Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 69 Grandpa Ning Appears

Chapter 69 Grandpa Ning Appears

Yue Xishen stopped in front of the gun, her eyes were sharp and her face was gloomy.

There is an abnormality in this divine weapon. There is a person's brand in it, and it cannot be used by other people to exert its full strength, and even backlash against the gunman.

"King Yan, explain yourself." Yue Xichen looked at the pale King Yan in the crowd.

"I..." Yan Wang covered his face with his hands and knelt on the ground, "I'm sorry, Brother Huang."

Everyone was in an uproar, the Fire Emperor's defeat was so fast, could it be because of the Yan King's tricks secretly?
"Uncle Emperor!!" Huo Ling'er's eyes showed disbelief, she never imagined that the reason for the change of the battle situation was actually the most trusted uncle.

"I only laid my brand in order to control this magic weapon..." Yan Wang knelt on the ground and confessed.

"But I have no intention of harming the emperor!"

"You didn't mean it, but why didn't you explain it in advance? As for the Fire Emperor..." A prince stood up and accused.

"It's too late to say anything. It's better to carry the Fire Emperor back quickly to see if there is any cure for Ji Ling." An old prince sighed.

"Hahaha, well done!" The spirit of Baiyun Mountain laughed loudly. Unexpectedly, such a strong opponent in the lower realm was actually tricked by his own people.

It's dead in one fell swoop.

"The Fire Emperor is dead. I declare that this barren land, the Fire Kingdom, belongs to my Shadow Demon Palace, and it is shared with the Baiyun Mountain Immortal Palace!" The spirit of the Shadow Demon Palace glanced at the young man of the Immortal Palace on the ground, paused, and added.

"Haha, good! Uncle Master, quickly break the seal for me!" The boy from Xiandian got up and laughed.

"Sorry, I can't solve it." A strange light flashed in the eyes of the gods of Shadow Demon Palace.

The Immortal Palace boy was taken aback when he heard the words, his face darkened, and he looked at the god of Baiyun Mountain again.

The gods of Baiyun Mountain looked at their noses and their hearts, and said: "To untie the bell, one must tie it. Only the Fire Emperor can break the seal of the Fire Emperor!"

The face of the young man in Xiandian completely darkened.

He naturally didn't believe that the gods couldn't break his seal. These two old guys obviously did it on purpose.

"Let me help you unlock the seal."

Suddenly, an old man walked out of the crowd. He carried a colorful sword embryo on his back. His whole body was full of sword energy, and he exuded a little bit of divine spirit.

"Which one is the senior?" The Immortal Palace boy was taken aback. Although he was sealed, his eyesight was outstanding. The person in front of him was definitely a strong man.

"This fellow Taoist is a face-to-face, is he from which state?" Some gods from the upper realm were puzzled, seeing that the old man's clothes were not from the sect he was familiar with.

"Grandpa Ning, why are you here!"

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded from the crowd.

The crowd followed the sound.

I saw a young man with a sword in the camp of the lower realm, in the faction of Butian Pavilion, calling out loudly and waving his arms.

"Is this old man a strong man from the lower realm?"

The gods of the upper realm realized it all at once, and all of them showed surprised expressions.

"He is a creature from the lower world, why should he help Xiandian?" Someone wondered.

"Ah, it's a smile, why are you here, oh, grandpa forgot, it's Baiduan Mountain that is about to open." The white-haired old man with a sword in his hand seemed to have a bad memory, and he waved his hand.

"This is not a place for you children to stay, go back quickly, Baiduan Mountain is the place you should go!"

A gust of wind blew, and the people in Butian Pavilion were swept away and landed in the place closest to the Baiduan Mountain Passage.

"Look, it's that brat from Butian Pavilion!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and the elders of the several families were overjoyed, and they were about to go out to capture the child.

"do not!"

Suddenly, a friend stopped him.

"What are you doing, you want to stop me?" These elders were angry. The brats provoked them in the False God Realm and made them lose face. Now is a good opportunity for revenge.


The man pointed in the direction of the white-haired old man with the sword with his lips.

"Huh? A god? Does it have something to do with us?"

"Grandpa Ning, someone is going to bully the little one!" Suddenly, Dugu Xiaoxiao shouted in the direction of Shi Zhan's spirit body.

The old man with the sword in his hand, Shi Zhanling, glanced here.


The elders of several families trembled and gasped.

"Xiaoxiao, is this godlike old man your grandfather?" Xiao Budian spoke from the side, his eyes rolling.

"Forget it, my master, it's amazing!" Dugu smiled and patted the little boy on the shoulder. He was a few years older than the little boy, and said in a big brother tone.

"Your master? Wow!" The little boy's eyes sparkled, and a bunch of ideas came into being.

"With such a strong master, wouldn't it be possible to walk sideways!"

The other disciples of Butian Pavilion are all envious.

"No, no, my master just taught me a sword technique, and didn't let me walk sideways." Dugu smiled and waved his hands.

"Hey, we are all senior brothers, your master is now my master." Xiao BuDian lightly patted Dugu Xiaoxiao's arm, his eyes rolled darkly, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

"Qingfeng, come to meet senior brother." Xiao BuDian called a child of the same age who was dazed beside him.

"Ah, Qingfeng has met the senior brother." Xiao Qingfeng was dragged by the little one and smiled at Dugu and saluted as a junior.

"Well, well, from now on you will be the third junior brother, I will tell the master." Dugu smiled and hugged Qingfeng with a smile on his face.

On the side, other Butian Pavilion disciples also wanted to join in, but they were stopped by the elder with a look.

The three of them are very talented people, and it is very appropriate for everyone to be called brothers and sisters. You guys, please don't get involved blindly.

"Those teenagers are not simple, they have the aura of the first generation, but they are incomplete, so strange." In the distance, the old god with white hair, childlike face and strong bones said in amazement.

"Has the aura of the first generation, it's incomplete, it's also a top talent, they all come from Butian Pavilion... Hiss!" An old god gasped.

"The Butian Pavilion is a powerful force of the Butian Sect in the lower realm, and there is an old vine in the Divine Fire Realm, which has survived from the War of the Ancients to the present, and it is ridiculously strong." An old god pointed out.

"It's just the Butian Pavilion created by the abandoned disciples of the Butian Sect. What's the matter?" An old god who knew the secrets said disdainfully.

"You don't understand this. Although the Butian Pavilion was founded by the abandoned disciples of the Butian Sect, but looking at the Eight Regions, the other seven regions have the influence of the Butian Sect. Only in this barren area, the Butian Sect did not intervene. Do you know why?" said the fairy-like old man.

"Why?" someone asked.

"Because the Butian Sect has recognized the identity of this abandoned disciple, and he has been recognized by the people above that he can create such a large force in the lower realm, but no one is willing to lower his face, and the abandoned disciple has been dead for a long time, but rumors There is still an obsession alive, and the reason why Butianjiao doesn't show up is because they don't want to let that obsession dissipate!" The immortal old man felt sorry.

"Ah, this, this is too much." Someone was full of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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