Chapter 11
The wilderness was silent, the stars and the moon were competing for brilliance, and above a mountain top, two ancient relics confronted each other. Their bodies were made of runes, emitting bright light, illuminating the surroundings.

The scene was like the calm before the storm, the two primordial relics looked at each other, but neither made a move.

Stone War agitated the blood runes all over his body, ready for the big battle.

The lion-headed Pixiu looked at Bi An in the sky with an extremely solemn expression, and then he looked at Shi Zhan.

"Humans, you and I stop now, how about retreating ten miles each."

"You take back the treasure first, and I will naturally take back the treasure." Shi Zhan stood on another cliff, looking at the lion-headed Pixiu, he was surprised that these young generals could speak human words.

As soon as he uttered these words, the scene became calm again, and the only response to him was the sound of the night wind blowing through the mountains and forests.

They fought to this point, and there was no possibility of stopping. Whoever stopped first would be killed immediately by the other side, no accidents.

"I have experienced many battles. As a pure-blooded ancient relic, there are too many humans who want to take my precious blood."

Pixiu flew up slowly and stepped into the sky, it sighed endlessly.

"It's just that those people are all dead. They are either the patriarchs of the big tribes or the henchmen of the princes."

"Now, my subordinate has another life. Is he the pride of the human race?"

"Oh, it's ridiculous. To say that Tianjiao is flattering you, without that precious skin, you are nothing, a human waste."

The lion-headed Pixiu spoke slowly and coldly, and a cold murderous aura emerged from his golden dragon eyes.

"Everything about you, after this battle, will belong to me." The lion-headed Pixiu walked on the clouds and moved forward again, as if everything was under control, with a calm expression.

"You are weak, you are not worthy of owning this kind of treasure, so give it to me so that the treasure will not be left in the dust."

On the sky, the phantoms of the two immemorial relics were still confronting each other, and without making a move, the terrifying air sparrow had spread far away, within a radius of ten miles, the insect's song had disappeared.

"Are you sure you want me?" Shi Zhan looked at Pixiu and smiled.

Pixiu looked sideways, thought for a while and then sneered, "Human, you must die today!"

He used the Pixiu treasure technique to restrain Shi Zhan's animal skin. At this moment, the power of Shi Zhan's body poured into the Bi An in the sky.

Moreover, Shi Zhan's flying treasure has been scrapped, the weapon bone knife has also been scrapped, and even the last chassis animal skin has been restrained, unable to withdraw in time for self-defense!
The current stone battle is when he is weakest, his physical strength is nothing in Pixiu's eyes.

Even if the power of the animal skin is reversed at this moment, it will take a certain amount of time to descend from the sky to the body of Shi Zhan, and during this time, the lion-headed Pixiu is confident that it can kill Shi Zhan ten times!

"It seems that you are very confident." Shi Zhan chuckled.

"Are you playing tricks on me? Human race once framed me, and later, he died a miserable death."

The lion-headed Pixiu pounced on the stone war without using runes. As a relic from the ancient times, its strong body could crush the stone war into meat paste.

It has been counted, Shi Zhan has nothing to contend with his strength, and now is the moment of victory.

With one claw, the power is unparalleled, and it is about to split the mountain.

Shi Zhan looked calm, he waited for the Pixiu to get close, and then he slashed with a knife, unpretentious.

The phantom of Pixiu in the sky suddenly became illusory, and after being twisted violently, it collapsed like a bubble.

The lion-headed Pixiu fell to the ground with a bang, the one horn on his head was dimmed, and was beheaded by Shi Zhan.

Everything was so sudden that the lion-headed Pixiu didn't even react. He turned Gao Fei's head and looked at himself unwillingly for the last time.

A simple knife light flew through it, and blasted on the far mountain opposite, cutting the hill in half.

Shi Zhan walked down the cliff, and he slowly removed a precious bone on his left arm with a look of regret.

This treasure bone is the first ancestral artifact of Shicun, the treasure bone of the ancient fierce beast Zhenyu, and the two ancestral artifacts of Shicun, which he always carries with him.

This is his chassis, and finally resorted to killing Pixiu directly.

Picking up the body of Pixiu, Shi Zhan was a little bit disappointed. This Pixiu is very strong, much stronger than that of the goldfinch, but it is a pity that he still lost to him.

To be precise, it did not lose to Stone War, it lost to Stone Village Ancestral Tool

Shi Zhan groped and found what he wanted on this Pixiu, a precious bone engraved with primitive bone inscriptions.

Natural death, ferocious beasts will destroy the precious bone, accidental death, there is no time to destroy it.

This Pixiu died suddenly, caught off guard.

It has already tried its best to calculate, and it has forced out all the treasures of Shi Zhan. The victory is already in sight, but it is a pity...

According to common sense, it is outrageous for a human waste to carry one divine weapon, but Shi Zhan carries two...

"It's not in vain that I worked so hard to act, it's all because of this bone!" Shi Zhan sighed, the two treasures were scrapped, but everything was worth it.

Pixiu treasure technique, an unexpected harvest.

There is also the precious blood of Pixiu, the relatively pure blood of Pixiu in the Cave Heaven Realm, which is a real treasure.

"This Pixiu has killed the prince's confidant?" Shi Zhan responded to the words of the lion-headed Pixiu, and he returned to Pixiu's lair.

There should be some treasures in there, if it is not too long ago, maybe it can come in handy.

But before that, he needs to solve a problem.Near Pixiu's nest, there is a poisonous snake entrenched, and we must find a way to deal with it.

Returning to the mountain peak shrouded in white smoke, the beasts on it are all dead, and the trees are withered and yellow, as if it has become a desperate land.

"sssssssssssssssssssssssss out"

As soon as he got close, Shi Zhan heard a lot of noises, and the sword energy pierced the white smoke, and he saw an extremely disgusting and horrifying scene.

That mountain was actually covered with poisonous snakes, entwining and wriggling one by one, the whole mountain has become a mountain of snakes.

Shi Zhan stopped at another mountain peak and waited and watched for a while, but he still didn't provoke this thing. Who knows if there will be an invincible snake king among these ten thousand snakes?
When Shi Zhan returned to Shi Village, the villagers had already fallen asleep. Rhubarb at the entrance of the village was awakened. Seeing that it was Shi Zhan, he wagged his tail and continued to sleep.

In front of the charred willow tree, the huge body of Pixiu was placed in front of the altar, and the huge lion head was thrown into the tripod by the stone war.

The green glow bloomed, and the willow god was startled. It was absorbing the essence of the god's corpse deep in the stone village, and was attracted by a wave of blood.

"Pure-blooded relic, Paixiu?" Liu Shen's voice was a little bit emotional, like surprise and doubt.

"Well, it took a lot of effort." Shi Zhan removed the bone with the original bone inscriptions from Pixiu, and wiped the animal skin casually on his body.

On the willow tree, a willow branch is slightly extended, it wraps around the bone, and the green glow blooms slightly.

On the bone, runes flickered, and more runes appeared, becoming more complicated and complicated than before, and finally became a strange symbol.

"This is, the Pixiu method has been perfected?" Shi Zhan was greatly shocked, the Pixiu method on this bone was incomplete, and Liu Shen perfected it.

But why did God Liu help him?

The Yingying wicker slowly retracted, returned to normal size, and swayed with the wind.

Liu Shen's voice sounded again, but his gender and age could not be discerned.

"If you give me this pixiu flesh and blood, I can teach you a method to break through the extreme realm of mortal bodies."

It turned out that Liu Shen took a fancy to the flesh and blood of this Pixiu and wanted to exchange it with Shi Zhan.

The pure-blooded ancient remnants are very useful to the willow god at the current stage, and can help it recover quickly.

Liu Shen gave a condition that Shi Zhan could not refuse, breaking the current limit, surpassing [-] catties, and stepping into a higher realm.

Shi Zhan was silent, he was hesitating.

"Can it become an extreme state?"

After a while, Shi Zhan asked Liu Shen whether that kind of method could reach the extreme state of moving blood.

"There are extreme realm methods, but this flesh and blood is not enough to exchange." Liu Shen replied.

When Shi Zhan heard the words, his eyes flashed. The implication was that he would not be able to reach the extreme state. Also, Liu Shen actually has a way to make the mortal body reach the extreme state of moving blood?
It's just that the price required is too high, even a pure blood Pixiu is not enough to obtain this method.

"If you don't reach the extreme, you will end up with falsehood."

"Shen Liu, I want to try for myself to see if I can break through the extreme realm of mortal bodies."

In the end, Shi Zhan tactfully refused Liushen's exchange, and he still had to step into the cave. Besides, he had been stuck at [-] catties for a long time, and he had rebuilt and moved blood many times, but failed.

Improving strength and obtaining more resources is the key to breaking through the extreme realm. It is not difficult to break through the extreme realm of mortal bodies. A drop of supreme blood, or a drop of golden blood, can break through the extreme realm of mortal bodies. ten thousand catties.

Youyu transformed into a piece of golden scales after crossing the sea. For the same reason, staying in Shicun all the time can't break the shackles, so he still has to go out for a walk.

Willow God didn't say anything, Shi Zhan refused, and it began to absorb the remaining spirit of the bones of the gods under the stone village again, without forcibly taking it.

At its level, forcibly snatching things of humanity will lead to many causes and effects, and will become an obstacle in practice, especially since the willow god is still the sacrifice spirit of Shicun, the ancestor sacrifice spirit of the nine heavens and ten places, it is even more difficult to fight against Shi Zhan .

From ancient times to the present, there have been no sacrificial spirits in the village who have killed the villagers. Even in the face of death, the sacrificial spirits would rather guard with death, because they guard not only people, but also the way of worshiping spirits.

Once they act on those who believe in and sacrifice themselves, they are equivalent to severing their own way, and everything will be lost. The loss of beliefs and ideas is something more terrible than death.

Of course, there are some fake sacrificial spirits that were added in the middle of the process. The most trustworthy sacrificial spirits are all plants, mountains and rocks. Ferocious birds and beasts are very unreliable.

Refer to the old embarrassment of the embarrassing village and the old wolf of the Golden Wolf tribe. They are all fake sacrificial spirits who joined in the middle.

Shi Zhan sat cross-legged next to the willow tree to adjust his breath, recovering his energy and blood. In order to let Pixiu be careless, he was also seriously injured. His back was bloody, his bones were almost broken and shattered, and his internal organs were also injured. He needed to take good care of him.

The sky is getting brighter, and the stone village is surrounded by mountains, and the morning sun cannot be seen. When the sun shines on the village, it is already eight or nine o'clock.

People slept very late yesterday, and they didn't wake up early today, but the dolls were very active, ready to test their strength after the medicinal bath.

At the entrance of the village, a Pixiu more than ten meters away is lying quietly, its neck has been sealed with stone war runes to prevent the loss of a large amount of precious blood.

"Oh my god, brother Shi Zhan beheaded another beast?" The children exclaimed, although they didn't practice cultivation, they also felt the powerful power from this corpse.

The villagers were also shocked and gathered to watch.

"This is a relic of ancient times!" Shi Linhu once hunted and killed a Pixiu whose blood was very impure, and the village chief collected its precious blood into a black jar. It was a precious thing to be baptized for the village dolls.

"It's really Pixiu. It's recorded in the stone book. It's a relic of the ancient times. It likes to eat gold and silver. Its talent is to swallow gold and refine silver. It's called a treasure-gathering beast." Shi Feijiao exclaimed, such a menacing Pixiu must have a much purer blood.

The elders of the village were also alarmed, Shi Yunfeng hurried over, looked around the Pixiu, amazed again and again.

"Grandson, if you really beheaded a pure blood Pixiu, nothing will happen." Shi Yunfeng was very worried that if he killed a pure blood, he would be retaliated by those ancient relics.

"The Pixiu in the Cangmang Mountains should be scattered outside." Some villagers speculated that their ancestors have lived here for many years, and they have never seen the ancient relics.

Near the stone village, there are many ancient relics left behind. In some ancient countries, these relics are rare. Perhaps the ancestral land of the Shizu once had glory and raised these ancient relics. Now these are those ancient relics. The bloodline left behind continues.

"Grandpa, this Pixiu died and left this." Shi Zhan handed over the precious bone with the original bone inscriptions to the village head, and the village head was better at polishing the bone.

"Okay!" Shi Yunfeng took it, and after watching it carefully, he was very pleasantly surprised. In just a few days, the village has two more powerful treasures. Township treasure art.

Especially the Pixiu treasure technique is worthy of the name.

"Grandpa, these two ancestral artifacts actually recorded two powerful treasures, one from Zhenyan, and the other from Biyan." Shi Zhan smiled, and Shi Yunfeng's heart couldn't stand what he said.

"True Treasure Technique? Treasure Treasure Technique?"


When Shi Yunfeng heard this, his hands trembled violently, and he couldn't breathe from the excitement.

The villagers were puzzled, they didn't understand what that meant, but seeing the village head was so excited, it must be extraordinary.

"The ancestral artifact, don't expose it to others, or you will be wiped out!" Shi Yunfeng regained his composure, and warned the villagers seriously.

The villagers didn't know why, but they all nodded. The ancestral artifact is indeed very strong and should not be known by outsiders.In the decades when Willow God didn't help in hunting, they relied on their ancestors to hunt and kill fierce beasts one after another.

"Maybe our village, maybe there have been gods, otherwise why would there be such a powerful treasure!" Shi Zhan seemed to be joking, but he clearly sensed that the soft branch and leaf of Willow God shook.

There was no wind at this time, so Liu Shen must have been moved, and it was no longer calm because of Shi Zhan's words.

"Don't talk about it, with the appearance of gods, will we still survive in this great wilderness? This wilderness of hundreds of millions of miles is ours!" The villagers shook their heads and laughed.

Stone village has gods?nonsense.

The villagers shook their heads and changed the subject. They were amazed, Shi Zhan hunted a cave Pixiu this time, is he going to break through?

Dongtian, the endless wilderness, how many tribes of 10 people do not have a cave expert. Now, Shi Zhan is only seven years old, and he is about to set foot in this field!

The old village head recalled that he was also very talented. He stepped into the cave when he was in his 40s. Unfortunately...

"Grandpa, this brave, keep half of it for me to use, and the rest will be refined into precious blood, and precious bones will be smelted into a medicinal solution, so that they can use it in medicinal baths, big and small."

Shi Zhan is a mortal body, so he doesn't need too many resources for cultivation. A pure blood Pixiu should not be used up.

"No!" Shi Linhu was taken aback, and then immediately objected loudly, "Shi Zhan, you don't want to keep this brave boy, let's break through the cave with all our strength!"

"Yes, Shi Zhan, Da Zhuang and the others are not in a hurry." Da Zhuang's father followed suit.

The villagers refused one after another. Although they longed for their children to be bathed in the precious blood of Pixiu, they still hoped that Shi Zhan could break through smoothly and leave no regrets.

"Shi Zhan, your practice is important. When you become stronger in the future, what ancient relics can't be caught? We can raise them in captivity like chickens!" A villager sighed.

"You really dare to think about raising ancient relics in captivity, why don't you raise real dragons and phoenixes?" Another villager laughed.

"Hahaha, what is a real dragon? I want to grow flowers in the future, the kind of flowers that can grow fairies."

"Yo Yo Yo, Ah Meng, you are very brave, you are not afraid that your mother-in-law will find out, and you still want to grow fairies." The villagers started talking nonsense, today is very free, there is no need to hunt, and they started chatting.

Shi Yunfeng took Shi Zhan aside, he knew that once Shi Zhan broke through the cave, he would leave the stone village and venture out.

"Grandpa." Shi Zhan shouted.

"Oh, child, go." The old man pulled Shi Zhan aside, looked at each other for a long time, but only said this sentence.

"Grandpa, why are you crying?" Xiao BuDian didn't understand why, he was still too young.

"It's okay, Grandpa is happy." Shi Yunfeng hugged the little one, his eyes full of doting.

"Little one..." Shi Zhan pinched the little one's face habitually, and suddenly thought of something.

"Grandpa, I'm going on a long journey. Let's put the ancestral artifact in the village. Stone Village is safer than any other place with the willow god here." It's no secret that the willow god descended from the sky while bathing in a sea of ​​thunder. There is nothing to say about these, it is the default.

The fact that it dares to accept the name of God already speaks for itself.

Shi Yunfeng took over the ancestral artifact, the ancestral artifact cannot be lost, it is more important than his life, even if his beloved grandson is in danger to travel far, he can't take the ancestral artifact with him.

The inheritance of the family village cannot be ruined by one generation. There are also hard and fast rules for the stone village to be passed down to the present.

"When will the breakthrough be?" the old man asked.

"Just today." Shi Zhan felt disappointed.

"Is little brother leaving home?" Xiao Budian hugged Shi Zhan's leg, he was reluctant to leave Shi Zhan, the child who had the best relationship with Xiao Budian in the village was Shi Zhan.

During those days when Xiaobudian fell into a coma, Shi Zhan was with him every day.

"Home..." Shi Zhan's nose sore, he looked up to the sky, not letting his tears fall.

Who would want to leave their hometown if they could?

"Haha, there are always people who have to go forward with heavy burdens. If I can't do it, you can continue." Shi Zhan crossed his legs, and after adjusting his breath overnight, he was fully prepared.

Pixiu was cut into pieces, the precious blood was put into bottles and silver jars, and the bones were stripped. The villagers were very good at dealing with fierce beasts, and they quickly took care of the Pixiu, which was more than ten meters long.

There were ten cans of precious blood in total, and Shi Zhan drank two cans directly, and the blood in his body was vigorous and boiling.

The villagers waited and watched from a distance. It was the first time they saw Shi Zhan practice. Their whole bodies seemed to be covered by light, full of runes.

On the side, the willow god also swayed the branches, attracting spirits. After all, it is the spirit of Shicun, so what is it going to do.

Soon, Qi and blood soared into the sky like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, smashing the sky full of clouds, and a volcano slowly formed above the head of the stone war.

(End of this chapter)

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