Chapter 73
"We all come from the upper realm. If we are blocked by barbarians from the lower realm for a month, wouldn't we be laughed out of our teeth?"

The old man with the negative sword stepped out, counteracting the aura of the first generation.

"We came all the way, and going back in such a disheartened way, wouldn't it be embarrassing at all?"

He said again, taking a step, the sword intent soared to the sky, and countless people looked sideways.

"You guys are incapable, so it has nothing to do with me!" Yue Xichen sneered, narrowing his eyes, the old man seemed to have something.

"Are you going to betray Three Thousand Daozhou?"

The old man with the negative sword took another step, the sword clanging and clanging, and his momentum rose again.

"What betrayal of Three Thousand Continents, what can you represent!" Yue Xichen shouted.

"I represent the Immortal Palace." The old man with the sword took another step forward, and half of the sky was filled with sword energy.

"You're just a dog from the lower realm, how dare you speak for the upper realm?" Yue Xichen disdainfully.

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of the people in the lower realm changed slightly, and the Fire Emperor walked away from Yuexi Shen for a few steps without a trace.

"Whether I can represent everyone in the Upper Realm is not something you can deny alone!" The old man with the negative sword laughed.

"Yes, we are going to enter the secret realm. In the name of Xiandian, I will gather all fellow Taoists and break through the blockade of the natives of the lower realm!" The young man from Xiandian spoke, arrogant as always.

"Yue Xishen, you only need to stop Tianpeng Mountain Master, we can easily open the passage to the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain!"

At this time, a group of gods from the upper realm also spoke.

"Go and fight yourself, it's none of my business!" Yue Xichen smiled coldly.

"Yue Xishen, are you really going to be a traitor to the Three Thousand Dao State?" the old man with the sword yelled.

"It's ridiculous, the three thousand Taoist states are united in the same breath, you actually want to betray the ancestor's precepts and stand against the three thousand Taoist states because of your own selfishness!" The youth of Xiandian also shouted!
"What are you, you dare to speak disrespectfully to me!" Yue Xishen's expression changed.

"Okay, Yue Xishen, you haven't woken up yet!"

"Fellow daoists, everyone has also seen that although Yue Xichen is a person from the upper realm, he is fighting with the lower realms. It is really hateful. Many of my disciples will return empty-handed, and miss the immortal medicine and heavenly bones!"

"I think it's because Yue Xichen and the forces from the lower realms are colluding secretly to swallow the longevity medicine and the heavenly bone!"

The youth of Xiandian shouted loudly.

All the gods in the upper realm looked at Yuexi Shen.

"Stop talking nonsense, I, Yue Xichen, have never colluded with the lower realms!" Yue Xichen's expression changed.

"I know that you are the first generation of Tianjiao, and you have grievances with the Immortal Palace, but no matter what, you are also from the upper world, so you are not willing to help the fellow countrymen?" At this time, the old god with a white hair and a childlike face spoke, and his attitude was very friendly.

"I.!" Yue Xishen heard the words, and felt that a fire was about to come out in her heart, but it was blocked.

"That's right, it's a joke that many of us in the upper realm will be detained outside the secret border for a month by the people of the lower realm. Xi Chen, as long as you make a move, we will thank you." A brawny man with a naked upper body said.

"You only need to stop Tianpeng Mountain Lord, and other people don't need you to target, so is that also okay? Xichen, are you really in collusion with the forces of the lower world?" A female god with a charming figure walked away. Come out with a sad face.

"It's Elder Hua of Bilian Tianmen, a rare female deity."

"Wow, this elder is so imposing, and looks so powerful."

"The Bilian Tianmen are all women, far away in the extreme north of the Three Thousand Dao State, there are few male monks in that continent, and I don't know how these goddess spirits have children..."

"I've heard that, it seems that it's really a beautiful thing to take away the Tianjiao of other forces and force them to sow seeds."

As soon as this goddess appeared, she immediately became the focus of the audience.

She is plump, sexy, and enchanting, but she doesn't feel vulgar. She has an extraordinary temperament, dignified and charming coexistence, which arouses people's hearts.

"Fairy Flower Tea, me." Yue Xichen's expression changed again.

The Flower Tea Fairy had already walked into his side, and an unknown fragrance of flowers was refreshing.

"Brother Xichen, I also want to see the majestic appearance of younger brother Xichen." She gently squeezed Yue Xichen's arm and rubbed it in her arms.

"..." Yue Xichen's face was flushed, and his breathing was rough.

"Brother Xichen, please help us, Lian'er wants to enter the secret realm and take a look." Beside Huacha Fairy, one of her female disciples also said coquettishly.

Hua Lian'er, an outstanding disciple of Bilian Tianmen's generation, a powerhouse at the peak of spiritual transformation, has a good figure and stands proudly.

She hugged Yue Xichen's arm from the other side, and spoke softly.

"Okay, I'll hold Tianpeng Mountain Lord first." Yuexi took a deep breath, filling her lungs with a lot of aroma.

Hua Lian'er stood on tiptoe, and kissed Yuexi with a dark face.

"Young Master Xishen, you can come to Beihai for a sit-down in the future." Flower Tea Fairy smiled, revealing a charming attitude inadvertently.

"Wait for you." Hua Lian'er's face showed pure longing.

Yue Xishen forced himself to concentrate, and then looked at the invincible god of war, Tianpeng Mountain Lord.

"The people from Bilian Tianmen did a good job." The Xiandian boy laughed and strode up to Hua Lian'er, but there was a gleam in his eyes.

It's a terrible way to be fascinated by paying a price like this!

"My lord~" Hua Lian'er seemed a little scared, and said pitifully.

"A girl who is very juicy and has a good physique. She is a good stove. Come with me!" The youth of Xiandian grabbed Hua Lian'er.

"Master Di Chong will definitely like you, hehehe."

"Master, master, help me, Brother Xichen, help me!!" Hua Lian'er seemed to be very frightened, and shouted for help.

"Let her go!" Yue Xishen's face was as gloomy as water.

"Servant of the Immortal Palace, let me give you a look at Di Chong's reputation..." The Flower Tea Fairy frowned slightly.

However, a feminine and handsome figure stopped in front of her.

"Flower Tea Fairy, I feel that you are dangerous, so you have to die!"

"Who are you? Also a running dog of the Immortal Palace?" Fairy Huacha felt a pressure rushing towards her face. This person is very strong.

"Does it matter who it is? What matters is that your opponent is me!"

"Oh, are you okay?"

The blue waves are surging, and the flower tea fairy slides a piece of ocean to cover it, covering this place.

The feminine and handsome man waved his fan, and the shadow of Kunpeng leaped out of the sea.


There was a faint cry of exclamation, and the waves were churning and rolling, as if the flower tea fairy was defeated and was suppressed into a disadvantage.

"Master~!" Hua Lian'er exclaimed, so pitiful, tears were about to fall.

"Oh, don't pretend, I still can't see your reality?" The fairy palace girl grabbed Hua Lian'er's neck, her eyes were cold.

"Cough...cough cough..." Hua Lian'er was strangled by the neck, and her toes were lifted out of the ground.

"Damn it!" Yue Xishen saw this scene before he had fought against Tianpeng Mountain Lord, and his eyes were tearing apart.

"Little friend Xishen, you are just two coquettish sluts, you are the first generation, how can you be so restless?" the old god with white hair and childlike face suddenly spoke, his voice was like thunder.

Yuexi woke up sharply, the runes all over her body were running, emitting scents from the pores of her body.

These aromas, once separated from the body, become ugly runes and spread out, making people sick.


He opened his eyes, a piece of clarity.

"This is the end of the matter, there is only one battle!" The old god with hefa and childlike face greeted the tiger god of Xiling.

Yue Xichen looked calmly at Tianpeng Mountain Master.

The four flew into the sky, far away from the earth, and fought fiercely in the sky.


The Xiandian boy broke Hua Lian'er's neck, and the figure turned into aura and dissipated.

On an island far away in the upper realm, a girl spat out a mouthful of blood, and the runes on her body were dim.

"Sister, what's the matter?" A clear voice rang out.

"My spiritual body, in the lower realm, was beheaded!" Hua Lian'er swallowed a good medicine, and slowly calmed down.

"There are gods in the lower realms, and it's normal for a spirit body to fall." The voice sounded again.

"But, there is a chaotic soul flower on that spirit body." Hua Lian'er said unwillingly.

"The Luan Shenhua can fascinate the gods... that's a pity." The voice was ethereal and ethereal, as if it was not the voice of the world.

"No, I'm going to get it back." Hua Lian'er moved her delicate body and disappeared.

"Alas, alas, alas."

The voice sighed three times in succession, and then disappeared.

The lower realm, in front of Baiduan Mountain.

The Immortal Palace boy crushed the spiritual body of the girl from Bilian Tianmen, showing terrifying strength. This is definitely a prince.

"People of Immortal Palace, you are too rampant, do you really think I dare not kill you!" In the sea, came the angry voice of Flower Tea Fairy.

"Xiandian, you are going too far, why did you kill your fellow countrymen from the upper realm!" Some gods roared angrily, and couldn't see the scene of the young man in Xiandian.

"I do things in the Immortal Palace, do I still need your advice?" The young man was shrouded in divine brilliance, impenetrable by all laws, like a god king, proud of the world.

The tiger god of Xiling was restrained by the old Taoist, and the master of Tianpeng mountain was beaten on the ground by Yuexi Shen.

And the Fire Emperor has once again fallen into the siege of Baiyun Mountain and Shadow Demon Palace and other gods and venerables.

Only one person can be a threat to him!

"Lord Butian!"

Everyone in the lower realms looked at the White-clothed Venerable in Butian Pavilion. He had made a move just now, and he seemed to be the only existence on the field who could contend with the Xiling Tiger God.

"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. This secret realm of Baiduan Mountain, as long as it is below, anyone can enter. Why stop it." Butian Pavilion Jiling smiled, he did not participate in the battle.

"Get out of the way!"

The youth of Xiandian hadn't made a move yet, and looked coldly at the ordinary kings in front of the passage.

Suddenly, two figures flew upside down, they were the two gods of Baiyun Mountain and Shadow Demon Palace.

The two were able to fight back and forth with the Fire Emperor before, but now they lost in just a few breaths.

Very surprising.

All the gods in the upper realm cowered and cowered, no longer daring to step forward.

They are both at the level of Venerable, and the gap is huge. A pure blood like Tianpeng Mountain Master can repel ordinary gods like them with a single slap.

It is said that Renhuang is at the same level as Yue Xishen (forcibly strengthened in this book), and it is easy to beat ten.

"As expected, the existence of the most powerful formation of the Fire Clan is imprinted in the formation realm, but unfortunately, it is useless!" Shi Zhan's spiritual body, the old man with a sword, walked out.

After many years, Shi Zhan never thought about facing the Fire Emperor in this way.

"You are not from the Ning clan. You are like a ghost, who suddenly appeared in front of the world. Who are you!"

"This old man is Ning Fengfeng."

"Fire Emperor, stop talking nonsense and take the sword."

The colorful sword embryo pierced the sky, and the sword energy soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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