Chapter 74
Qiang Qiang sword energy, covering the sky and covering the earth, like an ocean pouring over, sweeping the world.

The fire emperor shot, thousands of fires formed an array, and the large array circulated, and sealed lotus appeared. In the heart of the array, the flames on the Vulcan gun gathered, and the fire dragon roared out, baring its teeth and claws.


The two flew into the sky and fought at the endless heights. They did not restrain themselves at all, and let go of their hands and feet to start the battle.

The rumbling sound was deafening like thunder, and countless people below faced each other and looked at the sky.

The battle below is not important, the fighting power of these ordinary venerables cannot determine the direction of the battle, only the eight people above can determine the direction of victory.

Yue Xishen had already been beaten by Peng Wudi, he was very uncomfortable, and it was difficult to hit Peng Wudi with the injury.

That's right, it's outrageous for a first-generation statue who pushed Shizhou horizontally to be crushed and beaten by a pure-blooded venerable from the lower realm.

"The so-called first generation is nothing more than that." Fu Wenhuayi behind Peng Wudi said with disdain.

"Heh." Yue Xichen's eyes flashed coldly, he had already fired a real fire, so many attacks hit the air, which made him very aggrieved.

"Very good, I hope you can go faster!"

A radiance lit up on his body, mana was cast, a vision appeared in his divine body, a round of bright moon rose behind his head, and the hazy light illuminated the earth.

"Is this the first generation? I really want to see it." Peng Wudi smiled slightly, and then went faster.

Since he was escaped from the hands of a human youth last time, he retreated and observed the green-gold celestial roc figure, and combined with a special roc bone inherited from the clan, he made an astonishing discovery.

He tried to fuse the Wuque treasure technique of the Qingtianpeng clan with the Wuque treasure technique of the Golden-winged Tianpeng clan, and obtained an astonishing method.

The Peng method among the Kunpeng methods.

The kun is a fish, and the roc is a bird. The kun transforms into a roc and travels for nine days, and travels against the wind.

He realized something, gained something, and with the help of the bone in his family, he embarked on the supreme path.

His speed can now be said to be the extreme speed of a real venerable, no one can catch up with him without any kunpeng skills.

The real wilderness.

Yue Xichen's face became more and more serious. The so-called pure blooded venerable, he had faced the enemy before, whether it was a pure blooded Bi An or a pure blooded dragon, he had beheaded them all.

In his eyes, pure blood is just this...

But now, the Tianpeng in front of him made him change his mind.

In pure blood, there are also strengths and weaknesses. Pure blood Tianpeng is better than bragging with the first generation.

The fist of Peng shakes the world, and the seal of the fist covers the sky.

Peng Yi struck horizontally, and the wingspan split the blue sky.

Yue Xichen's face became more and more dignified. This Peng is invincible, he is really invincible, and he doesn't know how the Fire Emperor knocked it back just now.

He lifted up a round of bright moon, used it as a weapon, and used it as a shield, and fought with Peng Wudi.


The bright moon is like divine iron, and it cuts together with the Pengyi knife, making the sound of gold and iron.

"What a tough body, this bird is so difficult to deal with!" Yue Xichen's arms went numb, and his heart sank again.

"The first generation? Is that all?" Peng Wudi laughed, with a thick sarcasm on his face.

"It seems that I will use [-]% of my strength to fight against you!" Yue Xi took a deep breath, and Qingyue in her hands slowly turned blood red.

Between heaven and earth, a murderous aura suddenly emerged, and a feeling of imminent catastrophe rose in the hearts of everyone on the field.

"That's right, you are also qualified to see my family's unique skills!"

Peng Wudi probed his hand, revealing the claws belonging to Tianpeng.

"This trick, in the ancient times, was rumored to have killed a real dragon!" (Except for the protagonist, there is no arrogance who does not fall, all kinds of coincidences. The little one is resurrected twice, which is outrageous!)

"This move is for Tianpeng to fight the Dragon Art!"

The two fought together again, and the sky once again shone with intense light.

The screen turns.

The waves were churning, and a big kun was rampaging in the sea, and the phantom of the sea gradually became unreal.

The battle between the Flower Tea Fairy and the feminine and handsome man is almost over.

That kun-like creature could never escape the sea, and gradually became unreal.

It collapsed before the sea.

"Hehe, not bad, it still works!"

In the end, the Flower Tea Fairy carried the feminine and handsome man and walked away with a smile.

This man is also a heavenly pride who is not weak, and is qualified to provide seeds to cultivate more beautiful flowers for their Bilian Tianmen.

"Let's go with my sister, my sister will cherish you." The flower tea fairy tied the feminine and handsome man with a rope with one hand, and put it in a strange treasure.

They Bilian Tianmen traveled three thousand Taoist states and forcibly kidnapped all kinds of arrogant and beautiful men. Naturally, they have a magic weapon to pretend to be alive.

The flower tea fairy looked up at the sky, her slender and fair neck was beautiful and moving, and she followed the trend of mountains and rivers, which was even more tempting.

"This fire emperor also looks so strong, but it's a pity that he is of the blood of Sinzhou, alas." Flower Tea Fairy licked her lips and said regretfully.

"Woman, why don't you go up to help, what are you doing!" the boy from Xiandian saw that the Flower Tea Fairy had won, and shouted loudly.

"?" Fairy Huacha turned her head to look at the boy from the Immortal Palace, "If you weren't from the Immortal Palace, you would have died ten thousand times with your character!"

"My lord, don't say a few words, offend so many people, even Lord Di Chong can't protect you!" An old servant whispered.

"Impossible, Mr. Di Chong is invincible in the world. It is rare to meet opponents in the nine heavens and ten places. Even the king of the hundred crowns and the king of the thousand crowns are still alive, and they are not his opponents!" road.

"Nonsense, how can there be a thousand crowns?" Another old servant shook his head

Thousand crown king, with this strength, he has become immortal long ago, why not play games with children?
"There is no one hundred crowned king, but there is one ten crowned king." Another old servant's eyes slowly revealed light.

"My lord, something is wrong here, someone is quietly targeting us." The last old servant whispered.

"Well, I feel it too, why don't we slip away, I think Yue Xishen seems to want to kill me that day." The Xiandian boy also secretly replied.

"Here, won't the master of this secret realm go in?"

"Come on, what good things are there? Will we be short of this?" The young man from Xiandian said, "Go back first, I have important news to report to Master Di Chong!"

"Okay, let's retreat first, the old man has long wanted to leave." An old servant breathed a sigh of relief, following such a grown-up was really frightening.

"Excuse me, everyone. My lord suddenly asked me to go back. I'm sorry." The young man from Xiandian nodded, coughed dryly, and slipped away.

Five figures pierced the sky, no one stopped them, and there were only black dots left in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, my lord, bring the old man!"

In the sky, as soon as the sword energy was withdrawn, the old man with the sword rushed out from the Fire Emperor's formation, trying to chase the young man from the Immortal Palace.

"Old guy, don't dream, you trash, how could I take you to the Immortal Palace, **** stinky ****!"

There was a flash of precious light on the young man of Xiandian, and he had already slipped away with the escape boundary talisman.

The complexion of the old man with the negative sword changed, and he looked around, seeing sarcasm in the eyes of the people around him.

The dog from the lower realm also wants to climb the thigh of the Immortal Palace?

"Hey, Fire Emperor, it's easy to discuss if you have something to say. In fact, I have always wanted to go to the lower world." The old man with the sword smiled bitterly, and explained to the Fire Emperor.

What answered him was a Fire Dragon Divine Spear.

"Laugh at you ****!" The old man with the sword turned around suddenly, and slashed at the old god watching the show below.

The monstrous sword energy burst out suddenly, covering the sky for an instant, and the sword intent of Cao Zi flashed by, enveloping everyone in an instant with boundless power.

"Puff puff puff!"

Below, a group of gods from the upper realm were watching a play, and the outstanding disciples around them suddenly exploded into the source of spiritual light!
"Old guy, you are courting death!"

"Ahhhh, damn it!"

"damn you***!"

On those gods, the artifacts automatically protect the master, resisting the sneak attack of the old man with the sword who does not speak martial arts, and survived.


The Fire Emperor pierced through the figure of the old man with the sword, but caught an afterimage.

"Let's do it together!"

Together with the gods of the upper realm, the Fire Emperor used a series of magic tricks on the old man with the sword!

This scene shocked the first generation who fought fiercely in the sky.

"What's going on? Is this old guy crazy?" Yue Xichen looked at the old man with a negative sword, the moonlight in his pupils flickered, and he needed to penetrate the essence of things.

"This footwork is a bit familiar." Tianpeng Mountain Master's eyes flashed, and the evasion technique stepped on by the old man with the sword had some familiar flavors.

Both the Xiling Tiger God and the white-haired old god on the opposite side stopped, and now there was a big fuss, and the disciples from the lower realm who came here were killed by this old guy in one fell swoop.

The good news is that most of them are spirit bodies, not deities.

"Tiger God, is this what you mean?" the old man with the white hair and childish face asked in a deep voice.

"How is it possible? I absolutely don't know this person. It has nothing to do with me if he makes a move." The Tiger God of Xiling shook his head, putting aside Ning Fengyu.

"Perhaps." The old man thoughtfully, looking down at the battle.

Besieged by so many venerables, this person basically has no way out, unable to fly.

All kinds of precious techniques are intertwined, and the divine light is like rain, flooding this place.

After a long time.

The brilliance runes dissipated, leaving only a colorful sword embryo humming.

The old man seemed to have been taken for a second, and there was no scum left.

Ka Ka Ka!
The sword split open, peeling off a layer of waste gold skin, revealing the brilliant light of law.

With the help of the power of many venerables, this sword broke through the limit, made an ultimate leap, and was successfully promoted to a divine weapon.

"Good sword, it's mine!"

A strong man made a move, his hands were as big as stars, and he grabbed the colorful sword.


The big waves were surging, and Fairy Huacha's eyes flickered, and she also made a move.

The clouds and mist surged, the beasts roared, and they were as high as the mountains. It was the old god of Baiyun Mountain who made a move.

The mist floated in, and a bone-deep claw stuck out, breaking through many obstacles.

Many gods took action and took a fancy to this sword embryo.

This sword embryo is extraordinary, it seems to be made from an imitation of a certain ancient utensil, and the material itself is also excellent, although it is not a fairy material, it is also a divine material, it is worth selling.

"The sword is not bad, I just accept it with a smile, everyone, don't grab it."

A clear light shot into the sky, and a big gourd appeared, sucking at the seven-colored sword.

Butian-sama smiled, and sacrificed a divine gourd, breathed out the chaotic energy, and wanted to take back the sword.

"Lord Butian, I heard that the old thief's grandson is in the Butian Pavilion. It's hard not to make people suspect whether you have colluded with each other!" Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd and spread.

Master Butian was slightly stunned, and took a deep look at the person who made the sound

"You're right, my Butian Pavilion has nothing to do with this swordsman, but this sword has a destiny with my Butian Pavilion!"

The strong man who opened his mouth stepped out, and he was the first one to strike. His muscles protruded like rocks. He raised his hand, and a mountain evolved to fill up the sea that the flower tea fairy evolved into.

Then, he sacrificed a huge mountain, infinitely high, suppressed it from the sky, and scattered hundreds of millions of clouds.

The strong man is extremely ferocious, as soon as he makes a move, he hugs the mountain with both hands, like an ancient god, killing all directions, no one can resist!
"What kind of method is this, so sharp?" A god was shocked, and with one move, it directly smashed the special skills of the two gods, so powerful.

"Is it the law of the ancient time? The king moved the mountain?"

"It's also a bit like the ten cruel methods? Shenshan Zhenhai?"

The old gods talked a lot.

"How do I feel, this seems to be somewhat similar to a rare treasure of Butian Sect. When the strange treasure is moved, it is like a mountain, suppressing everything." Suddenly, a god spoke.

"Hey, it's really, almost the same."

The gods were awakened and were amazed.

Butian Sect does have a strange treasure, which is sacrificed by a strange race, and it moves like a sea-shattering seal, extremely powerful.

Everyone looked at Lord Butian in white at Butian Pavilion with strange expressions.

"You said, could this old man with the sword be a member of the Butian Pavilion? He killed our disciples to let his own disciples swallow the treasures in the secret realm alone? With the ability of the Butian Sect, it is easy to push the secret realm? "A god spoke out, expressing the doubts in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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