Chapter 47 Battle

The cliff collapsed, the back of the stone war broke through the heavy mountains, a black spear drew a trace on the ground, and finally lay down on a plain.

"Hehe, it's really good."

The corner of Shi Zhan's mouth was bleeding, and his chest was drenched in blood, but he smiled, and slashed the spider spear with his palm, using his palm as a sword, and snapped off a section of the spider's leg.


The Jade Demon Black Eyed Spider howled in pain, one of its legs was chopped off by Stone Zhan, and the next moment it lost its senses.

In the Venerable Realm, it is very easy to reassemble a severed limb, only some blood is enough.

But if the broken body disappears, it will be really difficult to recover.

Shi Zhan put the spider legs into the cave, the magma spewed black fire, and the talisman culture cauldron instantly refined the spider legs, the blood energy recovered from the injured body, and he was alive and kicking again in the blink of an eye.


The big black spider was furious, and the human refined his body to recover from his injuries.

"Come, fight with me!"

Shi Zhan rushed towards the big black spider again, his body turned into golden light, and the four spirit bodies walked side by side. The knife embryo with the willow branch as the core released black light at the same time, and a magical power burst out instantly, shaking the green tower away. hundred miles.


The big black spider re-formed into a human form, and stretched out its hand to recall the green tower. The aura of the gods hung down in front of him, resisting a wave of fierce attacks from Shi Zhan.

"when" "when"...

There was a symphony of gold and iron, the chopping of the green cauldron was shaking, and the runes were constantly exploding, shining like stars.

"Hahaha, your knife is about to split!" The Venerable Demon Spirit Lake saw that the black gold sky knife that seemed to be able to split the universe was covered with cracks.


Shi Zhan's expression remained unchanged, he was like a god reborn, his whole body was shining brightly, he slashed on the green pagoda with a knife, shaking off pieces of divine gold.

"Crack!" There was a strange sound, and a crack appeared in the green tower above the head of the Venerable Demon Spirit Lake.

"not good!"

The venerable's face changed wildly, there must be no loss in this god tower.

He opened his mouth, breathed out the energy of the sun, the moon, and the galaxy, and dazzling long rivers of horses entangled towards the stone war, full of murderous intent.

This white horse is not transformed by runes, but a real thing, the spider silk spit out by the Venerable, once it sticks, the place will be firmly trapped, no matter how fast it is, it cannot escape.

Shi Zhanxiu has extreme speed, but the Venerable Demon Lake still made a move. This spider silk is his reliance, as long as it is entangled, it can be refined in the tower.


Shi Zhan raised his saber, and after numerous collisions, the blade finally shattered, revealing a wicker wrapped in darkness like a divine golden rod.

"Haha, die for me!" The Venerable Demon Lake laughed when he saw this, thinking that the magic weapon in Shi Zhan's hand was broken, and started to fight back frantically.

The spider threads are like thunder, with endless thunder entangled on each root, and the dazzling electric light falls like a nine-day thunder net, covering the stone war, covering a hundred miles of space, and there is nowhere to escape.


However, the fragments of the black furnace pierced the sky like meteors, carrying sharp sword energy to split the sky, each and every thunder spider web was pierced by it, and turned into flying ash after a few flashes of lightning.

And the willow stick is as strong as divine iron, undiminished, wrapped with the Immortal King's rune, invincible, cast by Shi Zhan as a pillar of heaven, and hit the green tower fiercely.


The tower body vibrated, emitting a series of buzzing sounds, the runes on it were quickly annihilated, and the power of divinity was also taken away by the wicker, and transferred into Shi Zhan's body.

The Venerable Demon Spirit Lake was shocked. The green tower above his head was whipped hundreds of times by the wicker in an instant, spinning in the sky like a spinning top, whining unbearably.

"No... poof!"

In the desperate bloody roar of the Venerable Demon Lake, the green tower was blasted by the wicker, turning into pieces of divine gold and flying around, flying into the distance like meteors.

The Demon Spirit Lake expert roared in despair, spitting out a large amount of black blood, his aura was in vain, and the magic soldier who cultivated his life was destroyed. He suffered a big backlash, and his strength was seriously exhausted.

"You thought I would become weaker if the knife was broken. I'm sorry, but the outer scabbard is actually protecting you!" Shi Zhan sneered, the fairy king wicker was drawn out at will, and large areas of mountains and rivers were blown up. Half of the victim's body was blown up, turned into blood, and was absorbed by the wicker in Shi Zhan's hand.

At the same time, he set out to collect the broken fragments of the divine weapon, rework them, and create his own heavenly knife.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the venerable's aura suddenly burst out from four directions, beams of light ascended to the sky, turned into fierce treasures, and rushed towards Shi Zhan.

They had the same goal, and they shot at Shi Zhan at the same time, trying to snatch the wicker from Shi Zhan's hand.

Watching the battle from the sidelines, they could see that this wicker was extremely extraordinary, many times more powerful than the sacred treasures that had been passed down for thousands of years in the ancient sacred mountains.


The stone war shouted loudly, wicker in hand, and the body turned into golden light, regardless of the sneak attack of the Sifang Venerable, and quickly collected the fragments of the remnant soldiers. This green tower is extraordinary, and there is a small amount of divine gold in it. This metal is called fairy tears green gold in later generations , is the top material for casting supreme weapons.

"Fellow Daoist, save me!"

The Venerable Demon Spirit Lake took the opportunity to roar, and he discovered in despair that the Venerable who shot in four directions at the same time not only attacked the human stone war, but also shot a powerful treasure technique at himself.

"Ah!" The Venerable Demon Spirit Lake was furious, a space passage opened behind him, and an iron hook-like claw stretched out, trying to drag him in.

"Ah, Sky Swallowing Sparrow, I, Demon Lake, are incompatible with you!" The Venerable Demon Lake uttered the most humble roar during his lifetime.

"Old guy, you're going to die, and you dare to speak harsh words!" A cold voice came from the passage, and the iron claw grabbed hard to break the inscription on the big spider's body, and it was about to wipe out the remaining half of the Demon Spirit Lake. Drag into the space channel.

"Dare you!!"

Shi Zhan was collecting the fragments of the magic weapon. When he looked back, he was furious. Someone dared to snatch his prey.

Shi Zhan rushed to the space channel.


The four venerable treasures bombarded frantically to block Shi Zhan's charge. They secretly hid their identities, and all of them played methods that had never been revealed before. .

"Ah, you are too hateful, if you dare to snatch my wild monsters, you will die!"

Shi Zhan roared loudly, his whole body glowed, and attracted the Quartet Venerables to attack for his own use. This is the magic function of the body becoming a spirit, just like the great shift of the universe, borrowed by Shi Zhan.


He vomited blood, and his body was about to split apart. The power of the Venerable was too great, and he couldn't borrow all of it. He took part of the damage abruptly and almost died.

"Boom boom boom!"

Shi Zhan gritted his teeth, endured the injury, cut the sky with a sword, gathered the strength of the four great masters, and headed towards the space passage.

Ten fierce methods, cursive word sword formula.

The sword energy is brilliant, mighty like an overturned sea, boundless, covering half of the sky.


A paw was cut off without warning, dripping a large amount of blood.


The earth, mountains and rivers trembled, and the chicken paw turned into its original shape, which was actually thousands of miles in size, like a giant mountain. The earth was cracked, and magma shot up into the sky.

"Boom!" The four venerables shot again, creating a terrifying scene, coercing the sky, and wanting to fight to the death with stones.


The young man shouted loudly, and waved the willow branch in his hand, rolling up the body of the thousands-mile-long swallowing bird, turning it into the power of Qi and blood to feed back to his body.

His whole body glowed, his broken body was reorganized, countless lights shone, and a hole in the cave behind him was also unfolded at this time. The dead and silent cave was like the earth at that time. out.

One two three four five!


The six stone battles roared in the sky, and the dense runes poured down like a vast ocean, covering the sky.


The four venerables are active and no longer hidden. One after another treasures are like falling stars, bombarded from the nine heavens, and want to destroy this world.

"A battle in the sky!"

A venerable said that if the fight continues like this, the wilderness for millions of miles will be sunk, and people will be devastated everywhere.


Shi Zhan roared, and he flew away with his spiritual body, followed by the four venerables.

(End of this chapter)

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