Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 372 Please sit on the altar again

Chapter 372 Please sit on the altar again (please subscribe!!!)

When Lu Shan rolled out from under the Five Fingers Mountain.

At a glance, he saw that Huo Dou was biting the lower body of the three-faced Buddha statue with his teeth bared.

From Lu Shan's point of view.

Just in time to see Fudou's mouth full of fangs, deeply pierced between the legs of the three-faced Buddha statue.


With a "click" sound.

The crotch of the three-faced Buddha statue was accidentally torn by Fu Dou.

a time.

The rubble flew around.

A large amount of rubble fell from the sky and fell towards Lushan below.


Looking at the gravel falling like rain, Lu Shan did not choose to go up hard, and cooperated with Huo Dou to attack the vital points.

Instead, he backed away directly, avoiding the falling range of those gravels.

The reason is the diaphragmatic response...

I always feel that these falling stones are not stones, but 010 of the three-faced Buddha statue...


cough cough...

Lu Shan, who was covered in smoke and dust, shook his wings.

At this time.

The battle above started again.

Suddenly, the three-faced Buddha statue stood up from the pedestal made of severed hands.

Raise those five arms, and hammer fiercely at Fudou's body in the form of a hammer.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every time the hammer hits, the ground shakes violently.

But even so.

Fu Dou's fangs were still firmly biting the lower body of the three-faced Buddha statue.

Never let go...

Seeing such a fierce look, Lu Shan instinctively clamped his legs a little tighter.

"Despicable beast!!!"

"If you are the King of Pluto, transform into the palm of the sky!!"

An angry shout.

next moment.

In Lu Shan's sight, he suddenly found out.

The five arms of the three-faced Buddha statue, as well as the sixth arm, were all lifted into the air.


With an extremely short speed, the six hands merged into one huge palm.

Squeeze your hands and loose your fists, and circle around with three different colors of aura.

Pressed down.

And because the speed of pressing down is too fast.

The palm of the three-faced Buddha statue was actually wrapped in endless flames.

This time.

It is equivalent to having the blessing of four kinds of energy, pressing towards the dog's head position of Fu Dou together.

But this palm is about to hit Fu Dou's dog's head.

At this critical time.

With a burst of dog barking.

A mass of thick flames burst out from Fu Dou's mouth.

With a roar, it began to crazily burn the lower body of the three-faced Buddha statue.

The endless flames, mixed with a large amount of lava-like things, spurted out from Fudou's mouth.

Lu Shan below naturally also saw the fire falling like rain.

When Lu Shan felt a restless heat from these flowing fires.

He frowned subconsciously.

Then propped up 'Xianyan' to protect the body.

If it feels right.

This kind of flowing fire should be the natal flame of Fu Dou.

And the mania, restlessness, and a little dryness in it should be the flame characteristics of Fudou.

Compared to Bi Fang's immortality, Chiyang, Qiangming...

The short-term destructiveness of the fighting flames seems to be a little bit stronger.

This can be seen from the burnt legs of the three-faced Buddha statue with countless holes.


Although the flames of Fudou are very destructive, it seems that it will not cause fatal damage to the three-faced Buddha statue at all.

and so.

The mountain-pressing palm of the three-faced Buddha statue hit Fudou's dog's head accurately.

"Den" sound.

With just such a palm, Fudou's mouth suddenly stopped spraying flames.

Moreover, even his mouth was stuck in mid-air.

The whole body is motionless.

It looked like it had been poked.

See here.

The three-faced Buddha statue retracted its arms again.

Then in the same way, he released the same skill, and attacked Fudou's back again.


The flames in the palm of his hand intertwined with the other three kinds of spiritual energy, and he hammered down on Fu Dou's body.

This time.

If nothing unexpected.

As long as he is hit, Huo Dou may not even be able to maintain the form of Fatian Xiangdi.

Without Fudou's help.

I am afraid that Lu Shan has no choice but to run away...

In this regard.

Lu Shan took a deep breath.

With all his strength, he flew from the ground to Fudou's dog's head at an extremely fast speed.


Looked up.

He looked squarely at the palm of the four-colored gathering in the air.

'The law of heaven and earth! '

A low drink.

Lu Shan's size suddenly swelled by tens of feet.


With the current situation, even if his body has reached a height of nearly a hundred feet.

Standing on Foto's head, too, was almost like a flea.

He could only make half of his body protrude from the body hair on Huo Dou's forehead.

Want to resist the palm in the air head-on.

almost impossible.

At this moment, the three-faced Buddha statue also sensed the ant on Fu Dou's head.

A grin on his face.


The strength in the hand has increased by [-]%.

Like a mountain range, it is pressed down from the sky to the earth.

In this regard.

Unmoved, Lu Shan released the second skill again.

'Big and small surgery! '

next moment.

Lu Shan's size swelled twenty times again.

From the original flea, it suddenly swelled to the size of Fudou's ear.

This is the end.

When Lu Shan finished releasing his second skill.

The palms in the sky had reached a height less than five hundred feet away from him and Fudou.

Cover the sky.

The aura like the collapse of the sky oppressed Lu Shan.

It seemed that he wanted to crush him from body to mind.

But in this case.

Lu Shan invited a chubby camel bird from the altar.

Fat waist and fat body.

Especially the exaggerated mouth, like a loophole.

'Chicken stomach rumbling...'

next second.

Endless blood gushes out from the core of the heart and rolls through the whole body.

In just two breaths.

When the blood aura surged to every corner of Lu Shan's body.


A large void mouth appeared.

Inhale all of Lu Shan's blood aura.

next second.

With the appearance of a strange tingling sensation.

Lu Shan suddenly discovered that his body was expanding at a terrifying speed.

The height of field of vision is also constantly increasing.

From the beginning, it was parallel to the height of Fudou's ears.

Later, it rose to the size of Fudou's entire head.

At last.

When the giant palm in the sky has been suppressed.

Lu Shan's body was already half the height of Fu Dou.

This is the end.

Lu Shan raised his chicken head.

Transfer the aura to the chicken mouth.

Push hard to the sky.


Lu Shan felt as if he was stuck on a wall made of top-quality spirit stones.

The violent impact almost made Lu Shan's chicken beak crooked.


As the second hardest mouth in the whole body, it still resisted the impact force, not a bit soft.


When the mouth is hard, the legs are not so hard.

A hard blow almost made Lu Shan kneel down.


With all his strength, he was able to withstand it.

But Lu Shan was not satisfied with this.

Floating in the air above Fu Dou's head, he immediately gave a loud shout.

'Supracavitary sac! ! ! '


Along with a strong blood aura spurted from Lu Shan's buttocks.

This gave Lu Shan an extra upward momentum.


With the help of the 'supraluminal sac'.

Lu Shan actually overwhelmed the three-faced Buddha statue in the burst of power.

With a bottom-up impact, accompanied by Lu Shan's angry shout.

The three-faced Buddha statue was directly overturned.


There was a burst of explosions.

The three-faced Buddha statue collapsed to the ground.

The shock force produced made Kuang Tianheng, who was thousands of miles away, aware of it.

Immediately stopped the galloping figure.

Looking blankly into the distance.


He murmured.

"Who the hell..."

"Can you fight with 'Xiao Dutian' like this...?"

"It's not human anyway..." The scarecrow in Kuang Tianheng's hand made a contemptuous voice.

"This kind of close combat between the 'laws of heaven and earth' is not something you humans can fight..."

"Oh." Kuang Tianheng, who heard the voice, snorted softly, stretched out his hand, and flicked the scarecrow's head.

"It sounds like you evil spirits are good at close combat..."

With such contemptuous words, the scarecrow immediately screamed in excitement.

Immediately clamored to let go of the body with Kuang Tianheng and have a good fight.

But Kuang Tianheng didn't pay attention to it at all.

He casually tore off a leaf from a big tree beside him, attached it with spiritual energy, and stuck it on the scarecrow's mouth.


The whole world is quiet.

But when Kuang Tianheng was about to move on.


A strange feeling came to my heart.


Instinctively leaped back.

next second.

Several black filaments broke through the ground from where Kuang Tianheng was standing, tearing the ground into a long and narrow gully.

Followed by.

Before Kuang Tianheng's figure stopped.

A pitch-black claw stuck to Kuang Tianheng's back and attacked and killed him.

Seeing that the claws were about to stab Kuang Tianheng in the back.


Kuang Tianheng's body moved suddenly.

next moment.

He raised the scarecrow in his hand and waved it behind him.

There was a "bass".

The claws caught the scarecrow's body, broke a piece of blackened thatch, and disappeared into the air with black smoke.

And Kuang Tianheng took advantage of this attacking force, and retreated again.

It finally landed on top of a big rock.

Landed, steadily.

With a glance, he smiled lightly and said:
"The shadow is like a ghost, the body is like paper, the face is covered with flowers and trees, wandering around, with treasure as the top..."

"May I ask which floor of the Youfang Tower your Excellency is?"


A hunched old man walked out of the jungle, wearing a red and green floral dress and leaning on a cane.

after standing.

A delicate ghostly figure suddenly leaned beside the old man.

With a pair of ecstatic eyes, he stared at Kuang Tianheng with a smile.

"You Fanglou... Venerable Engui..."

The old man responded blankly.

"It turns out that the ghost building is in charge..."

Kuang Tianheng nodded knowingly, and then turned his gaze to the ghostly woman in every inch of clothing.

When he saw the woman's blood-red pupils.

He froze for a moment and frowned.

"Charming corpse?"

"Painting saint has good eyesight..." The old man clapped his hands, and then, the phantom beside him seemed to have received some signal.

As soon as the figure moved, he slumped against the old man's side. At the same time, he raised a hand and hooked it at Kuang Tianheng.

That gesture, that posture...

Even a frequent visitor to Goulan like Kuang Tianheng was almost moved...


He knows part of the method of the ghost.

Knowing that this charming corpse is so beautiful and moving, but its body has been dead for many years, and it is made of many broken bones.

In the meantime, as long as the attributes are echoed.

I'm afraid there are even the bones of monsters...

Think of this.

Kuang Tianheng no longer paid attention to the charming corpse next to him, but focused on the old man.

"Is You Fanglou really going to get involved in the battle between the Five Realms and the Cinder Demon City?"


Venerable Engui shook his head.


"The words of the painting saint are very questionable..."

"What's the problem?" Kuang Tianheng looked around.

After confirming that there was no ambush, he squinted his eyes and stared at the old man in front of him.

at this time.

Venerable Engui touched the head of the crutch with his hand.

While rubbing, he said in a deep voice:

"It is the Cinder Demon City who chooses war..."

"And the war between us, Youfanglou and the five domains, has it ever stopped?"

As soon as these words came out, Kuang Tianheng was stunned.

And just when he was dazed.

Several ghost claws broke out from the ground suddenly, and grabbed Kuang Tianheng at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Kuang Tianheng was still in a daze.

But just when those ghost claws were about to grab Kuang Tianheng.

A burst of ripples suddenly appeared.

next second.

Those ghost claws directly pierced Kuang Tianheng's figure like cutting through the water.

After two breaths.

When Kuang Tianheng's body stopped the wave divergence.

The voice came out again.

"Ghost, right?"

"Actually, I'm quite curious. As a high-level monk in the astral realm, you are only a step away from the title."

"You should be very clear about the gap between a high-level astral body and our honorable one."


"Would you choose someone to ambush me?"

Face doubts.

Venerable En Gui did not make a sound.

Just tapped the cane lightly.


The charming corpse beside him immediately chuckled and flew towards Kuang Tianheng.

at the same time.

Another battlefield thousands of miles away.

A giant rooster with its head flying into the clouds was spreading its wings and was fighting with another huge Buddha statue that was almost twice the height of the rooster.


"Eat the old chicken and catch it!!"

During the leap, Lu Shan raised his chicken paw to the left face of the Buddha statue and grabbed it.

But the three-faced Buddha statue facing the attack waved its arms indifferently.

"Buddhist tools and accessories... Killing the heavens..."

next second.

A light curtain-like thing lay in front of the three-faced Buddha statue.


This made Lu Shan's chicken feet useless, so he had to take them back.


This claw retraction is just an illusion.

When turning his body, Lu Shan pointed the chicken butt towards the three-faced Buddha statue.

'Bah! ! ! '

next second.

A large amount of blood spirit gushed out from Lu Shanji's ass.

Then, like a mist, it quickly spread around.

this will.

The three-faced Buddha statue covered in mist reacted immediately.

Unleashed a blast-like gas explosion.

All the surrounding fog was shaken away.


Just at this time.

Thousands of vines suddenly flew out from below and flew towards the three-faced Buddha statue.


The three-faced Buddha statue's expression was slightly gloomy.

A "啅" sound.


I saw the tens of thousands of severed hands it sat flying out immediately.

Accurately grasped and buckled all the canes in his hands.

This is the end.

The three-faced Buddha suddenly snorted softly.

"These are your means?"

"Very despicable, like an ant!"


Lu Shan frowned, and asked:
"Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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