Chapter 76

The secret territory of Baiduan Mountain.

A river of treasures swept across mightily, shocking and killing countless creatures who wanted to take away the treasures inside.

This is a powerful torrent gathered by the weapons of the gods. It is as powerful as the chaotic energy of the sun and the moon, and it has no way to approach it, or even avoid it.

The deity of Shi Zhan was just outside the Baohe River. He looked at the Baohe River and saw a scene different from ordinary people.

In the eyes of others, it is a series of precious lights soaring into the sky, but in his eyes, it is a bunch of causes and effects entangled with each other.

"cause and effect……"

Shi Zhan was silent for a moment, then smiled.

I would rather go to extinction vigorously, and never step to extinction in dead silence!
In Baiduan Mountain, everything that was taken away belonged to him!

He practiced hard, and he did not hesitate to fall into the darkness, isn't it just for this day?


Shi Zhan laughed loudly, his aura was unreserved, he took a step forward, and he used his magic skills to capture hundreds of thousands of Baohe treasures.

This movement was too great, and it alarmed the ferocious beasts far away at the end of the earth and the experienced teenagers.

"Who is it that dares to challenge Wanbaohe!"

"It's so strong, could it be that the genius from the upper realm has come in?"

"Do we have a chance to catch the leak?"

Many pure bloods were watching from a distance, their eyes flickering.

Shi Zhan stepped into Baohe, with dark runes wrapped around his body, and fought fiercely with the divine soldiers in Baohe.

Every attack issued by a divine soldier is equivalent to a treasure technique cast by a god, which is extremely terrifying.

The Baohe River was submerged in light and mist, like the surface of the sun, from time to time, tall rune air waves burst out, jetting out for more than ten miles, destroying and smoothing out the surrounding mountains.

In the distance, there are more and more people quietly watching, waiting, waiting for the treasure river to explode, and when countless treasures are flying, they can make a move to intercept one.

Those are divine weapons, one of which is enough to last a lifetime.

Xiaobudian was being hunted down, and he ran in this direction alone.

He almost beheaded the Xiling Tiger God's cub, cutting off half of its body.

At a critical moment, the little white tiger took out a semi-holy medicine and swallowed it, and his whole body recovered as before. He sacrificed the magic weapon given by his father, smashed the little one into the air, and then began to chase and kill.

Xiaobudian fled frantically, if it wasn't for the help of a small pagoda plant on his ear, he might have already been filled with hatred.

This little pagoda flew over suddenly, as if he was avoiding something, he found the little one by himself, and then entangled a strand of hair here, and stayed there.

In the distance, Shi Zhan had a feeling, looking through Baili, looking at Xiao BuDian, he could clearly see the small tower on his hair.

His deity had been to the magma lake and wanted to forcibly suppress this small pagoda.

This is the Immortal King Soldier, whose strength has not yet recovered, and only has the power of a venerable. Shi Zhan once made a move, but he ran away.

The normal nine-day method is useless, only the dark cage can be tried.

But Shi Zhan didn't dare to use it, because Xiaota grew up very fast, and he could kill himself by turning around.

"call out!"

The small tower suddenly glowed actively, and disappeared with the little one. He felt Shi Zhan's gaze, and in order to avoid it, he took the little one along and ran away.

Shi Zhan withdrew his gaze, and continued to fight with many divine soldiers in Baohe. On his body, the runes were shining, and his treasures were so powerful that he could suppress a divine soldier and collect it into the cave.

In Baohe, one piece of magic weapon disappeared, and the power of Baohe was gradually declining.

The connection and entanglement between the divine soldiers is getting weaker and weaker. As long as it reaches a critical point, it will explode and collapse, turning into countless streamers of light and escaping.

On the periphery, there are already many people waiting, like waiting for vultures with green eyes waiting around the male lion.

Da Neng can eat meat, and they can also drink soup.

Finally, after three days and three nights.

There was an explosion, like a mountain being blasted, and it was like thunder in the sky.

Countless treasures turned into streaks of rays of light, flying out in all directions.


In the distance, countless long-awaited teenagers moved and flew in all directions, chasing after the rays of light.

The Baohe collapsed, the mysterious energy was no longer connected, and dissipated instantly, the mighty and surging momentum disappeared directly, and Shi Zhan decisively stretched out his big hand.

The runes covered the sky, grasped [-]% of the treasures, and stuffed them all into the cave.

Shi Zhan made another move to capture the rest back to the cave.


A series of red magic chains suddenly appeared, stabbing like stones.

This is the rule of the small world, to restrain the stone war, he broke the balance.

In the original book, the Fire Emperor was once attacked by this divine chain and was easily shattered, but that was only one attack, and now Shi Zhan was facing a hundred attacks.

The divine chain pierced through the void and pierced towards Shi Zhan at an extremely fast speed.


A hole in the sky opened up and became infinitely large, swallowing all these divine chains.

"Good rules, is there any more? Come again!"

Shi Zhan's cave is like a small world, devouring the laws of this small world, and has grown tremendously, and his entire strength has become stronger as a result.


Thousands of red god chains are like rain, densely covering the sky and covering the earth.

"Come on, let me drink it!" Shi Zhan laughed, these chains of laws are all good things, they can quickly make up for his incomplete only cave, and they are extremely important nourishment.

At the beginning, Liu Shen's three caves were shattered in order to eradicate the darkness. Now, with the addition of the law of the chain of gods, his three caves are slowly taking shape.

He was overwhelmed by the ten thousand red god chains, and he had a deeper understanding of the laws of these god chains.

This is a small world with incomplete laws, but it has gone through changes in the world and has become the same as the previous lower realms, which is of great benefit to Stone War.

These attacks are very weak, because they are in the integration period of the world rules, and they have not exploded with terrifying damage.

Shi Zhan was able to take this opportunity to develop his own new method.

He used the sky patching technique for himself, and driven by the law of the small world, he began to rebuild his own cave.

The saints are enlightened in their hearts, and the laws of heaven and earth are also enlightened, and Shi Zhan's body Zhou Dynasty, mouthfuls of caves emerge.


The super-large cave split into five original ones, all of which were incomplete.


Shi Zhan's seven orifices were bleeding, and he continued to perfect the cave.

The big one was broken down into five original ones, and three new ones were added, making a total of eight caves.

"Come on, one mouthful of darkness, one mouthful of unknown!" Shi Zhan let go, and two uncontrolled caves evolved.

A mouthful of blackness, there must be black blood dripping, everything inside is black, runes, rules, and blood, are all dark.

With another mouthful, the wind howled one after another, and inside was red hair that was curled up like snowflakes.

As soon as the two caves appeared, Shi Zhan had unidentified symptoms, his body was about to split open, and his body was moldy and red haired.


The eight caves circulated, suppressing these two caves into the innermost from eight directions.

Just like the eight corners of a cube, the two caves are inside the cube, like the two devils in Pandora's Box.

Ten days later, the law of the sky dissipated, and the will of the small world understood that he did not do any harm to Shi Zhan, so he voluntarily withdrew.

The stone battle also dissipated along with the red god chain.

The aura in the small world is like a tide, which is several times that of the outside world. Even if you don't hunt for treasures, sitting cross-legged here for a few days of practice will definitely yield a lot. One day of practice can be worth a month of hard work.

Shi Zhan opened a cave, where he retreated and practiced, refining many divine weapons, extracting law runes, and extracting the purest materials of divine weapons.

It takes a long process to remake it, and everything is carried out in the cave.

One day, it will be completed, and this day will come earlier with the growth of Shi Zhan's strength.

Outside the cave, at Fenbaoya, a group of creatures are here.

They chased the rays of the sun, and when they came here, every piece of magic weapon was dormant here.

This is Fenbaoya, only magic soldiers can choose people, people can't choose magic soldiers.

All the Tianjiao gritted their teeth, these magical soldiers are really chicken thieves, they just don't want to be controlled by them.

The magic soldiers have spirits, and their masters died in battle. They would rather accompany their masters than go out of the rivers and lakes again.

You also need to wait until you are alive, the similar person in reincarnation will do.

Some opportunities and many coincidences are all destined, and it is useless to force them.

The Tianjiao appeared one by one, climbing the mountain to choose treasures.

The little guy also showed his head, he accepted the task of Master Gui, and wanted to take away a sword, with a bitter face.

You can't do anything in Fenbaoya, otherwise you will be beaten to death on the spot by the rules, Xiao Budian is very noisy here, making everyone gnash their teeth.

On this day, everyone left to go to other treasure places.

Fenbaoya, Heavenly Bone Forbidden Zone, Lingzhi Garden...

Shi Zhan went out of the pass, calmed down the momentum of the breakthrough, and walked towards Fenbaoya.

When he first came here, many weapons trembled and wanted to escape, but in the end none of them dared to move.

They have seen the ferocious power of the stone war, they are very terrifying people, comparable to those of their masters who are reborn.

"Anyone who wants to go out with me, come out by yourself."

There was no one around, Shi Zhan spoke slowly.

There was a silence, and no weapons were willing to follow.

"Forget it, then I'll take it by force!" Shi Zhan sighed, retreated from Fenbao Cliff, and directly grabbed the entire cliff with his big hands.

The red divine chain reappeared, just like scratching an itch, posing no threat to Stone War.

This scene was seen by Tianjiao from a distance, and everyone was stunned.

That mighty figure made another move, directly taking Fenbaoya! ! !
The red god chain was like a torrential rain, and the law of the small world was really angry, sweeping towards Shi Zhan.

"Come on, let the storm come more violently."

Shi Zhan stretched out ten caves, like a god king walking in the rain, unscathed.

The small world at this stage is in the stage of transformation, and its strength is not very strong. It will not show its majesty until the next birth.

Unfortunately, next time?
The next time there is nothing left, this place is destined to be ransacked by the Back Stone War. He walked through the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain, leaving nothing behind.

Countless creatures were dumbfounded, this mighty figure was like a bandit, being with him was really a disaster!
This time, Baiduan Mountain, is it necessary to meditate and practice here for two months?
A copy that happens once in hundreds of years, alas!
Not reconciled, they followed, hoping to catch the leak.

Shi Zhan went to the God's Cave, which used to be the residence of the gods. There was nothing in it, and it was looted very clean. The people who came here were similar to him, and everything was emptied.

Even the excrement of the gods was taken away by people, leaving nothing behind.

Shi Zhan frowned, and then went to Lingzhi Garden.

Fountain of Youth, right? Wait, here he comes.

(End of this chapter)

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