Chapter 103
Bai Jinyao can be indifferent or aggressive when facing others, but when facing Ye Hanci, she will become like a little girl.

Couldn't help but speak softly.

Bai Jinyao held Ye Hanci's hand tightly, although holding it like this would make her fingers feel a little numb and electric, but she was afraid that he would run away and not drink the medicine.

Ye Hanci's picturesque eyebrows moved, and he said in a low voice, "You also know that Jiuyou's cold poison has no cure, and drinking medicine is useless."

At this time, Ye Hanci's whole body was filled with a faint cold aura, as if he took life and death lightly.

Bai Jinyao didn't like to see him look like this. She frowned tightly and said, "There is no unsolvable poison in this world. There must be a way."

"Although I can't prepare an antidote now, the medicine I prepared can at least relieve your cold syndrome and make you feel less uncomfortable."

When the Jiuyou cold poison flares up, most people can't bear it at all.

I don't know how Ye Hanci maintains a normal expression, so that people can't see anything.

"You must be in pain, right?"

Ye Hanci seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said coldly, "I'm used to it!"

When Bai Jinyao heard this, her heart twitched fiercely, she didn't know what to say to comfort him, she could only say: "I live in the back, and the pain will be gone after drinking the medicine, really."

Ye Hanci looked down at Bai Jinyao, met her expectant and worried eyes, and suddenly smiled charmingly: "I'm a boy, won't you be afraid if you take me home?"

Bai Jinyao didn't know why, and said without thinking, "What are you afraid of?"

Ye Hanci used his fingers to lift the hair around Bai Jinyao's face, "Student Bai Jinyao, you are so worried about me, you boil medicine for me, and treat me so well, I can't help but want to do something to you, don't you think so?"

Ye Hanci's voice was low and mellow, with a provocative ending between his words, Bai Jinyao's heartstrings trembled violently.

When she realized something, her face turned red.

Bai Jinyao lowered her head, not daring to look at Ye Hanci's eyes, her face was a little hot, she took a step back unnaturally, tucked the hair around her face behind her ears, coughed and said, "Well, your body is now It's poisonous, you can't toss about it."

Seeing Bai Jinyao's cute reaction, Ye Hanci actually smiled. This smile is not a charming and non-cold smile, but a sincere smile.

Bai Jinyao heard a chuckle and raised her head to look at Ye Hanci.

Seeing his appearance at this time, Bai Jinyao showed a look of astonishment. It turned out that his smile was like the moon in nine heavens, elegant, beautiful, gentle and beautiful.

Seeing his smile, Bai Jinyao's heart skipped a beat uncontrollably.

She secretly said in her heart: "Monster!"

Bai Jinyao quickly looked away, and if he continued to look at it, he would not have to go back to drink the medicine.

Ye Hanci laughed a few times, and gently placed his hand on Bai Jinyao's head, "You don't want me to have an accident?"

Bai Jinyao nodded seriously, "Yes."

Her eyes were clean and clear, and she was really afraid that something would happen to him.

Ye Hanci sighed and said, "Let's go."

"Huh?" Bai Jinyao didn't even come to her senses.

"Didn't I say to go to your house to drink medicine?"

Bai Jinyao's eyelashes trembled, she blinked her eyes, she seemed a little puzzled, Ye Hanci is so easy to talk at this time?
But she didn't go into it either, as long as he was willing to drink the medicine.

Bai Jinyao dragged Ye Hanci along the way.

Ye Hanci's face turned pale along the way, but he forcibly endured it, not letting himself cough.

Bai Jinyao anxiously dragged Ye Hanci home to drink medicine, and did not notice that Ye Hanci was very weak in the sun at this time, and he was not suitable for walking at all.

(End of this chapter)

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