Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 373 Continuous body penetration technique!

Chapter 373 Continuous body penetration technique! (Please subscribe!!!)

Following Lu Shan's voice fell.

I saw traces of bright yellow flames suddenly appearing on the countless vines.


Time for a breath or two.

The flames rose suddenly.

In an instant, flames soared into the sky, enveloping most of the severed hands.


the strange thing is.

Even countless severed hands were scorched into fly ash by the flames.

As the skill releaser, the three-faced Buddha statue 'Xiaodutian' still didn't show any mood swings.

As if those severed hands did not belong to it.


The three-faced Buddha statue continued to look at Lu Shan with contemptuous eyes.

"Natural Beast Fire..."

"Of course...not enough..."

Two words.

After reaching Lu Shan's ears.

His face twitched suddenly.

Looking at the three-faced Buddha statue that seemed to be possessed by a god, the corners of his mouth curled up.

At the same time, a few chicken feathers were drawn from the buttocks.


At the moment when Lu Shan raised his wings, several chicken feathers fused together and turned into a yellow-brown chicken feather fan.

next moment.

The feather fan fell from top to bottom.

"Not enough?"

"The old chicken grants your wish."

With Lu Shan's voice over.

A bright yellow flame condensed in front of Lu Shan.

Followed by.

When this flame wind blows.

One after another.

The riots shook.

In an instant, it melted into a huge whirlwind, blowing towards the three-faced Buddha statue.

And the whirlwind formed is getting bigger and bigger.

See this scenario.

The three-faced Buddha statue first frowned.

Immediately, he waved his six arms, interweaving a large net made of psionic energy in the air, and holding it in front of him.


Just when this big net has just been intertwined.

A strange sense of crisis suddenly appeared in the heart of the three-faced Buddha statue.

driven by instinct.

The left and right faces of the three-faced Buddha statue immediately opened their mouths, and spit out two ghostly winds from their mouths.

It roared and merged with the big net.

And this time.

The bright yellow flame wind also blows over.

After contact with the Psionic Great Net.

In just two breaths, several holes were burned out of the psionic net.

If it weren't for the ghost wind behind to make up for it.

I'm afraid that the flame wind has already penetrated and blown onto the three-faced Buddha statue.


The three-faced Buddha statue showed a very surprised expression.

Then face down.

"Unexpectedly, your bloodline can actually give birth to companion treasures..."

"'Fan of Flame'?"

During the speech, the three-faced Buddha statue opened its six arms.


A spiral of black energy was immediately in the middle of its six arms.

That is, its chest position appears.

Circling, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Soon, a spherical energy aggregate gathered for a moment.

"Chicken Demon..."

"This technique is what I learned during the delivery with Tianlei when I broke the mirror..."

"Named: Duhetian..."

"Originally, I specially prepared this technique for my opponents in the same realm."

"Now, you should be honored to give it to you..."


The three-faced Buddha gathered the power of six arms, and pushed the black spiral out with all its strength.


The moment the black spiral flew out from the arms of the three-faced Buddha statue, it disappeared...

Not a trace of it could be seen.

Not even a trace of energy could be felt.

But just when Lu Shan was concentrating on resisting.

An impact suddenly appeared beside Lu Shan, knocking his whole body into the air.

Because the strength is too great, and anxious.

When Lu Shan's body flew out, he turned around and found out.

It turned out that Fudou knocked him into the air.

And when Lu Shan was still wondering why Fudou did this.

A sudden energy ripple suddenly appeared beside Fu Dou.


The energy ripples suddenly collapsed.

A black vortex formed directly on the spot.

The vortex faces upward, like a spiral vortex on the water surface.

Gather everything around to this vortex.

Floating clouds, broken rocks.

Even the aura was sucked out by the vortex into light blue ripples visible to the naked eye, and rolled towards the vortex.


Even Huo Dou, who was not far from the whirlpool, was slowly pulled by the whirlpool.

Although Lu Shan not far away didn't know what was in the vortex.

But judging from Fudou's expression of fierce resistance.

Being sucked into this vortex will definitely not have any good results.

In this regard.

Lu Shan quickly spread his wings, ready to fly over and try to fight.

But he just flew to the time when he was still tens of miles away from reuniting with Fu Dou.

A strange pulling force inexplicably pulled Lu Shan towards the whirlpool.

In this regard.

Lu Shan flapped his wings violently, and with the help of the wind, he kept himself from being pulled by the vortex as much as possible.

But even though Lu Shan used great strength.

His figure still couldn't stop leaning towards the whirlpool.

At this time.

The voice of the three-faced Buddha statue in the distance came.


"Setting the capital to the sky, breaking the sinking and punishing..."

"This force is irresistible..."


"Wait for the annihilation with peace of mind..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing the laughter of the three-faced Buddha statue, Lu Shan looked back.

When he saw the same expression on the three faces of the three-faced Buddha statue almost at the same time.

He frowned.

next moment.

He sticks the fan up his ass.


While the 'sac on the cavity' is gushing out, it also uses the shaking of the chicken's buttocks to fan the fan and blow out bursts of flame wind.

And Lu Shan's body relies on the blessing of these two forces.

Step by step, it flew towards the periphery of the black vortex.


The three-faced Buddha statue doesn't want Lu Shan to simply break away from its star skills.

to this end.

The three-faced Buddha statue once again propped up its six arms, and this time opened its mouth.

It kept twitching up and down.

Seems to be thinking about something.

And right now.

The black vortex that has torn apart all objects within a range of several thousand feet.

suddenly started turning.

Slowly start to spin on its own.


The resulting attractive force gradually increases as the rotation begins.

Although this kind of attraction has little effect on Lu Shan, for Na Fudou, it is the last straw that crushes his body.

When Lu Shan heard Fu Dou's 'woo woo' sound, he looked back.

It has been sucked by the black vortex to a distance of less than a hundred meters.

Seeing Fudou's four paws clasping the ground, Lu Shan didn't know how long it could last.


This time, Lu Shan did not choose to turn back to save the disaster.

Instead, he turned his face and shook his butt vigorously, so that the fan on his butt could flutter and float more.

Because he knows.

Even if he turned around to hold Huo Dou back, he could only rely on his own ability to stabilize the situation.

But what is needed now is not to stabilize the situation.

should be...

'Speak out the wish of the chicken: wind up! '

Following Lu Shan's low shout.

Suddenly gusts of wind began to appear all around.

And within a few breaths, these strong winds suddenly developed into a hurricane.

Followed by.

Lu Shan spoke again.

'Juyun! '

next moment.

Clouds of dark clouds suddenly began to appear in the sky, gathering from all around immediately.

Seeing that the spiritual energy gathered in the dark clouds is getting stronger and stronger.

The three-faced Buddha statue who was controlling the black vortex frowned involuntarily.

Then, look up.

The pain came out of both arms, and I used my fingers to the sky.


An angry shout.

The dark clouds in the sky were pierced into a big hole in an instant, and a burst of corrosive energy appeared, spreading in all directions of the hole.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan took a deep breath and gave another low drink.

'Juyun! ! ! '

the second time.

Another layer of cumulus clouds rolled over and directly covered the original layer of clouds.

This doubled the thickness of the accumulated clouds above.


Don't wait for the three-faced Buddha statue to cast spells again.

Lu Shan let out a long breath.

'Call the thunder! '

Gently two words.

In an instant.

The clouds in the sky changed.

The color changed directly from black gray to pitch black.

And there are bursts of lightning, rolling in the clouds.

Seeing this scene.

The face of the three-faced Buddha statue sank.

The six arms draw circles in the air one after another.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

When all six arms are closed.

Three layers of body shields composed of three colors suddenly appeared on the top of the three-faced Buddha statue.

"A mere lightning technique, what can I do?!"

With the angry shout of the three-faced Buddha statue, it appeared.

next moment.

Its body swelled again, and it sat cross-legged with palms together on three sides, raised its three heads, and glared at the sky angrily.

Originally, the body of the three-faced Buddha statue was already so huge that it pierced through the sky.

under expansion again.

The size of this three-faced Buddha quickly reached a height where Lu Shan couldn't even see his face when he looked up.

To know.

At this moment, Lu Shan is already a gigantic monster nearly a thousand feet tall.

But the physique of the three-faced Buddha statue in front of him was something he looked up to.

this body type...

Lu Shan had to doubt.

Is it true that the further back the realm, the more the dharma body can expand?

'Thunder falls! ! ! '

Drink it with Lu Shan's cry.

The lightning in the dark cloud fell from the sky like rain in an instant, and all exploded towards the still expanding three-faced Buddha statue.


No matter how much thunder falls.

All were blocked by the three-color body shield on the head of the three-faced Buddha statue.

No thunderbolt can fall on the body of the three-faced Buddha statue,
This is not a good thing.

In this regard.

Lu Shan gritted his teeth.

I still invite out the 'Zit on the Altar'...

Let it control the body, and start to accumulate and release the ultimate move.

But just as Lu Shan was accumulating energy, the voice of 'oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' behind him came from behind him.

Look back.

Fu Dou's body has been pulled to the side of the black vortex.

Using powerful fire energy, he was struggling desperately with the attraction of the black vortex.

Lu Shan couldn't see how long the current fight could last.

But you can hear it just by its angry dog ​​bark.

It is estimated that it will be within half an hour.

to this end.

Lu Shan accelerated the momentum of accumulating energy.

Just when he had almost accumulated energy.

In the sky.

The body of the three-faced Buddha statue had already broken into the thunder clouds.


I saw that under the illumination of the three-color light above the head of the three-faced Buddha statue, the thunder cloud layer in the sky was illuminated by its light into a sky full of white clouds...

What kind of ability is this?

Lu Shan was stunned.

Fortunately, at this time, the anger in his body had already accumulated.

While the three-faced Buddha statue is still holding a white cloud on its head as a light bulb.

Lu Shan pulled out a long stick from his chest.

But that's just the first one.

There's a second, a third, a fourth...

Until eighteen long sticks were suspended in front of Lu Shan's chest.

Only then did Lu Shan stop his movements on the wings.


He raised his head.

His eyes were on the position where the lower body of the three-faced Buddha statue was bitten out of the hole by Fu Dou.

'Continuous penetrating technique of the sky! ! '

next second.

All eighteen long sticks on Lu Shan's chest disappeared in an instant.

And right now.

The three-faced Buddha statue seemed to sense something.

Immediately strengthened the protective shield on his body several times.

But even so.

After the two interest time.

A feeling that the three-faced Buddha statue had never experienced came out from its broken lower body.

"call out!"


"call out!"


This happened several times in a row.

Every time it appears, the body of the three-faced Buddha statue is hit hard once.

Just started.

It can also rely on the body shield to resist for a while.

But as the number of impacts increased.

When the number of times comes to No.12.

The body shield outside the three-faced Buddha statue couldn't resist again.

With a "snap", it shattered in the air.

And with the shattering of his body shield, an unspeakable pain appeared on the lower body of the three-faced Buddha immediately.

But before it could recover from the previous excruciating pain, the last penetrating pain struck again.


It can also clearly feel that the things that penetrated the body time and time again drilled into its body.


The three-faced Buddha statue let out an extremely painful cry.

And in such a situation, it can no longer distract and control the black vortex.

It lost control and dissipated into the air at once.


Lu Shan looked back at the location of the whirlpool.

At a glance, Fu Dou was lying on the ground panting like a dead dog.

The air waves created by its breath directly blew the ground up several layers.


When Lu Shan confirmed that Fudou had no fatal injuries except for a broken tail.

Once again, he set his sights on the colossal statue not far in front of him.

At this moment, the body of the three-faced Buddha statue is still trembling.

It can be felt from the vibration from the ground that this guy should not be feeling well right now.

But you can also know if you think about it.

Several nails drilled in from the wound of his lower body, and they continued to drill into his body.

This feeling...


Lu Shan couldn't help but gasped.

But at this time.

He suddenly realized a problem.

Although the opponent can inflate his body to such a huge size, his few needles may not be able to cause fatal injuries to him.

But this is through the opponent's wound.

What if these 'needles' are pointed at fatal positions?

Like spirit aperture?


Or is it the soul of the brain?
Think of this.

Lu Shan's heart moved.

Immediately retracted the figure back to its original body size.

Then it flew back and flew towards the big hole in the lower body of the three-faced Buddha statue...

(End of this chapter)

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