Chapter 46 Defeated

On the cloud, Shi Zhan sat cross-legged, with the rune Shenxi flowing in his palm, and a rune cauldron appeared, absorbing the blood mist.


Soon, the body of the cauldron burst into light, the energy of life gushed out, and a blood pill floated slowly, circulating the spirit.

"What, this is!"

"This boy actually refined a prince into a blood pill!"

In the forest below, someone was frightened.

"Little friend, it's too much, ashes return to ashes, what you do is against the law of heaven." In the crowd, a...


The man was glanced at by Shi Zhan and exploded on the spot.

Before everyone could see his face clearly, they saw a cloud of blood mist being drawn into the rune cauldron by Shi Zhan, blood was rolling, and another blood pill was refined.


The expressions of the surrounding audience changed drastically, and they all fled here. This human youth is so cruel.


Suddenly, a big hand stretched across the sky, and the misty runes flickered, grabbing at Shi Zhan.

"I can't bear it anymore, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Shi Zhan put away the rune tripod, swallowed two blood mortals, and his whole body became more energetic.

Below, countless onlookers began to flee for their lives, and a large hand suddenly appeared in the sky covering a mountain range, and they were attacked indiscriminately.

"Chop!" Shi Zhan let out a soft chirp, his sword energy was magnificent, also covering half of the sky, and collided with that big hand.


Another small sword broke out from the void, and directly hit Shi Zhan's chest.

"Come on, I'm not afraid." Shi Zhan shouted coldly, raising his hand to transform into a hole in the sky, a spirit body came out of it, and punched the little sword formed by the talisman culture.

"Sure enough, it has become a climate, and I can't keep you." A voice sounded from the sky, and a green copper tower descended from the sky with terrifying aura, suppressing it.

"It turned out to be a mouse from the Demon Spirit Lake." Another spirit body walked out of Shi Zhan's cave, holding a knife embryo, and slashed out towards the sky.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

The knife embryo with the willow god branch as the core collided fiercely with the green tower, and the runes exploded in pieces. The two sides had no choice but to face each other and fell into a stalemate.


The sky and the earth changed, black clouds overwhelmed the sky, and a dark magic cave manifested in front of Shi Zhan, full of demonic energy, trying to swallow it.

"Heh!" Shi Zhan sneered, and another spirit body walked out, and when he raised his hand, a mountain came down and blocked it directly.

"If you can force me to do it yourself, you will die with no regrets." In the black cloud, a figure stepped out, his eyes were empty and dark, like a pair of dark whirlpools, breathtaking.

"A good spiritual body, can make a good pot of medicine." Shi Zhan gritted his teeth, swiped his hands, and a mouthful of dark space emerged.


A pair of horses appeared out of thin air like a divine chain, and the man with green hair and black pupils turned into a big spider, spit out strands of spider silk, trying to bind Shi Zhan.

"Hehe." Shi Zhan urged the dark space with all his strength, covering the giant spider.


The next moment, all the strange images in the sky disappeared, and the three spirit bodies flew back to the stone war cave, and their deity left quickly with a black ball in their hands and stepped on the golden light.


The green rust tower shook and roared, a portal was opened by it, and a terrifying figure walked out, as terrifying as a demon god.

His spiritual body was taken away by the stone war dark cage, and he was very angry. The deity came by himself with the magic weapon, but it was too late.

In the distant sky, a golden light flashed away, and Shi Zhan had slipped away.

"Haha, let's be big, if you don't set up a large formation in advance, no one in this wasteland will be able to catch up with him." There is still a hidden venerable who has not left. At this time, seeing the strong man in the Demon Spirit Lake deflated, he sneered ,gloat.

"Hmph!" The strong man from the Demon Spirit Lake tore open the passage, got into it and disappeared.

Calm was restored here again.

In a mountain range, Shi Zhan was laughing in a cave. He held a dark ball in his hand, inside which was a spiritual body of a strong Demon Spirit Lake. He kept colliding in it, turning into light rain for a while, and turning into rain for a while. It becomes smoke, but it cannot be rushed out.

This is worthy of the dark cage treasure technique, the mysterious darkness that claims to be only for Tianjiao, this thing comes from the upper realm, is a product of the plateau, and is used to imprison Tianjiao, because the perfect world is polluted by black blood, and the laws of heaven and earth have changed. Kind of thing.

"A spiritual body, dare to entrust the big front to catch me?"

In the dark cage, Shi Zhan's spiritual body raised his hand and exploded the Venerable's spiritual body, turning it into a series of original spirits.

"Suck it~"

Shi Zhan swallowed these things in one gulp. These things were supposed to dissipate in the world, but they were intercepted by him with secret methods and became resources to strengthen himself.

This is the power that belongs to the ultimate realm of spirit transformation. There are three steps in the realm of transformation spirit. The body can become a spirit to use the surrounding spirits for its own use. Many creatures in the lower realm cannot reach this point, but in the upper realm, it is very common and powerful. Bloodline, born with flesh and blood.

When Huang forcibly broke the king and became the emperor, he took advantage of this characteristic and used the power of the kings to pull down the villain three feet above his head for a short time and set foot in the fairy emperor realm for a short time.

Shi Zhan had already reached this point when his bloodline was awakened, and now he started to abandon his bloodline, and his physique had reached the second level.

The second step of the Spirit Transformation Realm is to reshape the true self, the spiritual nirvana, and the consciousness like the sun. This step is the key to igniting the divine fire. If this is not done, the divine fire will not be able to burn, and the life will stop.

Stone battle has not yet reached this level, and the spirit needs to be tempered by divinity to break through this extreme level.

The third step is to raise the spirit in the cave. This is actually not difficult, and it covers a very wide range. A spiritual body is a spirit, a treasure is a spirit, and a treasure is also a spirit. In the world, runes can evolve real life.

There are many ways to nourish the soul.

Shi Zhan's cultivation of spirits in the cave is to raise several spiritual bodies in the cave.

There are also some people who seem to evolve real creatures once they open the rune treasure technique. The Kunpeng treasure technique is the reappearance of the Kunpeng and can conquer together with their masters, such as the Great Demon God, Shi Hao, Shi Yi and others.

Each has its own uniqueness.


Shi Zhan swallowed a spiritual body of the Venerable Demon Spirit Lake, and burped, as if he was full. The spiritual body was composed of the purest original spirit, and contained the power of a big medicine. Returning to heaven and earth, such as Shi Zhan, who used the dark cage technique to forcibly arrest him, created a precedent.

The runes are intertwined, dazzling, the cave is submerged in brilliance, and the figure of Shi Zhan is no longer visible. He is ups and downs here like a big sun, and the boundless power spreads through the mountain peaks. amazing.

"I found it, and I'm actually hiding here." A gap opened in the sky, and the Venerable Demon Spirit Lake walked out of it. He felt his spirit body fall, and followed his feeling to find it.

"Shenzhen Tower!"

He sacrificed a green tower mottled with green rust, and the green tower became tens of thousands of times larger in the wind, trying to pierce the sky.

The runes were intertwined, and the bottom of the green tower erupted with endless suction, and the mountains, rocks, and trees were all sucked into it, and the mountains were torn to pieces.

The chaotic rocks flew into the air, Shi Zhan got up, and the four spirit bodies stood beside him, with the same emotions on their faces, no joy, anger, sorrow or joy could be seen.


A black long knife flew out of the cave, and the jet-black runes flowed, resisting the suction of the green tower of the magic soldier.

The main body of this knife is composed of willow god branches, which contain extremely powerful divine power. After being contaminated by darkness, it becomes more evil and stronger.


The Heavenly Knife Hengkong, as if it had its own intelligence, slashed at the green tower with sword aura.

"Good treasure, after you die, this treasure will belong to me." The strongman of Demon Lake held the wicker knife with the green tower, revealed his body, and turned into a green magic black-eyed spider with eight spider legs like spears Usually, it comes through the void.

Shi Zhan was not afraid, his expression was calm, and he shot together with the spirit body beside him, hitting bright runes.

This place was submerged in runes, and one person and one spider kept colliding with each other, making bursts of heavenly sounds, which shattered the mountains.

In the end, Shi Zhan vomited blood and was defeated. A spider spear pierced through his shoulder armor and was nailed to a cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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