Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 10 Preparations Before the Cave

Chapter 10 Preparations Before the Cave
At the head of the village, beside the scorched willows, Shi Zhan had already sobered up and had drunk fruit wine. I don’t know if it was an illusion. He felt that his soul was better. The fruit wine brewed by the ancient method of Shicun is a little magical, but that’s all, the ancient method Although good, the material is average, it can only refresh the mind.

At this moment, he was looking at the willow tree with only one twig, and it was hard to imagine that this would be a fairy king.

How did this willow become the Immortal King?
Does ancestor worship rely on faith and prayer?

Faith is poisonous, so it almost died in the foreign war, is it repaying the karma?
Shi Zhan waited and watched silently, feeling carefully.

"Resurrection in extinction, rise in ruins..."

Looking closely at the lightning strike marks on the willow wood, it is like cutting a sword with an axe, and one can only feel a kind of dense and complicated runes emerging, and it seems that there is nothing but the structure of the subtle parts of the material.

In the end, Shi Zhan gained something, and he knew more about runes.

Afterwards, Shi Zhan took out the treasured goldfinch bone and began to observe it under the willow tree. The bone inscriptions on the bone were complicated, but compared to the original true solution, it was already much simpler.Shi Zhan took some time to understand the bone inscriptions on it one by one.

"Sure enough, it's a treasure technique related to speed, but how can you practice it without wings?" After reading it, Shi Zhan was dumbfounded. He actually needs wings to practice the extreme speed technique of the goldfinch.

"Birds use their wings to fly, but dogs use their feet to travel. The essence is the same. Under the guise of external objects, if the treasure technique is applied to the wings, it is the technique of flying, and if it is applied to the legs, it is the technique of sprinting."

After Liang, Shi Zhan understood the key, and he was delighted that although he had no wings, he could be flexible, so he began to practice.

The mind sank and forgot everything.

The old village head had been here before, and when he saw Shi Zhan practicing, he left quietly without disturbing him.

"It's over, it's finally over, it hurts me to death!"

"Woooo...I can already smell the fragrance on my body, it must be delicious after a bite."

In Stone Village, the medicinal bath was over, and the leather dolls jumped out of the tripod one after another, and rushed to take a bath in the big river west of Stone Village.

Under the starlight, the children washed off the liquid medicine on their bodies, rubbed off the mud pills, and ran home with smiles on their faces while the adults scolded them.

Xiao BuDian fell asleep in the cauldron, the qi and blood in his body circulated by itself, dots of golden light appeared on his skin, flowing from his whole body to his chest, and from his chest to his whole body.

His Supreme Bone began to regenerate, which required a very long process and a lot of energy.

The old patriarch picked up the little one from the cauldron. This little guy is only over one year old, and he can bear this kind of pain. It's really amazing. When Shi Zhan received the medicinal bath for the first time, he screamed worse than killing a pig, no more than a snotty baby How much better are they.

The good banquet ended, and the people of the stone village scattered back to the stone house to rest, and the village became quiet again.

The stars are like chess, preaching the sky.

Under the willow tree, Shi Zhan felt it for a long time and opened his eyes.He looked at the stars in the sky, leaned against the charred willow god, and the breeze blew his hair, revealing a resolute face.

He has obtained the goldfinch treasure technique. He has seen the original true explanation and the fairy king's body. The bone inscription on the goldfinch treasure bone is relatively simple.

"It's time to prepare resources for breaking through the cave." Shi Zhan said to himself, the extreme realm can be repaired, and now he needs to enter the cave realm to find more resources.

"Come the knife!"

With a shout, the bone knife beside the altar flew into Shi Zhan's hands.


With a flash of light in his eyes, he stepped out with intertwined runes and his figure was like lightning. He quickly crossed the stone village, and then leaped vigorously, covered the ground with golden light, and directly crossed a big mountain to the opposite side.

This is the Golden Sparrow Technique, Yuan Sheng and Golden Winged Roc, although they are not the fastest in the world, but at this blood-moving stage, who has the ability to perform the Ten Fierce Techniques?
A low-level treasure technique has the meaning of a low-level treasure technique, and it has a great effect when it is excessively connected with a powerful treasure technique.

Shi Zhan continued to travel far, and the ground under his feet was covered with glittering gold. When he walked, he seemed to be accompanied by a golden road, extending to the distance together.

The treasure technique became more and more proficient. He first observed the original true solution and then looked at this kind of treasure technique, and he learned it very quickly.

The night in the Great Wilderness was not peaceful, and fierce beasts appeared more frequently than during the day, but Shi Zhan didn't hide his aura at all, and directly forced his way into the territory of those fierce beasts.

When he came out this time, it was a fight, a showdown, and he wanted to break through the cave. He didn't have enough flesh and blood, and he didn't have enough blood, so he needed a fierce beast to fill it with his life.


A lion-headed Pixiu was irritated. It was enjoying the delicacies it hunted during the day in its den, but Shi Zhan threw a ten-thousand-jin mountain rock and blasted the delicacies to pieces.


Pixiu was furious, and looked at this human cub angrily. As a big brother on the outskirts of the Cangmang Mountain Range, no one dared to treat it like this!
Shi Zhan licked the corner of his mouth, the lion-headed Pixiu, the blood seems to be impure, but it is also of great use to him.

The lion-headed Pixiu shook its body and stretched its muscles and bones. Its long eyes stared at Shi Zhan closely, trying to spew out flames.

After a long confrontation, neither side moved.

"It's quite cautious, but unfortunately, if you don't make a move, you won't have a chance." Shi Zhan clenched his knife tightly, this Pixiu felt so cowardly, he didn't want to fight him.


Shi Zhan suddenly felt danger, stepped on the golden light instantly, and moved sideways.

A ray of black light just passed through the position where Shi Zhan was standing just now. The black light continued to move forward and hit the ground. There was only a chirping sound, a burst of white smoke rose, and a pit several meters away was corroded on the ground. Hole.

In the distance, a black poisonous snake was two meters long. It hung coiled on the top of a tree behind Shi Zhan. It spit out the venom just now, which can corrode the earth and rocks, and penetrate gold and stone.

"What a poisonous snake, the great wilderness at night is different from the daytime!" Shi Zhan was in palpitation, and he almost disappeared.

At this moment, the lion-headed Pixiu moved, and the huge body set off a strong wind, causing countless trees to fall.

A large paw print tens of meters across the sky, the runes flickering densely, shaking the mountains and rocks, the power is unparalleled.

The runes flowed under Shi Zhan's feet, his figure was like lightning, and he quickly moved sideways to evade.

However, the big claws are firmly locked on the stone war, and there is no way to avoid it.


When the sword is drawn in the stone battle, the silver light is brilliant, the stars are shining, the light of the sword is like the Milky Way, magnificent and moving, and it contains endless murderous intentions.


The knife and the claw collided, turned into runes and dissipated, the aftermath of energy was rampant, the mountains, rocks and leaves rustled, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

"call out!"

The fallen leaves were flying, and another black light shot out from the pitch-black forest, corroding the air into a white mark.


The stone war moved sideways, slashing with the knife, there was a chi-chi sound on the bone knife, and a puff of white smoke came out, and the runes on the bone knife quickly dimmed.

"Huh?? Something is wrong, there is poison!" Shi Zhan was suddenly in a trance, he smelled the white smoke lightly, and felt dizzy for a while.

Qi and blood circulated like an oven, rolling runes boiled in his body, Shi Zhan forced out this trace of poisonous gas, and spit out a big mouthful of black blood.

The black blood fell to the ground, corroding the ground with potholes.

"You, the ingredients for making soup, are so disgusting." Shi Zhan turned his head to stare at the poisonous snake, he was careless and almost overturned again.

With the bone knife raised, a blazing light of the knife struck out like a thunderbolt. This is the trace of lightning strike on the trunk of the God of Willow in Shi Zhan Guan, which is not weaker than the falling Tianhe in the original true solution to the God of War catalogue.

Disordered leaves flew, and the big tree that was thick enough to be hugged by dozens of people was cut off.

The sound of gold and iron sounded, and the scales on the poisonous snake's body were shining, as hard as gold and stone god iron. When the sword slashed, the rune exploded, leaving only a white mark.

"This!" Shi Zhan shook, the scales were so hard that they couldn't break the defense.

"?" Doubt appeared in the poisonous snake's eyes. It was unscathed when it hit hard with a stone?Why does this person with such strength dare to break into the depths of the Cangmang Mountains so arrogantly?
"Hiss~" The jet-black poisonous snake confided that even though it felt something was wrong, it still wanted to be on the safe side, and the nearby air was slowly filled with its toxin.It will work hard to release poison quietly, and finally poison everyone.


The lion-headed Pixiu also froze for a moment, roared, and poked its big claws over from the air. The gray and white big claws shook the forest, trying to shatter the hill.

The stone battle turned into a golden light, quickly dodged, but was still unable to retreat, and was forced to slash.

The runes are all over the sky, canceling each other out.

"Roar!" The lion-headed Pixiu roared again. It was gray and white all over, with one horn facing the sky, and a pair of unstretched wings on its back. The four-footed run brought a strong wind, and it wanted to use the most solid body to smash the stone war.

Stepping on the golden light, Shi Zhan used his cantaloupe treasure technique with all his strength, and leaped onto a cliff.

"Boom boom boom!"

The next moment, this mountain wall was crushed by the shoulder of the lion-headed Pixiu, and the broken stones fell like rain.

Shi Zhan fled again, the runes under his feet were shining brightly, and the goldfinch treasure technique was operating to the extreme. After making another breakthrough, he crossed a mountain in an instant and opened the distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth is cracked, and the cracks spread like lightning.The lion-headed Pixiu exerts force on its limbs, and stretches its wings behind its back, giving birth to a series of cyclones, and pursues it through the air.

The two chased and fled, and ran out of the mountain in an instant.

Shi Zhan looked back and saw that the mountain had been covered with a layer of white smoke, like morning fog in the mountains. Birds were about to rush out of the forest, but they fluttered a few times but were unable to fall.

The lion-headed Pixiu also looked back, and there was a flash of light in the dragon's eyes, and he continued to chase Shi Zhan.

Its speed was no slower than Shi Zhan's. It walked in the air, and slapped Shi Zhan with one paw. This blow was a real physical collision, not a condensed rune.


Shi Zhan raised the horizontal blade of the knife, and a huge force was transmitted from the bone knife. He was slapped flying by the slap, and flew out backwards, spitting blood from the mouth, and printed a large hole in the shape of a human being on another mountain.


The white bone knife was overwhelmed, a crack appeared, and then covered the whole knife, cracking and shattering.

With one move of the lion-headed Pixiu, the stone war was sent flying, and the weapon was also shattered.

"Very good!" Shi Zhan slowly slid down from the mountain wall, his face was pale, and he gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.The fiercer the lion-headed Pixiu, the more he likes it.

"Roar!" The lion-headed Pixiu fell from the sky, and then grabbed it again, and slapped Shi Zhan fiercely with a one-meter-long palm.


Shi Zhan laughed, the ground under his feet covered the ground with golden light, and while dodging, he used his hand as a knife, the runes were shining, and he swung a bright knife aura.


All the saber energy runes were slapped out by the lion-headed Pixiu, and the stone war was slapped again, and the whole person flew out, printing a human-shaped hole on a mountain wall.

"Cough cough!"

Lime dust billowed, two times in a row, Shi Zhan felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed.

Shi Zhan had fully recognized his own strength, and he couldn't beat this big guy without the ancestor weapon.


The ground shook and the mountain shook, and the lion-headed Pixiu ran and trampled on it, crushing a large piece of rock, and slamming into this mountain wall.

In an instant, the soles of Shi Zhan's feet were full of golden light, and he tried his best to evade the lion-headed Pixiu's attack.

Boom boom boom!
Shi Zhan was hit again and flew across, smashing down big trees and plowing long ravines on the ground.

"Ahem, really... so strong."

Shi Zhan coughed up blood, his back was already bloody, he struggled to get up, and received another big slap.


The hill cracked, and was shattered by this slap, and the rock fragments rumbled and slid down in all directions, burying the stone war.

After a long time, there was no more movement.


The lion-headed Pixiu roared and stood up, declaring its dominance in this forest!
"You were too happy." However, a hand stretched out from the pile of rubble, and it was Shi Zhan whose body was bloody and bloody.


The rock fragments were thrown away, and Shi Zhan soared into the sky with his wings on his back.An ancient precious skin glows on its chest, powerful, mysterious, majestic and ancient.

The ancestral weapon of the stone village appeared again, and with the blessing of the ancestral weapon, the stone battle temporarily reached the extreme state of blood-moving, and its combat power soared.


The lion-headed Pixiu turned his head and waved his paws again, the paw prints spread across the sky, and the runes were like a sea, boundless and endless.

"This time, I'm not afraid of you." Shi Zhan swooped down directly, turning his hands into knives, with runes all over the place, shining brightly, he slashed fiercely


The sky seemed to be lit up with fireworks, it was runes colliding and entangled.

This time when they collided, the paw prints were wiped out by the knife energy, and a bright knife light continued to slash fiercely on the body of the lion-headed Pixiu, drawing a deep and long scar.

"Roar!!" The lion-headed Pixiu was injured, facing the blood-moving knife, he was finally injured!
Shi Zhan is extremely eager to really reach this level, [-] jin and [-] jin seem to be only half, but the real gap is too big!


Suddenly, the 42 tooth runes on the dog-tooth bracelet in Shi Zhan's hand were completely dimmed. After the fight just now, this treasure was affected, and it also followed in the footsteps of the white bone knife.

Now, the battle is not over yet, both treasures have been scrapped, and Shi Zhan suffered a bloody loss.

"Cut!!" On the top of the mountain, he used his hand as a knife, and struck again, the runes rolled, and the light of the knife was brilliant, as bright as a galaxy.

The lion-headed Pixiu raised its head to the sky and roared furiously, its hair stood on end, and finally it stopped holding it hard with its hands, and opened its mouth full of runes, spitting out thick gray beams of light.


The dark night sky suddenly brightened.

The two sides faced each other, and the runes collided, bursting out pieces of rays of light, and finally obliterated each other, a small amount of saber energy penetrated the glow of the explosion, and continued to slash the lion-headed Pixiu.

Pixiu dodged sideways, and the remaining saber energy fell on the mountain, causing a big explosion and sending up big smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the lion-headed Pixiu shook its head. It angrily found that several of its beards had been cut off by the stone war!

"Roar!" Pixiu was furious. The beard is his majesty. His heroic and handsome image is supported by the beard. Now that it has been cut off, he is even more annoyed. On its black horn, the runes begin to glow, and it is condensing some terrible attack. .

Shi Zhan was far away, he wanted to take a breath, his internal organs were in severe pain, and his back was burning.


On the single horn, the precious rune light gathered amazingly, and finally condensed into an illusory figure.

It has the head of a dragon and the body of a horse, its feet are shaped like a lion, and it has a pair of cloud wings on its back.

That is, the real dragon head Pixiu!

As soon as the dragon head Pixiu came out, there was silence in a radius of thirty li, and all the croaking of insects and frogs disappeared.

"Heaven, it's actually a precious skill of Pixiu!" Shi Zhan was shocked, the lion-headed Pixiu in front of him was able to use the complete precious skill of Pixiu!
The virtual image of the dragon-headed Pixiu came on the clouds, with unparalleled power, rolling out waves of gray air, like a vast ocean, annihilating all the mountains, rocks and trees where it passed.

"Open!" Shi Zhan no longer hides his clumsiness, he roars, the ancient symbols on his chest flicker, as if opening a door, and a fierce beast rushes out.

A domineering aura spread in all directions, shaking the lion-headed Pixiu. It looked at the figure of the ferocious beast, and finally its pupils dilated suddenly.

Tiger head and dragon whiskers, tiger body and dragon scales, tiger claws and dragon tail.

This is an ancient relic, Bi An!
The two primordial relics confronted each other across the sky, a terrifying aura swept over here, faint thunder and lightning emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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