Chapter 366 The title 'Duo Ling' (please subscribe!!!)

This evil layer is really a good place...

Lu Shan sat on a scorched bronze armored corpse, holding a few 'worms' in his hands.

While eating snacks, he made a sound of exclamation.

And his surroundings.

Hundreds of evil spirits with incomplete limbs are lying down.

From the appearance point of view, there is a category of 'multiple hands' and a category of 'multiple eyes'.

And the death conditions were extremely miserable, almost all of them looked like they had been burned.

As for Du Yixin and the other three.

Then it floats high in mid-air.

Looking down.

The expression on his face was speechless and numb.

at this time.

Lu Shan finished eating the 'Chong Mao' in his hand.

He stood up, raised his head, and waved to the air.

"Come down and take a look?"

For an instant.

The three hovering in the air shook their heads almost at the same time.

This made Lu Shan smack his lips in disappointment.


After taking out another handful of 'Chong Mao', he stepped lightly, and his body immediately flew into the air.

"Now, where are you going?" Lu Shan asked, turning his gaze to Du Yixin.

Feel the gaze behind Lu Shan's bamboo hat.

Du Yixin was taken aback for a moment, then glanced sideways at Li Geng beside him.

"The message we got was freedom of movement."

"Just arrive at the portal before dark."

Is it so casual?

Lu Shan froze for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the sky.


He doesn't know the time.

It can only be roughly estimated that it should be just after noon.

It is impossible for him to calculate the specific time.

If it is calculated after noon, there are still more than two hours before dark.

"In that case, let's go..."


Lu Shan turned his head and left.

And Ma Yingying behind her seemed to want to say something, but before she could speak, Li Geng stopped her with her eyes.

This made Ma Yingying very puzzled.

Frowning, he cast a voice transmission to Li Geng.

"Why don't you let me talk?"

Hearing the sound, Li Geng didn't even move his mouth, and replied with the same voice transmission:
"I know what you're going to say."

"But don't forget, this is on the evil level."

"Brother Du, killing evil spirits is like killing chickens, but what he kills are 'multiple hands' and 'multiple eyes'."

"And the 'Dorling' category is completely different."

"Even here, you can't even mention the name."


Li Geng's words did not make it clear, but the meaning expressed was already clear and couldn't be more clear.

Hear this.

After all, Ma Yingying pursed her lips unwillingly.


A group of three people and one chicken began to fly in the direction of the portal.

But it hasn't flown very far.

Lu Shan asked in confusion.

"I have a question to ask."

Hear the sound.

The other three immediately cast their gazes along the voice.

"Does the rain here have any nourishing effect?"


Du Yixin and the others didn't understand what Lu Shan meant.

But Lu Shan didn't say it clearly, he just pointed to the thin protective spirit shield outside his body.


Ma Yingying understood something, subconsciously said:

"Opening the protective spirit shield will attract the attention of evil spirits and ghosts..."

Not finished yet.

Lu Shan patted his chest.

"I am here…"

"What are you talking about!"

Hear this.

After looking at each other, Li Geng and Du Yixin silently put up their protective spirit shields.

After all, the feeling of being washed and scratched by the rain here, even a monk in the baby-changing environment, would feel uncomfortable.

And after watching the three people in front of them use their spiritual energy to prop up their protective spirit shields one by one.

Lu Shan nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right..."

"It's just a bunch of brats, so why are you so afraid?"

But while Lu Shan was speaking.

A gust of cold wind, mixed with rain, suddenly blew towards the four people here.

But just when the dark wind was about to blow on Ma Yingying.

Lu Shan, who was standing in the air, raised his eyebrows suddenly.

The figure immediately disappeared in place.

next second.

When Lu Shan reappeared, he was already behind Ma Yingying.


There was also a bloodless palm in his hand.

This sudden movement.

Immediately, Ma Yingying and the others were taken aback.

But when they looked back, they were immediately taken aback by that palm.

back off.

Gather gas.

a time.

Three different spells gathered in the hands of those three people.

But they didn't act immediately.

Because at this time, Lu Shan had already picked up that hand, and was beginning to feel it in his own hand.

A palm without an arm.

The phalanges are normal, like ordinary people, with five fingers.

His complexion was pale, as if soaked in water for more than ten days.

There is also a very flat cut at the wrist.

The incision surface is smooth and bloodless.

It was as if this hand was an evil spirit that existed alone.


Lu Shan cast a questioning look at the three people in front of him.

After all, he is good at fighting and killing, but when it comes to seeking out secrets, he probably can't even compare to that girl Ma Yingying.


At first, Du Yixin and the other three were also surprised by the severed hand.

But when Li Geng saw a wavy "Chuan" pattern on the middle finger of the severed hand.

The complexion of the whole person changed instantly.

Then he stepped back a few feet and stared at the severed hand with a look of extreme fear.

And Li Geng's appearance naturally fell into the sight of other people.

In Ma Yingying's memory.

Although Li Geng's character is not very bold, it is by no means the cowardly and mouse-like appearance he is now.

This can't help but make her very puzzled, and asked:

"Li Geng, what's wrong with you?"

Li Geng didn't know if he had any scruples, so he pointed at the severed hand.

"Middle finger! Look at that middle finger!"

Hear this.

Du Yixin also subconsciously set his eyes on the middle finger.

When she also saw the strange wavy 'Chuan' pattern.

The complexion of the whole person also instantly turned pale.

Although it can't be said that he retreated in fear like Li Geng, he still seemed to be quite frightened.

This made Lu Shan very curious.

He raised the palm in his hand, pointed at the pattern, and asked aloud:
"What does it mean?"

Originally, Ma Yingying also wondered why the two of them were like this.

But when she also saw the logo, she subconsciously exclaimed:

"This! This! The appellation 'Duo Ling'!!!"


Lu Shan immediately turned his gaze to Ma Yingying.

But at this time, Ma Yingying seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, she quickly covered her mouth, and backed away with a terrified expression.


The latter Lu Shan knew.

It is the most high-end existence of the entire evil spirit hierarchy.

But what does the 'Zunhao' mean?
Is it a title similar to His Holiness?

Or does it belong to a unique category?

Lu Shan looked suspicious.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Just one hand."

He was still holding this hand as he spoke, wanting to get closer to Ma Yingying.

As a result, the girls turned around and ran away.

At a very fast speed, it flew towards the distance.

This made Lu Shan amused.

A flash.

Flick out two chicken feathers.

Then, under the hostage of two phantom chickens, Ma Yingying was carried back after a while.

No matter how much she twisted, she still couldn't get away from the two muscular phantom bodies.

This scene caused Li Geng next to him to be in a dilemma.

At this moment, Du Yixin could see that Lu Shan was determined to clarify this question.

Thinking of Lu Shan's own strength, and that Fudou sleeping beside him.

Du Yixin finally gritted his teeth and said:
"Let me tell you."

Hear this.

Lu Shan suddenly became interested.

Let go of Ma Yingying, and turn to Du Yixin.

But this time.

Li Geng said bluntly:
"Xinxin! Can't say it!"

"If you say it, we will all be in danger!"

But Du Yixin ignored Li Geng's words, pointed at the palm, and said:

"The appellation 'Duo Ling'."

"Its honorific title refers specifically to the realm that has reached the peak of the astral realm, and is only one step away from the next level of refining the gods."

"In this realm."

"Whether it is the body or the soul, it has gone beyond the general high-level astral realm."

"As a result, a strange divine art that is very similar to the Divine Art of Destiny in the God Refining Realm was born."

"As long as you master such a divine technique."

"You can get a similar title."

"The same goes for its 'multi-ling' category."

"And what you hold in your hand is exactly..."

Although Du Yixin didn't say it directly.

But Lu Shan already understood the reason.

Because he had heard of it before.

As long as the cultivation reaches a certain level.

Mention its name within a certain distance, as the owner of the name, there will be a certain induction.


Even if it is a "Duoling" who is at the peak of the astral realm, there is no need for these guys to be so frightened.

Just when Lu Shan was about to ask this question.


The severed hand he was holding began to tremble.

And it's getting faster.

Just a few breaths.

The trembling frequency of this broken hand has exceeded the level that Lu Shan can control.

no way.

Lu Shan could only let go.

But who ever thought.

Just let go.

The severed hand disappeared in front of Lu Shan at an extremely fast speed.

"What's the situation?"

Lu Shan turned around suspiciously.

In the end, it was three faces with greatly changed expressions.


"Get out of here now!"

Li Geng shouted immediately.

After that, he added:


"We have to leave the evil layer quickly!"



Ma Yingying and Du Yixin also followed Li Geng and flew forward with their heads buried.

Leaving Lu Shan alone in place.


Looking at the three people who have gradually turned into black spots.

Lu Shan thought about it.

Although he was puzzled, he still chose to follow quickly.


Just after a cup of tea when their figures disappeared.

on the ground.

Suddenly, a mouth opened silently.

Then, from the gap, a stone Buddha statue popped out.

Three heads, six arms.

Sit cross-legged on three sides.

And each side is a hand-held figure.

At first glance.

So solemn.

But if you look closely, the corners of the mouth and eyes of each Buddha statue are upturned together.

Its face and expression are very strange.

But if these are compared with the sitting lotus sitting under the stone Buddha, it is really far away.

I saw that under the lotus seat of this stone statue, there are thousands of hands, like flagella, born on the lower stage of the lotus seat, swinging from side to side.

And this time.

When the stone Buddha was surrounded by many palms, it was completely pushed out from the ground.


It opened its eyes.

Lift your head and stare into the sky for a moment.


The corners of the mouth raised, directly to the cheeks.


It let out a low laugh.



"It's all mine..."


Stone Buddha's eyes gradually glowed red.

next moment.

The palm on the lotus pod where it sat down suddenly began to fly outward.

Groups of people.

Like thousands of little bees.

They flew out in a swarm.

Fly rapidly towards a certain direction in the distance.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away from here.

Lu Shan and the others were stopped by a group of monsters emitting soft light from outside.

Four in total.

They are middle-level sheep-headed human demons in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

A high-level five-tailed male horse in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

A high-level mantis in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

And the last white snake demon with a high level of spirit aperture.

Looking at the four monsters blocking the way in front of him.

Lu Shan protected Du Yixin and the other three people behind him, and then asked in a deep tone:

"What kind of monster are you waiting for!"

"Why did you block your Grandpa Lu's way!"

As a result, Lu Shan just finished speaking.

The four monsters on the opposite side started to attack without saying a word.

This surprised Lu Shan.

He paused for a moment, waiting for him to react.

A pair of emerald green hand knives had already arrived directly below Lu Shan.

Look at where the knife is aiming.

Lu Shan was startled suddenly.

Push your ass back immediately.

It can be regarded as avoiding this fatal attack.

But before he could take a breath, a gust of wind had already come to his side.

By the effort of breathing.

Lu Shan glanced sideways.

As a result, at a glance, he saw two black hooves, two muscular thighs, and two round eggs at the base of the thighs, covering the large intestine.

This look.

Lu Shan felt that his eyes were going blind.

Barely raised his arms to block.

"Bang" sound.

He was kicked several dozen feet away.

It was hard to stabilize his figure.

But at this time.

A thick dark purple gas suddenly appeared, completely enveloping Lu Shan's body.

Seeing so.

A big snake with shining white scales flew out from the jungle below.

When the white snake flew into the air, it had already returned to the half-beast form with a human body and a snake tail.

"Is this the man in the bamboo hat on the reward order?"

"Why is the strength so vulnerable?"

The white snake made a 'hissing' sound.

"Don't be careless..." The sheep-headed human body demon who followed up rubbed his hands and said in a deep voice:

"Since he can be rewarded, there must be something extraordinary compared to this bamboo hat man."

Hear this.

White Snake let out a contemptuous smile.

"No matter how extraordinary, can he still escape from the slave's 'poison'?"

Speaking of which.

The white snake turned its gaze to the other side, Du Yixin and the others who were facing back to back against the praying mantis.

When it glanced and saw Li Geng.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

With a 'hiss', he stuck out his tongue and flicked it lightly on his lips.

"The slave family really likes that young master."

"You are not allowed to compete with the servants!"

After finishing speaking, he twisted his waist and flew towards Du Yixin and the others.


The white snake flew several feet away just now.

A frivolous voice suddenly appeared from above the white snake's head.

"Little snake girl, she looks good."


"It's just a little heavy tone..."

(End of this chapter)

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