Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 365 Hee Hee You Are So Good

Chapter 365 Hee Hee You Are So Good (Please Subscribe!!!)
The moment the sound is heard.

Du Yixin's goosebumps exploded all over his body.

Then say nothing.

With the fastest speed, he leaped forward.

At the same time, Li Geng leaped out together.

But just as they make the leap.

The nursery rhyme still echoed in my ears.

And the sound became more and more empty and distant.

at this time.

Li Geng didn't seem to want to sit still.

He took out another talisman and smashed it on the ground the moment he picked it up.

"Boom" sound.

A flame suddenly appeared.

And by the thrust of this flame.

Li Geng suddenly moved a few steps faster, before catching up with Du Yixin, his feet landed on the ground.


As soon as he landed, a flame of Taoism condensed out of Li Geng's hand.


turn around.

You can just throw it along the source of the sound.

I saw that this flame Taoism can transform into a firebird in the air, and after a cry of 'mile'.

He flew straight to the ruined wall.

one breath time.

When Du Yixin's body also fell to the ground, the fire bird came to the remnant wall, spread its wings, rose, and dived again.


An explosion accompanied by dazzling flames came immediately.


Accompanied by a 'bang' sound.

The remnant wall also collapsed in the sight of the two of them.

Seeing so.

Li Geng was not sure whether his skills hit or not.

But for the sake of safety, he still condensed several flame methods again.

Facing the dusty ruins, he threw it away again.

Du Yixin, who was next to him, also slowed down at this moment, gritted his teeth, and started to condense the flame spell.

a time.

Flame birds, fire snakes, fire balls and other flame methods were thrown out without stopping.

Even if the sky is drizzling at the moment.

Under the bombardment of such a large number of flame Taoism, the ruins in front were also ignited.

The flame instantly illuminates everything around.

a while.

When the two began to feel that the spiritual connection was not going well, they gradually stopped the condensation of Taoism in their hands.

At this time.

The ruins ten feet away in front of them had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Feel the heat gushing from the flames.

The hearts of Li Geng and Du Yixin also became much more relaxed following the turbulent heat.


Just when the two of them thought it was a little safer.

A smiling little girl with her head tilted oddly and with a long neck like a snake stepped out of the sea of ​​flames step by step.

This scene made Li Geng and Du Yixin feel a complete chill almost at the same time, spreading from their hearts.

Evil spirits who are not afraid of fire...

This is no longer a general 'multi-purpose' category.

It belongs to the almost high-end category in the 'multi-purpose' category.

Want to confront such a 'multi-eyed' evil spirit head-on.

Its cultivation requires at least astral level or above.

Moreover, the exercises to be practiced are of the most masculine and virile type.

This is a lesson that has been accumulated with the blood of countless ancestors over the past hundreds or even thousands of years.

But if the above two conditions are not satisfied, you still encounter this kind of 'multi-eye' who is not afraid of flames.

The result is only one…

In this regard.

Li Geng and Du Yixin looked at each other.

They both saw the despair in each other's eyes.

"Hee hee hee……"

"You have many feet..."


Speaking of which.

The 'multi-eyed' evil spirit in the shape of a little girl disappeared in place in an instant.

Seeing so.

A sense of vigilance suddenly arose in Li Geng's heart, and he fell to his side, knocking Du Yixin away.


I saw a long neck, impressively passing through the position where Li Geng and Du Yixin were standing just now.

Just at the moment of handing over.

Li Geng saw the position of the chin on the little girl's head, and there were six or seven opened eyes.

When passing by.

I made a look at those six or seven eyeballs.

all of a sudden.

Li Geng felt that his body, from top to bottom, was completely stunned in place.

Can't move for a long time, even if it's just a simple twist of the neck.


Shuttle all over.

The twisted neck landed in front of Li Geng who was lying on the ground in a crooked shape.

"Hee hee hee…"

"Found you..."

With a laugh, the smile on the evil spirit's face became even wider.

Slowly, swaying from side to side, he came to Li Geng.

At this moment, Li Geng was accumulating all his strength, trying to break free from that mental threat.

No matter what.

The difference in cultivation base and strength between the enemy and ourselves is too great.

Even if Li Geng used [-]% of his strength, he could only slightly twist his head at most.

But when Li Geng hoped that Du Yixin could start to help.

The result is the sight through the whites of the eyes.

When Li Geng glanced at Du Yixin.

The latter was already limp on the ground, and his emotions were almost on the verge of collapse.

And like him.

They were all stunned in place.

Seeing that the head had already flown in front of the two of them.

Smiling, he slowly moved his face towards Li Geng.

The latter could only look at the smiling face with despair, getting closer and closer to his post.

When that smiling face came within two feet of Li Geng's face.


It opened its mouth.

The smile cracked all the way to the corner of the mouth.

The mouth full of eyeballs was exposed.

He bit Li Geng's face.

this moment.

Li Geng's mind was completely blank.

But just when he opened his eyes and waited to die.

But that mouth stopped within five inches of Li Geng's face.



That face flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

Followed by.

In Li Geng's sight.

That disgusting girl's face was full of surprises.


Li Geng instinctively looked back along the 'multi-eyed' neck.

Then I saw a monk wearing a bamboo hat, holding the long snake-like neck with one hand and throwing it to the sky.

While throwing it back, it made the sound of 'Wuhu'.


The 'many-eyed' evil spirit was held by the neck by the bamboo hat man, and it was thrown to the sky.

"call out!!!"

The huge throwing force caused the strange 'multi-eyed' evil spirit to fly into the sky.

At this time.

The sense of awe in Li Geng and Du Yixin's body was suddenly released.


Du Yixin actually didn't care about anything and ran towards the bamboo hat man.

All of a sudden, he threw himself into the arms of the bamboo hat man, and buried his head in the latter's arms...

Looks like he's choking...


Although Li Geng was embarrassed to break this scene, but he was very familiar with the "multi-eye" combat power, and immediately issued a warning:
"Brother Du, be careful!"

"That's 'Multiple Eyes'!!"

"'Multiple Eyes'?" Lu Shan, who heard the voice, was subconsciously stunned:
"What is that?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't ask Du Yixin who was in his arms, but turned his head and asked Ma Yingying who was behind him with a numb face:

"Horse chick."

"What is 'multi-eye'? Is it powerful?"

talking room.

The 'multi-eyed' figure in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Faced with this situation, Li Geng couldn't help shouting loudly:

"Be careful!!"

"'Multi-eye' it disappeared...disappeared..."

Li Geng didn't finish his sentence.

He saw the man in the bamboo hat named Du Lushan popping out a bright yellow spark.

Facing the void behind you a little bit.


With the appearance of a shrill scream.

A figure burned by the flames appeared in everyone's sight.


The 'multi-eyed' evil spirit penetrated by the flames, even though its body was burned by the flames, it still spoke intermittently:

"Find...find...find, look for..."

But it hadn't finished speaking.

A very impatient voice suddenly appeared.

"I'm looking for you!!"

next moment.

I saw the man in the bamboo hat dodge, and once again grabbed the neck of the 'multi-eyed' evil spirit.


Press hard on the ground.


A bright yellow light appeared on the hand of the bamboo hat man.

"Call" sound.

Flames rise in storms.

Immediately, it turned into a lotus-shaped flame burst pattern, which expanded to the surroundings in the form of diffusion.


In the eyes of Li Geng, Ma Yingying, and the tearful Du Yixin.

An extremely terrifying 'multi-eyed' class that was not afraid of flames was burned to ashes by a cluster of bright yellow flames.

this moment.

Li Geng's pupils expanded several circles in shock.

The whole body stood there in a daze.

That is the category of 'multi-order'.

Filled with all kinds of strange abilities, the 'Multiple Eyes' category.

It is an existence whose overall combat power can compete with the astral realm.of
Such a terrifying guy, in the hands of this bamboo hat man named Du Lushan, couldn't even last a single round.

Who the hell is this Brother Du? !

Compared to Li Geng's shock.

Ma Yingying is much better.

After all, on the way here, she has seen at least a dozen 'Multiple Eyes' and hundreds of 'Multiple Hands', which died tragically in the hands of this guy.

Her expression naturally changed from shock at the beginning, to disbelief later, and then to fear.

Finally until now the numbness.

There are many times.

Ma Yingying even wanted to ask which famous mountain and great river this Dulushan brother came from.

Who is the master.

if you can.

She also wants to worship this master.

after all…

She, Ma Yingying, also has a strong heart, otherwise she would not have embarked on this road of cultivating immortals.

And among these few people.

Only Du Yixin, who knew part of the inside story, felt much better in shock.

However, although she is very confident in Lu Shan's combat effectiveness.

But she didn't think about it either.

A 'multi-eyed' evil spirit couldn't even survive two moves in its hands.

This terrifying fighting ability really increased Du Yixin's sense of security.


Put yourself into the role of a fiancée.

At this time.

The sound of scratching the ground by a few worms reached everyone's ears.

Everyone followed the voice to look.

I saw six or seven pitch-black six-legged insects digging out from the ground, and then lying on the charcoal ashes of the 'multi-eyed' evil spirit, they started to eat bit by bit.

Seeing so.

Li Geng quickly warned:

"This is 'Insect Eater', who loves to devour evil spirits..."

"As long as there are places where evil spirits are wiped out, there will be many such 'insect eaters'."

"And the most important thing is that this 'insect eater' also likes to devour raw meat..."

"Every time after devouring the 'evil spirits', they will attack all living things nearby."


Li Geng's words were halfway through.

Suddenly, it was discovered that Du Lushan was next to the ashes of the evil spirit again.

Look at the few black beetles digging up and down among the bones.


He actually stretched out a trembling hand, and slowly 'eating insects' towards one of the evil spirits.

One is right.

In front of everyone, pinched the bug into the bamboo hat.


With a series of "click click" sound came out.

Li Geng and the others were stunned again.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan could only control the appearance of wanting to continue eating.

Turn around.

In a slightly embarrassing tone, he tentatively said:


"Still crisp..."

"Why don't you come and have a taste...?"

at the same time.

On the mountain on the third floor of No.70.

When the 'ashes' of Youfanglou's message were wiped into ashes on the top of the mountain.

on top of the mountain.

A short shock suddenly appeared in that light and shadow.

What followed was a coercion that made all living beings feel fear.

Flickering from the light and shadow.

Such a violent reaction.

Dali who immediately gave way to the ridge, and Yiduo who was located in the abyss, both turned their gazes to the top of the mountain very unexpectedly.

To know.

Now has come to the critical moment of the magic circle link.

The magic circle at this moment is particularly fragile.

If you receive a huge impact all at once, it is easy to cause the consequences of failing to succeed.

Ember is the lord of the Cinder Demon City.

The demon-creator of the magic circle naturally knows this.

And when he knew it, he still expressed such angry emotions...

"The city lord... what happened?"

After all, Chiduo couldn't bear it anymore, and asked aloud.


Ember of the 'Huojiao' slowly regained her momentum, and after a moment of silence, said in a very depressed voice:

"Humans are coming..."

Upon hearing this.

Jiduo immediately exclaimed:

"We have arranged so many paths!"

"How could thousands of monks cross over so quickly?"

Ember took a deep breath in the face of Yiduo's doubt.

"Human monks Zhao Tianbao and Jiang He jointly activated the 'Prime Scale' and sent most of the monks from the five domains to the ninth floor of No.60..."

Upon hearing this.

His pupils shrank vigorously.

Then he asked aloud:

"Ask the mayor."

"Isn't it forbidden to use such a magic weapon with shuttle ability in the Spirit Grinding Pagoda?"

"It is indeed forbidden." Ember did not refute Dali's question, but changed the angle and said:
"But have you forgotten?"

"As long as you are willing to perform a blood sacrifice with five hundred monks above the Infant Transformation Realm..."

"The so-called prohibition naturally becomes a joke."

Five hundred...

Dali and Suo Duo heard this number.

Even though he is the deputy city lord of the Cinder Demon City, he kills countless people on weekdays.

But all of a sudden blood sacrifices such a huge number of monks above the Infant Transformation Realm.

Just to open a door spanning more than ten floors.

Such a price...

Dali couldn't help but sighed.

"It's so cruel..."


In a moment of silence.

Chiduo suddenly opened his mouth and asked:
"City Lord."

"What should I do now?"

"How?" Ember muttered to herself, and then, a sonorous and forceful response suddenly came out from the light and shadow on the mountain top.

"He comes, I fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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