Chapter 48

In the nine heavens, there are strong winds and thunder roars.

As an array, Shi Zhan fought with the four venerables, bursting out with endless brilliance.

The three-foot wicker is infinitely brilliant, like a heavenly stick or a chain of gods, resisting the attacks of a series of venerables.

A copper furnace hit the sky across the sky, surrounded by endless flames, the furnace mouth opened, and nine golden birds flew out, the golden light was shining, just like real.


A magic halberd split the sky and the earth, was rotated by a venerable, stirred up the situation in the nine heavens, and slashed fiercely at Shi Zhan.


The blood-stained spear pierces the void. This is a divine weapon made in imitation of an ancient divine weapon. It faintly possesses the power of that divine weapon. When the spear appears, the law will retreat.


A venerable man bent his bow and set an arrow, and dazzling light burst out from the longbow. The arrow, like a big star, turned into a rainbow, and went straight to the stone battle.

The clouds are soft and the wind is fierce, and the four pairs of blood moons usually stare at the wicker in Shi Zhan's hand, trying to see through the secrets.

At the same time, they sacrificed the venerable divine soldiers and launched a joint attack to crush the stone on the high sky.


Glittering green light erupted from the wicker like a dark chain, covering the clouds in all directions, rendering the sky and the earth green.

A bit of divine brilliance was revealed, and the tip of the divine chain pierced through nine golden crows one after another. The runes on the copper furnace immediately dimmed and were thrown out.

The Golden Crow was formed by the runes on the copper furnace. When the runes were broken, this venerable divine weapon fell to a level on the spot, which made the venerable feel very distressed.


The magic halberd smashed into the sky, filled with chaos, the sharp blade struck the dark wicker, the runes exploded, and layers of dark runes were shattered by the blow.


The dark runes fell off like shedding skin, and the glistening wicker reappeared in the world.


In an instant, the willow branch was as strong as divine iron, and the magic halberd slashed on it, and the blade of the halberd was split open, making a mournful cry.

A little bit of cold light arrives first, and the blood spear arrives like a dragon, and the killing intent to destroy everything flows from above, unrivaled.


As soon as the green clouds in the sky were collected, they all returned to the body, and the three-foot wicker was like a long sword, overflowing with divinity, and cut out sword energy one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shadow of the spear is endless, the sword energy fills the sky, one spear and one willow branch confront each other infinitely, and a big wave erupts, which is about to tear the blue sky, and all the clouds, energy and wind are wiped out.

The divinity flowed on the willow branch, but the bright green color kept dimming. Confronting several venerables one after another, this passive willow branch was almost unable to hold on.

On the blood spear, divine light radiated, and the sky that was covered by the red light was about to engulf the wicker.


At the same time, Shenhong pierced the sky, and an arrow shattered the sky, viciously piercing through the stone war that was pushing the wicker with all its strength.

The fourth venerable did not attack the wicker, but directly attacked Shi Zhan, severely damaging Shi Zhan with one blow.

Blood was spilled in the sky, the stone war flew upside down, and his back hit an invisible wall, unable to move.

The arrow vibrated, destroying the energy in Shi Zhan's body, and wanted to destroy all the runes in his body.

"You really think highly of me, laying formations in the void and even engaging in sneak attacks."

Shi Zhan coughed up a big mouthful of black blood, the arrow in his chest kept vibrating, bursting out bursts of mysterious power that destroyed the flesh and inscriptions all over his body, and the light in his body circulated, struggling to resist this kind of destruction.

"Look carefully at how your treasure was taken away!" The venerable sneered, he didn't kill Shi Zhan directly, he wanted to torture him slowly.

The rune battlefield opened in Shi Zhan's body, and his whole body was about to split apart again.

Without the blessing of the wicker, it would be difficult for him to confront the Venerable head-on. At the beginning, the little one was also one with the Immortal Golden Body to kill indiscriminately.

The gap between a prince and a venerable is too great.

"Cough cough."

Shi Zhan kept coughing up blood, mouthfuls of black blood kept dripping on the arrow, looking extremely miserable.

"This wicker is extraordinary, it is likely to be a wicker from the body of a god, and it is still alive."

Afterwards, the four venerables stopped fighting with marbles for the time being, and he was no longer threatened. He was nailed into the void with an arrow through the chest by the venerable, and he would slowly die soon.

They were all looking at the wicker in the sky with fiery eyes.

This is an active willow branch of the gods. If you get it and study it carefully, you will be able to embark on the road of igniting the divine fire!

No matter how bad it is, it is comparable to a holy medicine.

"Don't grab it, let's study together." The venerable holding the copper furnace said, he hung in the sky like a big sun, his whole body was shrouded in divine light, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"Venerable Fire Crow, you are the only one worthy? Get out of here." The venerable with the blood spear in his hand glanced coldly at the other venerables, his voice was piercing.

One person and one spear directly fixed the lawless willow tree, and his power was unrivaled. On the other hand, the other venerables were all blown away by the willow tree, and they were no match at all.

"Treasures of chance are only won by the strong. You trash, how dare you covet Lao Tzu's treasure?" He was very blunt. In his eyes, these venerables are worthless and not his opponents.

The fact is also the same. The venerable man holding the stove was furious, but he didn't try to snatch it, he just watched from afar.

"Venerable Bloodspear, you are just relying on the imitation ancient artifact in your hand to fight fiercely. My devil halberd is not afraid of you!"

The Venerable holding the magic halberd shouted and struck out with the halberd.

Venerable Blood Spear sneered, he urged the blood spear with one hand to suppress the willow god branch, and evolved a powerful magic with the other hand, row after row of stars in his hand, bombarded away with a devastating blow.


The magic halberd danced wildly, shining brilliantly, it split big stars one after another, and rushed towards the willow branch, intending to cut it in two.

At this moment, the divinity of the wicker has weakened, and it is not as magical as before. If the magic halberd is cut down, it may really be cut into two pieces.

Seeing this, Bloodline Venerable shouted loudly, and put all his energy into the blood spear that suppressed Willow. The blood was shining, and he wanted to take it away forcibly.

"call out!"

Suddenly, an arrow pierced through the air at an extremely fast speed, like a rainbow piercing the sun, and flew towards the spear that suppressed the wicker.

"An dare to bully me!" Venerable Bloodline roared angrily.

when! !

The blood spear shook, and the arrow shattered, but his momentum to suppress the wicker was blocked, and a magic halberd had already entered, and he slashed on the wicker.

The wicker is still as hard as divine iron, and it constantly fights against the magic halberd, bursting out bursts of divine power.


The magic halberd vibrated violently, and under the shocked eyes of Venerable Demon Halberd, the body of the halberd broke with a click.

"Haha—" Venerable Bloodspear laughed loudly before his voice stopped abruptly.

The magic halberd broke, but it still cut off the wicker. This wicker has gone through too many battles. It was originally a rootless tree, but now it can no longer hold it, and it turns into three pieces and flies away.


The three venerables grabbed the willow sticks, it was too late, the willow sticks had to be taken away first.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Venerable Fire Crow made a move at this time, the copper furnace turned, and the divine flames surged into the sky. Nine firebirds flew out, and the rumbling fire covered everything. The nine firebirds rushed to the wicker, faster than the three Venerables. He actually wanted to destroy the wicker.

"Too much deceit!" Venerable Fire Crow roared angrily, the magic halberd divided the wicker into three, why not cut it into four!This obviously did not take him seriously.

"I can't get it, and you don't want it either!"

"Ah, damn it, I declare that your Fire Crow Clan is gone!" Venerable Bloodspear's hair was set on fire, and he watched the willow sticks being set on fire.

"Without you!" Venerable Fire Crow didn't get anything during this trip, and he was insulted by this Venerable in various ways. If word spread, how would Fire Crow get along?
"Sir Fire Crow, please calm down. We can take out items as compensation. If you have something to say, talk about it!" Venerable Mohalber's expression changed, and he tried to extinguish the fire with a treasure technique, but the wicker had already started to burn.


The fourth venerable was very ruthless, didn't talk much, and directly drew the bow to the full moon, and an arrow was as fast as thunder and as strong as a star, and shot at venerable Huoya with fierce force.

The runes were intertwined, like a galaxy riot, and a boundless terrifying air appeared. This Venerable wants to kill Venerable Fire Crow directly here.

(End of this chapter)

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