Chapter 77 Mystery
In the Lingzhi Garden, the elixir was glowing, surrounded by figures, watching the several celestial beings fighting for the top.

The forbidden method here can only be crossed by relying on the strength of the body. Most people will feel as if they are facing a big mountain, and it is difficult to move an inch.

The stone battle is coming, the magic power is overwhelming, staring at it closely, thinking about how to enter it in a tough way.

A group of creatures followed closely behind him. They were some of the gods who wanted to pick up the leak. They watched from a distance and did not approach.

"It's him who cut off Baohe's power with his bare hands!"

"I saw before that he took down Fenbaoya with one hand, leaving nothing behind."

People chatted quickly, exchanged information, and had a clear understanding of this imposing young man.

"Who is this, why is it so strong!" Youshenshan Tianjiao said powerlessly.

He has already turned into a spirit, and he is not far away from the prince, but when facing the young man, he only feels the same as facing the Lord of the Holy Mountain.

Even the Lord of the Divine Mountain does not have his aura.

He was deeply frustrated.

The gap is really too big!
Many arrogances are silent, this young man is already invincible in his generation, unlike the people of this era, he is the same as the person who survived the ancient seal in the legend.


Shi Zhan made a move. He didn't abide by the rules, and directly broke the restriction of the pattern here. It is nonsense that he cannot use runes.

At this moment, he is like a full-level player attacking the Novice Village dungeon, pushing all obstacles along the way are not obstacles.

In the Lingzhi Garden, more than a dozen figures vomited blood and flew upside down. They were traumatized by the aftermath of the formation pattern shattering and explosion.

Shi Zhan strode into it, and the elixir he saw couldn't escape, and all of them went into his pockets.

He waved his hands, like pulling weeds, and stuffed the elixir into the cave.

"Hurry up, make a move, the restriction here is indeed broken by this mighty figure, we can also get the elixir if we make a move!"

In the periphery, there are Tianjiao who prey on food and take risks.

Lingzhiyuan was originally a restricted area, unable to use runes, and could only rely on pure physical actions.

The arrival of Shi Zhan broke this restriction, and he directly destroyed the almost eternal rules here for thousands of years.

It was a coincidence that the law of the Dark Immortal King broke open the world and the lower realm, and even the small world attached to it also changed.

This small world is undergoing transformation, and it is the weakest moment, otherwise the stone battle would not be able to disrupt its internal rules.

One after another figures descended from the sky, and they cast out one after another confusing magic tricks to take away the elixir in the Lingzhi Garden.

However, something unexpected happened.

Those elixirs suddenly drilled out of the soil by themselves, and their roots waved on the ground, like human feet.

These elixir, Sa Yazi ran away.

All the creatures were dumbfounded, they did not expect to encounter such a situation.

"The elixir gives birth to consciousness. This is a manifestation of evolution. These elixir are about to become holy medicine. Hurry up and catch them!" A human creature shouted, his voice full of joy.

"The elixir belongs to my Yu Clan, hahaha, I brought the decree of the Rain God!" The people of the Yu Clan laughed, and the overwhelming rain fell, saying that the Lingzhi Garden was covered.

"The decree of the gods? I'm sorry, my father is a god, and I have a more pure aura of the gods!" A Tianjiao from a sacred mountain sneered, and sacrificed the treasure. The aura of the gods on it was indeed stronger than the decree of the rain god.

"It's not good, there is no advantage!" The members of the Yu Clan frowned, and they looked at a girl.

Because of various changes, Yu Zimo saw that Xiaobudian had the aura of the Venerable Butian Pavilion on him, and the entire Yu Clan didn't do anything, they were honestly looking for the treasure.

The soul-eyed girl of the Rain Clan is very close to the double-eyed boy of the Stone Clan, and there may be something indescribable.

The bloodlines of the two are related. If someone has the ability to grasp the research, maybe he can get some connection between physique and bloodlines.

Of course, you have to go through the obstruction of the ancient girl with double pupils first.

These gods have protectors, and Shi Zhan is no match for them. He only has one from the future, Huang, who shoots a sword for some unknown reason.

Shi Zhan stepped forward, and many pure-blooded creatures avoided him. His face was stern, and his attacks were ruthless. All the creatures who blocked him were beaten to vomit blood.

If the fathers of these people had not become gods, Shi Zhan would not have spared their lives.

He is still a venerable, not a god. Facing those old things that have lived for thousands of years in the sacred mountain, he has no bottom in his heart.

Shenhuo is a great realm, and few people can retrograde and attack gods in the realm of venerables. They are all invincible talents, and Shi Zhan is not included.

His level is very high, but his foundation is very weak, and he has been repairing the road he jumped before, the sky realm, his real combat power is actually lower than that of pure blood, stronger than half blood.

However, his way is not to fight with people in the same realm, it is obviously to be several levels higher than the opponent and then bully them

In fact, this path is currently gone, and it is hard to say in the future, but for now, the effect has been achieved.

In this way, he successfully obtained a lot of resources, which in turn can make up for the previous deficiencies.

According to some strategy games, he is a fast-rising explosive soldier. He collects resources in the early stage and develops quickly. Compared with those big guys who are steady and steady, he can grow up faster.

Of course, the risk is very high, if you are not careful, you will die.

Shi Zhan has also experienced it, but he is also considered a time traveler, and he has good luck, and those accidents have been invisible.

However, no matter how strong his luck is, he can't stop him from dying. The stronger he is, the more he feels his own insignificance and ignorance, and his actions become more cautious and subtle.

In the past, he would be reckless, but now he won't, and is more cautious.

He set foot in Lingzhi Garden, knocked away many pure bloods, and showed an indifferent smile.

Xiaobudian was impressively among this group of "pure blood", he was treated as pure blood by Shi Zhan and dealt with together.

He hadn't seen Shi Zhan for many years, and he vaguely felt that this person looked familiar, but he didn't connect them together.

In Xiao Budian's impression, Shi Zhan was only four and a half years older than him, and only one or two years older than Shi Yi, so it was impossible for him to be so fierce.

This kind of fierce power is already...

Naturally, he didn't know Shi Zhan's path. He Shi Zhan has reached the step of the Venerable, and there is no realm that he has come from through real practice.

They all borrowed money from various parties. They look great, but they are actually very weak. If they meet someone of the same level, they will be beaten.

As long as the difference in treasure skills is not too big, it can be said that even Shi Zhan can't beat the opponent, but just because he can't beat it doesn't mean he's crushed, he can still beat anyone with two moves.

But it doesn't matter, the way he is going is to bully those with lower levels. When he meets those who are strong, he will only be a spirit body, and the deity will not be able to show his face.

Shi Zhan strode forward, waving his hands wildly, grabbing the elixir plants, and soon approached the destination.

He tripped over a rock and kicked it away.

The stone screamed and wailed.

This is the God-strike Stone, and it actually lurks here while taking advantage of the chaos. Shi Zhan unintentionally kicked it in the direction of the little one.

Shi Batian, as the last of the ten evils, you should follow your destined leader instead of nesting here and eating dirt.

Shi Zhan looked into the deepest part, and there was a small golden dragon rippling. It was golden in color, immortal, like a kind of eternal longevity substance.

Xiaolong is alive, aware of the danger, and wants to fly away.

However, under the cover of a cloud of black mist, Shi Zhan dragged him back into the cave with lightning speed.

In the original book, Shi Zhan obtained the magic medicine, the Fountain of Youth, which was once missed by Xiao BuDian.

With this Fountain of Youth, the ominous aura on his body can be completely pulled out.

He is still too weak now, approaching these darkness and unknowns without authorization, it is still too early, and he will burp if he is not careful.

When Baiduan Mountain is over, Shi Zhan will have to rely on himself to purify his whole body. Darkness is the closest to light, but if he falls into it and does not get out, he will never be able to touch the light.

Shi Zhan left, it was rare that he didn't take all the remaining precious medicine, these were useless to him, he walked to the next restricted area.

Heavenly Bone Forbidden Zone.

It is rumored that there is a heavenly bone here, which is the same level as the Supreme Bone. As long as it is implanted in the body, one can obtain its divine power, and the soul of the blood can be fused with the bone to obtain powerful power.

In fact, this is just a bait released by a nine-headed monster, and all the bones of the sky are the bones of his body.

One day, he'll reclaim the bones with interest, a horrible harvest.

When Shi Zhan saw those bones, he suddenly thought of the darkness and ominousness in himself.

Are these the same?
If he is like this, has he become a fish in the eyes of others?

Ling Ran in his heart, Shi Zhan stayed away from this area, and he began to retreat, receiving the power and divinity of the fountain of youth to completely purify the darkness and ominousness in his body.

Once, he thought it was a big road, but now he suddenly realized that it almost became the fruit harvested by others.

Thick black air was expelled from the body, and streaks of red rain also appeared in this world.


In the sky, there are hundreds of millions of red god chains hanging down, smashing these red hairs and darkness.

Shi Zhan was stunned and looked towards the sky. Why did the will of this small world help him?
He didn't get a reply. Under the billions of gods of order, the darkness in his body was pulled out little by little. At the same time, the fountain of youth was shattered by him, and it turned into immortal power to fill the weakness in the deepest part of his body.

He fell into the darkness twice, and now, he wants to take the initiative to leave.

Great terror also descended at this moment. A cloud of mist floated in to imprison Shi Zhan. This was the black mist that everyone would face on Jijing Road. Most of the people who were imprisoned in a small dark room were due to their outstanding talents.

But there are also, because the cause and effect in the body is relatively large.

Huo Ling'er, for example, was locked in a small black room.

Shi Zhan silently watched the cloud of black mist descend. If he didn't use the dark rune, he would be dragged into it. One day, someone remembered him and called his name, and his soul could return.

In the original book, Xiao BuDian was once imprisoned in a small black room, and it was his opponents who pulled him out of the black mist by calling their nerves for nine days and ten days.

Now, who else will rescue Shi Zhan?

I'm afraid there are no people in this strange world, right?

Shi Zhan sighed and recited an inexplicable scripture.

Once, he used this scripture to recruit a dark fairy king, and finally used the sword energy of the future Huangtian Emperor to kill him.

Now, he summoned again, hoping that the Dark Immortal King would come to jail for him.

As a result, Shi Zhan was disappointed and nothing came, the Immortal King had learned his lesson.

Shi Zhan stopped offering sacrifices and began to think about the way out.

This scripture is very strange. It comes from a strange stone tablet. It once evolved into a ghost creature. It was wiped out by Shi Zhan at that time, but as his strength improved, Shi Zhan felt more and more that the thing was still there.

A monument was taken out of the cave by him and stood in the darkness.

The resentful singing sounded here, and in front of the dark eyes, an illusory city appeared, which was able to resist the mist and reproduce the scene in front of it.

Shi Zhan only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and came to that familiar place.

"Mr. Xiao Yan, Miss is inside, please follow me into the attic." A middle-aged man smiled and led Shi Zhan.

In the courtyard, the rockery pond, and many young heroes.

Shi Zhan was stunned, and the yellow paper on his chest was slowly burning away. The sword energy from the future Huang actually dissipated at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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