Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 72 Broken Mountain Opens

Chapter 72 Opening of Baiduan Mountain

"The secret realm of Baiduan Mountain has been opened!"

Suddenly, someone shouted, the voice was excited, and in Baiduan Mountain, the sky soared to the sky, and a portal appeared out of thin air with a deep light shining.


Thousands of streams shot up into the sky, and everyone in Duankong City put down their business and went to this secret realm.

"It is rumored that there is a bone of heaven, a fountain of youth, and many magical weapons!"

The eyes of the people in the lower realms are full of excitement. Baiduan Mountain is the biggest place of opportunity in the wilderness of the lower realms. Everyone who enters it has longing for a better future.

A elixir can change the fate of the future, a magic weapon and a treasure technique are of great benefit.

Unlike the people in the lower realm, the people in the upper realm don't care. They just come here with the heart of experience. In fact, there are not many treasures that can be seen.

They are from the Upper Realm, and they have all been selected. They are a group of people who are not weak among the same generation in the Upper Realm. They are well-informed and not very concerned about these treasures.

Moreover, these people in the upper realm are very strong, young, and some have already surpassed the spirit transformation state. In this dungeon, it can be said that they can push people from the lower realm.

"Wait a minute!"

A newly-promoted god from the lower realm god mountain suddenly spoke and blocked the passage, stopping everyone.

It is the Tiger God of Xiling.

Wan Dao Liuguang froze, but he stopped the castration with a single word.

This is the lower realm, and the local gods can exert their full combat power without being affected, and they dare not touch bad luck.

"If people from the upper realm want to enter the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain, they must hand over one holy medicine per person. This is an opportunity for us from the lower realm, and we cannot give it to you for free." The Tiger God of Xiling stood in front of the passage.

"Bold, you are looking for death. Ten years later, your Xiling Realm will be bombed!" The fairy palace girl was so angry that no one had ever dared to speak to him like this.

The faces of everyone in the upper world are not very good. They said it well when they came here, but now they suddenly changed their words?
"That's not what we said when we came here." The old god of Baiyun Mountain frowned.

"It's okay if you don't hand over, let us people from the lower realm go in for a month first, and after a month, you people from the upper realm will go in again!" a Tianpeng said, his whole body was golden, and there was a faint breath of gods flowing out.It is Tianpeng Mountain Lord, the world has changed drastically, he has recovered from the injuries he suffered from the battle with the Fire Emperor, and he himself has reached the extreme state of the Venerable, and he has not taken that step.

They have a very long heritage in the ancient Peng Mountain, and they also know some secrets of the upper realm. They knew that it was a pity they couldn't go there, but now they have a chance in this environment.

He is going to make a breakthrough in Xiangu. There is no age limit in Xiangu, as long as he is a venerable person, he can enter and come out alive, and he will be a sure-fire leader in the future.

"Hehe, then what are we going to do in there? Are we eating leftovers!" A cold lightning flashed from the pupils of an upper-world arrogance.


He suddenly bled from the corner of his mouth and died on the spot. It turned out that a divine feather pierced through his chest. The attack was so sudden that the old gods beside him had no time to protect him.

"Master Tianpeng Mountain, you are looking for death." The old god went crazy, raised his hand with great supernatural powers, and pressed down on the younger generation of the ancient god mountain.

"Old man, go die too!" Tianpeng Mountain Master sneered, raised his hand and punched Tianpeng Fist, the fist print filled the sky, and squeezed away.


The old god vomited blood, he was defeated, he was not the first generation, he was just a young genius who had successfully promoted to Shenhuo by virtue of his age and elixir, he was no match for the pure-blooded Tianpeng, and was killed by one move.

The laws of heaven and earth in the lower realm have changed, and no external force can break through the power of the venerable, and this old god can't burst out the power of the gods even when he is dying.

An old god died in an instant, and the gods in the upper world were silent. The Lord of Tianpeng Mountain was too strong, he had the power to kill the strong at the same level, and he looked fiercer than the Human Emperor.

It should be the deity personally, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

"Who is for and who is against?"

Peng Wudi, the owner of Tianpeng Mountain, laughed. This is his home field. His speed is the best in the world.

Ten years later, the god-fire powerhouse will be able to descend to the lower realms, but the higher-level ones will still not be able to descend. The transformation of the lower realm laws will not happen overnight, it will take many years.

At that time, Peng Wudi is confident that he can already surpass all enemies.

Everyone was silent and did not dare to speak. The Lord of Tianpeng Mountain was too strong and unscrupulous.

No one spoke out, no one objected.

The Lord of Tianpeng Mountain laughed, and the Tiger God of Xiling also gave way to the passage, and countless disciples from the Primordial Divine Mountain entered it.

Human race forces are mixed in and are about to step into the passage.

"Wait, you can't go in, you have to go with them in the upper realm!" Tianpeng Mountain Master suddenly pointed at the ancient kingdom forces.

The faces of Butiange and other human forces changed, and they looked at the Fire Emperor in unison.

"Don't look at him anymore, a spirit body is no match for me." Master Tianpeng shook his head.

"Tianpeng, you're going too far." The Fire Emperor frowned, and there was obviously a part of the reason why Tianpeng Mountain Lord targeted the human race.

"If you don't accept it, come to fight." Tianpeng was fearless, the runes lit up, and the golden light on his body was shining like a little sun.

The fire emperor rose from the sky, and the thousand fires unfolded directly toward the emperor, and the thousands of flames turned into a long spear, moving forward a little.

Tianpeng also punched, and the golden light filled the sky.

The ripples on Xiling Tiger God's forehead were like ripples, dispelling the aftermath of the battle between the two.


The fist print was shattered, and the shadow of the gun dissipated.

Both sides are evenly matched.

The master of Tianpeng Mountain snorted coldly, but did not make a move.

Huohuang Wanhuo withdrew, showing a smile.

"Ling'er, go in," the Fire Emperor said to him.

Human races from the lower world also began to enter the tunnel, including those from the Stone Country, some from the Fire Country, some from many aristocratic families, and some from nearby tribes.

Like a swarm, rush in.

"Wait a minute, you can't enter Butian Pavilion!" Suddenly, Tianpeng Mountain Lord made another move and stopped a group of people.

The disciples of Butian Pavilion were stunned, what's going on.

They were shivering, covered by the breath of the Venerable, they were very uncomfortable.


A soft light came on, and a young man in white came out, dispelling the coercion from Tianpeng Mountain Lord.

"Whether I can enter the Butian Pavilion, it doesn't matter if you say it." Master Butian looked at Peng Wudi who was like a little sun.

"Oh, let's have a fight." Master Tianpeng clenched his fist, and the golden light on his body swelled violently.

"One leaf covers the sky!" Butian Jiling smiled slightly, a vine leaf covered the sky, and the sky became dark.

"It's you! I didn't expect you to come back to life!" On the side, the Tiger God of Xiling felt a familiar aura.

"It's you, what a fate!" The master of Tianpeng Mountain retreated quickly, with a cautious expression on his face.

This is a god who has lived from ancient times to the present, with many means, and the world has changed drastically. Could this old vine also seize the opportunity?

"I'm coming!" The Tiger God of Xiling stepped forward, wanting to test the old spirit's methods.

"Master Butian!" The disciples of Butian Pavilion exclaimed, the Tiger God of Xiling is a strong man who has entered the realm of divine fire, and has even entered the holy sacrifice, his strength is unfathomable.

"Tiger, you are not in shape today, do you want to fight with me?" Master Butian smiled, he saw the reality of this tiger god at a glance.

"..." The Tiger God of Xiling retracted his step forward.

He had just entered the Holy Sacrifice, and his state of strength had been sluggish. It was not as good as before he ignited the divine fire, which made him very angry.

"It's the realm of the Holy Sacrifice, and its strength is extremely unstable."

"Holy Sacrifice, the old man didn't even reach that level, how much holy medicine this guy has to waste!"

"He is the master of a sacred mountain, the world has changed drastically, and the elixir everywhere has been turned into holy medicine, waste, waste!"

In the distance, the old gods of the upper realm were heartbroken.

"You guys go in." Ji Ling of Butian Pavilion smiled, and sent Xiao Budian Qingfeng and the others into the passage, casting some aura on them.

"..." This action made the eyelids of many strong men jump.

This should be some means that can be released when they are in danger.

All the lower realms have entered, and there is still the upper realm Tianjiao who has not entered here.

"After one month, your people can go in." Tianpeng Mountain Master narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Both Shenshan and the ancient country have conflicts, but they are very consistent in their attitudes towards the upper realm.

This is their territory, how to fight is their business, it is impossible for visitors from the upper realm to intervene.

What's more, for tens of thousands of years, the major sacred mountains and ancient countries have already been inextricably linked. Some ancient kingdoms' arrogances have even practiced in the sacred mountains, and the relationship is very complicated.

For example, Chong Tong, his father was practicing in Demon Spirit Lake, and his mother was the younger sister of the head of the Yu Clan, who was born in the Stone Clan. One person has implicated the three major forces.

Looking at the little guy, if he practiced normally, his mother was born in the Mountain of Immortality, Qin Changsheng was his maternal ancestor, and the Great Demon God's Generation Tianjiao is also a great big shot.

The princess of Shi Kingdom also has contacts with some sacred mountains.

They all have backgrounds, and the relationships are intricate.

In a word, your circle is a bit chaotic, not the absolute opposition and friendship as imagined, but mutual penetration,

The Fire Emperor's silence also acquiesced to Tianpeng Mountain Lord's behavior.

"Heh, it's just a hundred breaks secret realm, just wait!" The gods of the upper realm are all respectable people, how could they wait here for a month?

They shook their sleeves and chose to leave.

Today you shut us out and ignore us, but tomorrow I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy.

When Immortal Ancient is opened, all of you creatures from the lower realms, go cry and block it in all directions!


A group of gods and men left in anger, and they were all angry.

"What are you going for? Call in!"

Suddenly, an old man came out with a sword in his hand.

It was the spirit body of Shi Zhan.

He took a step forward, with sword energy clanging.

"There are so many of us! There is only one god on the other side, why can't we fight?"

"Fellow daoist, let's go, the other party has a pure-blooded sky roc, not ordinary gods like us can win by numbers!" An old god sighed.

Under the first generation, pure blood is invincible, they are all just geniuses, and they are far behind the pure blood Tianpeng.

Didn't you see that a god just now was blown away by Tianpeng's punch?
"But, don't we have a first-generation statue here!" The old man with the negative sword pointed at the moon.

"I order you in the name of Xiandian! Go and chop this little chicken!"

"Yes, kill him!" The young man from Xiandian opened his eyes and said.


The next moment, all the old gods from the upper realm distanced themselves from these two idiots in Xiandian.

In the center of the venue, six people were extremely conspicuous.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards." The Xiandian boy sneered.

The faces of the four old servants of the Immortal Palace whose cultivation bases were sealed were extremely ugly. They actually wanted to leave, but their whole bodies were frozen.

"Young man, repeat what you just said." Next to the Fire Emperor, Yue Xichen was covered by Qinghui, and he made a cold voice.

For a long time, no one dared to speak to him like this. As the first generation, after defeating Venerable Shizhou, even Emperor Chong of the Immortal Palace did not dare to treat him so contemptuously.

This stupid servant is so courageous!
(End of this chapter)

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