But he found that Ma Yingying and Li Geng looked at him a little strangely.

This made Lu Shan frown.

Has it been discovered?
Lu Shan subconsciously reached out and touched his face.

It turned out that the hat was still there.

But when he put his hand down, his body froze unexpectedly.

Then, as quickly as possible, he took out a piece of clothing from the bag and put it on for himself.

"Sorry, sorry."

"It's too exciting to kill."

"Forget that clothes are not fireproof..."

"Aren't you intimidated by my size?"

The first few sentences are fine.

When Lu Shan finished the last sentence, the faces of Ma Yingying and Du Yixin turned red suddenly.

After taking a sip of '啦', he turned his face away.

At this time.

Li Geng on the side suddenly cupped his hands at Lu Shan, and said very politely:

"Brother Du has great skills, can I teach you a thing or two?"

"Pass what?" Lu Shan shook the flame in his hand.

"Secret techniques passed down from ancestors, not passed on to daughters."

"Unless you are my son, you can't learn this stuff."

Ma Yingying said this with a look of surprise, turned her face around, and asked questioningly:

"Pass it down to your son or not to your daughter?"

"Even the bloodline spell is not so overbearing..."

Faced with Ma Yingying's question, before Lu Shan had time to think about what to say, Li Geng said directly:

"I understand, Brother Du."

"Since this is the case, I will not force you."

"However, I still have an unfeeling request."

Seeing Li Geng being so polite, Lu Shan didn't have the nerve to refuse, and said bluntly:
"You said."

"But the question of whether to answer or not is up to me."

"Brother Du is absolutely right." Li Geng nodded, and then said:

"I hope, Brother Du..."

Speaking of which.


Several ghost hands suddenly appeared from under their feet.

Grabbed toward their feet.

Due to the suddenness of the incident.

Ma Yingying, Du Yixin, and even Li Geng didn't have time to react.

The ankle that was firmly held by that ghostly hand.

Only Lu Shan.

The moment the ghost hand appeared, he immediately stepped into the air and jumped into the air several feet above the ground.


Stabilizing his figure, he stepped on the ghost hand fiercely.

In an instant, a huge hole appeared in the ground.

And in that big pit, a ghost hand without any bones was severed.

was cut off in that pit.

But just when Lu Shan was curious about what this ghost hand was.

A cry of surprise reached his ears.

Lu Shan looked up.

Du Yixin, Ma Yingying, and Li Geng had all been pulled halfway into the dirt by the ghostly hand.

His face was purple, and he looked a little poisoned.


Lu Shan rushed quickly.

With the fastest speed, he came to the nearest Ma Yingying, swiped his claws, and hooked Ma Yingying's body out.


Turning around and sweeping the tail, Li Geng who was close to him was pulled out.

But when he rescued these two people.

Look back.

Good guy.

Du Yixin had only one head left outside.

Look at the other party's painful expression.

Lu Shan was startled.

Hurry up and drop the man and woman in your hands.

Then increase the speed to the fastest.

He even added the help of blood aura.

After burning a lot of blood spiritual energy, Lu Shan finally came to Du Yixin.

But at this moment, Du Yixin couldn't even see his hair.

Lu Shan didn't want Du Yixin to be dragged underground in front of his eyes.

in rage.

Directly open the 'Blazing Blood'.

For an instant.

Under the addition of three times the attribute.

Lu Shan raised his hands and quickly dug into the ground.

In an instant.

Dirt splashes.


Suddenly a deep hole was dug out.

But in this deep pit, Lu Shan only saw slender holes.

Du Yixin was not seen at all.


Among the four or five fine holes, he saw an enlarged hole at once.


Lu Shan dug down the enlarged hole again.

a while.

Seeing that Lu Shan was about to catch up to the sky below.


Several ghost hands suddenly grabbed at his body.

But facing such an attack, Lu Shan didn't even move.

Still keep looking down.

Seeing that the ghost hand was about to catch Lu Shan.

"Call" sound.

A layer of bright yellow flames floated out of Lu Shan's body surface.

As soon as those ghost hands touched the ghost hands, they were immediately burned by flames.

"Hoo hoo hoo".

One breath time.

Several ghost hands were burned to ashes.


The bright yellow flame did not stop.

It actually continued to spread and burn along the arms of those ghost hands.

When Lu Shan saw Du Yixin who was in a coma.

A sharp cry suddenly reached his ears.


Lu Shan was not moved by it.

Straight to the depths of his hands, firmly clasped Du Yixin's shoulders.

Then a force.

It completely stopped Du Yixin's falling speed.

But when Lu Shan wanted to pull Du Yixin up.

A huge force suddenly appeared below.

It almost dragged Lu Shan down.

Play strength with me! ?

Lu Shan cursed angrily.

Immediately, he stared down with his feet, made room, squatted down, and clasped Du Yixin's body with his own hands.

Then put your feet on the ground.

After getting ready.

Lu Shan let out a low growl.


In an instant.

Du Yixin's whole body was forcefully hugged out by Lu Shan.

Then he stepped on the heavy soil, and climbed up step by step with the ghost hand dragging below.

above the moment.

Ma Yingying was lying on the edge of the pothole, looking down with her head down.

After she visited for a long time, she didn't see any figure from this dark pothole.

I couldn't help but want to jump down.

But Li Geng behind him held Ma Yingying back.

"That's the 'Dread Hand', with great power, and likes to hide hundreds of feet underground."

"Ordinary monks in the astral realm will not be able to take advantage of him."

"So what if you go?!"

But Ma Yingying didn't want to listen to Li Geng's persuasion, so she threw her backhand.

"That's my good sister!"

"I can't see her die in front of me like this!!"

As he said that, he was ready to jump directly.

But Li Geng next to her still grabbed her and lay in front of her.

"Don't go!"

"I go!"

But just as Li Geng's words fell.

There was a slight shock on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the tremor became stronger and stronger.

Seeing so.

Li Geng quickly pulled Ma Yingying back.

The result is the time of two breaths.

A figure sprang out from where they had just stood.

Take a closer look.

It was Dulushan wearing a bamboo hat.

Carrying the unconscious Du Yixin on his shoulders, he came out step by step from below.

"One heart!"

Ma Yingying shouted, and just as she was about to go over, it was Li Geng who was standing beside her and stopped her.

This time Ma Yingying was a little angry.

"What are you doing!"

It was very rude to say a word, but just after she finished speaking, the tremors on the ground suddenly reappeared.

next second.

A huge meat ball with countless ghost hands was dragged out from behind Dulushan.

With a "bang", it was dragged to the ground in its entirety.

Seeing this meat ball with a diameter of nearly ten feet in length and width, countless ghost hands swayed like cilia without wind.

Moreover, there were many broken corpses on it, torn back and forth by those ghost hands.

Such a picture.

Ma Yingying was frightened and stunned.

But in just one or two breaths, she woke up.

The body trembled uncontrollably and stepped back.

If it wasn't for Li Geng on the side to support her, she might fall down in a tumble.

But it will.

The bamboo hat man came in front of Ma Yingying and Li Geng.

He handed Du Yixin who was carrying him to them, and said at the same time:

"Stand back, I'm going to start pretending."


Although he didn't know what the latter words meant, but Li Geng understood the former words.

So ever.

Li Geng held one in each hand, carried the two girls, and quickly stepped back several tens of feet.

When he put Ma Yingying and Du Yixin down.

A scream of "mile" has reached his ears.

Li Geng raised his head and followed the voice.

I saw that Brother Du had already come in front of that 'Dread Hand Monster'.

Opening his arms, he embraced into the middle of the countless ghost hands.

Just when Li Geng didn't understand why Lu Shan did this.


There was another scream.

next moment.

I saw bursts of bright yellow fireworks rising from the body of that 'Dread Hand Monster'.

Then, just a few breaths.

The bright yellow fireworks had already burned part of the ghost hands of the 'Dread Hand Monster' into pitch black.

I believe that as long as you look closely, it is not difficult to find.

These pitch-black ghost hands have already begun to show charcoal reactions.

To know.

This is a 'Dread Hand Monster' that even the Astral Realm finds it very troublesome, but it just fell into the hands of a monk in the Spirit Aperture Realm.


This Dulushan may not be a master in the spirit aperture state.

Judging from the blood aura surging on it.

It should be a great sage in the spirit aperture state.

I just don't know what level of blood the blood is.


Since even the Du family is willing to accept being a son-in-law, his bloodline level should not be lower than that of the 'Desolate' beast.

It is even possible to reach the level of the 'Xuan' beast, otherwise it would be impossible for the Huasheng Venerable to open the door for it...

Think of this.

Li Geng probably also understood something.

And when his thoughts fell back, the 'Dread Hand Monster' not far away was completely wrapped in flames.

Death is probably a matter of time.

Yet at this time.

A thick and deep bubbling sound suddenly appeared in Li Geng's ears.

For an instant.

Li Geng's body and mind, even his soul, stagnated at this moment.


Waiting for the sound of the drum to fall back, Li Geng barely regained his mind.


A bright rainbow door suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

next second.

A deep voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"The jump channel has been opened."

"All monks, enter within a hundred breaths."


"Sleep here..."

(End of this chapter)

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