Chapter 104
Bai Jinyao took Yehan back to his residence and heaved a sigh of relief.

She let go of Ye Hanci's hand and said, "You take a rest first, I'll go get the medicine."

Ye Hanci whispered, "I'm going to the bathroom."


Bai Jinyao pointed out Ye Hanci's location.

Bai Jinyao went to fetch the medicine.

Ye Hanci went to the bathroom.

He let go of the water in the pool, and under the cover of the sound of the water, he covered his mouth with his hands and coughed suppressedly.

His face was getting paler and his hands were shaking because his body was cold.

After walking for such a long time in the sun, Ye Hanci almost couldn't bear it, but he endured it.

Bai Jinyao brought the medicine to the dining table and waited for a while, but Ye Hanci still hadn't come out.

Bai Jinyao was a little worried, and walked outside the bathroom door, hesitated, and knocked on the door lightly, "Ye Hanci, are you alright?"

Ye Hanci suppressed his discomfort, packed up, opened the door and walked out, saying, "I'm fine."

Bai Jinyao always felt that Ye Hanci was weak at this time, as if the wind could blow him down.

She frowned even tighter.

Ye Hanci looked at her, stretched out a hand to stroke Bai Jinyao's brow, "Don't frown."

Bai Jinyao came to her senses, "Oh, drink the medicine quickly, it will make you feel better."

Ye Hanci walked over and drank the medicine without asking what it was.

Bai Jinyao went to the kitchen again to bring some food, and said, "I know you're not feeling well, and you can't eat some things, so I made medicinal porridge and vegetable salad for you, try it."

In order to let Ye Hanci eat more, Bai Jinyao made a thicker porridge. In the vegetable salad, boiled eggs, a lot of vegetables and fruits, and a little diced bread were added, and the taste was adjusted, which is convenient Yehan said goodbye to eating.

Ye Hanci looked at the food and knew that Bai Jinyao had put his mind to it.

He really has no appetite or appetite, he can't even drink the nutrient solution in the morning, and he doesn't plan to eat anything at noon.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jinyao was ready.

"Eat it, I can't eat it."

Bai Jinyao scooped up a spoonful of porridge and said, "Try it, it tastes really good, very light."

"You're not feeling well, you can't help but eat."

Bai Jinyao handed it to Ye Hanci's mouth, with an expectant look in his eyes, as if asking him to drink porridge.

Ye Hanci looked at the food on the dining table, as if thinking of something, his expression froze.

His cherry-like lips parted lightly and said: "Bai Jinyao, you treat me well, but I can't give you anything."

Bai Jinyao put the spoon back into the bowl, curled her lips and said, "I like it, can't I? I won't ask you what you want."

Said, Bai Jinyao suddenly smiled and said: "But you know that I treat you well."

"Just know that I won't hurt you."

At least it shows that Ye Hanci knows what's good about her and knows what's good about her.

Ye Hanci shook his head helplessly, if he didn't believe her, how could he come here with her so easily, and drink the medicine she gave without asking why.

Bai Jinyao looked at Ye Han, who was sitting there as beautiful as a poem and painting, and said, "Eat, it will be cold if you don't eat it, and besides, if you don't eat it, I can't eat so much by myself, so it's a waste, a waste of money." shameful."

Ye Hanci nodded, this time he picked up the spoon and started to drink the porridge.

After taking a sip, Ye Hanci's expression changed. He really had no appetite at first, but the porridge tasted so good that he could drink it.

There was also vegetable salad, and Ye Hanci also ate a lot.

After Bai Jinyao cleaned up, she said to Ye Han, "I've cleaned up the room, let's go back to sleep."

When Ye Hanci heard this sentence, he looked at Bai Jinyao instantly, his eyes were dark and deep, like ink that could not be melted, "Are you going to sleep with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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