Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 68 Invincible First Generation

Chapter 68 Invincible First Generation
It is said that the gods of the Shadow Demon Palace stretched out their palms, and with a strong demonic aura, they hit the Fire Emperor.

The fire dragon on the Vulcan gun roared out, carrying a wave of high-temperature air and collided with the gloomy demon palm.

For a moment, all kinds of runes flew randomly, and the brilliance surrounded the eyes. Everyone present was dazzled and shocked.

An old god from the upper realm who was watching the battle couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The Fire Emperor is really a strong man from the lower realm, and this move is actually able to fight against the old god of the Shadow Demon Palace, evenly divided!"

The audience around nodded, thinking that what the old god said was reasonable.

On the side, Huo Linger, the most beloved daughter of the Human Emperor, saw this scene, flustered in her heart, clenched her fists tightly, and said involuntarily, "Father Emperor doesn't seem to be an opponent, what should I do?"

King Yan patted his niece's shoulder beside him, and comforted him: "Don't worry, girl, Human Sovereign still has killer moves that he hasn't used yet."

When Huo Ling'er heard this, she felt relieved, and looked at the battle in space with worry in her eyes.

It's just that no one saw it. Under the armor at this moment, King Yan's face slowly showed a hint of regret.

As soon as the screen changed, the Fire Emperor in the sky and the old god of the Shadow Demon Palace had already collided several times in succession.

The two sides fought together anxiously, one person was shrouded in flames, releasing a terrifying high temperature, and the other was covered by mist, overflowing with bursts of chill.

The two fought fiercely, but they were familiar with each other. After hundreds of moves, the runes flooded wave after wave, and the divine light illuminated the sky from time to time, trying to compare with the light of the sun.

Fortunately, they were restrained in their battles, and the rune strength was only exploded in a small area, without affecting the nearby buildings and people, otherwise the entire Duankong City would no longer exist.

Bang bang bang!
The flames on the Vulcan Spear ignited Yu Lie, held in the hand of the Human Emperor, shaking out the beautiful gun flowers.

He hadn't used this magical weapon for many years, and it felt a little rusty for a while, and the old god of the Shadow Demon Palace caught the flaw and pressed it for dozens of rounds.


The old god of the Shadow Demon Palace is really powerful, the gloomy bone-colored palm is extremely hard, when he confronts the divine soldiers, brilliant sparks pop out, and a big hand makes various palm prints one after another, covering one space, making the emperor tired of dealing with it .

"The Fire Emperor is not weak, but his marksmanship is obviously rusty, not counting the proficiency of the gods in the Shadow Demon Palace. If it continues, the Fire Emperor will be defeated."

Among the creatures in the upper realm, there is an old god with gray hair but sparkling spirit in his eyes.He was watching the battle between the Fire Emperor and the old god of the Shadow Demon Palace, commenting from time to time.

"Why do seniors think so?"

The people around were also very respectful to this old god, and they all humbly asked for advice. It can be seen that this old god's identity and strength are not ordinary.

"Hehe, let's continue to look at it. If you say it all, won't you lose interest?" The old god stroked his beard and smiled.

Everyone was silent and continued to watch the battle in the sky.

After dozens of moves, the Fire Emperor and the spirits of the Shadow Demon Palace continued to fight. The fire light and the black mist suppressed each other, as if they were fighting back and forth.

Suddenly, the Fire Emperor vomited blood and flew backwards, his breath dropped sharply, he couldn't even hold the sharp spear in his hand, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Everyone was shocked, there was back and forth just now, why suddenly, the winner was decided?
It turned out that the Fire Emperor's attack was caught and the flow of runes was not perfect. The old god of the Shadow Demon Palace made thousands of palm prints and was sent flying.

"Father! Father!"

Huo Ling'er threw herself forward, and spread out the fire wings behind her to catch the Fire Emperor who fell from the sky. Her big watery eyes were filled with tears at this moment.

"Haha, Human Sovereign, you have lost!" On the sky, the spirits of the Shadow Demon Palace laughed.

He was not in a hurry to kill the Emperor, he was enjoying the joy of victory for a while.

All the eyes of the audience were attracted by him, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"Father, what's wrong with you, Father." Huo Ling'er hugged Huohuang's body, tears streaming down her face.

The Fire Emperor vomited blood and flew backwards, lifeless, as if dead.

"Ling'er... Sorry... Father... No... Can't... Protect... Protect..." The Fire Emperor opened his eyes with difficulty and squeezed out a smile.

"No, father, don't die!" Huo Ling'er hugged Huohuang and cried loudly, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.

"How could it be, how could it be like this!" Phew!In the crowd, a young venerable flew out, he was the first generation of Tianjiao, and he looked at the dying fire emperor on the ground in disbelief.

"How could the Fire Emperor be defeated? He must have other means!" The Invincible Venerable looked around, and a divine light emanated from his forehead, which suddenly spread and enveloped everyone in it!
"Yue Xishen, do you want to meddle in the affairs of our Immortal Palace?" On the ground, the youth from the Immortal Palace who had been banned from cultivation frowned.


The young venerable Yue Xishen, whose forehead was covered with divine splendor, kicked the few people from the Immortal Palace away without any hesitation.

"Yue Xishen, don't cause unnecessary trouble for your Yueyang Tower!" In the sky, the gods of the Shadow Demon Palace issued a warning.

"If you talk too much, I'll blow you up." Yue Xi said coldly, without even looking at the god, the light on his forehead became brighter and brighter, covering the battlefield.


The gods of Shadow Demon Palace snorted coldly, and then stopped talking.

This scene surprised everyone outside the venue who didn't know Yue Xishen's identity. Who is this person? With just one sentence, so many gods were shocked?
"Can someone explain to me what this young man is doing? He looks so good." A doubtful voice came from the crowd.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, and found that it was a young venerable in white clothes, with an extraordinary bearing and a refined temperament.

"Where do you come from, fellow daoist, why don't you know about this?" A god from the upper realm took a deep look at the white-clothed venerable and asked suspiciously.

so young?It should also be from the upper realm, why is it so ignorant.

"I'm from Butian Sect, and I've been in seclusion all year round, so I don't know much about the outside world." The Venerable in white smiled.

"Mending Heaven Sect!"

People around all looked at this person with amazed eyes, Butian Sect is a great religion in the upper realm, and it is at its peak.

A venerable from the Lonely Great Sect of the Upper Realm came up to him and said enthusiastically: "It turns out that he is a fellow Taoist of the Butian Sect who is subconsciously cultivating. Let me explain. This young venerable is the first generation of Yuezhou, and he was born with a bright moon body. It is extremely extraordinary, once used a treasure technique to raise the bright moon in the sea, and the radiance illuminates the ancient and modern times, once swept across the venerables of several continents, and searched for invincible hands in ten continents."

"Thank you for letting me know." The Venerable in White nodded slightly, then looked into the battlefield, thinking slightly.

The first generation, that is, the same body weight as the supreme pupil?I don't know which is weak and which is strong.

The clear light was like moonlight, covering this place, and the young venerable from the upper realm walked in it, and no one dared to step forward to criticize it.

This is the first generation, with a resounding reputation, making the old gods shy away.

Yue Xichen slowly walked to the Vulcan Spear, and his brows frowned as the clear light fell on it.

(End of this chapter)

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